Male Location Wales Member Since 2005-01-18 Occupation Jeweller Real Name Marc
Achievements Life Anime Fan Since ever Favorite Anime Shaman king and Ghost in the shell Goals Become grand master of the known universe...umm and a death metal lord Hobbies Wailing on my guitar, listening to music adn doing martial arts. My Martial art is Aikido but I also do a small bit of Iaido on the side. Talents Poetry writting song lyrics. story writing. My imagenationis teriffying! But I do enjoy entertaining. Make peope laugh is the best feeling in the world! Blackwizard
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This is one of my favorate fan fic's sent to me by one called the Blue wandorer. And in honer i willl put it on my site. I sulute you!
Chapter 1: Corn and Capture
One bright morning, in the town of where the Asakura brothers live, the elder twin was happily walking down the street singing. Yes, my friends, singing.
“Oh, I’m da best Shaman! Yes I am! Yes I am! I’m strong and irresistible! Yes I am! Yes I am! The people hate me! Yes they do! Yes they do! But I hate them too! Yes I do! Yes I do!” a hyper Hao Asakura said with a tune.
His stomach growled. He didn’t eat breakfast because he cooked it and didn’t want to get drugged for he ‘accidentally’ dropped some Metamucil in it. “La la la! They must be fighting for the toilet now!”, he led out a cackle, “Who said fiber’s good for you?”.
A corn fell on his head out of nowhere. “CORN!” he started to chase it while it was being controlled by an invisible string. ‘hehehe….he doesn’t know what’s going on…and before he even realizes….BANG! He didn’t know what hit him… Poor Asakura boy…’ a dark and evil figure thought to him/herself.
“HAO! Where are you!” a boy that looks like Hao except with shorter hair was looking for his brother. He caught his brother’s attention who was chewing the corn. “Heya lil’ twin brother!” “There you are! Oh, and your cooking had a little side effect… ” “It did? Oh well! What is done is done!” he continued eating the buttered corn ear.
‘Darn! Why the hell is that Yoh kid here!...Oh well, he can be part of my collection!’ he/she let out an evil laugh.
“Who’s there! Hao, did ya hear that!” Yoh, the younger twin, asked. “Hear what?” Hao asked back as he was still eating the corn. “…Never mind …come on. We have to go back home.” “Okie!”. So they walked…well, Hao actually skipped, to their beloved shelter with their beloved people.
“And what took you two so long?”, Anna gave her famous Kyoyama glare. Okay,maybe not so beloved people. “Oh, and Hao, don’t leave your Spirit of Fire near my room.”. His Spirit of Fire was trapped in the really wet bathroom with waterfall tears.
Outside, the evil figure watched through the window. ‘Mwahahaha…now I have spotted a 3 in 1 package! I love my job!’ and he/she let out yet another cackle. “Did anyone hear that?” Yoh asked. “No.” both Anna and Hao, who by the way is still eating the corn, said. ‘Am I the only one with good hearing aid? Because I swore I heard a laugh...’ the young shaman thought to himself.
“Yoh!” a really, really short guy said. “Did you know what was inside the food?” he asked the music loving boy. “What?” “….Metamucil…” “Manta…are you sure? Becoz’ As much as possible, I could have sensed it… ” Yoh informed Manta, the guy with a vertebrae problem. “You know you can’t smell drugs…” “Yes I can. I know that Ren hides some steroids of his own…”. They were all silent. “Well? You cooked it Hao…” he said as Manta eyes on Hao who just finished eating the yellow cob. “Mmmm…good corn…” the long haired shaman licked his lips as he grabbed a bowl of popcorn. They all sweat dropped in amusement for his love of corn.
’What’s with him and corn…I should’ve given him a carrot…’
“Corn! Corn! They’re the best! I love them better than the rest! Ha ha ha ha! Meep… ” Hao started to sing again.
‘Now I should’ve put real butter than my butter formula…’
The musical shaman started hiccupping, saying some junk, and laughing simultaneously.
‘…I now see the power of vodka butter…’
Ren entered the scene wherein Hao was singing Mary had a Little Lamb. “What the-….shit…” the Chinese boy said. “Oooh….” the drunk shaman stared at the big spike of hair on Ren’s head. “Ya need a haircut!” he grabbed a pair of gardening scissors, jumped like he’ll fly and snipped the point (you know what I mean…).
