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Dog Handler,
Real Name
Retraning race horses, Going to the Westminster dogs how
Anime Fan Since
since was 11
Favorite Anime
Dont have one
To be able to stand on my own two feet without needing the help of others
Writing, Riding, Showing dogs
Being able to live with Diabetes
| blackwolfpup
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Show rezalts ^_^
with my springer i could kill the juges,... i got pushed pritty much out of the way becsuse my little girl is a tri, *sighs* but she did a good job and they others have just made me a bit mad so im going back out next show and trying to beat them ^^, but with her i got
Ambreed: First( i was the only one in class @_@ )
Juniors: Second ^_^
Ambreed: First( i was only one in class again )
ok and i got given a Nova Scotia Duck toller
now i hate this dog to this point, but i was told im the first to get him to show tis good, so ohhh lucky me got stck with him,this was my first time meeting him and his 2 show in his life... he was good boy to some points but i still do not like him... oh and on he last one i beet one of the Nice/Top hhandler breeder from Canda... ok well heres what we got...
12-18 months: First
dogs: resirved winders (kind of a second)
12-18 months: first:
Dogs: First
Breed: First(this put my in the Huge group ring)
group: nothing but exparens
i will get pic as soon as the cam is developed @_@ lol, well hope your week end was good my bad news is i came home to a sick andrew mouse and early monday he died... i know they dont have very long life spans but this was the little mouse i took to school in 8th grade and get him becasue he would not stop climbing up my arm at the pet stor and i got him right after gtign out of hospital, so he was my cool little friend *sighs*.. ohk any ways have a good ones enjoey school lol
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Friday, August 25, 2006
Dog show this weekend
so i mwond for sound i got a all weekend dogs show and i am like super excited... yeah thats about ti i will come back monday with all this info on how i did ok bye by have good ones
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Monday, August 21, 2006
hi hi
hey ever one hopes lifes going good wiht you, mines kind of not so good, my gandad died on tues day and the funeral was on saterday ... i saw ppl i wish i coulod see more of and a few that i could ahve killed, but i guess its life or something... any ways hope ur enjoying last days of summer and stuffi should have some new wallpapers up ok well see you around . *walks of in to the mist*
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
i kind of like this one hope you all do to, and hope all is happy and helthy with you and ur familys and loved ones .. ok her u go
Name: dancing lily
Dancing lily how do you shine even in the mist
Of the drifting waters?
Dancing lily how do you sway
Even in the carrying winds
How do you manage to shine bright?
As if all was good
Dance in the light of your own happiness
Smile for the ones that look at you with soft eyes
Wish for happiness for the teary eyes that look at you
As the only beautiful thing in this world
Dancing lily
How do you seem to shine?
In this fog rolling in fast
Your light still shining
Even in the storms
Dancing lily how
Do you give hope?
How do you…
Make the light
Of others
Dancing lily of the mist and whispering wings
Of the soft waters
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
NEWS NEWS !!! ^_^
so the ppl with my inslain pump called yesterday and i will be geting it one monday ^_^, so i have less shots to take and im like one of the happyest ppl i nthe world right now lol, it going to be little bit befor im useing it all way but im still happy. lol so yeah i just forgot what i was saying but yeah cool ok im really over tied lol ok bye bye, im goign to try to get soem sleep... *grabs blankie and starts off to room* oh hope all is good with you and og my step dads home again ^^ yeah ok love you all bye bye.. yeah ....... ......
