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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Hi guys its me again. listen the offer of aiding me to write Jinx sagas is still open. so send me villin and companion ideas. cum on how many ppl offer this chance?
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
From request and here u go
My borrowed hearts as empty as my purse,
Her voice is like a path of broken glass,
She’s my bane an unforgettable curse,
I’d find more beauty in a face of brass,
She implants in my soul her venom love,
Her tongue as a whip she lashes me so,
“Broken freedom" angels sing from above,
But her vain vines wrap’d me and won’t let go,
I’d find more passion in a raging bull,
A ridden soul that’s black with frosty ice,
Her figure is that of a large ships hull,
But the look ‘pon her face shall not serfice,
And though the angels cry forgotten tears,
For no price would I sell these treasured years.
By Marc Gillings
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Jinx saga is back episode 2
The crimson dusk had long set on the city of Moryth as the nightlife had just got that much more intense. After finishing up some `work` Jinx rode out of the back-allies. Her helmet bore a fiery horse leaping towards the stars. She increased her speed, at this moment she, Jinx, was that horse racing into another unknown hour of events. Jinx was fast approaching the river cross bridge when a fiery glint caught her eye, she swiftly turned leaving ring marks in the road with a fantastic sound. As she raced down the slip road she was met with an oncoming metal gate, closed!
Quickly Jinx pulled left, shot straight up over two planks launching herself on the bike into the air. Neatly she swung her legs and laid low as she fore-saw a collision with her head and the bridge. Then landing perfectly she stayed a moment dramatically posing, casting her helmet to the side she brushed her hand through her hair. Jinx had found the location of tonight's riot fest. There was about 7 men and women all punk outfitted. There was also 3 women chained to the wall.
“Why did you take your helmet off?” started one of them “come to join the party?” his tone was most unpleasant.
“No” replied Jinx calmly “I just wanted you to see the face of the girl who’s gonna kick your ass!” this was followed by a on-core of catty hissing from the others.
“You’ll pay for that, how about you come here and we’ll go?” He mocked as he picked up a baseball bat. Elegantly Jinx got off the bus and unsheathed her katana. As she approached him she pointed the tip of the blade towards the half conscious girls hung on the wall,
“These your buddies?” she asked quizzically.
“Ye” he replied mockingly “and I am sure once we are done I will get to know you as well as them” He shot an acid smile her way. Jinx circled him in an anticlockwise motion as he was right handed. She knew this would make it more difficult for him to hit her. As she walked around she noticed the baseball bat had barb wire wrapped around it.
Jinx purposely flinched. The man can darting towards her, the bat went for a blow awkwardly and he stumbled not taking any second chances Jinx Cut down Slicing him from shoulder to hip. he moaned as he neatly slid off himself, the blood tried to clot but it run too fast. He lay motionless pouring liquid into the gutter. Jinx kicked the baseball bat towards the crowd of stunned onlookers. One charged at her, turning he grabbed her arm and in a lightning movement she cast her hand to her centre where she was stronger and brought her hand up passed his chest in a fist and caught him under the chin knocking him off the ground before slamming the previously held hand into is stomach braking his rib cage. He landed face down grunting and still. Jinx walked over lifted his head and keenly rubbed the blade of her katana against his throat,
“Release the prisoners and no more blood will be spilt” she paused “tonight”. Without hesitating they pulled the prisoners down and collected their friend before leaving down the tunnel to the underground. Jinx sat next to the girls.
“I hate baby sitting!” she announced to herself. Before slipping a few £20’s from their wallets.
by blackwizard
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Monday, February 7, 2005
hi yall
waz-up r u lot k? soon I will be writing the sequal to the new Jinx saga so watch this spot. If any1 has sugestions then put them in the comments or mail me k?
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
I warn you be carefull
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Friday, January 28, 2005
jinx episode 1.I am now writing a new story for anime and i need some ppl to help me with it. if u r intrested mail me. this is a preview
Bleak and miserable weather hung over the city of Moryth. The sun fast setting in the west across the harbour bay. The cities many light where captured by the waters reflection. Narrowing her eyes she could see almost everything.. Well everything she wished to see. There where things happening out their right now things she could not dream of. Knowing that she couldn’t stop all of them she sighed. But she would give it a bloody good try. Swinging on to the motorbike, she strapped on her helmet and set of to attempt to battle an oncoming evil. She hadn’t been in this city long but it was hers and she had been assigned to protect it. She trailed dust into the distance. Whilst cursing down a back street three men where standing about and old man. Raising their legs and planting them back firmly in his side. He cried out in pain, which didn’t go far because he was so weak. Lining up the bike she began to rev the bike. The sound from the other end of the misty ally make the 3 men look up
“Who ere?” shouted one of them, then he looked at the other and shrugged before returning to the beating. The revving grew louder. Then separating the mist a biker came from the shadows.
“Beat it!” ordered a muffled voice from inside the mask. They stepped out into the ally, as the motorbike picked up speed. The biker reached behind herself and clutched a handle from a block in the back of the bike. Twisting and then lifting she slowly unsheathed a katana. The moon light reflected of the blade as she drove passed and looped off one of the men's heads. The body slumped, oozing across the ally. the biker can to a skid spin turn before going after the others.
“We are ready for you this time you bastard!” yelled one, picking up a chain in his right hand. Swinging it around as the biker retuned. She pelted towards him full throttle, at the last second she jumped up over the chain summer-salting around and put the katana in his back before landing on the bike. One more time she turned around at the end of the ally.
“Who the hell are you?” screamed the petrified man.
Lifting off her helmet she let her hair swing free. In a collective manner she replied “Jinx” she paused “and I thought I told you to piss off!” The man scarpered the moment she’d finished. She slowly rode down the street, pulling her sword from the bleeding corpse and sheathing it. The old man was starting to rise and put out his hand to be lifted up.
“Sorry” she said “I don’t give hand outs” before she put her helmet back on and vanished into the allies mists.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

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Monday, January 24, 2005
hi all another sort of cool anime. also I am looking for someone to write one of these with me so mail me
Hi there! This is the third part of a 5 parts story. It is also my first
attempt at writing something in English (I'm French), therefore there might
be some errors in it.
Legal stuff.
This story is in the Tenchi Muyo OAV universe. All rights reserved to whomever
possessed them blah blah blah you get the point.
I would like to thanks my new friend TankCop for is moral support.
Adzz, j'temmerde !
Sasami's Quest III - Washu -
I STRONGLY suggest that you read the first 2 parts of this story before
reading this. The first parts are also available on this site.
Four days ad passed since the "Mihoshi Incident" and there where still no
news of Aeka or Ryoko. Although it was common for Ryoko to disappear for weeks
it was not for the princess. Each days since the 2 girls vanished
Sasami and Tenchi got more and more worried while Mihoshi was speculating
amazings theories to explain their disappearance. For all those days Washu never
got out of her lab nor show any interest in the case. The little princess
had to brought her meals in the lab and at each times she got in it, Washu
was looking at her with a mysterious smile that made her ever more nervous.
On the morning of the fifth day, Sasami entered the lab with a light breakfast
for the scientist, doubting that she had slept this night for change.
Much to her surprise she didn't find the genius working feverously on her
computer but instead she was simply sit on a hovering pillow, her legs crossed,
that strange smile still on her face. She let the tray on a table and was about to
leave when Washu asked her to stay.
- Come on Sasami. Take a chair. We hardly speak those days.
The girl was about to say that she had to go clean the house but a chair pop from
under her foots and she found herself sit before realizing it.
- So Sasami. How's doing ? Everybody seems nervous in the house.
The princess replaced herself on the chair so to remove her hairs witch where pulled
down by her own weight.
- Well, Aeka and Ryoko have disappeared with Ryo-ho-ki for 5 days now, and
nobody know where they are. I know its normal for Ryoko but I...
- Don't worry about it, Aeka asked Ryoko for a ride on Ryo-ho-ki to Jurai.
I think she had to speak to your mom urgently.
So that was it. Aeka was afraid of what happened the other night and had to
seek counsel. What will happen now ? How will mother react ? She still dint
know if what she done was wrong. Certainly, her sister seemed to enjoy it so
why would it be wrong ? Why would Aeka be afraid of it ? Remembering the last
night she spent with her sister brought back some memories, which made her cheeks
turn to a light red. Of course the scientist noticed it and wonder what was the
real story behind all that. Although her link with Ryoko and Ryo-ho-ki made it
possible for her to know their destination, she dint know the reasons for the trip.
Something very special must have happened. She had review the full recording of
the "incident" she recorded five days ago in the living-room only a couples of minutes
ago. To her own surprise, each time she saw it she got more aroused by it. Her last
"real" sexual experience dated from more than 7000 years and although she had a lot
of devices and machines to "compensate" they would never be able to replace a real
human touch. A strange idea was building in her head since the original recording.
Of course it was not very ethical but after all, on a physical term, she too was
a minor.
- It's been so much time since we really were together that I think you grew a
little bit since last time.
- Really ?
- Yes, in fact I would like to monitor your development so I could keep track
of your evolution. After all you are in the first stages of womanhood.
- Hu, sure. What should I do ?
The little girl remembered how Tenchi was afraid of entering Washu's lab now
because of all the "tests" she made him pass trough. Washu pressed a button on a board
and many controls, screens and computer pop out of nowhere. Some kind of vertical
platform appeared behind Sasami. Little handles were on that platform were the hands
and foots of a humanoid form should be if somebody was on it.
- I would like you to remove your clothes and take place on it Sasami.
- All... all my clothes ?
Washu had observed for some time that Sasami was very shy about her body. She'd
always kept a towel on her in the baths, even if they were just girls in it. In
fact she dint remembered seeing her naked ever. So she decided to make it slow to
give her a chance to adapt.
- Well, it would be better if you'd removed them all so I could place electrodes
everywhere but if you don't want to you can only remove what you want of course.
The little girl smiled and started remove her belt, fold it correctly and put it
on the chair. She removed her "dress-apron" then the fluffy-white kind of pants she had under.
When she stepped on the platform she had only her top "kimono-shirt", a pale-blue panties and
a pair of little white socks. Washu put the chair behind the platform then adjusted
the handles for Sasami's size. Since the platform was overing a foot over the floor, Sasami
was standing higher than Washu so the scientist had to stretch to put the electrodes on
the princess's head. The genius started a couples of sensors then got behind the platform
to check some connections. Something brought her attention to Sasami's clothes, all
perfectly folded on the chair. A little spot of red fabric was showing out of a pocket on
the dress. As she removed it from the dress, Washu discovered a pair of elaborated red
panties, far too big to be Sasami's. The scientist was speechless. During her monitoring
of the "events" between Mihoshi and Sasami she saw that the little girl kept the officer's
panties for herself but to realize that since then she'd always kept them on her was amazing.
As she saw Sasami did, she took a good sniff on the panties. It did smelt good. "I will have
to make some tests on Mihoshi too some day".
- All those readings are looking pretty good Sasami. You are in perfect health and all of
your vital signs are good. Now I would like to test your reactions about peoples. I will
tell you the names of people and I want you to think about them so I could measure your
reactions about them. Ready ?
- Yes.
- OK. Think about your sister.
The readings appeared on Washu's screens. The little girl had a deep love for Aeka,
but on the outer layers of her brain some jealousy and even some frustration were
apparent. Why jealousy ? Is she jealous because Aeka is the first princess ? Or is
it something deeper ? Maybe because of Aeka relationship with Tenchi.
- Very good Sasami. Now please think about Ryoko.
Love was still present on her screens but this time the jealousy was stronger. The
scientist toughs that it was definitively a physical jealousy. The little girl was
jealous of the body of the space pirate, jealous that she could try to seduce Tenchi
while she could not. Yes its becoming very interesting.
- All right, now what about Mihoshi ?
Her love for Mihoshi was different than for the others. At first a sense of friendship
was apparent but something else was there too. It nearly looked like.. a physical
attraction. Yes, no doubt after the events of the other day. Jealousy was still present
but the frustration was lower. Obviously the princess dint thought that Tenchi would
be really interested in the police officer. Washu also noticed a small elevation of
temperature and a increase of hormones in the girl's blood. She was probably thinking of
her experience with Mihoshi and was getting a little aroused by it... and so was Washu.
- Fine, think about Tenchi now please.
Wow, a very deep love was showing. A melange of respect, friendship, love and even physical
attraction. Yes, the sensors were detecting a significant increase of heat around her sex
and her hormone level seriously rising up. That must be it. She's jealous of the others girls
because she cannot enter the fight for Tenchi yet.
- And at last what do you think about me ?
Now the girl was a little shy. She was trying to shield her emotions but to no avail.
Much to her surprise there was no trace of the immense respect that the girl should have for
the greatest scientist in the universe but only a deep friendship and love. No jealousy was
present either. "Hum, since my physical form is not much older than hers she does not consider
me a threat for Tenchi."
- Now I will ask you some personal questions, please don't be shy OK ?
- OK.
- How do you feel about Tenchi ?
The little girl flushed and searched for an answer for some moments.
- Well uh, I like him very much. He his kind, gentle and polite. It's almost
like I had a big brother.
- I see, nothing more ?
- N.. no, not really.
- OK. Did you start to have periods ?
The little princess knew what period was. It was a time in the month were her
sister would be even more aggressive and that she had to wash blood spots on Aeka
underwear. She also knew that it was a very important sign of womanhood.
- No. Not yet.
- And do you masturbate ?
- Wh.. what ? What do.. what do you mean ?
- Do you touch yourself sometimes to give yourself pleasure ?
A grim smile was on Washu's face. Sasami was remembering the extraordinary feelings
she had during her experience with Mihoshi, the touch of her own hand on her sex had created
sparks of pleasure inside her. It even made her create a little of that juice that she
so feverously drinked from Aeka and Mihoshi. Her body started to feel hot, she wanted to
put her hands inside her panties but could not. She was red from embarrassment.
- Hu, can I go now ? I don't feel so good and I have a lot of work to do.
- You dint respond to my question. By the way, I would like to show you a little
A giant screen came out of the floor in front of the girls.
- I would like you to take a look at that and tell me what you see.
As she pressed a button on a panel the surrounding got darker and the screen
lighted-up. On it appeared a ceiling-view of the Masaki's living room. Mihoshi was clearly
asleep on one couch while a little blue-haired girl was touching the breasts of the officer
with her hands. They could see the little girl looking around then removing Mihoshi's
shirt to reveal the magnificent officer's breasts. As the movie got on and on the princess
was speechless. Her eyes were wide open, signs of despair, fear and embarrassment on her face.