“AAAHHHHH! HAO! FUCK YOU!” he screamed in Chinese.
Ren started chasing Hao like there was no tomorrow.
“Man, I can’t wait any longer!” the evil figure appeared and he/she was a… “Yes, I’m aware that I’m a girl…”. They just looked at her with the ‘Who are you?’ and the ‘What do you want?’ looks on their faces...maybe except Hao.
“I’M TAKING YOU ALL TO MY LAIR!” she exclaimed.
“How ‘bout…”
“I’ve taken the boy with weird AND very corny jokes and the boy that has foreign clothes…not to mention the Elvis-look alike…honestly, he has weird hair.”
“Anyways…”. She pulled out a big fish net and stuffed them all in. The spirits, in the other hand, were trapped in this magical bottle like little genies.
Dead Lab Rats... soon...
Well, the last time we saw our cast, they were taken away by this psycho...
Yoh lazily opens his eyes only to find out he cannot see anything. ‘Oh, no! Am I blind! No way, I should’ve sensed this would happen... I am a shaman so I should use my super telepathic powers to send a message to the nearest person to me and ask what’s going on!’ he concentrates and using his ‘super telepathic powers’ he is able to see again. ”YAY! I can see again!” the young talented shaman cheers.
“What are you saying? The lights were just off...” a rather obvious Chocolove says.
“Meep…” he makes an embarrassed face and sweatdrops.
“So you all got captured too?” the Ainu shaman asks. “ a giant fish net... What’s your story?” Manta asked. “The girl said that she’ll feed me apples and corn everyday with free milk... and that my sister’s here... Where is she?” Horo Horo replied.
“Where’s Hao?”
“Where’s Faust?”
“Where’s my Lyserg!”
“That was definitely Ryou...”
“Master Yoh!”
“Shut up all of you!” and that was definitely Ren. ”What happened to your hair, man?” Horo Horo tried not to laugh. “That’s not funny...” Ren twitched with that bulging vein on his head, “Hao did it...”, he continued.
Hao, by the way, was adorably curled up sleeping on one corner.
The door opened and there revealed a dark shadow clutching something shiny and sharp. They all started screaming and they heard a girly scream, and it wasn’t Anna or Hao. Both didn’t scream. “Hey ya all!” the figure said in a cheery voice.
She then threw an unconscious Lyserg rolling down to the corner wherein Hao was having his quiet slumber. Lyserg woke up only being face to face to the dreaded Hao. Hao, who was still in his deep catnap, cuddled him like a little teddy bear. Lyserg showed a fearful expression and Ryo showed jealousy.
“AHHHHHH!” the green haired European screamed.
“Huh? What?” Hao aroused and rubbed his drowsy eyes. “Heya Little Lyserg, long time no see!” he greeted cheerfully. Lyserg afterward fainted. The confused used-to-be-evil shaman blinked.
They hear a familiar evil laugh. It was evident; it was the insane girl who trapped them in that basement in the first place. “The big book of Monkey says that thou shall be my cute, little, bishonen lab rats!” and she let out her ever so eminent cackle. “Lab rats!” everyone gawked at her.
Will they be stuck here and eat horrible cheese for the rest of their lives? Be with the idiots surrounding them? Or worse, live with Chocolove’s appalling jokes! Those questions will be answered at the subsequent chapters.
Well, it’s shorter than the first...sorry. Please review. I really want to know how I did.
Yes, I did make some of them OOC...but if I didn’t, where’s the fun of it?
