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Thursday, January 5, 2006
Here is another one!
This one is called blinded and it is bout a person who fails to see her true self.
You to hide from mirrors bane,
The reflection you cast so far from vain,
But you close up you hide away,
There so much beauty you refuse to desplay.
Grab my hand and I'll take you high,
Spread your wings and learn to fly,
And if at some piont you do fall,
I will catch you when you call.
But you shall soar into the night,
A graceful elegant star of flight,
Although your past you may wish to forget,
You now fly free with no regrets.
By Marc.C.Gillings
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Right then. because my msn myspace is playing up i have been force to put the school ball pics on myotaku for ppl to view.
Just click on the links below
http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/2594632612500100_4268.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/2594684175001100_4270.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/2594731050002100_4271.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/2594776362503100_4272.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/2594824800004100_4273.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/2594902925005100_4274.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/2594949800006100_4275.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/2594996675007100_4276.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/2595043550008100_4277.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/2595090425009100_4278.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/25951373000010100_4279.JPG http://www.thefreeimagehosting.com/Uploads/Images/25951857375011100_4283.JPG
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I'm back!!! After a rough couple of months I can truly say my life is back on due corse to oblivion...full steam ahead!
And for all of you a bunch more poems are on the way:
The nights were cold,
The days were dark,
I lost myself,
But you found my heart.
A rose amidst a garden of thorns,
To find no time to bloom,
But now the petals spread out proud,
Beneath your perfect moon.
Hidden in a forest deep,
There is no light, no sound,
Thought to be forever lost,
But because of you I'm found.
Set adrift in an ocean vast,
Its our precious moments I wish to last.
By Marc.C.Gillings
The person who this poem is about knows who she is and thankyou for everything.
And plenty more to come spread the word Black is Back
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
A bit late I know but it was written on halloween. what do you think
I bring to you on hallows eve,
The threads of fear for you to weave,
The terror induced by your dark heart,
Is what keeps are to lost worlds appart.
You hide in places dark and old,
Through countless mellenia your legends been told,
Bringing chills to every spine,
You find the taste of scream devine,
You have one night to do your deed,
A few hours in which to you to feed,
Its to this day that you are cursed,
Halloween, October the thirty first!
By Marc.C.Gillings
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Monday, October 17, 2005
The keeper of secrets chapter 3 and the tension is mounting
‘For I am he who twines your fate,
Never shall I pass through Heavens gate.’
The moons light bore a heavy presence as the two of them looked at Jaspers body, his mouth was agape, The eerie tension was broken by a gasp from the body that lay on the tomb. It sat bolt upright and viewed its surroundings...only its eyes where closed. Jaspers appearance did not change, but it was not him. It got up and flouted across the room. It was now standing in front of a blank stone wall, seemingly satisfied it smiled. How it managed to smile disturbed them, it twisted a face that would make the most resilient of people cringe. Outstretching an arm the body emitted a clear serpent that was difficult to see, but was visible only by the shine of the moon. Too frightened to think Anglia breathed for the first time in what seemed like minutes. She was watching as the beast gripped the silver dagger and returned to the body. She looked up expecting Matthew to stop it, but he was too far lost in a trans. Strange but familiar words left his mouth as this weird ritual took place. The body of Jasper held the dagger in the right hand and gripped tightly round the blade with his left. The body seemed to take enjoyment at witnessing Anglia cringe when he tightened his left fist. The renewed blooded blade sleeked the liquid down its length.
Before the blood could clot it slung the dagger aside and started to draw on the walls. It drew two pictures, one was of a clock with strange dials and numbers. It waved its right palm across the blood clotting on the wall and made it moved almost with a magnetic field, leaving the image as it went. The second image was of a cross of some Celtic origin, but at the bottom it turned into a key. Something about this image disturbed the atmosphere and Matthew was pulled from the trance. There was a wail of pain from the corner. Jasper lay flat on his back.
Anglia rose to pick him up but was thrown from her feet. Matthew stepped forwards. “Get back. He is mine!”, cried a voice from the cross. The tone was harsh and made blood trickle from Matthews ears.
“So it is you. I have been wondering as to when you would rear your ugly head. And I think that it will be his decision as to who's side he will be on. now be gone!” Matthew cried. “YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ORDER ME!” Screamed the Voice bringing Matthew to his knees. He clenched his ears with his hands.