Meanwhile Washu was recording the physiological reactions of Sasami. Her body was heating up
like a furnace and the hormones readings showed a definitive sexual reaction. As she looked
at the screen herself she did started to feel some excitement too, her clit was calling
for caress and so was the rest of her body. The princess was astonished by what she was seeing.
Washu knew all along what happened that day. Does she knows about her sister ? Seeing those
scenes were making her feel hot again. She could sense moisture building in her panties
and she was craving to touch her sex but she was still binded to the wall. As the end of the
movie was nearing the little girl's breath was quick, sweat was pearling everywhere on her
body and she could feel a drop of her own juice rolling down her left legs to stop a her sock.
Washu was looking at her with a smile. She too was feeling more and more exited but not much
by the movie but by the reactions of Sasami. Finally the film ended by a view of Sasami climbing
the stairs in a hurry, a red panties in her hand. The film had ended, but no light came. The sole
illumination was coming from the statics of the now useless screen. The only sound was Sasami's
heavy breath. The feeling between her legs was nearly hurting her, she HAD to touch herself to
let go a little of the pressure there. Then Washu's voice came from the darkness.
- So, what were you saying about touching yourself ?
No responses came, only rapid and heavy breathing.
- You seem pretty daring about sexual relation with your housemates Sasami. Do you do this often ?
With Mihoshi ? With somebody else ?
- No... first time ever... Mihoshi... will not do it again... promise... please let me go.
- First time with Mihoshi ? And what with others ? Does your sister disappearance has something
to do with that ?
- No.. yes... gave her... pleasure... She asked... I swear.
- I see. Did she touch you too ? Did she gave you "pleasure" too ?
- No... all this new for me... never felt like that before... nobody never touched me.
- Nobody eh ?
- No.
- And you never touched yourself before the other day with Mihoshi ?
- No
- Did it bring pleasure to you ?
- .... y.. yes
- Would you like to feel that again. To have it both ways this time. Not only to give it but
also to receive it ?
No responses. The speed of the breathing increased again.
- So ?
- Yes... YES!
Washu walked from behind the platform and was standing between Sasami and the screen. Although
all that the princess could see was a dark shadow against the static field she could tell that
the scientist had removed all her clothes. Since the platform was still overing a foot in the
air, their heads were nearly at the same height but Washu was still standing in front of the
screen, a couple of meters away from the binded girl. Having the light in her back instead that
in front of her she could perfectly see Sasami. Her face was red, her body covered with sweat, she
could distinguish some moisture on the princess's panties and on her legs and two hard nipples were
pointing directly at her under the light shirt. This view was overwhelming for Washu and she could
not stop her hand to quickly touch her own sex. She rubbed herself only once then removed her hand,
took a good breath and walked toward Sasami. She used her right hand to caress the girl's hair, slowly
and passionately. She then started to go down, caressing her cheek, her nose, she passed a finger on
the princess's lips and the girl reacted by licking it. The hand was now on the neck, caressing both
sides and the back of her head. Then, her hand still behind the head, Washu gave a light but passionate
kiss on the princess's neck. Sasami let go a little "ah!", the heat inside of her was burning. She
had to be touched now, quickly, why Washu was taking so long ? In reaction to the princess exclamation
Washu put her mouth near her right hear and whispered: "It's only the beginning".
The scientist took a step backward and was now looking at the pointed breasts of the little girl. They
seemed bigger than what they looked like when the princess had all her clothes on. Being careful not
to touch the body, Washu stated to open the light kimono-shirt that was the last layer of clothes
before the skin. Bra, of course, was a earth invention and even if Aeka had adopted it her little
sister didn't really needed one yet. The shirt open, the blue-haired girl chest was in full view of Washu.
The little breasts were indeed bigger than Washu thought. Although they were still smaller than hers,
the scientist had no doubt that Sasami would be at the same development stage than her in a matter of
months. The breasts were standing about two inches in front of the rest of her chest, two little pink
nipples, about the size of a nickel, were erected and eagerly awaiting to be touched. Lower, a
flat stomach was visible with a middle line going from the base of the breast to the blue lines of the
panties. The scientist got down on her knees to take a better look at those panties. They were "standard"
kid cotton underwear, sky-blue with a little pink ribbon on the top, it was really getting wet now. A line
of moisture was present from between the girl's legs to the middle top of the panties. The fine line of the
pussy lips was visible trough the underwear soaked in the girls love juice. Placing her face nearer to the
panties, Washu put a light kiss on the base of it and then run a finger along the full length of the pussy
lips. At the contact, even if it was over the underwear, Sasami arched her back and let go a loud "AH!".
She never felt like that. When she touched herself the feeling was incredible but there was no description
for the sensation she had now that somebody else was touching her. Smiling at the princess's reactions, Washu
kept running her finger on the panties, going slowly back and forth. After only a minute or so, the girl's
breathing got quicker as she climaxed. No sound came from Sasami's mouth as juice flowed out of her. The
scientist was surprise of the early orgasm. "Already? Wow Jurain really ARE sensitive".
The princess was extenuated. It was only the second orgasm of her life but this one was already so much
powerful than the first one that the princess was wondering how many other surprises her own body
had in reserve. Not more that a minute had passed when Sasami felt that the floating wall was moving. The
"wall" was rolling backward until it come to a horizontal position, now being more a table than a wall.
The restrains on her ankle suddenly disappeared but her hands where still held above her head. Although the
only light in the room was still coming from the statics of the big screen "TV", the girl could see Washu
climbing on the table and placing herself just above her. The scientist was on her "all-four", just above
the little princess. She could see the green eyes looking at her. Slowly she lowered herself toward Sasami and
kissed her again. At first she was only giving quick kiss on the princess's face but before long their lips
made contact, creating waves on pleasure into both girls. Washu used her hand to open Sasami's mouth and
began to use her tongue to explore the girl's orifice. Surprised at first to have somebody else's tongue
in her mouth, the princess quickly adapted and sent her tongue in response. After about one minute of passionate
kissing, the scientist broke the embrace and started to move downward. Once above the princess's breast she started
to blow softly some air on the already hard nipples. She kept teasing the little girl for sometime. Sasami
was about to become crazy. The light contact of the air on her breast was good but not enough, she wanted to be
touched but her hands were still binded. Smiling at the look on Sasami's face Washu, now sat on her knees, begun
to rub the tits with her hands. At first she was only caressing the "outer rim" of them but slowly she made her
way up to the already hard nipples. Playing with them with her fingers she suddenly pinch them hard. The sock
passed trough the princess's body as she let go a little cry of pain.
"Oh! I'm sorry. Did I hurt you ?" asked the scientist with a grim smile on her face. "Here, let me heal them." she
said as she moved her mouth toward Sasami's right breast. At first she only stoke the hurting nipple with her tongue
but before long she was sucking it gently. She switched from one nipple to the other, some times only kissing them,
some times engulfing them completely in her mouth. Sasami was drifting in a world of bliss and pleasure. She tried
to rub her tight one on another to get some friction on her sex but to no avail.
Again Washu moved downward. Her hands were running down Sasami's waist as she was nearing the now soaked cotton panties.
She removed them slowly, kissing the princess's tights as she was doing it. A thin line of blue hair was running
along the lips, juice making them glowing. Closing her eyes Washu was smelling the area. "Hum, it's been a long time
indeed. And I think it will even be better than with Yume (*)." It dint take long for Sasami to reach her second
organs of the day. The red-haired girl had only started to touch the princess that she was convulsing with joy.
"You do taste good you knew that?" asked the scientist. No response came from Sasami; she was trying to catch
her breath.
= So! Liked that ?
No words. Only a smile, a beautiful and satisfied smile.
- Don't think its finished. Now its my turn.
With a snap of her fingers she freed Sasami's hands. She quickly placed herself upside-down on the princess
in a good old 69. Washu's pubic hair were brushing on Sasami's face, her eyes were wide open. The scientist
was not doing anything, her eyes were closed, waiting for Sasami. Washu was already pretty much exited, her juice
was dripping from her sex to Sasami's face. Licking it out of her cheeks the princess began to lick her friend.
Her experiences was helping. She immediately found Washu's clit and attacked it hard with her tongue and fingers.
It dint take long either before Washu climaxed but Sasami dint stop. She wanted more of this new juice, still
good but again just a little different from the others. Washu was catching her breath while smiling. It as been
good and Sasami looked like up for another round. She started fingering, licking her sucking her partner. She
could feel the princess's fingers inside of her and did the same. "Wow, at least she is still a virgin, look
how tight she is." The confirmation came quickly as she reached Sasami's hymen. She pushed it a little
but decided to let it intact. Instead she used some tricks that Sasami dint know, secret pleasure places, electric
zones, areas of joy. Sasami was overwhelm by all this, trying to do all those new wonderful things to Washu
but she did had trouble concentring. As she pushed her fingers in the scientist she absently remarked that there
was no resistance like she met into Mihoshi. Both fingering, drinking, licking, sucking, even gently biting
each other they finally came together. For Washu it was a very good relief but for Sasami it was the greatest
orgasm she never had (even if it was only her fourth). Exhausted, the little princess fallen asleep.
When she waked up she was in her bed. Looking at the clock on the wall she saw it was 3.00 p.m.
She was wondering if she had dreamed all that but then she realized she was naked. Looking at her
sex she knew she did not dreamt, her sex was swollen red and very sensitive. A sense of doubt and
fear rised into her. What is happening ? How could I ever look at Washu again ?
After half an hour of meditation a little meow startled her. Ryo-ho-ki had jumped on her bed and was
looking at her with a big smile. Smiling she took her into her arms.
= I'm so happy to see you again. But wait, if you're here its mean that Ryoko is back... and Aeka too.
She quickly got up to dress herself. Her cloths were put on the ground near her bed and so was Mihoshi's
panties but however long she looked around, she could not find her own panties.
End of part III
*-Yume. See the manga "Unreal Genius" based on the Tenchi Muyo OAV. They are pretty good.
I hope you liked this. I was very surprised to get that many good comments about the first 2 parts of this story and I
would like to thanks all who took the time to give their impressions to me, even to that MST guy (hell, I thought I
had time to loose). The fourth part should come out soon and yes, it will involve Ryoko . I would welcome and
appreciate any other comments or suggestions. I know it was not as good as the others but my limitation in english
show itself much more when I have to involve more than 1 person in the same action. Thank you to Tank Cop for bugging
so often for part III that I decided to finish it.
I'm sorry it have taken that long before I finish part 3 but I promise I'll do the 2 others more quickly.
Azathoth ( bonhumm@yahoo.com )
( bonhumm@hotmail.com)
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
here is some more...um exciting anime
The Slayers
Episode 1
It was a beautiful sunny day. The birds sang and the sun was shining.
Whoopers Wax was in the forest of Casyoud. It was a mysterious forest,
fills of twisted trees. It had a very dark appearance. He was there
because he was an adventurer. He is a kind of warrior magician. In
fact, he studied the rudiments of the magic shamanist at the same
time as his military service. At the time of one of its preceding
adventures, he destroyed wretched Zagkar King triton, thus releasing
a village of the company of his malefic presence. Since, he is armed
with a fabulous sword, the sword To Summon, a magic weapon which it
had not finished discovering because had she have many capacities of
which it did not suspect the existence.
He was in this forest because the village not far from there had been
attacked by a horde of werewolf. The latter had removed several young
women and took along them some share in its wood. He swore on is honor
that He was going to make them pay their crime.
He's day passed extremely quickly. The sun lay down and it was still
in wood. He had not found anything. After another hour of functioning,
it felt an odor of kitchen. It was fish. Somebody made cook fish. He
thus moved towards the odor to step of wolf.
It to discover a camping. In fact, they is more two individuals close
to a campfire, surely to the lost travellers or adventurers like him.
It was a red-headed young woman, very pretty. Although it did not have
much chest, but her general forms were rather interesting. She carried
red trousers moulding and a yellow shirt. Beside it, one could notice
the presence of a black cape and decorated metal shoulder armor
ornamented by ruby. She was probably a magician. Perhaps even a witch.
She ate fish and this, rather voraciously. She did not seem this
concerned about nothing other.
Not far from it, a man slept, surely his boy friend. He was fair and
carried a blue leather and punt armor. A true male. It appeared to
have all that it is necessary at the good place.
Whoopers remained in my bush. He do not know why he stay here.
Probably he perverse side which took the top. He look the couple in
the hope which it puts a little more at ease or perhaps even, that
she fuck the light-haired boy.
After her meal, she rose and moved towards the bush where he was
hidden. She did not seem to suspect his presence. She stopped in front
of the bush and turned back on this last, then she detached her belt
and lowered her breeches. Where he was, he saw her quite round ass, it
look like a beautiful heart. She leaned while re-entering her back
train in the bushes. He stopped breathing because he had her posterior
with a few centimeters of his face. He was afraid which she feels his
breath on what was on the level of his mouth.
While passing there, he could simulated a sheet! Not insane his
idea... He thus opened the mouth and stretched its tongue. He touched
something. It was the edge of one of the lips of her female body.
Whoopers remained thus, forgetting why she had ideally placed itself
She urinated. She pee sprinkled the face of Whoopers, more
particularly the mouth. He was moved back with softness for not
which she realizes of his presence. Then, he waited until she is
raised. She is what she did when she had finished pee. She went up her
breeches. Then turned over close to fire and fell asleep.
To be continued
The Slayers
Épisode 1
The following day, Whoopers was always in its bushes. " They surely
will have one morning fuck" is said it. "I can't believe that they
are only friend."
It's weird, it seemed that yes. The warrior rose and awoke the
russet-red one. Then, they left and left their camping. He had waited
here for nothing, but he decided to follow them, in case of...
something append.
Half of the day passed without it not occurring anything. His hiding
talents were very useful to him. He could follow them without them
noticing his presence. About midday, there was finally something. They
arrived in a clearing, and in the center of this one, there was a
thatched cottage.
"Come, we will see if the owners can help us", she said.
They went to the thatched cottages. It had been empty, no sign of
life, even not for several days.
"It's empty ", said the man. "I think the better thing to do is leave
this place."
The girl returned from another part of the cottages.
"They have a bath", she said. "We will camp here for today. That will
make change good a night. "
Whoopers thus moved towards the other side of the hut and entered the
bathroom by the window. It was very modest. A simple giant vat was
used as bath-tub. It was out of metal. Below, the woman had lit a fire.
That probably heated water.
Suddenly, the door open. He thus hid him in the only possible place,
i.e. behind a folding screen. The girl entered and touched the water
of her hand to check the temperature.
She removed her clothing and she was plunged in water. From where he
was, Whoopers did not see anything. He is really frustrated.
She spent a full hour in the bath-tub then came out and moved from
there towards the hook where she had left her clothing.