And if you have any suggestion for this story, don’t be afraid to send ‘em to me. I’d be glad to put that up my story. Sayonara.
hi all another cool character. tell me what u think
Yumi Shun is a man with a terrible curse. He roams the streets of Tokyo wondering why he is still alive and has excided all of his kin. “Why” he asks himself “does my skin rot in the light of day?”. It was this time ten years ago when his question was answered. He lumped in a back ally, he stank, he did not eat anything than the occasional rat. The a man of great wealth approached him, what was he doing so far from the other side of town so late he wondered. He approached Yumi, “Is this what is to become of one of my kin?” announced the man “Why I would be ashamed if I were you! Having that kind of power and not using it” he grunted. In a slow voice Yumi said “what on earth are you on about?” he looked up at the man before rolling back into the shadows. He recognized this man for the old times in the battles of Japan. “It’s you” he stammered “It’s really you. Your that sick warrior for the great battle. That one man who fell victim to my blade and survived. No matter how many times I stuck my blade in you, you did not fall. And then... All I knew was light and dark as I was torn away from my own body!” Yumi shivered at the recollection. “Yes those were the days. The young ones no days have no respect. I will give you a choice my young friend. I will help you master your gifts and re-master your fighting if you promise me one thing. That when I call upon you, you shall always be there. Well?” The mans face turned stern. Yumi rose to his feet and followed the man in silence. Yumi owes Weshiba so much. for now he roams the streets at night making pray out of the mischievous.
Yumi was at the temple of his ancestors, lighting the torches in honour of those past. ‘Fizz’ ‘Pop’ ‘Bang’. A firework shoot through the window of the seemingly abandon temple. Raising from the alter Yumi picked up the sword that lay upon it. Its handle was gold, a dragon entwined itself along the sheath and swallowed the handle. The dragons eyes turned black with the emotion of anger from disrespect the he now felt. The three boys outside where teasing one another to go into the temple. One of the got push forward, he took a swing from the bottle of whisky he held at his side before walking through the entrance. Closing the door behind him the boy got enticed by the gold family crest on the alter at the far end of the room. He ran over and out-starched his arm to take it when. “Yo dick-shit!” the man raised his head “respect you elders, an I’m over a 500 years old!” the boy was leapt upon by Yumi walking on the ceiling. The two other boys walked in from the noises they heard. They screamed in terror as a very youthful man was tearing the neck off their friend. Yumi cast aside the empty husk, noticing his visitors. In a rage on of the boy’s pulled a knife into view and charged at Yumi. The man split in two halves, one appeared angelic and one appeared satanic. They both fizzled out of view as the knife cut the air were they stood. The images fleeted back into view behind the man still in the doorway. The boy with the knife turned to the bolted around to the sound of his friends head rolling onto the floor. The headless body slumped, sending the knife wielding boy into a furry. The boy’s hand moved rapidly pushing Yumi back as he ricochet the attack from him with his katana. The battle move on to the courtyard in view of the full moon. The boy with the knife looked up “Now your in trouble” he screamed as a worm like tail burst from his back. He tore at his flesh reviling a manky fur, a snout stretched from his face. “You have got to be kidding me, a blasted were-rat! This is not my night” sighed Yumi, but he thought it does make things more...interesting. The rat boy licked his dagger, the vile saliva more deadly than any poison. Swiftly the rat boy rolled picked up a rock and launched it directly at Yumi, dodging it he stood straight to see his rival had launched himself at him. The dust and grit from the floor lifted and threw up at the rat, blinding him. “Two can play dirty!” yelled Yumi his blade raised in the air moving the cloud. Scowling the rat tried again and charged, the dagger scathed Yumi’s arm. He tried not to clutch it, for the rat boy would pick up on his weakness. Not wasting time the rat boy came back around for more, but this time he was ready. Yumi waited until the last moment then turned in on himself the rat boy followed the change in direction. Yumi now had absorbed the attack an span him hands in a circular motion. The dagger went flying as Yumi brought his body weight down on the arm. It splintered dislocating it completely. But that did not deter the rat boy as he bit into the eastern vampires arm. Whailing in pain Yumi dragon’s eyes on the blade lit red. A power surge brought a rush of speed to Yumi as he lost control. His demon had taken over it ripped the arm from the mouth pulling the rats front teeth with it, ripping them out he used lighting speed and struck the rat boy hard from all angles. He then ran up behind him putting his knee hard into his back, the rat boy coughed up blood as Yumi gripped either side of his head and snapped his neck. A naked human fell into Yumi’s arms as he feasted to build back his energy. He was back in control of himself again. He looked in his mind and spoke aloud. “I wondered when you would turn up again. I thought I told you to get lost?” A laugh sounded from the back of his mind as his inner demon answered. “How could you resist me, it runs in your blood. Or their blood, which ever way you look at it!” chuckled his demon. Yumi sheathed his sword before returning to the temple, enough blood had been spilled on his account tonight.