“He may not. But I do!” A radiant voice emitted through the chamber from behind Matthew. A hissing sound came from the rune on the wall as it scorched, the thing had retreated. An odd tall looking priest came down the steps and aided Matthew to his feet. “So he has returned”, bellowed the Man “Then we are in graver danger than we first thought. Lets get you lot to the sanctuary” and with a gesture of his hand picked up Jasper and led the way.
Between the planes of consciousness Jasper thought he heard two voices. Not knowing weather it was his state of delirium or not, Jasper lay there, where ever there was, and listened to what they said. Opening his eyes a little to identify the sources of the speaking Jasper saw a large man in a white cloak with gold trimmings speaking to a younger man in brown monk like robes. The person in charge was defiantly the white cloaked one as his voice bore a tone of authority that rang with precision as he spoke.
“The keeper has chosen his heir, we must do all within are power to protect the boy from corruption. This is most unfortunate, as for the glyph left on the wall in the crypt, we need to remove it with haste.”, the monk in brown robes nodded at the command. He was leaving the room when he turned to the white cloaked man “And what is to become of the girl sire?” questioned the monk. “That is not your concern. I will deal with her myself”. Jasper drifted back out of consciousness as the monk bowed and left the room. His thoughts plagued him, as he passed into an un-dreaming sleep.
He awoke restless and quickly scanned the room. It was the same place as the two men had been speaking earlier on. ‘Anglia’ screamed his thoughts as he wheeled out of the bed throwing the flannelette sheet to the ground. The room was dimly lit with candles and the air was tight. He was clearly some way underground. rushing to the door he turned the large round handle on it. Pushing forwards the door went no-where. Cursing to himself Jasper looked around the room. The door had been blocked by a plank of wood from the other side. Knocking one of the candles over Jasper grabbed the end and wedged it through the small crack in the door. Halfway through trying to lift the plank out he heard a snapping sound. and he lent on the leverage a bit harder and snapped the old door from its hinges. Diving out of the temporary keep safe Jasper walked out into an open passageway. Running down the different cells he looked in each of them for any trace of Anglia. His mind race. What if I am too late? What about Matthew? What are they doing to them? He came to a spiral stair case and leapt two at a time. Half way up he encountered a man in brown robes. “How did you get out?” Not having time to answer Jasper grasped the man by his robe and helped him down the stairs. Not looking back he carried on his way up. Before coming to another hall passage. But this time he had no choice he had to fight, for as he entered the room there where two guards with quarter staffs at the far side of the room.
The room was wide and tall and littered with wall mounted weaponry. Grasping the first thing to his right Jaspers hand clasped around a small spear. It would have to do as the two of them where fast approaching him. Not being one to sit around and wait Jasper leap at the closest and swung his spear at him narrowly missing his chest. Spinning around the first monk launched the staff at Jaspers legs. Seeing the staff that was intended to knock out his knees Jasper jumped and brought down his spear upon the monks head. Before it reached the spear met a wooded blockade in the form of the staff. Jasper buckled and rolled away backwards. The monk looked daft as he now held two half's of a staff. Jasper leaped up in time to ricochet a hole quarter staff from the second monk. Neatly side stepping he turned his spear and knocked the monk on the back of the head with the spear end. A pile of robes fell to the floor. Jasper turned to be locked in battle with the first monk once more, having now to avoid both of the small staff ends. Backed into a corner Jasper had to think fast. He launched his spear at the monk. who caught it in both hands as Jasper bull charged him knocking him to the ground winded.
To Large doors lay ahead of him grabbing the handles he opened them with a large iron squeak. In the next room was a large table with a banquette laid out on it. A man in white robe he recognised stood up. and greeted him. Jaspers eyes flew down the table where he now saw his friends. His heart stopped pounding. “Nice of you to join us I just sent men to escort you up...Where are they?” The White cloaked Man asked. Jasper shuddered ”Escorts?!?”. The White cloaked man eyes focused into the room beyond where two piles of robes lay. “Ah well. Um I guess some one should have explained. Errors occur! Now come and feast you must be ravaged after all you have been through”, the man gestured to a seat. A little flushed with embracement Jasper reluctantly took the man up on his offer.
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Monday, October 10, 2005
The Keeper of secrets chapter 2...and things get a little more intresting. remember spread the whispers
‘I will be you final sight,
Search for me beyond candles light.’