She was naked in front of the hook. She sat down on the bank close
to the folding screen and looked at her thighs stripped. Her fingers
went to interior of its thighs, she felt her smooth skin.
"Elme", she blew.
Her fingers touched her russet-red pubic hair and she half-opened
her legs a little. Her fingers found the large lips of her vulva.
She extended on the back, raised and separated the knees. She
descended the hand and cherished her clitoris. Her large lips opened
and her slit started to disgust, wet pleasure. She deeply plunged a
finger in her vagina while with the assistance of the other hand,
she held a pressure on its clitoris.
"Mmmmmmmmm!!!!!" She continued a long moment thus, then, she put
on her clothe and come out of the bathroom.
To be continued... in part 3...
Ranma 1/2 Fanfic - Lemon (Warning inherent)
Verson 1.3
****** WARNING ******
This story contains major sexually explicit material that should
not be viewed bye children under the age of consent (18 in the US). It
should additionally not be viewed by the elderly, people with heart
conditions and/or pace makers (kind of pompous, don't you think?). Anyways,
basically I'm saying if you're easily offended or would have any reason to
flame me after reading this *DON'T READ IT*
Standard disclaimer: The characters in this fanfic are owned, body and soul
by Rumiko Takahashi (sorry if I butchered your name,
Rumi) the creator of that amazing series we all came
to know and love as Ranma 1/2. Etc. etc.
You have good fangs for a horse
It was a hard saturday shift at Nekohaten and Shampoo was tired.
Finally, at 8 pm when the restaurant finally closed the chinese girl sighed,
"Why won't Ranma come by?" she said aloud.
She asked herself. She sat in a booth as she rested for the
first time in hours. She was tired and a little depressed, she realized,
something was needed to relieve her of her stresses.
Looking around, the place was completely empty. Grandmother had
gone to a local merchants meeting tonight and wouldn't be back until late,
Mousse had disappeared, probably out causing trouble for Ranma
beat him for that> she thought. The work wouldn't have been tough had it
not been for their absence. As it was, she still had an hour or two of
cleanup to do before she slept. Again, she sighed audibly.
An hour and a half later Shampoo lie on her futon. She was very
weary from the work but at the same time she knew she could not sleep.
Her thoughts turned to Ranma. Oh, how great he was! He was so strong and
handsome-her future husband. Wouldn't it be great to have him here right
now on her futon? All the girl wanted in the world was to express her love
for him.
she thought to herself.
her mind repeated. Shampoo's mind began to wander.
She would see him sitting up at the head of her futon, looking
anxious. In the doorway she would appear, her hair flowing down her naked
back, her breasts pressing against the fabric of her Langerie. Her beloved
husband would look at her and gasp. Shampoo would say nothing as she slowly
walks towards the bed and her dream lover stares and gawks incredulously.
"Silly Ranma," she would giggle. As she sat down she would put her hands
on his shoulder and slowly pull her hands down to undo his shirt. Soon
he was bare chested and she was carressing his bare skin. He was still
staring, incredulous. She giggled again as she removed her lacy top,
leaving her clad in only panties.
Ranma's eyes bulged at the sight. Shampoo slowly reached down and
grabbed his hand. She placed it on her left breast. He looked at his
hand and looked at her. His eyes moved down to his hand once more, then
reverted to Shampoo's face and focused on her eyes.
"Shampoo, I love you." he whispered. Shampoo smiled and placed her mouth
to his ear, "Wo ai ne." She said.
Ranma heard this and his attitude changed, the decloration of love
freeing his inhibitions as she knew it would. He begins to move his hand on
her breast. He would gently squeeze and rub. His head moved in and placed
it in between her breasts, feeling close to her as he rubbed some more.
Shampoo's nipple began to harden from the stimulation. She felt the center
of her breasts harden and she moaned audibly.
Back in Nekohaten Shampoo had moved her hand to her breast and was
becoming very aroused. Suddenly she realized what she was doing. She
looked down at her busom and immediately a feeling of aprehension took over
her. It subsided a moment later as another feeling, seemingly more
powerful told her to continue. As her hand began to caress her breast
she said to herself "Shampoo should stop....but...."
Ranma, leaving his early inaction behind began licking Shampoo in
earnest. Shampoo felt his tongue go very gently over her erect nipple. She
felt herself shudder with the slow motion, making her shiver. As Ranma
worked on her breast with his tongue, his hands were moving down to another
Shampoo felt his hands touch her panties as she gasped from his
tongue. He began to slowly rub his hands slowly up and down between her
legs over the panties. Shampoo shied away from the contact for a moment as
she realized for the first time that she was soaking her panties. Ranma,
feeling this area, looked up for a moment and looked into her eyes,
smiling serenly.
Shampoo other hand had by now made it's way down to her panties.
She was slowly rubbing, feeling her slight bulge in the front. Her palm
moved slowly back and forth across her front. This made her feel great.
She realized though, that she would need more. Putting her hand inside the
top of her panties she put her hand down into her sex. Slowly, she began
to rub again.
Ranma had shifted his attention away from Shampoo's breasts and was
now positioned so that he was directly in front of her pubic mound. He was
rubbing somewhat rufly now, feeling the heat from the chinese girl rise.
Shampoo wriggled in place and let him play with her. Knowing that he was
teasing her, he laughed, grabbing the elastic of her soaked panties and
pulled it down and off her legs. Shampoo gasped a little as her sex became
exposed to the air. As soon as he had pulled the panties off he threw the
garment to the floor and immediately moved himself into position.
Taking a finger he traced her slit. Starting from the very top he
moved his finger down, lubricated even there, all the way down to her
opening. He smiled at her again. "Now I'll show you how much I love you,
Shampoo!" he said. Ramma brought his head in. As soon as he was there
Shampoo could once again feel his tongue. This time it made it's way across
a much more sensitive area and Shampoo once again gasped, "Wode Airen!"
Ranma didn't rise this time, instead he continued to lick. After
a little while of this he brought his hands in. Slowly, he pulled the
young chinese girl's virgin folds apart. Shampoo gasped once again as he
pushed his tongue deep inside her.
Shampoo had her finger inside herself, her hand slowly pushing and
pulling on her sex as well as her finger. Her body was completely a slave,
concentrating on nothing but what it needed most.
Shampoo could not believe how good this felt. She pushed down on
his face hard, her legs squeezed his head. She felt the pressure build
exponentially in her sex as his tongue lashed her again and again. Ranma's
hands had now moved up to a spot barely above his eyes. Shampoo felt his
fingers touch her newly emerged button and her head nearly overloaded from
the pleasure. He continued to caress and feel the spot, his thumb rubbing
up and down slowly.
She was about ready to explode, her sex was crying out to her for
release, the pleasure from both her opening and her clitoris pounding like
a jack hammer in rhythum. Her heart and body beat in time as she felt the
inevitable approaching.
The chinese girl screamed aloud as she rammed her finger in and out
of her vagina. She felt both pain and pleasure as her other hand pinched
her exposed clit hard. Her body shook in convultions as she felt the juice
flow from her body, soaking her futon and her hand.
Ranma looked up at her and grinned, his chin wet from her juice.
Shampoo smiled back at him, her darling husband. He moved over and lie next
to her. "Thank you, airen." she whispered to him. He said nothing as he
cuddled next to her and put his head on her chest. Shampoo smiled at him,
and closed her eyes.
Even hours later Shampoo sat awake. If only Ranma could give her
the experience she just had! She knew that he could do it, she wanted so
much to lose her virginity to him. She knew also that he was the one she
wanted to do it with. The girl thought about what she wanted and tried to
think of what she could do about it.
She had come close once, with a potion that would cause him to hug
the person closest to him whenever a specific sound occurred. She frowned,
that one had backfired, Shampoo had sneased during the incantation needed
and the spell had sent him into the arms of Akane every time she sneased
(Akane had a cold at the time). That one had almost worked.
She thought about it for a time.
I didn't mess up...hmmm...> As she thought about it she realized there was
a more direct way to gain what she desired than to have him hug her.
if I could get him to do something more than hug...> Shampoo closed her
eyes; a wicked smile cross her face. She went downstairs to cook.
Sunday in Nekohaten was relatively mild. Cologne had returned the
night before to find her granddaughter up stirring a cauldron full of spices
and other stuff. "Goodnight, Shampoo." was all that she had said. Shampoo
had hardly even noticed, to intend on making the ingredients just right.
And right she had mixed them, and now her potion was finished. Soon
she would have Ranma all to herself. she thought,
can get Ranma to do *THAT* he'll be forced to marry me> and the evil smile
came across her face once again as she absent-mindedly served the tables.
Ranma almost always came in on Sundays. After Ukyou, he would
always come over to her restaurant to get a free bowl of Ramen. Back in the
kitchen she had her special ramen kept hot, two bowls at ready.
The flashback to her plan was interupted by a shout from behind
Shampoo. The shout was immediately followed by a loud, distinctive quack.
She turned around to see a duck on the floor, next to it several pitchers of
now empty iced tea. "Mousse no baka." she said.
The day was late and Shampoo was depressed. Her darling Ranma had
not stopped by and by now it looked like he wouldn't. Cologne had left
again, this time on an errand and wouldn't be back any time soon. Shampoo
sat with a frown at one of her tables, there would be no more customers
"Uh, excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Tendo Dojo?" came a voice
from the front door. Well, perhaps one more.
"Ryouga-san! What happen to you?" Shampoo jumped up. Ryouga was in less
than perfect condition. His shirt was torn, his hair messed. He looked
like he had recently been in a fight.
"Ummm, I'm not sure...ever seen the movie tron?" he replied.
"No, Shampoo no seen that one." she said, her mind elsewhere.
How she had wanted Ranma to show up. Down between her legs she
could still feel the slight heat being generated by the idea. If only he
would have made it here! Now stupid Ryouga showed up in his place. Shampoo
let out a sigh. It's not that she disliked Ryouga, she did like him. In
fact, she appreciated many of the things he did to try to break Ranma and
Akane up. It was just that...well...he wasn't who she wanted to see right
She glanced at Ryouga.
"Ryouga hungry?" she asked him sweetly, trying to hide her depression.
"Famished." he said back.
"Mousse!" yelled Shampoo.
"Yes, my blue haired goddess?!" Mousse was there in half a second.
"Get Ryouga-san Ramen!" she barked.
"A-Anything you say my precious Shampoo!" Mousse stuttered as he scuffled
off to the kitchen.
In the kitchen Mousse went to the stove where a small pot of Ramen
was being heated. Without skipping a beat he scooped up some and
immediately returned to his beloved Shampoo.
"Here's your ramen, Ryouga." he said as he set the Ramen down on the table.
Mousse saw as the blurry figure in front of him reached above his
eyes, grabbed his glasses, and pulled them down over his eyes. Mousse
blinked at the purple-haired figure in front of him.
"Mousse no baka!" Shampoo shouted as a Mousse shaped hole appeared in the
Ryouga ignored the excessive violence as he quickly ate his ramen.
Soon he was done and he looked up at Shampoo.
"Ramen good, Ryouga?" she asked.
"Very good Shampoo, thank you." Ryouga replied. "It's just what I need for
energy so I can find that cad Ranma and beat the hell out of him."
Shampoo scowled.
"You no hurt Ranma!" she said angrily, looking as though she might jump at
Ryouga saw that he had went too far.
"I'm sorry," he said and looked at the scowling girl. She was pretty cute
when she was angry. *VERY* cute, as a matter of fact. He felt a twitch
from somewhere near his belt.
"Good, no one hurt airen." she said back.
Ryouga found that he couldn't keep his eyes off of Shampoo. He
looked straight at her chest, her perky breasts were prominent against the
fabric. This time he felt a painful pressure in his pants. He suddenly
realized what he was thinking. he thought to himself
Shampoo saw Ryouga's inner conflict and immediately became
concerned. Something bothered her, for some reason she feared she knew why
he was acting the way he was.
Ryouga's inner resolve was breaking down. The more he looked at
Shampoo the more he knew that he needed her. He felt incredibly lusty.
The truth hit Shampoo like a freight train. The ramen! That stupid
Mousse had taken the ramen from the pot that was for Ranma! Ryouga was now
taking the place of Ranma...he was going to take the role.
Ryouga suddenly burst across the table, taking both Shampoo's arms
and pulling them to her sides. Shampoo was terrified. She knew what he
meant to do but as she looked at his strong arms, much like Ranma's she
could not find it in her heart to resist him.
Rape her? That wasn't right, she realized. Mousse had messed up
and brought the wrong Ramen but Shampoo had been the one intending to do
this...just not with Ryouga.
she thought.
Ryouga was by now exploding with the sexual energy burning within
him. He needed it, he needed it now. Getting atop Shampoo, grabbing at
her breasts through the fabric, she resisted some but he couldn't stop now.
He pulled the collar open and opened the rest of the top so that it
laid her chest bare. This made him stop. She wasn't wearing a bra.
Shampoo was a little frightened when he opened her chest to him.
Again, she couldn't find it in her heart to resist him. She knew she
probably shouldn't, but this was technically her fault and now with him
fondling her breasts she was becoming less adverse to what was happening,
in fact she began to enjoy it. Her body had been ready to do this all day
long. *IT* didn't care who this man was.
Ryouga reached down and pulled on the chinese girl's dress again.
This time he put his hands in so that he could reach her panties and he
immediately ripped them off. Pulling up the fabric so he could see her
clearly he caught a glimpse of her pussy and immediately knew he needed a
Shampoo gasped as he touched her cleft with his toungue. It felt so
good. She would work ten times as hard by herself to feel this good. This
is the feeling she dreamed Ranma would give to her. She squirmed as his
tongue licked up and down her slit.
Ryouga was totally mindless by know. Licking and panting, like an
animal only lust remained in his mind. After only a short period he grabbed
Shampoo and picked her up, then he turned her around and forced her on her
knees and kneeled behind her.
Shampoo's heart beat faster as he came behind her. She had been
readying herself for Ranma all day. She had been expecting this moment and
she knew she wanted it regardless of the fact that it wasn't her beloved
husband. She needed it now, she didn't care who it was. Her ass jerked
into the air as she readied herself.
Ryouga moved his hips into position behind her and undid his pants.
By now his cock was painfully pressing against the hem of his pants. He
released it from its restrictions and wasted no time at placing at her
Grabbing her hips, with a savage lunge Ryouga thrust himself
into the tight virginal folds. The chinese girl cried out in pain, blood
trickling down her leg from her broken hymen. Ryouga quickly pulled out for
a moment and then thrust in again, impaling her further this time. Shampoo
yelped again as he tore into her, her folds parting once more.