My visits just reached 150 Thanks you guy and girls! Here are some cool pics 4 you: Comments (0) |
Tuesday, March 8, 2005
hi this is an attemp to put some shaman king stuff on my site Comments (2) |
hellsing fan fic for you all my devoted fans! Do you have any stories of your own that you want me to advertize? If so mail me and i will come to your site and if they r good advertise them on mine!
After the first sin of man God created a group of protectors after Adam and Eve procreated for a time. These Guardians were ordered to strike down any demon that tried to attack or bring harm to man. They were able to procreate from the population of man, but from that population came the will that God had given man, as well as the sin of man. From this sin, the Guardians became corrupt and soughed power for their own ends.
God punished them by making them weak in the light, made silver deadly to them and removed them as the protectors of his children. Not all of the former protectors wished to betray their creator and so when a former guardian died that had followed their original mission of protecting man from either demons or former guardians they would be admitted into Heaven instead of being condemned to hell.
As for the new protectors, they were hand picked by God himself instead of allowing the fellow protectors to decide. Armed with super human strength, the ability to bend fire to their will, send demons to the abyss threw gates and several other abilities they became the new Guardians of man against the fallen angels. Allowed to only function for five hundred years before returning to Heaven from Earth they became know as the phoenix....–
Order 1: Remembrance
(Seras point of view)
Their both gone now. Alucard, my master, then a fellow Nosfarutu that sired me. Closely followed his status became companion as I became his equal in power. A Regenerator nicknamed Sword Dancer, Paladin Alexander Anderson, took him from me. The resurrected priest that both Alucard and myself had killed when I became mortal again for a few days. He is still around, tattooed in Latin phrases that increase the abilities his already powerful body. All I have left of Alucard is his other Jackal and a spare set of his sunglasses, his body had been weighed down and thrown into the ocean, ensuring he would never return.
Nathan, my childhood friend, best friend threw high school, future husband. He thought me dead the night I was turned by Alucard in Cheddar. All that remains of that town is burnt out buildings scattered about the landscape. In his grief over my supposed demise he ventured to Vatican City in attempts to find out why God had decided to take me from him. The Iscariot found him, learned about his connection to me and turned him, like Anderson, into a regenerator. He’s dead now as well, not by the hands of an enemy, but by mine at his request. The Iscariot’s chains were too strong to allow him to break free and let me embrace him in my arms and in the darkness. He rests peacefully nearby now; I visit his grave nearly every night. Though, in time that will fade as well.
I’m all alone now, the sole vampire under my master’s control. I don’t know why or when I started to call Sir Integra master but it felt right when it started to happen. I don’t know when I moved into Alucard’s room as well though I do know why. It was to, in some sense feel closer to the former no life king.
I can feel my masters call, a new mission. I can only hope that an Iscariot agent is involved, in some way it puts me at peace when I kill one of Maxwell’s lackeys though their nothing compared to Anderson. I just want to show him the pain he caused me when I took my loves life. Getting out of Alucard’s old throne I opened a portal to my master’s office and entered, I can only hope that the mission involves a Vatican agent.
Seras stood by Nathan’s grave. On top of visiting every night, she would come here before a mission. Alucard would have said it was foolish, even though he was gone now as well. Things had changed sense that night, not that Hellsing had lost one of their best agents, or that Seras had lost her fiancée, but that had changed in Seras herself. In the three months sense it had happened she had grown just as cold as the snow that was falling now. She nether enjoyed or hated her job at killing ghouls and vampires. Her only bright point was causing pain to the Vatican.
“Hi Nathan, wish me luck. I’m going on another mission, just another clean up, doubt ill run into anyone challenging. Watch over me okay.” The young vampire rose up from he spot next to the grave, for a moment she wondered if Nathan could hear what she said. Sighing, she headed towards the rest of her team, time to go on another mission.
