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Blade collecter, and whatever you want me to be *wink*
Real Name
just call me Bladez
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
video games and Hentai
| Blades of Angina
Well besides me being gone for a rather long time, my site has been reconstucted.
I hope to keep it that way too.
well do what you like here comment, sign me, look at meh quizzes,
whatever floats your boat leave somethin' negative tho
and I warn you,
you'll go to sleep and wake up without a head.
well Neways
98% of teens say "I love you" ... but only 2% actually mean it, if you are part of that 2% add this to your profile.
*99% of people say friends for life ... But only 3% actually do, If you are part of that 3% add this to your profile. -from KH-freak*

92% of all teenagers have moved to rap
if ur part of the 8% who stuck with rock put this in ur profile, RAP IS CRAP!!!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007
yea V-day was yesturday...
i'm actually glad its over.
*sigh of releif*
there are just some holiday in which I REALLY dislike not hate dislike.
my birthday! I HATE my birthday.
B-Day is the worst,V-would have to be the second worst. |
I find her horribly hawt,
I like inosent girls *grin*
(4) |
Friday, February 9, 2007
A Heritage survey
I don’t know what the hell this is but I took it anyway…
[ ] You drink a lot of tea.
[ ] You know what a brolly is.
[ ] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life.
[ ] You wanted Ben to win X Factor.(.....O.O....who?)
[ ] You use the word "bugger" or the phrase "bloody hell", or "bollocks".
[x] Fish and Chips are yummy.
[ ] You can eat a Full English Breakfast. and not gain weight Woot!
[ ] You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs.
[ ] Its futball...not soccer.
Total = 1
I hate the british sometimes.
[x] You wear flip flops all year.
[ ] You call flipflops thongs not flip flops.
[ ] You love a backyard barbie.
[ ] You know a barbie is not a doll.
[ ] You love the beach.
[x] Sometimes you swear without realizing.
[ ] You're a sports fanatic.
[ ] You are tanned.
[ ] You're a bit of a bogan.
[ ] You have an australian something
Total = 2
Australians are kool
[ ] The Sopranos is a great show.
[ ] Your last name ends in a vowel.
[ ] Your grandmother makes her own sauces.
[ ] You know how a real meatball tastes.
[ ] You know Italian songs.
[ ]You have dark hair and dark eye color.
[ ] You speak some italian.
[x] You are under 5'10'' (true true, even though I hate the fact, I swear you call me short and I’ll…
[ ] You know what a italian horn is
[x] Pizza/spaghetti is the best food in the world!!! *drools*
[x] You talk with your hands.
Total = 3
Italia is kool too
[x) You say member instead of Remember.
[x] You speak spanish or some.
[ ] You like tacos.
[ ] YoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr.
[ ] You are dark skinned.
[x] You know what a Puta is.
[x] You talk fast occasionally.
[x] You have had highlights or have dyed your hair.
[ ] You know what platanos are.
Total = 5
Damn, I hate Mexico but Spanish is ok
[ ] You say villian as: Vee-lon. (nope I say it more of Vee-Len.)
[x] You get short tempered.
[x] You know of somebody named Natasha.
[x] You get cold easily.
[x] Rain is fun for you. (I love the Rai but I hate being wet…)
[ ] You get into contests all the time.
[x] You can easily make do with the cold weather.
Total = 5
Russians are…I can’t describe them…there weird.
[x] You think REAL beer is the best.
[x] You have a bad temper.
[x] Your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O', Fitz or ends with a ley, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y.(My mother’s maiden name is O’Riley)
[x] You have blue or green eyes.
[x] You like the color green.
[x] You have been to a st. pattys day party.
[x] You have a family member from Ireland.
[x] You have blonde hair.
[x] You have/had freckles.
[x] Your family get togethers always include drinking and singing.
Total = 10
I’m just about pureblooded Irish.
And Irish rock.
African American
[x] you say nigga/nukka casually
[ ] You have nappy hair.
[ ] You like rap.
[x] You know how to shoot a gun.
[ ] You think President George Walker Bush is racist.
[x] You like chickens.
[x] You like watermelon.
[ ] You can dance.
[ ] You can 'sing' gospel.
Total = 3
Hey Nigga!
[ ] You have slanty/small eyes. (
[x] You like rice a lot.
[x] You are good at math.(I don’t see what that has to do with anything…)
[x] You have played the piano. (can’t say I haven’t)
[ ] You have family from asia.
[ ] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth.
[ ] Most people think you're chinese.
[ ] You call hurricanes typhoons.
[ ] You go to Baulko.
Total = 3
Does the Asian also include the Japanese?
[x] You like bread.(Hmmmm yummie)
[x] You think German Chocolate is good. *drools*
[x] You Speak some German.
[x] You know what Schnitzel is.
[ ] You hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi.
[x] You went to Pre-school.
[x] You're over 5'2 (ya win some you lose some.)
[x] You know the difference between William and Vilhelm.
Total = 7
I tried to speak Germen once…my teacher said I had an Irish accent…
[x] You like/play/played hockey. (man, hockey= smash and bash wich=fun)
[x] You love beer. (so?)