Ryouga was a madman, pushing his pole far inside the girl and then
quickly pull back only to thrust in again; pulling her with him all the way.
He felt his balls slap her as he thrust and as he saw his glistening wet
member come out of her hole every time he withdrew.
Shampoo whimpered as he rode her. She jerked back and forth as
his iorn hard sword went back and forth inside her. She felt his pole
stretch the walls of her vagina wider as he thrust, and felt them contract
on him member, not letting it go as he pulled out of her. She grimaced
slightly as he hit her cirvix on one thrust, but the small discomfort was
far outweighed by the immence pleasure it was bringing her. She could do
nothing, nothing but let herself in to him. Her back arched as she felt the
rhythm inside her build, almost there....
Ryouga felt his energy almost ready to release. He thrust harder,
grabbing Shampoo's ass and pulling and pushing hard on it as he felt the
chinese girl's cunt pulling on his member, not letting it go for anything.
Finally he knew he could hold no longer and let the eager vagina have what
it wanted.
Shampoo felt the hot fluid gush into her hole. It was all the more
she needed and she herself exploded. She felt her fluid join with his as
she shuddered in pleasure. The girl Shook under him but he wasn't done
cumming, he continued to thrust harder and harder into her. Finally he was
done and collapsed on top of her, his cock still buried inside Shampoo.
Shampoo was as exhausted as he was, she too fell asleep on the floor
of Nekohaten.
Author's Notes
Well, this is my first fanfic and it's a lemon. :) Anyways, this
fanfic was thought up in about an hour with the help of a friend of mine.
It was written in about 3 hours and edited for about an additional 1.
Now the big question: Does writing this fanfic make me a hentai?
I don't know. I do know that I enjoy writing and I did enjoy writing this
fanfic. If that makes me a pervert, fine. I can live with it H_H.
Is this destined to become a series? Probably not but If I get
good responses I may continue writing fanfics. If not, I won't. This does
_NOT_ include flames. Flames will be simply deleted and ignored.
Some may ask why I chose Shampoo and Ryouga for a pair. Well to
tell you the truth I didn't have a particular reason. I simply wanted a
couple that didn't normally appear in lemons. I've seen to many of the
Ranma/Akane, Ranma-chan/Akane, Shampoo/Mousse, Nabiki/Kuno, Kasumi/Tofu,
Ukyou/Ryouga combinations and I wanted to try something else. I have to
admit the aphrodesiac idea that Shampoo whipped up wasn't that origonal but
I couldn't think of any other really good way to get these two together.
Should I continue writing like this? You tell me. I'm a new author
and as such need input so that I can improve. Thanx a million to all of
those that respond. C-ya!
* Nall - nall@goldengate.net *
Ranma 1/2 Fanfic - Hard hangover (Part 2 of ? of the Hentai adept series)
*** WARNING *** *** LEMON FANFIC ***
This fanfic may contain sexually explicit material and is
not to be read by anyone under the age of 18. If you're
under 18, I don't really care because who actually listens
to these warnings anyway?
Disclaimer: All the characters in this fic are the work
and intellectual property of Rumiko
Takahashi. These characters are not owned
by me and I hope that I won't be sued for
using them as players in my sick, twisted
Hard Hangover
Shampoo and Ryouga lay asleep on the floor of Nekohanten. Ryouga
sleeping soundly on top of the girl. Upon closer inspection one could
notice the fact that from the waist down both were nude and that Ryouga
appeared to still have his prick in a postion close to Shampoo's cleft.
Several hours after thier mutually-unwanted sexual encounter
Shampoo awoke. She felt quite claustrophobic, lying under the large
teenager who had ridden her. She felt his chest on her back, and his soft
prick still touched her between the legs. She began to rise, attempting
to lift herself from beneath him but it was to no avail. Ryouga was heavy
and Shampoo's arms were in such a position as she could not get them under
her with enough strength to push him off. At her attempt he merely
groaned and actually moved so that he pinned her even more.
Shampoo realized this was not going to work and so she tried a
different approach.
"Ryouga, wake up." she said. He didn't respond.
"Ryouga. Wake up!" she said with more force. He stirred slightly.
"RYOUGA! SHAMPOO SAY WAKE UP!" she yelled, annoyed. Ryouga blinked his
eyes and rolled over as Shampoo pushed herself to her knees.
He rolled on his side and rubbed his eyes. When he opened his eyes
he was looking directly at a purple-haired girl, half naked, looking at him
with a half-furious, half-terrified expression.
"Shampoo? What...am...I...?" Ryouga looked around. He was far from an
expert at knowing where he was, but Ryouga knew the Nekohanten.
"What am I doing here?" he mumbled aloud, trying not to look at the girl's
face, or the fact that she was doing her best not to reveal her half-naked
body to him. Shampoo looked at him with big eyes; in a face that might
shatter into tears at any moment.
He remembered walking into the restaurant late at night; he had of
course been looking for the Tendo Dojo to pay back Ranma for some reason or
another he didn't remember at the moment.
Ryouga rememered sitting down and having been offered some Ramen,
and, seeing as how he had been looking for the Dojo all day accepted
Shampoo's gift of food.
"But what happened after that?" he asked himself whispering. Looking up at
Shampoo, her pants lying on the floor, his pulled down around his ankles,
Shampoo acting the way she was...even a thick-headed fool like him could
figure out what had happened.
"Oh, my god. What happened after that?"
Shampoo sat with her knees pulled up against her chest in the fetal
position. Her head was fighting with itself. One side blamed Ryouga for
doing this to her. The second, and more rational side told her that it
wasn't really his fault. the one
side said. the second reminded
her. But she could not seem to resolve the conflict and a moment later it
fell into chaos.
"Shampoo....need a bath..." she said.
Ryouga looked up and nodded at her. He tried not to watch as she
stood up, a slight limp in her step that appeared to come from her
midsection. She picked up her pants and walked to the back where a full
bathroom was.
When she had shut the door to the bathroom Ryouga sighed.
"What have I done to her? What happened last night?" he hit his head on the
floor, making it splinter as he sorted through the fractal images of the
previous night.
He remembered little after he had eaten the ramen. Fighting hard,
he got some broken images to appear in his head. They did not please him.
"I...r...raped shampoo..." he said to his own unbelieving ears.
Shampoo closed the door and put her back to it. Leaning against it
she began to sob. she thought.
It wasn't that she didn't enjoy the act; she had been completely
prepared for rough sex, after all what else had she prepared that potion
for, after all? She absent-mindedly put her hand to her stomach, her
vagina very sore from the act a few hours ago.
"Shampoo fault. It not Ryouga..." she told herself sternly, trying to
convince herself. Even with her attempted resolve, the tears would not
cease flowing from her eyes.
"Akane!" Ryouga nearly burst out in horror. "I have betrayed Akane!"
He was about to continue with his self beating when Shampoo exited
from the bath. He looked up at her. She now wore a new dress and looked
good except for the look on her face and her red eyes. He could tell she
had been crying.
"Shampoo...I..." Ryouga said to her but Shampoo held up her hand to speak.
"Shampoo need to tell you something." she paused for a moment, "Shampoo
make potion for Ranma; Shampoo put potion in Ramen... and you Ryouga eat
Ryouga was silent for a moment.
"You mean that... what just happened just now was... because of that Ramen
that I ate?" he looked at her incredulously. She smiled weakly, "Hai."
Again, the boy was silent.
"Shampoo, I'm... sorry this happened..." Ryouga said after a moment.
"Shampoo sorry too." she said softly.
"I... I'm... sorry if I hurt you..." he managed to say to her, not meeting
her gaze.
"Shampoo alright...just sore..." she replied in a voice that she tried to
make sound nonchalant.
They were both silent for a long time. Again, Ryouga spoke.
"Are you alright, otherwise...?" he asked her with a serious look.
"Shampoo be alright," she thought deeply for a moment. "After all...
Shampoo not dislike all that much."
Ryouga was taken aback. She had enjoyed it?
"You... liked it, Shampoo?" he blurted out.
Shampoo searched inwardly for a long moment. The strange thing
about the whole affair was that she *HAD* enjoyed it. She wasn't so broken
up now, and looking at Ryouga now she realized it didn't really bother her
that she had sex with him. Earlier, when she saw the experience at a
negative, the pain was intense. The only thing was, it wasn't logical.
Shampoo had been looking for sex, and she had gotten what she was looking
She really wished that Ranma would have been the one who she went
through this with, but Ryouga was not a bad person for unwittingly eating
the food. She was by far at the most fault. In fact, after she realized
this she felt a kind of closeness to Ryouga; something she had never felt
before. But she also felt that she had wronged him, by making him play
this role. Shampoo felt dishonored.
The act itself had it's own... rewards. Shampoo thought again about
the pain that was still present in her lower region.
she told herself. To many people this would have been a
negative comment, but it Shampoo's thought; Shampoo loved violence.
Yes, in retrospect, she had enjoyed it.
Shampoo nodded her head and smiled for the first time tonight.
Ryouga was relieved by this, but he also wasn't completely convinced.
He didn't work to hard on it, though, he had a crisis of his own.
he thought, .
His began leaving his physical attention behind and diving into
the turmoil inside his head as Shampoo reached over and kissed him on the
"Ryouga, go. We talk later." Shampoo said to him, almost brightly.
He nodded at her, a short time away would give them both time to
think about what they now meant to each other.
Shampoo was soundly asleep by the time that Cologne finally got
home. Mousse had come in earlier that night through the back and, luckily
for Shampoo and Ryouga, gone straight to his room. Shampoo sighed with
almost wonderment and thought about her future husband.
Ryouga walked out into the night. Not sure of where to go, he just
walked towards the country. To go out and reflect upon what a night it
had been.
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Well, back to popular demand I have written the second part. I hope
everyone is not dissappointed in the fact that this part contained no lemon
material but I felt I needed to reflect on what I wrote in the first part.
After I recieved much feedback from the first, I realized that I had
some demeaning (to Shampoo) sections in my book. I attempted to rectify
them in this section by giving her a little more conscience. I could not,
however, leave her devistated by this event. Although many may consider
this a rape fic to this point, I do not see it that way in the eyes of the
characters. For this reason I had Shampoo get over her anger and not be
overcome by it.
Secondly, about my feedback. I recieved many positive comments
concerning the story. But my thanks go out to one individual who sent me a
letter pointing out grammatical errors and other messups I made in sentance
structure (I probably should have looked at it more. After all, I *DID*
write it at 1 in the morning, while falling asleep; I was bound to make
mistakes). I *DO* have normally good grammar but I guess that in this
instance I did not do enough proofreading (my major downfall, I hate
proofreading!!!!). For this I intend to find someone who can help me to
proofread my work before I publish it. One fine gentleman has already
offered this, but I would appreciate others.
Lastly, I thank all the people who gave responses to my first work.
Without those responses I feel I would not have written this. This work
will (probably) be posted in RAAC along with the next chapter, so that all
those of you who read this for the Hentai value won't be bored. :)
Write time: 1:23 minutes
Revision time: 28 minutes
* Nall - nall@goldengate.net *
Ranma 1/2 Lemon Fanfic - To every cat there is a season - part 3 of ? of the
Hentai Adept Series
Standard disclaimer:
These characters are not owned by
me and I am using them without
permission from Rumiko Takahashi.
So there.
This is a LEMON fanfic, if you know what this
means and are offended by it then don't go any
futher. Doing so would just void my warning, and
then what would I even have written this part for?
If you don't know what this means and are offended
by it then you are pretty messed up (even moreso
than me!) and if you plain don't know what a lemon
is then you should have gathered from the clues in
this paragraph that it either is, or is not
something you would appreciate.
To every cat there is a season
Shampoo woke bright and early. The sun shone in the window of
her room, illuminating her hair as she sat up and casting all kinds of odd
shaped shadows into the corners. Shampoo sighed, it was monday morning.
"Time to work." she said without sounding particularily enthused at the
prospect. Nonetheless, she rose from her futon and walked to the bathroom
where she would ready herself for a day as a waitress.
Shampoo realized as she began to bathe that her vaginal area was
still sore from the night before. She looked down at herself with
concern, checking to see if anything was different there. She realized
this was silly, many girls have had sex and she had not heard about
anything changing in them. But then again, she had never heard that
it would hurt this much. She looked down at that region again and saw
that it had not altered it's appearance from the last time she had looked.
Other than that her bath was without incident and after she had
done her business Shampoo went out to Nekohanten to open the restaurant.
As she walked into the Nekohanten's main eating area she saw Cologne
standing, staring at the floor in interest.
"Now, what's this? Now, how did that happen?" she said looking at the
splintered pinewood. Shampoo grimiced, she knew that Ryouga must have
broken the floor the previous night; he was known for that sort of thing.
She walked up behind the old women and decided to feign ignorance.
"Shampoo ready for...oh! What this, Great-Grandmother?" she asked
"It seems that somehow during the night the floor has been splintered."
Cologne replied in her contemplative voice she too often used.
"Hiya! How that happen?" Shampoo again asked with feinged concern.
"I'm not sure, child. You were here last night, were you not? Did you
hear anything...unusual?" Cologne asked inquisitively.
"Shampoo hear nothing, Great-Grandmother." she lied as best she could.
"Hmm...." Colgone thought deeply for a moment, she knew the girl was
lying but did not know why. "Alright, it must have been Mousse, then.
We'll have to be sure to punish him for that."
"Hai!" Shampoo said with relief she tried to mask as her typical frevor at
the thought of punishing Mousse. She had been worried that Cologne was
beginning to suspect her.
"I go cook now, yes?" She asked.
Shampoo worked through the day as usual. At around two o'clock
she took her break. She did not normally do this, but this Monday was
unusually quiet and she had nothing to do, anyways. She leaned against
the counter and sighed.
After a moment, she turned her head to her right to notice the
special pot of Ramen she had cooked yesterday was still sitting on the
"Hmmm, that should have been thrown out..." she mumbled. Shampoo was
about to grab it and throw the evil potion out (she couldn't use it now,
anyways. No one would eat old ramen) when she noticed something. She
looked at the ramen and there were a few noodles on top. The noodles on
top appeared to be wrapped around a spoon she had been using to stir. She
looked at it for a moment and saw that it seemed to be hard.
that's wierd.> she said as she reached for it. She grabbed it and, sure
enough, the noodle was hard.
Shampoo held the ramen piece up in front of her. Using her
thumb and index finger she snapped it in half.
"Hmmm..." she said and looked away in thought as she began absent-mindedly
rubbing the stiff noodle between her fingers. After a
moment she stopped with a start. Her crotch was burning.
"Oh! Shampoo hot all of sudden."