Slowly Jasper fell into his nightmare. He walked around in his mind, yet it was an unfamiliar place. The ground in front of him blurred, Jasper stepped out into the open smog that shrouded the atmosphere. Having difficulty drawing breath his breathing got heavier. But so did another breathing. Spinning to the direction of the panting he came face to face with a large stone grave. Celtic knots entwined around into a cross, but this wasn’t what troubled Jasper. Instead his eyes where fixed upon the creature that sat upon it.. It hissed as there eyes met, its tongue an eyeless serpent emerged from its mouth. The Demon blinked and several eyelids fluttered, its skin bore a bronzed texture and colouring. This ran to its barbed tail, which at the moment was flexing and snapping in a scissor like action. It spoke in a foreign tongue which sounded harsh to the ear but was understandable. ‘My Lord grows inpatient heir. I suggest you don’t keep him waiting too long, there may be...consequences’, As it sniggered Jaspers sense of smell was over whelmed by a reek of molten flesh and rotting carcass.
‘What the hell are you on about? Who is this thing? ‘ The questions burst out of Jasper. ‘Hell! Your mortal ignorance amuses me. And I would not disrespect the Keeper in such a manner again. Your questions will be answered in time. Try to stay alive, for now. The Master has big plans for you!’ The demon chuckled as it was in-cased in a yellow flame. Yet it remained on the spot. ‘What is the meaning of this? Why can’t I leave here? You what have you done?’ The demon burst into a bight light and slowly burned from the inside.
Jasper jumped as he returned to his body, the light from the window stung his eyes. He Ran across his room as his chest bore flame. The feathers of the dream catcher scorched his skin as he ripped it from his body. Opening the window he threw it as far as he could, but by the time it reached the ground it had already burnt up. ‘Holy crap!’ he began blaspheming aloud.
‘Quite different actually’, Jasper jumped to a familiar voice as Matthew sat at the chair on the end of his bed. No mater how long he had known him he would never get used to that. It was now well into the day and Matthew took note of what he had seen. Looking at the charred dream catcher in the yard Matthew laughed ‘I take it you will be needing another one of those. It appears that this maybe a little more serious that we...I mean I first assumed.’ His tone was agitated. Quickly Matthew cut the tension ’What did you say this creature was called again?’
Jasper was drained from the experience and wearily replied ‘Master, Lord...The Keeper that’s about it.’ Matthew studied the air for a moment, lost in his thoughts. ‘The Keeper, where have I heard your name before? I can’t recall’. He looked at his friend who could barely move. Pulling a vile from within his jacket he handed it to his friend.
‘Here drink this and you will have a dreamless sleep. Other wise you will be useless tonight. And enjoy it when you can, those remedies are hard to come by’. Not questioning his authority Jasper immediately drunk the tonic. It was slick and rushed down his gullet easily. The taste was horrendous. The only comparison he could make in his imagination was blending regurgitated vegetables. Yuck, nothing on the planet should be aloud to taste this vile he thought .The effect did not take long to kick in, Jasper was out before he reached his bed, collapsing upon the small beanbag on the floor. Seconds in his mind had passed when he awoke. The light no long tormented his eyes as there was little of it. It was now dusk as Jasper snuck out the back door to avoid his parents gaze.
Five minutes walk ended to the sight of his friends, waiting for him beneath the park public wooden roofed platform. He could just see them in the dim light, but he had no need to as he could hear Anglia from the gate entrance. She was moaning as to how Matthew never changed his clothes and had no sense of self hygiene. Jasper was used to their bickering, its what keeps them friends. Musing to himself He approached the conversation. ’Ain’t it Jasper? Tell him’ She pleaded to him. ‘Ye sure whatever. What we all here for anyway?’ Jasper came to the sudden realization. ‘To finally find out what has been plaguing your thoughts of course, follow me.’ Wondering if it was going to be one of his freaky ritual thingy's they hesitatingly followed.
As they approached the cemetery Anglia caught a hold of Jaspers arm. ‘We have to go in there...at night’ she moaned.
Matthew turned to catch her eyes, as she lifted her head from leaning on Jaspers shoulder. ‘Not scared are you?’ His voice was cold and mocking. Insulted by this she dramatically pressed past him dragging Jasper behind her, who was currently trying to catch a hold of the railing shouting, ‘Yes, Yes I am! Now can I stay...Pleeeeeease!’.