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Fan art
New fan art was posted up to day, some are done with a drawing pad for the puter and some by hand but cuz i don have a scanner i took them with the digie cam so they a little off, ok hope lifes good with you all .. mine could be better.. step dad was put in ICU the other day and he was so out of it he bit one of the nurces and now the nurce is running his trap saying hewas on druges that arent even i nthe house.. sigh i hate ppl that are so incofident that they have to make up lies.. sigh ok i see you all laters bye bye
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Moon heart Dancer
Dancing in the heart of the moon
My dress made of mist
Letting the wind take me away from this place
To learn of the world
I spin in the rain
Bow in the snow
Yell in the thunder
With the wind holding me
I made a friend
Lady butterfly
Wings is what she gave me
To fly on
Dancing under the moon
Dress of mist
Wings of the butterfly
Spin in the rain
Bow in the snow
Yell in the thunder
Dancing in the heart of the moon
To learn what I have to
To return home
But in my journey
I lost my head and now I’m
The winged dancer
Seen in the
Rain spinning
Yelling at the thunder
Bowing to the snow
And drifting on the air
As I walk
I see that I’m home
It’s in my heart
As I
Dance in the moon heat
My dress of mist
Learned of the world
And returning home
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
New Stuff and Poem
ok i was bord to the point of changing colors and stuff like that, i think the blue and whitw goa bit better then the red, im still looking for a nother bg pic but that shouldent take long once i get to just looking and stop sorting my pics @_@, lol ok and heres a new poem, its long, i guess in a way its a short short story.. i dont know but ok here it is sigh. *posts poem to bord and walks off * enjoy and if i dont like this one pleas tell me bye bye hope all is good with you
name: (i four got lol )
Long ago a dream it was to me
Hart turned to ice by the tears
I held my breath
As my loves lips kissed another
My tears fell to fast for me to catch them
Running in to the night
Not to return home to be next to him
All I wanted to do
But I did as normal
I lay next to him and sat by the firelight
Never letting my eyes look in to his
For the pain that I held screamed from them
As the moonlight called my soul
He saw that I new
Off the balcony I jumped
Stolen by the night light
Running with the gift given
As lupine of the night
Free of my human life
A hunt came
He sat there with his new lady on horse of bay
Dogs barking, they’re scenes of me near going mad
Padding to my new rocky through I let my howl be clamed to the winds fingers
Their eyes looking at my blue coat my blue eyes trapping their gaze
As the dogs ran my feet faster then there’s
Arrows in my shoulder poring my crimson life from my hands
Them coming after me as I spun and spun
Watching life go by
His voice in my ears
What a beauty with those eyes
A shame it be to take her life
Ill take her and teach her as my own
Fire on my back
Panting as my eyes fine a cage in front of me
He stole me again and no more
Not able to tell the truth even there
My name given back to me as he lifted the door
Fast my feet ran
To the place where I left at the full moon light
And there I let my paws change hair of brown on my head
Body of skin off to jump again
The light shining
His screams calling to me
His men after thee
As I ran to the garden to meet the night lord
This arms there to take my hand
Free me from this place
The man I loved eyes tearing
As he saw my last life
He kissed my lips
And I vowed to the night lord
To be his guardian of the red roses
Then limply my body fell
The blood from the arrow pooling around my body
The humans of help and my name in my ears
Ice eyes looking at him
Not seeing him as my love but a man
Taking me from my woodland of night
Shaking and crying
He held the growing pale and cold body
Blood around him
As his arrow let me bleed out
Howls clamed the air
Dead the lady of love and night
I know that I will return someday
When I am called upon by the lord of the night
But for now I sit in the garden of red roses
Under the forever full moon
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Friday, July 21, 2006
hey ppls, hope your summers fun or cool, i got one week of summer school left. im kind of sad cuz im having fun in it, its hot and sticky here, and im bord to tears half the time, my friend has or found a new rp site that just stred it any one likes to rp, *shruges* i will post my lastest poem later maybe tomarrow cuzz it needs to be speleld cheeked, lol and here some pic i made one of miss darcy and one of a wolf. well i see you all around hoppe everythings good with u alls *waves and hopes away*

oh heres thee site lol all most for got it lol ^_^:
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Friday, July 14, 2006
need help
ok i mlooking for chat bord thing, the coding and cant fine the one i had so if u know of any sites pleas pose them here ok hope alls good with you bbye bye
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