Shampoo looked down and looked at the noodle in her hand.
she thought. Shampoo looked down at
the pot of ramen and noticed that half the liquid the ramen was in was now
gone. her mind and body
now burning. She knew what had happened but also knew that it didn't
matter at the moment. Shampoo needed *IT* again.
After the previous night she knew she couldn't go back to doing it
by herself-the real thing was so much better-and she was really aroused
because of the ramen.
Shampoo looked out the door of the kitchen. She needed a man, she
needed one now. Scanning the room she saw many women but passed them up
immediately-she was a man hunter, and there were no men in the Nekohanten.
Shampoo began to frantically scan the room for a stud to quench
her burning lust. She was about to scream in frustration at seeing so many
women and not a single man when Mousse bumped her from behind.
"Oh, sorry great-granny, I was getting the hammer to pound in the new
boards." he said.
Shampoo grabbed him without a word and dragged off with to her
bedroom. Once there Mousse complained to her.
"What are you doing, you dried up old hag?!"
She took hold of his glasses and pulled them down over his eyes
where they should be. He was suprised, to say the least.
"Shampoo! What..." he looked at his surroundings. "What are we doing in
your room!?"
Shampoo simply sat down on her futon and invited him to join her.
Mousse nearly blew a gasket. Shampoo not only hadn't hit him yet, but she
was going to let him sit next to her.
"O...okay!" he said, his voice almost squeeking as he sat himself down.
His arms sat at his sides, usure of what his goddess wanted of him.
Shampoo grabed his head forcefully and turned it to face hers.
Mousse closed his eyes, afraid she was going to hit him like so many
times before, but the blow did not come. A kiss came in it's place.
Mousse opened his eyes and saw Shampoo's face inches from his. He
stared at her for a long moment, still unsure of what happened. Then it
dawned upon him.
"Shampoo!" he whispered in disbelief.
Shampoo merely grabbed him without a word and pushed him onto his
back. He willingly obeyed, letting his master do whatever she wanted.
She didn't fool around, immediately Shampoo began to pull open Mousse's
robe in front. Clubs, Maces, throwing darts, spears, swords and a few
cans of peaches came falling out the sleevs of his robes as Shampoo pulled
the piece of clothing completely from his torso.
Shampoo looked on as the weapons fell out. There seemed to be
hundreds of them, all comming from within his robe.
of hidden weapon he has for me?> she thought to herself, a wicked smile
momentarily crossing her face.
As soon as she had him down to nothing but boxers (with ducks on
them, no less) she positioned herself on top of his muscular stomach and
began to remove her clothing.
Mousse looked on in wonder, his mind
told him. Shampoo had barely even tolerated him before, let alone talked
to him for any length of time. he repeated his
Shampoo had her apron and top off. She towered above Mousse
wearing only her pants, her chest bare. Mousse's jaw dropped open, his
lips moved as if he wanted to say something but his mouth just flapped in
air. She looked down at her new lover and smiled. Leaning forward
against him she took his glasses from his face, noticing how handsome he was
without them. Then, leaning into his chest, she put her head next to his,
she wispered into his ear.
"Shampoo want you Mousse,"
"Sh...Shampoo.... you're not wearing a bra!" Mousse finally got it out.
"Of course not, baka. It tangle when Shampoo become cat." she answered,
wondering why every man was so amazed at this fact.
Then, sitting up on top of him again she took his hand in hers.
"Take me Mousse." she told him.
Mousse's felt like his nose was about to explode but he managed to
keep it in check. He watched as his goddess moved off of him and lie down
next to his body on the futon. He sat up and turned his head to look at her
lying there. Then, taking the inititive (and her invitation) he went for
Moving over to straddle her he leaned his head down, still not
believing his luck this day. Placing a hand at each breast he began to
rub. Shampoo sighed in pleasure as he groaped her. Her nipples were
already erect but they seemed to become even moreso as he touched her.
Shampoo wanted more pleasure. She reached out to grab Mousse's
head and pulled it in to meet her chest. Finding himself pushed into her
breast he knew what she wanted and began to lick and swirl his tounge
around her nipple.
The chinese girl moaned as this new stimulation came to her, the
heat and rythum in her body increasing.
Ryouga had not done this with her, she had only dreamed about this type of
thing in her fantasies of Ranma.
The boy continued to lick and circle her nipple. Then he tried
something. After one swirl around her breast he pushed forward slightly and
took a large part of her breast into her mouth and sucked on it. Shampoo
gasped in pleasure. Her heat below building almost exponentialy.
Mousse continued this routine for several minutes. Then, suddenly
Shampoo pushed him aside.
"Shampoo do something for Mousse, now." she said as she grabbed his
boxers. Before he could protest she pulled them from his body. Mousse
gasped in pain as the fabric pulled quickly on his member. Shampoo looked
in awe at it. His penis was large, much larger than Ryouga. Although
she hadn't really had the time to look at the other boy's member, she
could tell just by the sight that this one was much bigger than the one
that had been in her last night. The pillar stood up from his body and
held rigid. Shampoo took it in her hand and this time it was Mousse's
turn to gasp at the sensation.
Holding it, she began to pump. Mousse loved this, he sat back,
breathing hard as she played with his member. She did this for only a
short time before she moved her head up next to the monstrous thing and
began to lick the crown. Mousse merely groaned in pleasure. After she
had lubricated the head Shampoo took it in her mouth. He felt her take it
in and reflexivly thrust his pelvis forward.
Shampoo was suprised at his thrust, but did not pull away as he
began slowly pumping his member in and out of her mouth. She began to move
her head so that she would meet his thrusts half way.
Mousse was in absolute bliss. His dream come true.
much more than I could have hoped for.> He groaned as his cock moved in and
out of her wet mouth.
Shampoo's mouth was stuffed with Mousse but she kept going. His
penis was so long and wide that Shampoo felt as if she were trying to shove
a flagpole into her mouth. He began to thrust further, the end of it going
back, back towards her throat.
Mousse began moving his hips even faster until suddenly she felt
him explode. Cum came gushing from his member into her moist mouth.
Shampoo didn't know what to do, she had to get rid of it or her mouth would
fill, so she swallowed it. Gush after gush came out of Mousse as he groaned
"SHAMPOOOOO!!!" he yelled, but at a controled level. Then he stoped.
Shampoo swollowed the last of his jism and watched for a moment as his
member began to soften.
Now it was her turn. She moved her body over on top of Mousse, her
crotch now directly above her face. She pushed herself into Mousse's face.
The boy reacted after a moment, trying to figure out what she
wanted. Then he understood.
She was still wearing her pants so Mousse began to rub Shampoo
through the fabric, feeling the shape of her under her clothes. He could
feel the enormous heat comming from her and the wetness that now soaked
through even her outer pants. Even more than that, Mousse could smell her.
It was a musky odor, very strong from where he was.
Shampoo felt him removing her pants. She loved the way he was
touching her. Now with the pants off he felt closer, massaging her through
the cotton panties until he took even those.
Mousse looked in almost sheer joy as saw her treasure hanging only
a few inches from his face. He reached out with his hand and began rubbing
his fingers over her outer lips. Shampoo squirmed as he did so.
The boy was ever so gentle, rubbing gently acrost her slit, up to
the top and then down. Shampoo felt a wave of energy when he touched the
tip of her slit.
"Mousse...touch top part again..." she said to him. Mousse complied and he
began to rub Shampoo there until her love button emerged from it's hood.
Shampoo moaned her pleasure. Mousse decided to try something else. Raising
his head he began to lick her. Making long strokes and accentuating them
at her now protuding button he began to push into her lips more.
Mousse stopped on one stroke and gently took his hands to her. He
slowly and carefully parted her petals and pushed his tounge in. The
effect on the girl was electric. Mousse felt her jump as he did. He pushed
his tounge in as far as it would go. Shampoo shuddered. He began to
lash her repeatedly with his tounge.
Suddenly Shampoo began to spasm. Her whole body seemed to cry out
and Mousse found himself with a very wet face. At first he was he was a
little suprised but he quickly realized that this wasn't a bad thing. In
fact, from what he had gotten in his mouth he realized he liked the taste,
and lapped up all the stray juce.
Feeling him do this to her she began to concentrate on him again.
Looking at his soft member she wondered if she could get him up once more.
Mousse felt as Shampoo grasped his soft member in his mouth but did
not stop with his work. She did this for a while, feeling it begin to
swell. After several minutes Mousse felt his cock come
back to life in her mouth.
Shampoo, happy at having rejuvinated his tool decided it was time
to go the rest of the way. She moved off of him, rolling to the side once
more and beconed to him.
He looked at her with a look of astonishment.
"Shampoo! Are you sure you want to..." he asked her incredulously. Doing
this was one thing, but to actually go to the final stage was something
Shampoo merely nodded and motioned for him to get down. The chinese
girl watched him kneel down and move over her. Once he was in position she
spread her legs to alow him to continue. Mousse looked at her one more
time and she smiled at him. Mousse looked confused for a moment and then
smiled back, confused by the fact that in the past Shampoo smiling at him
just before she did something mean. In this incidince, it was just the
Taking his member by the hand he pressed it against her. He took it
and moved it slowly up and down her crack slowly. He looked at her,
smiling, almost playing with her. Shampoo gave him an evil glance and
warned him to continue. Seeing this, Mousse placed his tool at her entrance
and began to slowly enter her. Shampoo sighed in pleasure and in pain.
Mousse was much bigger than Ryouga and her cunt was still sore from the
other night. She knew she had to bear it, though. She gasped slightly as
he slowly pushed it in her. she
thought. Ryouga had entered her with one thrust, sending shockwaves of
pleasure and pain through her as he tore past her cherry. This was a
completely different experience, she could feel him slowly making progress
inside of her. Shampoo could feel his member slowly making it's way,
stretching her walls outward to accomidate it's wide girth. It still hurt,
but the pleasure far outweighed the price.
At last he had it all in. The entire length of his shaft was buried
inside her. Shampoo was amazed at how full she felt. She could barely
clamp down on him if she tried. Then, he pulled out.
She shuddered as he withdrew from her. Mousse felt his member pull
out to the head and paused for a moment. Then pushed it back in, forcing
it's full length into her eager body. Shampoo gasped in pleasure.
They began moving with each other, then. Using thier weight and
his forward thrusts to connect and then to dislodge, only to thrust together
again. Mousse buried his face into her chest and began to suck on her tit.
Shampoo just let him take her, grabbing bedspread in two hands.
Then, he knew he couldn't hold it anymore. He began thrusting
wildly, pushing himself as far up inside Shampoo as he could before he
burst again.
"SHAMPOOOO!!!" Mousse shouted for the second time. Shampoo felt his hot
seed shoot up far inside her. The burning stuff was too much for Shampoo
and she felt herself go as well.
"MOUUUUUUUUSEEE!" the chinese girl screamed.
Mousse, too exhausted, fell asleep. Shampoo waited for several
minutes and then rolled him off. Looking at him there, smiling like an
idiot, she knew he was innocent and hated what she had to do.
"If Mousse remember, he tell everyone he Shampoo fiance. Shampoo no can
have that....Shampoo sorry, Mousse..."
Shampoo went to the bathroom and fetched the dreaded bottle
numbered 411.
Outside, Cologne, holding a ramen noodle with a pair of chopsticks,
took her ear from the door.
"Hmmmm...." she said.
To be continued
Author's Notes:
Okay, this is not an uncommon lemon paring, I realize. I wrote this
section for two reasons. First, I needed for Shampoo to have some
consentual sex for contrast. Second, I needed to establish a continuation
of the Aphrodesiac idea. A possible additional reason was a reason to get
Cologne involved. (NO!! She will *NOT* be participating in this lemon. If
she does, I command everyone who reads it to track me down and stab me to
death with blunt objects. And *THEN* kill me). She will simply be making
plans to mess with people like she usually does.
I wrote this section of the series a meer 3 days after I wrote the
previous. I assure you all this will most likely *NOT* happen in the
future. I *DO* have things to be doing and shouldn't be spending as much
time as I do writing my sick stories ^^.
I would appreciate more mail (I so love reading mail). I have
greatly appreciated all the responses I have recieved so far. If I didn't
respond do your mail, I'm sorry, I probably misplaced it before I responed
to it. So far I have recieved no negative responses to my work. This
suprises me (Am I really that good? I really don't think I am. Somebody
stop me before this goes to my head!!)
The next section will probably be written within a month.
When within that month will depend on several factors which I won't go into
here as I know the rest of you have better things to be doing.
Oh, well.
Writing time: about 1:45
Editing time: about 35 minutes
* Nall - tyson@goldengate.net *
Comments (0) |
here is some more...um exciting anime
The Slayers
Episode 1
It was a beautiful sunny day. The birds sang and the sun was shining.
Whoopers Wax was in the forest of Casyoud. It was a mysterious forest,
fills of twisted trees. It had a very dark appearance. He was there
because he was an adventurer. He is a kind of warrior magician. In
fact, he studied the rudiments of the magic shamanist at the same
time as his military service. At the time of one of its preceding
adventures, he destroyed wretched Zagkar King triton, thus releasing
a village of the company of his malefic presence. Since, he is armed
with a fabulous sword, the sword To Summon, a magic weapon which it
had not finished discovering because had she have many capacities of
which it did not suspect the existence.
He was in this forest because the village not far from there had been
attacked by a horde of werewolf. The latter had removed several young
women and took along them some share in its wood. He swore on is honor
that He was going to make them pay their crime.
He's day passed extremely quickly. The sun lay down and it was still
in wood. He had not found anything. After another hour of functioning,
it felt an odor of kitchen. It was fish. Somebody made cook fish. He
thus moved towards the odor to step of wolf.
It to discover a camping. In fact, they is more two individuals close
to a campfire, surely to the lost travellers or adventurers like him.
It was a red-headed young woman, very pretty. Although it did not have
much chest, but her general forms were rather interesting. She carried
red trousers moulding and a yellow shirt. Beside it, one could notice
the presence of a black cape and decorated metal shoulder armor
ornamented by ruby. She was probably a magician. Perhaps even a witch.
She ate fish and this, rather voraciously. She did not seem this
concerned about nothing other.
Not far from it, a man slept, surely his boy friend. He was fair and
carried a blue leather and punt armor. A true male. It appeared to
have all that it is necessary at the good place.
Whoopers remained in my bush. He do not know why he stay here.
Probably he perverse side which took the top. He look the couple in
the hope which it puts a little more at ease or perhaps even, that
she fuck the light-haired boy.