Time Stamp: Present
Location: Abandoned crack house, downtown London
No attempt was made to hide the gunshots in the building. If anyone asked, it would be blamed on a terrorist group that the police had encountered. That seemed to fly in this day and age. Inside the building Hellsing troops were engaged in taking down waves of ghouls, former drug junkies that a vampire had stumbled upon. Seras on the other hand, was upstairs, taking out the trash.
“What’s a hot little one like you doing with the humans?” The freak asked cooly, a semi automatic hand gun in his hand, though pointed down. Seras remained silent, as her face betrayed nothing. No fear, hatred, ignorance, arrogance or any other emotion played across her face as she continued to advance towards the freak, Jackal and Redeemer both in hand.
“Okay that’s close enough.” The freak said as he raised his handgun at the still approaching Hellsing agent. “I said that’s close enough bitch.”
Seras stopped, then faded from the room. The freak was confused for a minute, where did she go? He felt something hard press up against his skull, even with vampire like speed he still couldn’t turn in time as Seras opened fire and sent a bullet straight into his brain. The freak collapsed into a pile of ash as the bullet continued to make its way into the doorframe. Seras sighed; no Vatican agents would come this deep into London tonight. They had appeared less and less over the past three months. Maybe they realized she was a major threat now and wouldn’t dare send one of theirs across the boarder, fat chance to that.
“All ghouls and freaks silenced, commence with clean up.” one of the commanders said over the teams comm’s.
Seras looked down at the pile of ash that used to be the freak. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” she mumbled, thoughts of Alucard and Nathan raced threw her mind. She sighed as she opened a dark portal back to Hellsing, she would let the soldiers take care of the mess.
Time Stamp: Several minutes after Seras left for mission
Location: Hellsing memorial graveyard
The darkness of night remained undisturbed in the graveyard. Even in night there was beauty here, though one would also say they would feel ill at ease with such a picture. The bare trees gently swayed in the wind as the snow continued to fall, adding to the already accumulated blanket of white. An owl hooted in the distance, one of the few creatures of the night that both man and undead thought of fondly, a truly silent killer.
By Nathan’s grave however, something was happening. A small pool of water had begun to form over the ground that Nathan now rested in. slowly the water and surrounding snow began to steam off, exposing the frozen grass on the ground. For a brief moment the grass revived and became lush green from the heat before it began to dry out. The heat continued to intensify when suddenly the ground erupted in an explosion. Fire burst forth from the ground like a plant breaking the surface of the dirt. Fireballs of all sizes went flying into the air and landing on the wet snow, some landed on the trees, causing them to catch fire. A few others leaped farther into the night sky.
In the distance, one of the maids in the Hellsing mansion had seen the explosion and was busy looking for Walter and some of the soldiers that had remained to put the fire out.
Time Stamp: Present
Location: Hellsing memorial graveyard
Seras emerged from the portal right outside the Mansion. The night was still fairly young and it had stopped snowing. To add to that the clouds had quickly retreated thanks to the wind revealing the nightly show of stars. Something about the cold winter nights seemed to make the small specks of light and crescent moon shine even brighter, making the moons features more pronounced.
Sears decided to talk a short walk, the freezing temperature didn’t bother her, heck she could walk around in summer attire and not notice the cold. As she rounded the corner she was surprised to see a large number of the troops over in the graveyard. As she approached she also felt the presence of Sir Integra among the men as well. “Master?”
Integra turned to face her servant, a hint of anger played across her face, not towards Seras but at the situation. “Seras, it seems that the Iscariot’s arrogance knows no end.”
Seras looked passed Integra towards what the soldiers were occupied with, several of the men were carrying fire extinguishers on their backs, putting out small flames that had attached themselves to the trees. Walter stood near an impressively sized hole, directing other soldiers. She watched, as a group of the soldiers holstered out the remains of an all to familiar tombstone inscribed on the stone were two simple words: phoenix among…
“Nathan…” Seras walked over to the large hole, it was easily twice the size of Nathan’s coffin. Looking down she saw a few soldiers walking around with various items, one looked like he was carrying a rad meter, the other seemed to be looking for any other pieces from the tombstone.
“Miss Victoria, my condolences. It sickens me to think that someone would desecrate the dead, let alone young West’s.” Walter said the moment he noticed Seras standing along side him. Her face remained neutral; yet her fists were in tight balls, ready to strike at anything that got in her way.
