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Retraning race horses, Going to the Westminster dogs how
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since was 11
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To be able to stand on my own two feet without needing the help of others
Writing, Riding, Showing dogs
Being able to live with Diabetes
| blackwolfpup
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
ooo a poem
i wort it this moring and something, ok hopes you like it .. arr my ears hurt again :( ... ok so yeah oem, yeha ok here you go... *mumbles stupied ear...*
titel: wind dancer for the Danceing quean
Dance on the floor
Get lost in the songs
My lady is the dancing quean
I am the wind dancer
I bring the souls to her
Spine on the floor
Around and around
Moving to the left
Then moving to the right
They shut their eyes
To go to the dream land
Never making it there
For my winds caught them
To bring them to my lady
Swaying on the dance floor
Lost in the night world of dancing
They never realized that they have died
Smiling faces
Dancing with their quean of dancing
Waiting till I got out and bring back more
Almost to there dream lands
But never making it there
For I am the wind dancer
And my lady calls for them
So I bring them to the land of dancing
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Book thing
so i like this searies (i know thats not spelled right sorry bit tierd) so i doing a recomend thingy humm .. ok yeah this si not going to well ok .. umm moving on
Books: 1. Silver wolf, 2. night of the wolf 3. The wolf king
author: Alice Borchardt
about: it is about a wolf shifter well i pack/ group and they live in rome and something.
well ok thats horrable, any ways they are really good book and i liked them alot. there are not many out there like them that i am comign to find. but any ways ok i tryed and now i am going before i mess this up any more.. umm ok peac out *waves and runns off i not mist*
never do one of thesa on 1/2 hour of sleep
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Friday, March 24, 2006
What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)
 Creativity- Your inner power is Creativity! Any of The Arts-music, dance, pure art, drama, creative writing-are your passion. You love the way you can control what happens to you and your life while you participate in any of The Arts, and you can push your emotions aside when you do so. You at times can feel very depressed and alone, and yet it only further fuels your love for your art. Life to you can often seem bitter and cruel, a world of darkness with only a few tiny flares of light, stretched out far in between one another. In a way youre confused with what you want in your life, and find it hard to trust people. Because of this people of the outside world see you as cold and uncaring, yet those who befriend you love you a lot, and know you are only very lonely and hurting. Boys are intrigued by your mysterious mask, and one day, one of them will reach passed your barriers and care for you the way you so desperately want to be cared for. Dont let the popular people get you down; you are a wonderful person, and without the creativity you bring the world, it would be a very boring place. Love yourself for who you are, for you are very special. Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: A sweet, sensitive man/woman. The guy/girl who understands your need for being alone sometimes. Yet also someone who would do anything to protect you for being hurt, even if it means giving up their life. Your stone: Jade Your power: Dreaming/Imagination Your element: Dream A quote that applies to you: Dare to dream, dare to fly, dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky. Take this quiz!

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NOT Finished sorry
i started it in school and could not finish it, so i will later when it comes backl to me ok see you aorunds
Midnigh dances spin in the cool breez of the summers night
Singing their songs of dreams
Like a storybook being read.
Faces hidden under silk
Dance for me under the moonlight
Listen to you hart
Fallow the path that you think right
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
ok well heres is a nother one i really like this ones a lot. hope you all enjoy it too.
Tital: Moor dancer
Dancing in the mountain moor’s sliver light
Holding all the world in
Stories of old read all around
As a single dances spins
Water falls playing there songs
The wind gently guides her
As she dances to the old gods
Mother earth keeping her safe
From all man
The world is a cold place
She is the only bit of hope that they have left
Wind dancer
They all call her seeing no beauty
Singer with the wolfs
Holding the hands of the dead
Breathing life backs in to them
Dancing in the moor of lost time
Where shepherds seek so they may rest
Cold winds no one home here in this land
Sad tears of a lost soul seek peace in this moor of mist
Come and sit around the firelight
For the wind dancer is at work
A dream walker she is
Guiding sleepers safely
As she dances the old paths
Dancing in the mountain moors silver light
Seeing the world as it is and should be
Seeking to being safely to the world of friends
The wind dancer she is called
Only found by the eyes of the true
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
ok this si a sad one, but its all i could find on my puter that is not in need of major fixing up, so even through its sad i hope you still like it, ok see you all around.
