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Shaman king and Ghost in the shell
Become grand master of the known universe...umm and a death metal lord
Wailing on my guitar, listening to music adn doing martial arts. My Martial art is Aikido but I also do a small bit of Iaido on the side.
Poetry writting song lyrics. story writing. My imagenationis teriffying! But I do enjoy entertaining. Make peope laugh is the best feeling in the world!
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Friday, March 16, 2007
I cant be long on here because tis my birthday today. All day long. And I have lots of stuff to do lol. So if your feeling generous wish me happy birthday in my comments rofl! Catch ya all around soon x
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
Lets get back into the role of things. Heres a poem. Tell me what you think
You lead, I'll follow
I've wished to here the screaming silence,
My feelings torchard wrapped in violence,
This was the life I used to live,
Until you taught me how to forgive.
I've always walked the paths that stray,
Hurting all who are in my way,
But you have corrected my mistakes,
And banished what my life forsakes.
I wear a mask which behind I hide,
Always changing with the tide,
Closing down what I feel inside,
Cowering behind my walls of pride.
But you see behind the face, into the real me,
My simple soul is staring back, longing to be free.
By Marc.C.Gillings
P>S Its my birthday tomorrow! Yay
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Its me!!!
Hay guys. I havn't been around I a long time. And a lot has happend. Yes I do have a LOAD of new poems to add on here in blogs. But I also have bad news. My gf and I have finally cum to an end. So the romantic poems I once wrote will not flow for a while :( IT hapnd recently. Well 24th of feb to be exact. But thats the way the wind blows aint it?! So whats up? Anything intresting goin on atm? Oh and can anyone tell me why im having so much trouble when I try to get into my backroom so see my rank and do some editing?
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
New poem
I know its only my demise,
The breathly trigger that makes you rise,
In which case I'm willing to sink,
So from the highest chalice you may drink.
If you were to ask I would live poor,
And allow twice the riches for you to endure,
To you I willingly give my heart,
A feat that tears the soul appart.
For you I enter this desolate place,
My mind this void of empty space,
To bring these words of trust so true,
And prove how deeply I love you.
Despite all of are pain and strife,
For your love eternal I'd give my life.
You know who you are that I am addressing with this poem, and you make me happier than you'll ever know. Thankyou
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Hi guys heres another poem, does anyone view my page anymore?
You lead, I'll follow
I've wished to here the screaming silence,
My feelings torchard wrapped in violence,
This was the life I used to live,
Until you taught me how to forgive.
I've always walked the paths that stray,
Hurting all who are in my way,
But you have corrected my mistakes,
And banished what my life forsakes.
I wear a mask which behind I hide,
Always changing with the tide,
Closing down what I feel inside,
Cowering behind my walls of pride.
But you see behind the face, into the real me,
My simple soul is staring back, longing to be free.
By Marc.C.Gillings
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Friday, April 7, 2006
Another poem 4 u
To love you
Cardial Key that weighs round my neck,
A burdened gift I place in your care,
This key to my heart I know you will treasure,
Longing for to unlock with this stare.
I pull towards and get lost in your arms,
Tighten my grip and live in this dream,
Stealing your kisses knowing you must leave,
Mourning your departure with my silent screams.
I cannot live without your love,
Or be forgiven for causing you pain,
And it does not matter how far we're apart,
My feelings are always the same.
By Marc.C.Gillings
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Rite en lets get down to it shall we?
Fresh new poems stright from the pen to the paper to the keyboard people lol. So here you go:
Blind Trust
I need to learn to close my eyes,
And not be blinded by the lies,
Thoughts of dread that fill my heart,
That seems to be driving us appart.
I need to learn to drown out the sound,
That strays me from the path I'm bound,
My mind it speaks my thoughs so true,
And thats how I'm scared of losing you.
I must learn how not to feel,
Crippling emotions in pain sureal,
A wound shall scar but with you delt twice,
My life for you I would sacrifice.
But you must learn now how to trust,
And know that I do not entwine to lust,
On great wings I'll reach you high above,
All I offers the truth in love.
I pray that is enough to serfice,
My heart the tole that pays the price.
No-one is perfect and you must learn to comprise your differences. The first rule of love is trust. If you do not have trust, you do not have anything!
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
new quiz I tried
Advanced Global Personality Test Results | Take Free Advanced Global Personality Testpersonality tests by
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Hi guyz!
Well after a long wait ( and some rough times ) I am glad to say blackwizard is back!
And I have gwddies 4 you all! Loadz new poems to put on my site, along with a few new stories too. Watch this space ppl.
Ice and Fire
I see the passion in your eyes,
The fire that they hold,
Kept away by your icy heart,
A place that's dark and cold.
You live a life draped in reds,
Engulfed in seas of flame,
A furnace that burns the strongest hearts,
A tyrant I wish to tame.
You hide a life that's dusted in white,
This tundra that's your mind,
A shard that you put through my heart,
When you leave me behind.
You are a contradiction, all that's ice and fire,
A combination of the two, the fuel to my desire.

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Friday, March 10, 2006
Hi Guys
Does anyone still read my threads?
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