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myOtaku.com: BlackWolfSerena

Sunday, March 27, 2005

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This is for my friend Takumi-san^-^ Hope you like it*thumbs up*
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And thhhiiisss is for my sister-wolf Mizu-chan*hugs*Hope ya like it Mizu-chan!!(its Rounin and cheza^_~)
Life has been Hell with my granparents here..they think I have no idea what color is just because all I ever wear is black..please someone,save me o.o
I wanted to send a special thanks out to Mizu-chan and Takumi-san for sending me Easter gifts/cards,you guys are the best^-^
Your Hidden Power Is Dark

You have a Evil and Demonic Soul. You use your
hidden powers for the evil of hell. You are in
constent war with the heavans for you want to
destroy the pathetic humans were they want to
save them. For all people see in you is that
any emotion expecially love is a waste of your
time but your so mysterious that people don't
know you do have a shy emotions that are kept
locked within you.

Gem Stone:Black Pearl, Eye
Black,Hair Color:Black with
Grey Streaks that is down to your waist pulled
in a braid

Quote:You said you read me like a book
but the pages are all torn and frayed

What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.
brought to you by Quizilla
What Does Your Inner Soul Look Like?::male and female pics:: by angel_drifter
Favorite Colors:
What your Inner Soul Looks Like:
Your Weakness:Love
What you Are:Angel
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Which Elemental Goddess are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

I hope everyone has a good Easter
over and out

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