Entering a crypt, after prying Jaspers hands from the gate, they walked into an eerie atmosphere. The stone graves echoed the harsh cold that consumed the room. They approached the central tomb, it was decorated with angels and demons. The pictures were lit by the full moon, which lit the room through the hexagonal hole in the ceiling.
‘We are here, come and help me set up, we don’t have long’, Matthews voice cut the tension in the room. If anything lived then it certainly knew they where here now. Jasper helped Matthew and Anglia place candles around the room. Cobwebs clung to their hair as they moved. This place hadn’t been disturbed for a long time as the sea of dust at their feet indicated. The hairs stuck up on the back of Jaspers neck as he placed the last candle and took out the lighter. He turned around and found that his eyes locked with Anglia’s. There was a moment of awkwardness before he smiled and went back to lighting the candles.
The room eliminated somewhat as transcripts appeared on the walls. Matthews eyes lighted up. Not knowing what he had in store Jasper brace himself for the worst. A small bowl was now placed on the tomb and next to it a dagger. Also there was some new scents as the candles burned. Rosemary was the strongest.
‘I am ready to begin, lie down on the tomb’, Declared Matthew.
‘On the tomb, on top of some dead guy? By the stair you are giving me I take that's a yes’, Jasper moaned before climbing on the giant stone Alter. Matthew stood at his head and Anglia was by his arm, she grabbed his hand and smiled down on him. Her eyes glowed brighter than the moon to her side, he could read her mind like a book. She was worried.
‘I’ll be alright’, he assured her. She moved backwards and Matthew approached him. The wind in the chamber picked up and the dust circulated the room. The dust vortex exited through the roof, at the command of Matthews chanting, reviling a large hieroglyphic casting circle on the floor. The glyphs started to glow and the essence from the candles Hazed the air around Jasper. He fell into a deep trance. Matthew chanted louder as Jaspers body began to spasm. Then came a moment of stillness. Anglia who was previously screaming was silenced with the rest of the room. It had worked!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Keeper chapter one. Sorry for delay
Keeper Of Secrets
‘Eyes that haze with death of night,
Sustaining on fears bite.’
“The eyes... no don’t, please don’t....no ahhhh!” Jasper screamed aloud as he sat bolt upright. ‘He’ was still there, watching him, he knew it. Those eyes, eyes that burn through the soul of a man. No-one can escape them. The sweat ran down his forehead. But who was he? What did he want with me? Shivering he took a look at the clock to the side of his bed- 2:00am- he was tired and wanted to sleep. But He didn’t dare. He’ll get me there. No, this was going to be another in a long string of sleepless nights.
A few hours later and he made his way downstairs passing his mum. “Wow you look rough, did you sleep well?” I can’t tell her, Nightmares are what little kids have. Not 17 year old boys. “ Thanks. I went to sleep late that’s all”.
Ending the conversation he grabbed a pop-tart on the way out, fleeing to the refuge of under the bridge. He had no need to go to school now-days as he felt that he had already wasted his education. He did keep contact with the friends he had, here came some of them now in-fact.
Two dark clothed people appeared at the passage under the bridge, one girl and one boy. Anglia wore a dark lacy top with a purple/black skirt to match. Typical of her Jasper thought. Then there was Matthew, he was of a rounder build and had a leather coat on that caped round to the bottom of his feet. If anyone would listen to him it would be them. “Another rough night?” queried Anglia.
In a sardonic tone Jasper replied “How did you guess?”.
“Because I’ve seen smoother badgers arses” chuckled Matthew.
“You said it not me!” replied Jasper laughing.
Jasper explain to them his latest dream, then he told them what it said to him. They must have though that he was going mad. Anglia went into her bag and pulled out a small book. It had a pentagram on it and was decorated with ivy leaves. The thick cover was weighty to the hand. Anglia handed Jasper the book, he opened the pages and flicked through it.
“Its empty!” he exclaimed. Anglia tutted at him. “Well duh! Its so you can write down about this thing that's messing with your head. See if there is a pattern and that”, He nodded in affirmation as Matthew placed his hand deep within the well of his leather jacket. He removed his hand to reveal a small dream catcher. It was bound on a leather chain and coiled into a golden web. It bore six eagle feathers, each one unique in colour. “Here this should help. They do work, dream catchers aren't just a myth” Jasper put one hand on Matthews shoulder and smiled, taking the mystical protection he thanked his friend. If anyone was to know about that type of thing it would be him. Weirdo.