After her meal, she rose and moved towards the bush where he was
hidden. She did not seem to suspect his presence. She stopped in front
of the bush and turned back on this last, then she detached her belt
and lowered her breeches. Where he was, he saw her quite round ass, it
look like a beautiful heart. She leaned while re-entering her back
train in the bushes. He stopped breathing because he had her posterior
with a few centimeters of his face. He was afraid which she feels his
breath on what was on the level of his mouth.
While passing there, he could simulated a sheet! Not insane his
idea... He thus opened the mouth and stretched its tongue. He touched
something. It was the edge of one of the lips of her female body.
Whoopers remained thus, forgetting why she had ideally placed itself
She urinated. She pee sprinkled the face of Whoopers, more
particularly the mouth. He was moved back with softness for not
which she realizes of his presence. Then, he waited until she is
raised. She is what she did when she had finished pee. She went up her
breeches. Then turned over close to fire and fell asleep.
To be continued
The Slayers
Épisode 1
The following day, Whoopers was always in its bushes. " They surely
will have one morning fuck" is said it. "I can't believe that they
are only friend."
It's weird, it seemed that yes. The warrior rose and awoke the
russet-red one. Then, they left and left their camping. He had waited
here for nothing, but he decided to follow them, in case of...
something append.
Half of the day passed without it not occurring anything. His hiding
talents were very useful to him. He could follow them without them
noticing his presence. About midday, there was finally something. They
arrived in a clearing, and in the center of this one, there was a
thatched cottage.
"Come, we will see if the owners can help us", she said.
They went to the thatched cottages. It had been empty, no sign of
life, even not for several days.
"It's empty ", said the man. "I think the better thing to do is leave
this place."
The girl returned from another part of the cottages.
"They have a bath", she said. "We will camp here for today. That will
make change good a night. "
Whoopers thus moved towards the other side of the hut and entered the
bathroom by the window. It was very modest. A simple giant vat was
used as bath-tub. It was out of metal. Below, the woman had lit a fire.
That probably heated water.
Suddenly, the door open. He thus hid him in the only possible place,
i.e. behind a folding screen. The girl entered and touched the water
of her hand to check the temperature.
She removed her clothing and she was plunged in water. From where he
was, Whoopers did not see anything. He is really frustrated.
She spent a full hour in the bath-tub then came out and moved from
there towards the hook where she had left her clothing.
She was naked in front of the hook. She sat down on the bank close
to the folding screen and looked at her thighs stripped. Her fingers
went to interior of its thighs, she felt her smooth skin.
"Elme", she blew.
Her fingers touched her russet-red pubic hair and she half-opened
her legs a little. Her fingers found the large lips of her vulva.
She extended on the back, raised and separated the knees. She
descended the hand and cherished her clitoris. Her large lips opened
and her slit started to disgust, wet pleasure. She deeply plunged a
finger in her vagina while with the assistance of the other hand,
she held a pressure on its clitoris.
"Mmmmmmmmm!!!!!" She continued a long moment thus, then, she put
on her clothe and come out of the bathroom.
To be continued... in part 3...
Ranma 1/2 Fanfic - Lemon (Warning inherent)
Verson 1.3
****** WARNING ******
This story contains major sexually explicit material that should
not be viewed bye children under the age of consent (18 in the US). It
should additionally not be viewed by the elderly, people with heart
conditions and/or pace makers (kind of pompous, don't you think?). Anyways,
basically I'm saying if you're easily offended or would have any reason to
flame me after reading this *DON'T READ IT*
Standard disclaimer: The characters in this fanfic are owned, body and soul
by Rumiko Takahashi (sorry if I butchered your name,
Rumi) the creator of that amazing series we all came
to know and love as Ranma 1/2. Etc. etc.
You have good fangs for a horse
It was a hard saturday shift at Nekohaten and Shampoo was tired.
Finally, at 8 pm when the restaurant finally closed the chinese girl sighed,
"Why won't Ranma come by?" she said aloud.
She asked herself. She sat in a booth as she rested for the
first time in hours. She was tired and a little depressed, she realized,
something was needed to relieve her of her stresses.
Looking around, the place was completely empty. Grandmother had
gone to a local merchants meeting tonight and wouldn't be back until late,
Mousse had disappeared, probably out causing trouble for Ranma
beat him for that> she thought. The work wouldn't have been tough had it
not been for their absence. As it was, she still had an hour or two of
cleanup to do before she slept. Again, she sighed audibly.
An hour and a half later Shampoo lie on her futon. She was very
weary from the work but at the same time she knew she could not sleep.
Her thoughts turned to Ranma. Oh, how great he was! He was so strong and
handsome-her future husband. Wouldn't it be great to have him here right
now on her futon? All the girl wanted in the world was to express her love
for him.
she thought to herself.
her mind repeated. Shampoo's mind began to wander.
She would see him sitting up at the head of her futon, looking
anxious. In the doorway she would appear, her hair flowing down her naked
back, her breasts pressing against the fabric of her Langerie. Her beloved
husband would look at her and gasp. Shampoo would say nothing as she slowly
walks towards the bed and her dream lover stares and gawks incredulously.
"Silly Ranma," she would giggle. As she sat down she would put her hands
on his shoulder and slowly pull her hands down to undo his shirt. Soon
he was bare chested and she was carressing his bare skin. He was still
staring, incredulous. She giggled again as she removed her lacy top,
leaving her clad in only panties.
Ranma's eyes bulged at the sight. Shampoo slowly reached down and
grabbed his hand. She placed it on her left breast. He looked at his
hand and looked at her. His eyes moved down to his hand once more, then
reverted to Shampoo's face and focused on her eyes.
"Shampoo, I love you." he whispered. Shampoo smiled and placed her mouth
to his ear, "Wo ai ne." She said.
Ranma heard this and his attitude changed, the decloration of love
freeing his inhibitions as she knew it would. He begins to move his hand on
her breast. He would gently squeeze and rub. His head moved in and placed
it in between her breasts, feeling close to her as he rubbed some more.
Shampoo's nipple began to harden from the stimulation. She felt the center
of her breasts harden and she moaned audibly.
Back in Nekohaten Shampoo had moved her hand to her breast and was
becoming very aroused. Suddenly she realized what she was doing. She
looked down at her busom and immediately a feeling of aprehension took over
her. It subsided a moment later as another feeling, seemingly more
powerful told her to continue. As her hand began to caress her breast
she said to herself "Shampoo should stop....but...."
Ranma, leaving his early inaction behind began licking Shampoo in
earnest. Shampoo felt his tongue go very gently over her erect nipple. She
felt herself shudder with the slow motion, making her shiver. As Ranma
worked on her breast with his tongue, his hands were moving down to another
Shampoo felt his hands touch her panties as she gasped from his
tongue. He began to slowly rub his hands slowly up and down between her
legs over the panties. Shampoo shied away from the contact for a moment as
she realized for the first time that she was soaking her panties. Ranma,
feeling this area, looked up for a moment and looked into her eyes,
smiling serenly.
Shampoo other hand had by now made it's way down to her panties.
She was slowly rubbing, feeling her slight bulge in the front. Her palm
moved slowly back and forth across her front. This made her feel great.
She realized though, that she would need more. Putting her hand inside the
top of her panties she put her hand down into her sex. Slowly, she began
to rub again.
Ranma had shifted his attention away from Shampoo's breasts and was
now positioned so that he was directly in front of her pubic mound. He was
rubbing somewhat rufly now, feeling the heat from the chinese girl rise.
Shampoo wriggled in place and let him play with her. Knowing that he was
teasing her, he laughed, grabbing the elastic of her soaked panties and
pulled it down and off her legs. Shampoo gasped a little as her sex became
exposed to the air. As soon as he had pulled the panties off he threw the
garment to the floor and immediately moved himself into position.
Taking a finger he traced her slit. Starting from the very top he
moved his finger down, lubricated even there, all the way down to her
opening. He smiled at her again. "Now I'll show you how much I love you,
Shampoo!" he said. Ramma brought his head in. As soon as he was there
Shampoo could once again feel his tongue. This time it made it's way across
a much more sensitive area and Shampoo once again gasped, "Wode Airen!"
Ranma didn't rise this time, instead he continued to lick. After
a little while of this he brought his hands in. Slowly, he pulled the
young chinese girl's virgin folds apart. Shampoo gasped once again as he
pushed his tongue deep inside her.
Shampoo had her finger inside herself, her hand slowly pushing and
pulling on her sex as well as her finger. Her body was completely a slave,
concentrating on nothing but what it needed most.
Shampoo could not believe how good this felt. She pushed down on
his face hard, her legs squeezed his head. She felt the pressure build
exponentially in her sex as his tongue lashed her again and again. Ranma's
hands had now moved up to a spot barely above his eyes. Shampoo felt his
fingers touch her newly emerged button and her head nearly overloaded from
the pleasure. He continued to caress and feel the spot, his thumb rubbing
up and down slowly.
She was about ready to explode, her sex was crying out to her for
release, the pleasure from both her opening and her clitoris pounding like
a jack hammer in rhythum. Her heart and body beat in time as she felt the
inevitable approaching.
The chinese girl screamed aloud as she rammed her finger in and out
of her vagina. She felt both pain and pleasure as her other hand pinched
her exposed clit hard. Her body shook in convultions as she felt the juice
flow from her body, soaking her futon and her hand.
Ranma looked up at her and grinned, his chin wet from her juice.
Shampoo smiled back at him, her darling husband. He moved over and lie next
to her. "Thank you, airen." she whispered to him. He said nothing as he
cuddled next to her and put his head on her chest. Shampoo smiled at him,
and closed her eyes.
Even hours later Shampoo sat awake. If only Ranma could give her
the experience she just had! She knew that he could do it, she wanted so
much to lose her virginity to him. She knew also that he was the one she
wanted to do it with. The girl thought about what she wanted and tried to
think of what she could do about it.
She had come close once, with a potion that would cause him to hug
the person closest to him whenever a specific sound occurred. She frowned,
that one had backfired, Shampoo had sneased during the incantation needed
and the spell had sent him into the arms of Akane every time she sneased
(Akane had a cold at the time). That one had almost worked.
She thought about it for a time.
I didn't mess up...hmmm...> As she thought about it she realized there was
a more direct way to gain what she desired than to have him hug her.
if I could get him to do something more than hug...> Shampoo closed her
eyes; a wicked smile cross her face. She went downstairs to cook.
Sunday in Nekohaten was relatively mild. Cologne had returned the
night before to find her granddaughter up stirring a cauldron full of spices
and other stuff. "Goodnight, Shampoo." was all that she had said. Shampoo
had hardly even noticed, to intend on making the ingredients just right.
And right she had mixed them, and now her potion was finished. Soon
she would have Ranma all to herself. she thought,
can get Ranma to do *THAT* he'll be forced to marry me> and the evil smile
came across her face once again as she absent-mindedly served the tables.
Ranma almost always came in on Sundays. After Ukyou, he would
always come over to her restaurant to get a free bowl of Ramen. Back in the
kitchen she had her special ramen kept hot, two bowls at ready.
The flashback to her plan was interupted by a shout from behind
Shampoo. The shout was immediately followed by a loud, distinctive quack.
She turned around to see a duck on the floor, next to it several pitchers of
now empty iced tea. "Mousse no baka." she said.
The day was late and Shampoo was depressed. Her darling Ranma had
not stopped by and by now it looked like he wouldn't. Cologne had left
again, this time on an errand and wouldn't be back any time soon. Shampoo
sat with a frown at one of her tables, there would be no more customers
"Uh, excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Tendo Dojo?" came a voice
from the front door. Well, perhaps one more.
"Ryouga-san! What happen to you?" Shampoo jumped up. Ryouga was in less
than perfect condition. His shirt was torn, his hair messed. He looked
like he had recently been in a fight.
"Ummm, I'm not sure...ever seen the movie tron?" he replied.
"No, Shampoo no seen that one." she said, her mind elsewhere.
How she had wanted Ranma to show up. Down between her legs she
could still feel the slight heat being generated by the idea. If only he
would have made it here! Now stupid Ryouga showed up in his place. Shampoo
let out a sigh. It's not that she disliked Ryouga, she did like him. In
fact, she appreciated many of the things he did to try to break Ranma and
Akane up. It was just that...well...he wasn't who she wanted to see right
She glanced at Ryouga.
"Ryouga hungry?" she asked him sweetly, trying to hide her depression.
"Famished." he said back.
"Mousse!" yelled Shampoo.
"Yes, my blue haired goddess?!" Mousse was there in half a second.
"Get Ryouga-san Ramen!" she barked.
"A-Anything you say my precious Shampoo!" Mousse stuttered as he scuffled
off to the kitchen.
In the kitchen Mousse went to the stove where a small pot of Ramen
was being heated. Without skipping a beat he scooped up some and
immediately returned to his beloved Shampoo.
"Here's your ramen, Ryouga." he said as he set the Ramen down on the table.
Mousse saw as the blurry figure in front of him reached above his
eyes, grabbed his glasses, and pulled them down over his eyes. Mousse
blinked at the purple-haired figure in front of him.
"Mousse no baka!" Shampoo shouted as a Mousse shaped hole appeared in the
Ryouga ignored the excessive violence as he quickly ate his ramen.
Soon he was done and he looked up at Shampoo.
"Ramen good, Ryouga?" she asked.
"Very good Shampoo, thank you." Ryouga replied. "It's just what I need for
energy so I can find that cad Ranma and beat the hell out of him."
Shampoo scowled.
"You no hurt Ranma!" she said angrily, looking as though she might jump at
Ryouga saw that he had went too far.
"I'm sorry," he said and looked at the scowling girl. She was pretty cute
when she was angry. *VERY* cute, as a matter of fact. He felt a twitch
from somewhere near his belt.
"Good, no one hurt airen." she said back.
Ryouga found that he couldn't keep his eyes off of Shampoo. He
looked straight at her chest, her perky breasts were prominent against the
fabric. This time he felt a painful pressure in his pants. He suddenly
realized what he was thinking. he thought to himself
Shampoo saw Ryouga's inner conflict and immediately became
concerned. Something bothered her, for some reason she feared she knew why
he was acting the way he was.
Ryouga's inner resolve was breaking down. The more he looked at
Shampoo the more he knew that he needed her. He felt incredibly lusty.
The truth hit Shampoo like a freight train. The ramen! That stupid
Mousse had taken the ramen from the pot that was for Ranma! Ryouga was now
taking the place of Ranma...he was going to take the role.
Ryouga suddenly burst across the table, taking both Shampoo's arms
and pulling them to her sides. Shampoo was terrified. She knew what he
meant to do but as she looked at his strong arms, much like Ranma's she
could not find it in her heart to resist him.
Rape her? That wasn't right, she realized. Mousse had messed up
and brought the wrong Ramen but Shampoo had been the one intending to do
this...just not with Ryouga.
she thought.
