You got Setsuna from Angel Santuary! He's
obsessive, and very passionate. But he has an
angel inside him that wants to get revenge on
god (big problem) and he's chased by angels and
demons all the time. He's so passionate that
he'd follow you into hell or...anything. But
he's a forestfire when you turn him on so don't
light the match unless your ready for some
fireworks! But seriously, the whole gods enemy
thing could use soem fixing. 0_o; But still...
He's the quiet guy dressed in black you see in
the corner, the guy you want to talk to but
never do. Overall type: The outsider that you
can heal, also known as the badboy. I'd watch
myself if I were you.
A Anime date quiz/ what kind of guy do you like quiz brought to you by Quizilla