‘It wasn’t enough for you bastards that I had to kill Nathan, you just had to destroy his body as well didn’t you…’ Seras thought as she turned and walked away.
“Seras…” Integra called out. “Don’t think that we will let Iscariot get away with this vandalism, we will restore his resting place for him.”
Seras was silent for a moment. “Do as you wish, my master, Nathan died awhile ago, he has no need for such monuments, neither do I.” Seras said before fading away to her room.
Integra turned to Walter and the rest of the soldiers as they continued their work. “Walter, find out how the hell Iscariot performed this act of disgust, and I don’t care what Seras said, remake West’s tombstone, I wont allow the Iscariot think that we will submit to their terrorism.”
“Very good Sir Integra.”
Time Stamp: Present, one month after destruction of Nathan’s tomb
Location: Vampire hunting mission, high threat level
Seras walked along the hallway, blood seemed to have been used to paint the walls red, the stench was overpowering even for her vampire nose. It wasn’t that it was sending her into bloodlust, quite the opposite in fact. The blood was old, months old and yet still gave off a stench. The smell however, was enough for the human soldiers to don on their breathing masks in some attempt to dampen the foul stench.
“Damn maggot vampires..” one of the soldiers said under his breath.
“Agreed, captain...” Seras replied to the obvious remark that wasn’t meant for anyone’s ears.
The team continued on, no ghouls, no remains other than the blood splatter on the walls. It was like some vampire had gone on a drinking splurge, was a messy eater and then decided to remove the bodies. Something about this hunt felt wrong, a typical vampire, freak or naturally sired, would have ghouls patrolling the area. Well that wasn’t true, her former master Alucard thought of ghouls as slaves that only a pathetic vampire would use. What that what they faced? A vampire that thought the same as Alucard once did? Only vampires of great power seemed to think that way. Was that what she faced now? It didn’t matter, a mission was a mission, her master Integra wouldn’t send her on something this dangerous, then again she was the only vampire in their deployment at the moment.
A feeling of darkness swept threw her and the human troops suddenly like a flood.
“This doesn’t feel right...” one of the troops said. Indeed it didn’t. True vampires could project a feeling of dread, but this, this felt like pure unadulterated darkness.
“Hold here, ill go in the rest of the way. Shoot anything that comes back through the hall that isn’t me.”
“Understood, will wait for a response Victoria, good hunting.” Seras didn’t bother to respond, such sentiment and good luck wishes held nothing for her anymore. She continued down the repulsive hallway, all the while the feeling of darkness seemed to grow.
Seras emerged from the hallway, a little relieved that the room wasn’t in the same fashion as the hallway. “Well, well, well, what’s this? A fallen guardian actually doing what she is supposed to do?” Something said in the darkness. Seras looked around, strangely the darkness didnt seem to give way to her vampire vision, as if the darkness itself had taken on mass and wasn’t affected by a presence of light. Seras remained silent.
“Don’t feel like talking girl? Very well, I don’t mind your silence though that is all that you be capable of expressing after this.” The figure said as it stepped out of the darkness, revealing his bodies features. Standing on the other side of the room was a boy not much older than eleven.
“You? But your still just a boy...” Seras said, thoughts of Helena flew through her mind, the old vampire forever trapped in the body of a young child. What had this boy done to warrant becoming undead in such a young body.
“Yes this body belonged to a boy, but its mine now. Are you going to do anything about it, fallen guardian?”
Seras ignored the boys taunts, if the gore that was behind her was his doing, than he had already lost his humanity, time to end his existence. She raised the redeemer and fired her silver rounds straight into the boys chest. Nothing happened, they didn’t even seem to phase him.
“Please, you thought I was a fallen guardian? Well, considering we haven’t shown ourselves in such a long time could explain it.” The boy said as he raised his arm and a way of power seemed to emanate from the limb, sending Seras into the wall where the doorway once was.
“What the devil are you?” Seras said as she picked herself up from the wall and ejected the silver rounds from her guns. She would need explosive rounds if silver didn’t affect this undead.
“Ha, well you have it right somewhat. I am one of those case out of heaven, sent to hell because I followed lucifer.”