Ryouga was by now exploding with the sexual energy burning within
him. He needed it, he needed it now. Getting atop Shampoo, grabbing at
her breasts through the fabric, she resisted some but he couldn't stop now.
He pulled the collar open and opened the rest of the top so that it
laid her chest bare. This made him stop. She wasn't wearing a bra.
Shampoo was a little frightened when he opened her chest to him.
Again, she couldn't find it in her heart to resist him. She knew she
probably shouldn't, but this was technically her fault and now with him
fondling her breasts she was becoming less adverse to what was happening,
in fact she began to enjoy it. Her body had been ready to do this all day
long. *IT* didn't care who this man was.
Ryouga reached down and pulled on the chinese girl's dress again.
This time he put his hands in so that he could reach her panties and he
immediately ripped them off. Pulling up the fabric so he could see her
clearly he caught a glimpse of her pussy and immediately knew he needed a
Shampoo gasped as he touched her cleft with his toungue. It felt so
good. She would work ten times as hard by herself to feel this good. This
is the feeling she dreamed Ranma would give to her. She squirmed as his
tongue licked up and down her slit.
Ryouga was totally mindless by know. Licking and panting, like an
animal only lust remained in his mind. After only a short period he grabbed
Shampoo and picked her up, then he turned her around and forced her on her
knees and kneeled behind her.
Shampoo's heart beat faster as he came behind her. She had been
readying herself for Ranma all day. She had been expecting this moment and
she knew she wanted it regardless of the fact that it wasn't her beloved
husband. She needed it now, she didn't care who it was. Her ass jerked
into the air as she readied herself.
Ryouga moved his hips into position behind her and undid his pants.
By now his cock was painfully pressing against the hem of his pants. He
released it from its restrictions and wasted no time at placing at her
Grabbing her hips, with a savage lunge Ryouga thrust himself
into the tight virginal folds. The chinese girl cried out in pain, blood
trickling down her leg from her broken hymen. Ryouga quickly pulled out for
a moment and then thrust in again, impaling her further this time. Shampoo
yelped again as he tore into her, her folds parting once more.
Ryouga was a madman, pushing his pole far inside the girl and then
quickly pull back only to thrust in again; pulling her with him all the way.
He felt his balls slap her as he thrust and as he saw his glistening wet
member come out of her hole every time he withdrew.
Shampoo whimpered as he rode her. She jerked back and forth as
his iorn hard sword went back and forth inside her. She felt his pole
stretch the walls of her vagina wider as he thrust, and felt them contract
on him member, not letting it go as he pulled out of her. She grimaced
slightly as he hit her cirvix on one thrust, but the small discomfort was
far outweighed by the immence pleasure it was bringing her. She could do
nothing, nothing but let herself in to him. Her back arched as she felt the
rhythm inside her build, almost there....
Ryouga felt his energy almost ready to release. He thrust harder,
grabbing Shampoo's ass and pulling and pushing hard on it as he felt the
chinese girl's cunt pulling on his member, not letting it go for anything.
Finally he knew he could hold no longer and let the eager vagina have what
it wanted.
Shampoo felt the hot fluid gush into her hole. It was all the more
she needed and she herself exploded. She felt her fluid join with his as
she shuddered in pleasure. The girl Shook under him but he wasn't done
cumming, he continued to thrust harder and harder into her. Finally he was
done and collapsed on top of her, his cock still buried inside Shampoo.
Shampoo was as exhausted as he was, she too fell asleep on the floor
of Nekohaten.
Author's Notes
Well, this is my first fanfic and it's a lemon. :) Anyways, this
fanfic was thought up in about an hour with the help of a friend of mine.
It was written in about 3 hours and edited for about an additional 1.
Now the big question: Does writing this fanfic make me a hentai?
I don't know. I do know that I enjoy writing and I did enjoy writing this
fanfic. If that makes me a pervert, fine. I can live with it H_H.
Is this destined to become a series? Probably not but If I get
good responses I may continue writing fanfics. If not, I won't. This does
_NOT_ include flames. Flames will be simply deleted and ignored.
Some may ask why I chose Shampoo and Ryouga for a pair. Well to
tell you the truth I didn't have a particular reason. I simply wanted a
couple that didn't normally appear in lemons. I've seen to many of the
Ranma/Akane, Ranma-chan/Akane, Shampoo/Mousse, Nabiki/Kuno, Kasumi/Tofu,
Ukyou/Ryouga combinations and I wanted to try something else. I have to
admit the aphrodesiac idea that Shampoo whipped up wasn't that origonal but
I couldn't think of any other really good way to get these two together.
Should I continue writing like this? You tell me. I'm a new author
and as such need input so that I can improve. Thanx a million to all of
those that respond. C-ya!
* Nall - nall@goldengate.net *
Ranma 1/2 Fanfic - Hard hangover (Part 2 of ? of the Hentai adept series)
*** WARNING *** *** LEMON FANFIC ***
This fanfic may contain sexually explicit material and is
not to be read by anyone under the age of 18. If you're
under 18, I don't really care because who actually listens
to these warnings anyway?
Disclaimer: All the characters in this fic are the work
and intellectual property of Rumiko
Takahashi. These characters are not owned
by me and I hope that I won't be sued for
using them as players in my sick, twisted
Hard Hangover
Shampoo and Ryouga lay asleep on the floor of Nekohanten. Ryouga
sleeping soundly on top of the girl. Upon closer inspection one could
notice the fact that from the waist down both were nude and that Ryouga
appeared to still have his prick in a postion close to Shampoo's cleft.
Several hours after thier mutually-unwanted sexual encounter
Shampoo awoke. She felt quite claustrophobic, lying under the large
teenager who had ridden her. She felt his chest on her back, and his soft
prick still touched her between the legs. She began to rise, attempting
to lift herself from beneath him but it was to no avail. Ryouga was heavy
and Shampoo's arms were in such a position as she could not get them under
her with enough strength to push him off. At her attempt he merely
groaned and actually moved so that he pinned her even more.
Shampoo realized this was not going to work and so she tried a
different approach.
"Ryouga, wake up." she said. He didn't respond.
"Ryouga. Wake up!" she said with more force. He stirred slightly.
"RYOUGA! SHAMPOO SAY WAKE UP!" she yelled, annoyed. Ryouga blinked his
eyes and rolled over as Shampoo pushed herself to her knees.
He rolled on his side and rubbed his eyes. When he opened his eyes
he was looking directly at a purple-haired girl, half naked, looking at him
with a half-furious, half-terrified expression.
"Shampoo? What...am...I...?" Ryouga looked around. He was far from an
expert at knowing where he was, but Ryouga knew the Nekohanten.
"What am I doing here?" he mumbled aloud, trying not to look at the girl's
face, or the fact that she was doing her best not to reveal her half-naked
body to him. Shampoo looked at him with big eyes; in a face that might
shatter into tears at any moment.
He remembered walking into the restaurant late at night; he had of
course been looking for the Tendo Dojo to pay back Ranma for some reason or
another he didn't remember at the moment.
Ryouga rememered sitting down and having been offered some Ramen,
and, seeing as how he had been looking for the Dojo all day accepted
Shampoo's gift of food.
"But what happened after that?" he asked himself whispering. Looking up at
Shampoo, her pants lying on the floor, his pulled down around his ankles,
Shampoo acting the way she was...even a thick-headed fool like him could
figure out what had happened.
"Oh, my god. What happened after that?"
Shampoo sat with her knees pulled up against her chest in the fetal
position. Her head was fighting with itself. One side blamed Ryouga for
doing this to her. The second, and more rational side told her that it
wasn't really his fault. the one
side said. the second reminded
her. But she could not seem to resolve the conflict and a moment later it
fell into chaos.
"Shampoo....need a bath..." she said.
Ryouga looked up and nodded at her. He tried not to watch as she
stood up, a slight limp in her step that appeared to come from her
midsection. She picked up her pants and walked to the back where a full
bathroom was.
When she had shut the door to the bathroom Ryouga sighed.
"What have I done to her? What happened last night?" he hit his head on the
floor, making it splinter as he sorted through the fractal images of the
previous night.
He remembered little after he had eaten the ramen. Fighting hard,
he got some broken images to appear in his head. They did not please him.
"I...r...raped shampoo..." he said to his own unbelieving ears.
Shampoo closed the door and put her back to it. Leaning against it
she began to sob. she thought.
It wasn't that she didn't enjoy the act; she had been completely
prepared for rough sex, after all what else had she prepared that potion
for, after all? She absent-mindedly put her hand to her stomach, her
vagina very sore from the act a few hours ago.
"Shampoo fault. It not Ryouga..." she told herself sternly, trying to
convince herself. Even with her attempted resolve, the tears would not
cease flowing from her eyes.
"Akane!" Ryouga nearly burst out in horror. "I have betrayed Akane!"
He was about to continue with his self beating when Shampoo exited
from the bath. He looked up at her. She now wore a new dress and looked
good except for the look on her face and her red eyes. He could tell she
had been crying.
"Shampoo...I..." Ryouga said to her but Shampoo held up her hand to speak.
"Shampoo need to tell you something." she paused for a moment, "Shampoo
make potion for Ranma; Shampoo put potion in Ramen... and you Ryouga eat
Ryouga was silent for a moment.
"You mean that... what just happened just now was... because of that Ramen
that I ate?" he looked at her incredulously. She smiled weakly, "Hai."
Again, the boy was silent.
"Shampoo, I'm... sorry this happened..." Ryouga said after a moment.
"Shampoo sorry too." she said softly.
"I... I'm... sorry if I hurt you..." he managed to say to her, not meeting
her gaze.
"Shampoo alright...just sore..." she replied in a voice that she tried to
make sound nonchalant.
They were both silent for a long time. Again, Ryouga spoke.
"Are you alright, otherwise...?" he asked her with a serious look.
"Shampoo be alright," she thought deeply for a moment. "After all...
Shampoo not dislike all that much."
Ryouga was taken aback. She had enjoyed it?
"You... liked it, Shampoo?" he blurted out.
Shampoo searched inwardly for a long moment. The strange thing
about the whole affair was that she *HAD* enjoyed it. She wasn't so broken
up now, and looking at Ryouga now she realized it didn't really bother her
that she had sex with him. Earlier, when she saw the experience at a
negative, the pain was intense. The only thing was, it wasn't logical.
Shampoo had been looking for sex, and she had gotten what she was looking
She really wished that Ranma would have been the one who she went
through this with, but Ryouga was not a bad person for unwittingly eating
the food. She was by far at the most fault. In fact, after she realized
this she felt a kind of closeness to Ryouga; something she had never felt
before. But she also felt that she had wronged him, by making him play
this role. Shampoo felt dishonored.
The act itself had it's own... rewards. Shampoo thought again about
the pain that was still present in her lower region.
she told herself. To many people this would have been a
negative comment, but it Shampoo's thought; Shampoo loved violence.
Yes, in retrospect, she had enjoyed it.
Shampoo nodded her head and smiled for the first time tonight.
Ryouga was relieved by this, but he also wasn't completely convinced.
He didn't work to hard on it, though, he had a crisis of his own.
he thought, .
His began leaving his physical attention behind and diving into
the turmoil inside his head as Shampoo reached over and kissed him on the
"Ryouga, go. We talk later." Shampoo said to him, almost brightly.
He nodded at her, a short time away would give them both time to
think about what they now meant to each other.
Shampoo was soundly asleep by the time that Cologne finally got
home. Mousse had come in earlier that night through the back and, luckily
for Shampoo and Ryouga, gone straight to his room. Shampoo sighed with
almost wonderment and thought about her future husband.
Ryouga walked out into the night. Not sure of where to go, he just
walked towards the country. To go out and reflect upon what a night it
had been.
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Well, back to popular demand I have written the second part. I hope
everyone is not dissappointed in the fact that this part contained no lemon
material but I felt I needed to reflect on what I wrote in the first part.
After I recieved much feedback from the first, I realized that I had
some demeaning (to Shampoo) sections in my book. I attempted to rectify
them in this section by giving her a little more conscience. I could not,
however, leave her devistated by this event. Although many may consider
this a rape fic to this point, I do not see it that way in the eyes of the
characters. For this reason I had Shampoo get over her anger and not be
overcome by it.
Secondly, about my feedback. I recieved many positive comments
concerning the story. But my thanks go out to one individual who sent me a
letter pointing out grammatical errors and other messups I made in sentance
structure (I probably should have looked at it more. After all, I *DID*
write it at 1 in the morning, while falling asleep; I was bound to make
mistakes). I *DO* have normally good grammar but I guess that in this
instance I did not do enough proofreading (my major downfall, I hate
proofreading!!!!). For this I intend to find someone who can help me to
proofread my work before I publish it. One fine gentleman has already
offered this, but I would appreciate others.
Lastly, I thank all the people who gave responses to my first work.
Without those responses I feel I would not have written this. This work
will (probably) be posted in RAAC along with the next chapter, so that all
those of you who read this for the Hentai value won't be bored. :)
Write time: 1:23 minutes
Revision time: 28 minutes
* Nall - nall@goldengate.net *
Ranma 1/2 Lemon Fanfic - To every cat there is a season - part 3 of ? of the
Hentai Adept Series
Standard disclaimer:
These characters are not owned by
me and I am using them without
permission from Rumiko Takahashi.
So there.
This is a LEMON fanfic, if you know what this
means and are offended by it then don't go any
futher. Doing so would just void my warning, and
then what would I even have written this part for?
If you don't know what this means and are offended
by it then you are pretty messed up (even moreso
than me!) and if you plain don't know what a lemon
is then you should have gathered from the clues in
this paragraph that it either is, or is not
something you would appreciate.
To every cat there is a season
Shampoo woke bright and early. The sun shone in the window of
her room, illuminating her hair as she sat up and casting all kinds of odd
shaped shadows into the corners. Shampoo sighed, it was monday morning.
"Time to work." she said without sounding particularily enthused at the
prospect. Nonetheless, she rose from her futon and walked to the bathroom
where she would ready herself for a day as a waitress.
Shampoo realized as she began to bathe that her vaginal area was
still sore from the night before. She looked down at herself with
concern, checking to see if anything was different there. She realized
this was silly, many girls have had sex and she had not heard about
anything changing in them. But then again, she had never heard that
it would hurt this much. She looked down at that region again and saw
that it had not altered it's appearance from the last time she had looked.
Other than that her bath was without incident and after she had
done her business Shampoo went out to Nekohanten to open the restaurant.
As she walked into the Nekohanten's main eating area she saw Cologne
standing, staring at the floor in interest.