tital: Lost In A Dream
Lost in a dream world
Souls lost in the wind
Dancers to the end
My hart is locked away
No one will understand
But I have taken flight
In to the night
Tell me one
Shining starts
Holding friends
Crying eyes
One cut to the arms
2 for ears each
Across the ankles
No one will look everywhere
As the blood will be my resting spot
As there tears fall
They will see
No longer me
Making their life in vain
Kisses to the moon and stars
Lost in a dream that’s come true for me
Dancing on the wind
Gone and free
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
stuff . . . fish.... pudding... turky.. tears. and other stuff not a clue
i dont get any of it, how ppl think you can do somethign when you say you cant or you need hlp. it confuses te hell out of me when they just drop you off on your own and watch you hang you self. but when some one who needs to hang them selfs stats whining they all wyas get what they need. ok so this is like the dummest thing in the world. i have a studdy hall of 3 people and this one kid had his writen and typed out by the teacher for him. the other kid he had the teacher write it for him and then he got to skip 2 cloasses to typ it up. when all i got was this out line in Info and got told to do this project that well it was due monday and i stil workoingn it...its not that i cant do it its that i just need help and to be Pointed i nthe right dreshon, but my teacher sat there and watched me hang, i dont get it and i am really startign to hate this one kid in the class. he anoys the crap out of me and douse not leave me be to get work done and i am the one being told to stop talking. Sigh, so i am being to hate this class a lot *shruges* i guess theres nothing i really can do about it, i onyl got 3 more years left after this one. then i am gone. kind of sort of. lol well i hope all is good with you all, here you all can have a smile face sticker. weair it proud. lo. ( ^.^
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Random because its what the PPl want lol
so there is like this huge time differnts between me and my Boy Friend and well its just pisses me off big time, i have 3 dam years till i can be like siting right next to him. and well its like omg when we fine out we both stay up all day nad night to talk to each other, its like why cant the world be o nthe same dam time zone thing, but i guess it cant be because of the way the sun comes and goes,sigh, its enough to drive one mad really, i talk to hi mo nthe mic and cam but its like wow i cant even give you hugs in less he comes here and visets or in 3 years i go there... 3 years for a hug @_@. i get out of high school and well hes out of colage next year because hes only taking like one tearm thingy and arr.. when i going to bed hes geting home and *CRYS & Screams* ok so yeah if there was a way to Move Australia closer to the East coats of the U.S, it would make life so much easyer. sigh rant rant rant... lol Stupid time and hey guess what now its time for me to go to bed, arr see theres not even time in the day for me to do everything. so i say away with time and some magic way move Aus closer or at least clsoe to same time Zone.. sigh *looks at floor* ok hope none of you have the TIME ZONE problome and if you do good luck to you, lol ok i am out for th night and might ""find time i lost"" to talk to you ll tomarrow, lol peac out and have a great ones peaps lol night ngiht all ( more rants to contun at a later date ) ^^
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Hello to alls
sigh i dont know if ishould post up, so i goign to ask what you all want up, a poem, pic, or wallpapers/greetings? and i am sorry that i have not updated in so long been bussie and stuffs, with horse, puppies, school, being sick and all that fun stuff. well hope its been good with you all. see you around.
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
I dont know
i really dont know what i am going to go on about to night... well this moring, i am talking to a friend ... yeah ^_^ hes a griend, a really good friend and dam it i cant stop smiling when i am talking to him, sigh. . . well any wyas i hope all is good with you and you all are haveing your self a Gand old timee ^^ i off to talk to me friend again/ well still only been doing it for 10 hours now ^_^ ok laters
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