“Whatever you think you are, it doesn’t matter to me. When this is over one of us will be dead.” Seras said as she fired at the approaching boy with the new bullets. The same event happened, he remained unfazed as he approached.
“Well, it wont be fun if you don’t know what’s going to kill you....” The boy said as he stopped, and sent his head into a full three sixty role. “Convinced now?”
For the first time in a long while, Seras felt an emotion come up threw the ice she had erected between herself and the emotions, primal fear. “Hmm, your strong, you might be more fun to posses than kill...” the boy sneered.
Seras emptied the remaining bullets into the demon even though previous attempts proved futile. It just sighed, waiting for her to finish firing the pair of guns in her hands. “Finished? Can we get on with this?”
Seras cracked her fingers, turning them into claw like weapons, she wouldn’t go down without a fight. With a swipe, she left several deep cuts in the demons face, blood flowed freely from the several wounds. Reaching over it touched the cuts, then to the hand, blood covered it in a metallic red before he shook the liquid off and laughed. “I’m sorry, what that supposed to...”
A crash was heard over head as something broke threw a sky light. Something landed behind them, among the broken glass. Slowly the being rose up, glass falling off of him. The intruder wore a black trench coat with sleeves cut off. Below that a type of grey armor seemed to protect the upper part of his chest. His legs were strapped with the same material, covering his pants. Knives of various materials strapped in a row around his legs, reflected what little light was in the room. His main weapons were so strange. A pair of single edged swords attached to his lower arms ran up the length and a little past his head, giving him a predatory look. Where the skin met the bands that held the blades to his arms were dark colored lines that riven throughout his arms and up towards his chest. A device partly covered his face, his right eye had some sort of display over it while his mouth and chin were covered by some sort of breathing apparatus. His pure white hair was spiked in a short fashion, several bangs hung across his face.
“How interesting, the old and new guardians.” The demon said as he changed his approach to the intruder. The man in black and grey remained still, his body features save for one eye were covered. The demon charged at the intruder, who remained motionless. At the last second he sidestepped and maneuvered his right arm to bring the weapon to bear. The demon, in his speed couldn’t stop from running into the blade, as his body was pressing into the weapon the intruder pulled his arm towards himself, cutting deep into the demons body.
Still using the momentum from his first attack he turned completely around, with the other blade attached to his arm he swung completely around, decapitating the body of the possessed body. Coming to a full stop he looked down at the body and aimed his hand, palm open, to the body and waited. Seras was about to say something when the body convulsed, then again, a wave of energy exploded from chest, pushing the intruder away.
The energy took shape, a horrific looking creature floated above the body. It screamed out when it realized it could not retake the boy. Slowly it looked over at Seras and flew towards her. She didn’t need to be told what its intentions were, using her own powers she tried to push it away, it didn’t work.
It was within arms reach of her when a light came from behind it, fire quickly approached and grabbed hold of its limbs like chains and held it, the demons face a few inches away from her own. Standing a dozen feet away stood the intruder, the fire coming from one of his hands. The fire burned perfectly suspended in the air and broke off in five separate smaller steams of fire, one holding each limb of the demon. Slowly the fire like rope began to retract, pulling the demon away from Seras.
With his other hand he snapped his fingers. Slowly a whirlpool of darkness opened, when the demon saw the portal it began to struggle against the fire like chains and cursed in strange tongues. The intruder however, wasn’t fazed by the demons shouts.
“You should have stayed in hell where you belonged demon.” That voice... “Now, enter the abyss.” With that, the intruder closed his hand that the fire was coming from. The binds that held the demon above the portal disappeared, dropping it into the portal. With an inhuman scream it tried for a moment to scratch at the ground to keep from falling in. The intruder walked over to the struggling beast, he looked down at it, under the mask his face showed nothing but disgust, possessing a young boy, the abyss seemed to good for the fallen angel.
Pulling his leg back he kicked the demon square in the face and watched it fall before the portal closed, sealing the demon to its eternal prison.
The two stood looking at each other, the intruder that saved Seras from whatever that, that thing would have done said nothing for a moment before turning and walking away. “Hold it!”
