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myOtaku.com: BladerMiroku

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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isoko (10/12/07)

youre site is pretty cool! come by mine if youe ever not busy.^^

Kurt Zisa (04/17/07)

You page looks great! I won't get to update mine often, but I hope that you get to. Thanks for signing my guestbook, and yes... Sephiroth is awesome.

Kogasgirl4ever (05/22/06)

im lookin through other ppls friends list and i found ur name now u may or maynot get this from many ppl but every time i see a name w/ blader i always think it says bladder żi dont know why i just do? swing by and sign my gb sometime

madkittin7294 (05/16/06)

I like ur site visit mine!sign my gb!

gundammaniac81592 (03/19/06)

nice site. im gonna add u as a friend & i hope u add me 2. come visit my site sometime. laterz

shade the great (02/26/06)


msyugioh123 (12/24/05)

hi there i like the zelda avitar and cool background and cloro

Girl Who Sings (11/02/05)

Fourth to sign!!!!!!!!!!!
Im so evil^^
Hey there! Im new too and a Zelda fan also. Im so adding you, because I 1 heart Zelda and your avatars the cutist thing and 2 i too am an aspiring artist and have lots of crazy ideas for artwork.
ttfn (tata for now)

Magnus Lensherr (10/21/05)

Ok i have to do this...
YAY third to sign!
There we go now thats done1
Welcome to MyO figured i could still welcome you ven though you have been here for almost a month!
Well nice site and i wish you the best of luck ^_^

ReploidZero (10/10/05)

Second to sign!
Anyways, I am signing yours cuz you have an ava of link and can see you are a gamer as well. I'm new too, but I can help you best I can.


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