"Now, what's this? Now, how did that happen?" she said looking at the
splintered pinewood. Shampoo grimiced, she knew that Ryouga must have
broken the floor the previous night; he was known for that sort of thing.
She walked up behind the old women and decided to feign ignorance.
"Shampoo ready for...oh! What this, Great-Grandmother?" she asked
"It seems that somehow during the night the floor has been splintered."
Cologne replied in her contemplative voice she too often used.
"Hiya! How that happen?" Shampoo again asked with feinged concern.
"I'm not sure, child. You were here last night, were you not? Did you
hear anything...unusual?" Cologne asked inquisitively.
"Shampoo hear nothing, Great-Grandmother." she lied as best she could.
"Hmm...." Colgone thought deeply for a moment, she knew the girl was
lying but did not know why. "Alright, it must have been Mousse, then.
We'll have to be sure to punish him for that."
"Hai!" Shampoo said with relief she tried to mask as her typical frevor at
the thought of punishing Mousse. She had been worried that Cologne was
beginning to suspect her.
"I go cook now, yes?" She asked.
Shampoo worked through the day as usual. At around two o'clock
she took her break. She did not normally do this, but this Monday was
unusually quiet and she had nothing to do, anyways. She leaned against
the counter and sighed.
After a moment, she turned her head to her right to notice the
special pot of Ramen she had cooked yesterday was still sitting on the
"Hmmm, that should have been thrown out..." she mumbled. Shampoo was
about to grab it and throw the evil potion out (she couldn't use it now,
anyways. No one would eat old ramen) when she noticed something. She
looked at the ramen and there were a few noodles on top. The noodles on
top appeared to be wrapped around a spoon she had been using to stir. She
looked at it for a moment and saw that it seemed to be hard.
that's wierd.> she said as she reached for it. She grabbed it and, sure
enough, the noodle was hard.
Shampoo held the ramen piece up in front of her. Using her
thumb and index finger she snapped it in half.
"Hmmm..." she said and looked away in thought as she began absent-mindedly
rubbing the stiff noodle between her fingers. After a
moment she stopped with a start. Her crotch was burning.
"Oh! Shampoo hot all of sudden."
Shampoo looked down and looked at the noodle in her hand.
she thought. Shampoo looked down at
the pot of ramen and noticed that half the liquid the ramen was in was now
gone. her mind and body
now burning. She knew what had happened but also knew that it didn't
matter at the moment. Shampoo needed *IT* again.
After the previous night she knew she couldn't go back to doing it
by herself-the real thing was so much better-and she was really aroused
because of the ramen.
Shampoo looked out the door of the kitchen. She needed a man, she
needed one now. Scanning the room she saw many women but passed them up
immediately-she was a man hunter, and there were no men in the Nekohanten.
Shampoo began to frantically scan the room for a stud to quench
her burning lust. She was about to scream in frustration at seeing so many
women and not a single man when Mousse bumped her from behind.
"Oh, sorry great-granny, I was getting the hammer to pound in the new
boards." he said.
Shampoo grabbed him without a word and dragged off with to her
bedroom. Once there Mousse complained to her.
"What are you doing, you dried up old hag?!"
She took hold of his glasses and pulled them down over his eyes
where they should be. He was suprised, to say the least.
"Shampoo! What..." he looked at his surroundings. "What are we doing in
your room!?"
Shampoo simply sat down on her futon and invited him to join her.
Mousse nearly blew a gasket. Shampoo not only hadn't hit him yet, but she
was going to let him sit next to her.
"O...okay!" he said, his voice almost squeeking as he sat himself down.
His arms sat at his sides, usure of what his goddess wanted of him.
Shampoo grabed his head forcefully and turned it to face hers.
Mousse closed his eyes, afraid she was going to hit him like so many
times before, but the blow did not come. A kiss came in it's place.
Mousse opened his eyes and saw Shampoo's face inches from his. He
stared at her for a long moment, still unsure of what happened. Then it
dawned upon him.
"Shampoo!" he whispered in disbelief.
Shampoo merely grabbed him without a word and pushed him onto his
back. He willingly obeyed, letting his master do whatever she wanted.
She didn't fool around, immediately Shampoo began to pull open Mousse's
robe in front. Clubs, Maces, throwing darts, spears, swords and a few
cans of peaches came falling out the sleevs of his robes as Shampoo pulled
the piece of clothing completely from his torso.
Shampoo looked on as the weapons fell out. There seemed to be
hundreds of them, all comming from within his robe.
of hidden weapon he has for me?> she thought to herself, a wicked smile
momentarily crossing her face.
As soon as she had him down to nothing but boxers (with ducks on
them, no less) she positioned herself on top of his muscular stomach and
began to remove her clothing.
Mousse looked on in wonder, his mind
told him. Shampoo had barely even tolerated him before, let alone talked
to him for any length of time. he repeated his
Shampoo had her apron and top off. She towered above Mousse
wearing only her pants, her chest bare. Mousse's jaw dropped open, his
lips moved as if he wanted to say something but his mouth just flapped in
air. She looked down at her new lover and smiled. Leaning forward
against him she took his glasses from his face, noticing how handsome he was
without them. Then, leaning into his chest, she put her head next to his,
she wispered into his ear.
"Shampoo want you Mousse,"
"Sh...Shampoo.... you're not wearing a bra!" Mousse finally got it out.
"Of course not, baka. It tangle when Shampoo become cat." she answered,
wondering why every man was so amazed at this fact.
Then, sitting up on top of him again she took his hand in hers.
"Take me Mousse." she told him.
Mousse's felt like his nose was about to explode but he managed to
keep it in check. He watched as his goddess moved off of him and lie down
next to his body on the futon. He sat up and turned his head to look at her
lying there. Then, taking the inititive (and her invitation) he went for
Moving over to straddle her he leaned his head down, still not
believing his luck this day. Placing a hand at each breast he began to
rub. Shampoo sighed in pleasure as he groaped her. Her nipples were
already erect but they seemed to become even moreso as he touched her.
Shampoo wanted more pleasure. She reached out to grab Mousse's
head and pulled it in to meet her chest. Finding himself pushed into her
breast he knew what she wanted and began to lick and swirl his tounge
around her nipple.
The chinese girl moaned as this new stimulation came to her, the
heat and rythum in her body increasing.
Ryouga had not done this with her, she had only dreamed about this type of
thing in her fantasies of Ranma.
The boy continued to lick and circle her nipple. Then he tried
something. After one swirl around her breast he pushed forward slightly and
took a large part of her breast into her mouth and sucked on it. Shampoo
gasped in pleasure. Her heat below building almost exponentialy.
Mousse continued this routine for several minutes. Then, suddenly
Shampoo pushed him aside.
"Shampoo do something for Mousse, now." she said as she grabbed his
boxers. Before he could protest she pulled them from his body. Mousse
gasped in pain as the fabric pulled quickly on his member. Shampoo looked
in awe at it. His penis was large, much larger than Ryouga. Although
she hadn't really had the time to look at the other boy's member, she
could tell just by the sight that this one was much bigger than the one
that had been in her last night. The pillar stood up from his body and
held rigid. Shampoo took it in her hand and this time it was Mousse's
turn to gasp at the sensation.
Holding it, she began to pump. Mousse loved this, he sat back,
breathing hard as she played with his member. She did this for only a
short time before she moved her head up next to the monstrous thing and
began to lick the crown. Mousse merely groaned in pleasure. After she
had lubricated the head Shampoo took it in her mouth. He felt her take it
in and reflexivly thrust his pelvis forward.
Shampoo was suprised at his thrust, but did not pull away as he
began slowly pumping his member in and out of her mouth. She began to move
her head so that she would meet his thrusts half way.
Mousse was in absolute bliss. His dream come true.
much more than I could have hoped for.> He groaned as his cock moved in and
out of her wet mouth.
Shampoo's mouth was stuffed with Mousse but she kept going. His
penis was so long and wide that Shampoo felt as if she were trying to shove
a flagpole into her mouth. He began to thrust further, the end of it going
back, back towards her throat.
Mousse began moving his hips even faster until suddenly she felt
him explode. Cum came gushing from his member into her moist mouth.
Shampoo didn't know what to do, she had to get rid of it or her mouth would
fill, so she swallowed it. Gush after gush came out of Mousse as he groaned
"SHAMPOOOOO!!!" he yelled, but at a controled level. Then he stoped.
Shampoo swollowed the last of his jism and watched for a moment as his
member began to soften.
Now it was her turn. She moved her body over on top of Mousse, her
crotch now directly above her face. She pushed herself into Mousse's face.
The boy reacted after a moment, trying to figure out what she
wanted. Then he understood.
She was still wearing her pants so Mousse began to rub Shampoo
through the fabric, feeling the shape of her under her clothes. He could
feel the enormous heat comming from her and the wetness that now soaked
through even her outer pants. Even more than that, Mousse could smell her.
It was a musky odor, very strong from where he was.
Shampoo felt him removing her pants. She loved the way he was
touching her. Now with the pants off he felt closer, massaging her through
the cotton panties until he took even those.
Mousse looked in almost sheer joy as saw her treasure hanging only
a few inches from his face. He reached out with his hand and began rubbing
his fingers over her outer lips. Shampoo squirmed as he did so.
The boy was ever so gentle, rubbing gently acrost her slit, up to
the top and then down. Shampoo felt a wave of energy when he touched the
tip of her slit.
"Mousse...touch top part again..." she said to him. Mousse complied and he
began to rub Shampoo there until her love button emerged from it's hood.
Shampoo moaned her pleasure. Mousse decided to try something else. Raising
his head he began to lick her. Making long strokes and accentuating them
at her now protuding button he began to push into her lips more.
Mousse stopped on one stroke and gently took his hands to her. He
slowly and carefully parted her petals and pushed his tounge in. The
effect on the girl was electric. Mousse felt her jump as he did. He pushed
his tounge in as far as it would go. Shampoo shuddered. He began to
lash her repeatedly with his tounge.
Suddenly Shampoo began to spasm. Her whole body seemed to cry out
and Mousse found himself with a very wet face. At first he was he was a
little suprised but he quickly realized that this wasn't a bad thing. In
fact, from what he had gotten in his mouth he realized he liked the taste,
and lapped up all the stray juce.
Feeling him do this to her she began to concentrate on him again.
Looking at his soft member she wondered if she could get him up once more.
Mousse felt as Shampoo grasped his soft member in his mouth but did
not stop with his work. She did this for a while, feeling it begin to
swell. After several minutes Mousse felt his cock come
back to life in her mouth.
Shampoo, happy at having rejuvinated his tool decided it was time
to go the rest of the way. She moved off of him, rolling to the side once
more and beconed to him.
He looked at her with a look of astonishment.
"Shampoo! Are you sure you want to..." he asked her incredulously. Doing
this was one thing, but to actually go to the final stage was something
Shampoo merely nodded and motioned for him to get down. The chinese
girl watched him kneel down and move over her. Once he was in position she
spread her legs to alow him to continue. Mousse looked at her one more
time and she smiled at him. Mousse looked confused for a moment and then
smiled back, confused by the fact that in the past Shampoo smiling at him
just before she did something mean. In this incidince, it was just the
Taking his member by the hand he pressed it against her. He took it
and moved it slowly up and down her crack slowly. He looked at her,
smiling, almost playing with her. Shampoo gave him an evil glance and
warned him to continue. Seeing this, Mousse placed his tool at her entrance
and began to slowly enter her. Shampoo sighed in pleasure and in pain.
Mousse was much bigger than Ryouga and her cunt was still sore from the
other night. She knew she had to bear it, though. She gasped slightly as
he slowly pushed it in her. she
thought. Ryouga had entered her with one thrust, sending shockwaves of
pleasure and pain through her as he tore past her cherry. This was a
completely different experience, she could feel him slowly making progress
inside of her. Shampoo could feel his member slowly making it's way,
stretching her walls outward to accomidate it's wide girth. It still hurt,
but the pleasure far outweighed the price.
At last he had it all in. The entire length of his shaft was buried
inside her. Shampoo was amazed at how full she felt. She could barely
clamp down on him if she tried. Then, he pulled out.
She shuddered as he withdrew from her. Mousse felt his member pull
out to the head and paused for a moment. Then pushed it back in, forcing
it's full length into her eager body. Shampoo gasped in pleasure.
They began moving with each other, then. Using thier weight and
his forward thrusts to connect and then to dislodge, only to thrust together
again. Mousse buried his face into her chest and began to suck on her tit.
Shampoo just let him take her, grabbing bedspread in two hands.
Then, he knew he couldn't hold it anymore. He began thrusting
wildly, pushing himself as far up inside Shampoo as he could before he
burst again.
"SHAMPOOOO!!!" Mousse shouted for the second time. Shampoo felt his hot
seed shoot up far inside her. The burning stuff was too much for Shampoo
and she felt herself go as well.
"MOUUUUUUUUSEEE!" the chinese girl screamed.
Mousse, too exhausted, fell asleep. Shampoo waited for several
minutes and then rolled him off. Looking at him there, smiling like an
idiot, she knew he was innocent and hated what she had to do.
"If Mousse remember, he tell everyone he Shampoo fiance. Shampoo no can
have that....Shampoo sorry, Mousse..."
Shampoo went to the bathroom and fetched the dreaded bottle
numbered 411.
Outside, Cologne, holding a ramen noodle with a pair of chopsticks,
took her ear from the door.
"Hmmmm...." she said.
To be continued
Author's Notes:
Okay, this is not an uncommon lemon paring, I realize. I wrote this
section for two reasons. First, I needed for Shampoo to have some
consentual sex for contrast. Second, I needed to establish a continuation
of the Aphrodesiac idea. A possible additional reason was a reason to get
Cologne involved. (NO!! She will *NOT* be participating in this lemon. If
she does, I command everyone who reads it to track me down and stab me to
death with blunt objects. And *THEN* kill me). She will simply be making
plans to mess with people like she usually does.
I wrote this section of the series a meer 3 days after I wrote the
previous. I assure you all this will most likely *NOT* happen in the
future. I *DO* have things to be doing and shouldn't be spending as much
time as I do writing my sick stories ^^.
I would appreciate more mail (I so love reading mail). I have
greatly appreciated all the responses I have recieved so far. If I didn't
respond do your mail, I'm sorry, I probably misplaced it before I responed
to it. So far I have recieved no negative responses to my work. This
suprises me (Am I really that good? I really don't think I am. Somebody
stop me before this goes to my head!!)
The next section will probably be written within a month.
When within that month will depend on several factors which I won't go into
here as I know the rest of you have better things to be doing.
Oh, well.
Writing time: about 1:45
Editing time: about 35 minutes
* Nall - tyson@goldengate.net *
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