A while after bidding his friends goodbye Jasper found himself nodding off in the old library in town. He felt himself being shook awake, as he turned to complain and was startled to find no-one there. A bit spooked he got up and went to approach the receptionist... except she was nowhere to be found either. This was weird he thought to himself, where am I? Then it kicked in. He froze. Jasper was in the eyes of the nightmare. He could not see any of the mortals in the room, save for one. The image in front of him distorted. Jasper approached the one human, where did he know that face from. He screamed inside, it was his own face, the eyes could see him. “Move!” he screamed at himself “Move!”. He struck out as he emptied into his body, ripping at the cold air in-front of him with his fist. Jaspers knuckles froze over, jumping from his seat he ran down the isle. It was hot on his heels.
He was awake now, so why was it still there?!? The thing had found him and now was chasing him. The pile of books to his right crashed down. Leaping over the pages Jasper continued to run. Having an idea he turned a sharp left and dived into the closest row of books. The thing perused him. Grabbing a big thick book to his right he opened the pages to the centre. ‘It’ screamed and the air in front of him rippled with an electrical burning. “Ahhhh!” the small outline of the beast humanoid wailed in pain. It was being ripped in to pieces in front of Jasper. “He waaaants you...Master neeeeds you ahhhh!” and it cremated. Wondering what the hell just happened Jasper looked down the side of the book before him. The title upon it read ‘The Holy Bible’. Trying to make sense of what just happened he looked at the time. It was late now so he walked to the front desk. The receptionist looked oddly at him as he checked out the big blue book.
Jasper promised himself that he would never bin a Jehovah witness leaflet again. Strange things where at work, he ventured to his hang out at the park. Dusk was fast approaching. He waited as usual for his friends, strangely he found himself inclined to write, removing the book of shadows from his bag he started to scribble. By the time Matthew and Anglia arrived he had finished recording the unusual events. Jasper told them what happened. Anglia looked quite sinically about what happened, Matthew just nodded as if recalling everything in great detail. Matthew seemed to be sweating some what. He pulled a small leather bound book from his pouch at his side. Unwrapping it he turned to a specific page. ”Where do you find those things?” Anglia asked. Jasper leapt forward at the sight of the little creature resembling the thing that had attacked him. “That’s the thing that I told you about...but I didn’t get to see it all...just an outline” his tone was frantic. Matthew explained to them that the laws of the ‘demon’ plain do not allow them to cross to their plain. “This means that they can only get so close. Thus you could not see it, but it can influence objects i.e. the falling books“. Wondering where he got all of this from Jasper just sat there and squinted at his friend until he laughed. “Ok their is one more thing that I can try. Meet me here tomorrow at dusk.”
The three friends departed. Returning home Jasper yawned aloud and sat at his bed trying to stay awake, with little success. His floor was now littered with disposable coffee cups. He slowly entered delirium and nodded off.
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Friday, September 30, 2005
I have good news. The Keeper of secrets is coming
After a long amount of stress and many disposable coffies, I have finally finished typing up a master work novel. It is based on my poem and I will be releasing it one chapter at a time. every monday. Starting this coming Monday. So spread the word! Also if I recive over 15 comments I will reward you guys with an early chapter (Next day delivery style). So are you up for it. THEN TUNE IN AND SPREAD THE WORD!!!
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Monday, September 19, 2005
Fma fun for all

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Friday, September 16, 2005
Hi guys and gals I got another poem ready for you so here it goes:
This one is a fav of mine and I wrote it on hols at a celtic monestry...? Also a friend of mine needs a fave. Can you guys visit XxCloud StrifexX for me he is on my freind list and his guest book is looking a bit sorry for itself. Plz help him out.
Dew dropplets from the tree of life,
Myth and magic, Pain and strife,
To cross the sword with the challace,
And fill the goblet with thy mallace.
Stare deep into wonders will,
To live a saint but born to kill,
Crenching the thurst of your immortal soul,
This knollage you seek eternal goal.
Untangeling the celtic knotts,
The secrets they have told,
That which history has forgot,
Now only fables hold.
Deep within dank darkness found,
To this quest your heart lay bound,
Sheeth your sword from the stone,
And aspire to the legend you have sowen.
By Marc.C.Gillings
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