Seras leveled the Jackal at the apparent demon slayer. He stopped, turned and looked at her, his eye looked as if he was surprised to see her, but that look quickly faded away. “Take your mask off.” it wasn’t a request.
The slayer remained silent, his arms unmoving. He just stood there in the same way he did when he first appeared. “Last chance, do it or I will shoot.”
Like a statue he stood unmoving, not caring to comply with Seras’ threats. She opened fire. The bullets sped towards im, screaming as they cut threw the air, a few inches from the slayers body they erupted into flames and fell, the silver bullets laid in their liquid state on the floor.
“Next time, bring a sword and a binding spell when you go demon hunting. Demons aren’t affected by bullets or silver.” with that, the slayer erupted into a pillar of flame and flew up threw the skylight, leaving a shocked Seras behind. Had she imagined his voice? Could it have been him? No, he was lost months ago. She looked over at the remains of the boy, what the hell happened tonight?
Yo here is a new character I made up for you guys to write about. tell me what you think!
“Piers, more wine for our!” announced Archimedes. Sighing deeply he raised the ice-cold glass to the light and flicked it. A crystal sound echoed around the marble room, seemingly satisfied he allowed the waiter to continue pouring the wine. He handed the wine across the table to the elf sitting opposite in very formal clothing. The elf nodded his thanks swilled the liquid around the glass and stuck his nose deep into the aromatic fragrance. “Ah 1980 Burden wine, a very good year” said the elf, his voice very dominating. “Only the best for you my dear Ribiton!” laughed Archimedes easing the tension in the room. The two men had been sat engaging in conversation all afternoon, sipping his wine Archimedes glanced over at his hopeful father in law. “So what was it that you brought me over for exactly?” Ribiton pressed on the conversation. Caught unaware Archimedes cleared his throat to speak, he was hoping that the elf would have drunk a bit more wine before this topic. “Ribiton... I don’t know quite how to put this, but I would like to ask you for your daughters hand in marriage”. An awkward silence filled the room. He gazed towards the elf pushing with his eyes for a sign. He jumped as he was blown back by a volley of laughter and hysterics from Ribiton. “You should have seen the look on your face” laughed Ribiton “sorry I just could not help myself!” he continued. Quickly downing the rest of the wine Archimedes sat a bit more at ease. This had not been easy for him; he had just asked to marry into a high status elven family. “You know the Viderian family traditions Archimedes, I just can’t say yes and be done with it. You must prove your worth of bloodline my friend. To marry Talina you have to defeat her brother Benis in sporting combat of his choice. And of course being the international champion I have good reason to believe that he will choose fencing. Although you do have that remarkable gift...Don’t play dumb with me, the one when you move things around! That is a sign of a strong bloodline, you might well make it. Well I bid you goodnight” bowing Ribiton began to leave the chamber. “When you master your gift then shall we arrange”. Archimedes went to bid him farewell but when he turned the corner the elf had vanished. Entering the main hallway he called out “Piers a car round the front, immediately!” as he walked through to the doorway two servants opened the entrance, the heavy metal doors creaked. Archimedes extended his right hand and clasped it around the hilt of the Kane that just flew off the rack from the other side of the room. The Bentley was parked neatly; outside the chauffer opened the door as Archimedes approached. Arriving at the park area Archimedes told the driver to depart and return when instructed. He then proceeded to the arch bridge over the moonlit river. Even at dusk the flowers where still at full bloom. He stared out to the water for a minute or two. Then he extended his hand and plucked a white rose from the riverbank, its essence soothed him he the passed it over his head and into her hands. “How did you know I was here” came the faint whisper. “The sweet scent of Jasmine that is used to bring an abundance of love. That is not of this realm.” His voice mimicked the waters smoothness. She quivered at his sweet tone. He turned slowly and caught her hand; she slowly fell into him their figures matched perfectly. They stared out across the water and cast the rose. The ripples broke the moon, they stayed there a long moment until the waters calmed. “I must leave now” her voice whimpered “or they might wonder where I am” they then indulged in each other for a short time. Then she broke away pressing her fingers onto his lips, hushing him. She then walked slowly into the darkness. “I will be back for you my dearest” he swore an oath to himself. . He then walked off, letting the Primrose petals fall onto him, as he knew that the night had eyes.