[x] You say eh. (All the time)
[ ] You know what poutine is.
[ ] You speak some french.(no thanx.)
[ ] You love Tim Horton's.
[ ] At one point you lived in a farm house.
[ ] You watch/watched degrassi.
Total = 3
Canadians have good beer.
[x] You hate foreigners.(if thet includes Mexicans,and British, x marks the spot!)
[ ] You hate non-Christians.
[x] You're lazy.
[ ] You are not cultured.
[x] You hate abortion.(Its wrong man!)
[x] But love the death penalty.
[x] You don't read.
[x] You shop at walmart.
[x] You think this survey is rather biased.
Total: 7
African American=3
I find her horribly hawt,
I like inosent girls *grin*
(3) |
Thursday, January 18, 2007
haha sry I haven't posted for awhile but I just gawt a Wii like a week or two ago and...well I can't stop playing it...well I geuss I'll apologize by putting sum funny stuff up.
I found this on another site.
They'd never say thet!
(from Naruto)
· "I love you Kurenai! Will you marry me?"
· "I quit smoking a month ago."
· "No thanks Shino I'm not hungry."
· "I lost 300 pounds on the subway diet."
· "Oooooh no not another bite."
· "I only lost 100 pounds on the Atkins diet."
· "That's it I'm shaving these ugly eyebrows."
· "I hate sand I think I'm allergic to it."
· "Temari and Kankurou, why don't we get along?"
. "Hey I'm a nice guy just like everyone else"
· "I hate you Zabuza, shove it."
· "Wow I make a pretty good looking girl... pass the lip stick please."
· "I love you Neji."
· "Naruto! I hate your way of the ninja! It doesn't work on me!"
· "Who cares about looks."
· "Eww I hate purple."
· "I'm so weak I wish I wasn't such a woman."
· "Violence isn't necessary can't we all just get along."
· "I want my mommy..."
· "I did NOT have incest with Sasuke!"
· "I miss my family."
· "Oh man not another naked chick."
· "Do you guys think of anything besides women?"
· "Ahh the fourth was not anything special."
· "That's right I'm a virgin and proud of it."
· "I Jiraiya solemnly swear never to look at another boob."
· "I love big butts and I can not lie."
· "I've never looked at porn."
· "The internet is not for porn. It's for educational purposes."
· "You are young. You are free. Why don't you sleep with me?"
· "I think I'm going to show up for training early today."
· "Man my partners died.. oh well better them than me."
· "I'm too lazy to choose the color of my mask today."
· "Naruto! You could read my Come Come Paradise!"
· "Do I save my comrades or finish the mission? Oh, fuck this, I'll just kill my comrades and finish it myself."
· "Hey Gaara, can I build a sand castle with your sand?"
· "Your a bad dog, Akamaru!!!"
· "I think I'm allergic to dogs…"
· "Naruto! Your a bad leader! I'm going to look for Sasuke!"
· "Shut up, Sakura I don't want to be Hokage today."
· "I don't like ramen! Let's eat tofu!"
· "I hate the color orange."
· "I love you, Neji."
· "I love you more Hinata."
. "Destiny is no more then a lie."
· "Ok lets pretend I'm straight for one minute..."
· "I have one more snake that you haven't seen, Sasuke."
· "I'm the guy who did Michael Jackson's plastic surgery."
Rock Lee
· "Hey Gai-Sensei! Can I enter a ninjutsu contest?"
· "Gai, stop hugging little boys and get a girlfriend."
· "Sakura, does nothing appease you?!"
· "Sakura, you are so ugly. I hate girls with pink hair."
· "Screw this, this ninja thing ain't for me I just wanted to be near Naruto."
· "Damn Sasuke you're even uglier than I am."
· "Damn Sasuke get a hair cut."
· "I'm sorry Itachi I don't feel like fighting today."
· "You know, I'll stop hunting Itachi. I think I'll just enjoy life and marry Sakura."
· "Naruto, I love you. You are much more than a brother to me."
· I'm not emo. *Breaks into song* I walk a lonely road, the only road that I have ever known. *Cuts wrists* Don't know where it go... *passes out*
· "I'm sooo hyper lets run laps around Kohana for a hour."
· "Ino I hate you, your such a bitch. Yet you're so hot marry me?"
· "Tsunade-sama, I don't wanna work for you anymore!"
· "Oh my god, did you see the size of that bug?"
· "Eww get that thing out of your mouth you don't know were it has been."
· A bug! A bug! Get it off me! Get it off me!!!
The Third Hokage
· "This village sucks I'm moving to Hawaii."
· "I hate being young I wish I didn't have this jutsu going."
· "Mmmmm grubs slimy yet satisfying."
· "Gambling is horrible. I'll pick up a better hobby like collecting shells."
P.S. I gawt these from just so you know, I didn't make these exept I did add one or two,one on Gaara and one on Neji
L8terz |
I find her horribly hawt,
I like inosent girls *grin*
(2) |
Featured Quiz Result:
hmm so so true. I feel Immobolized in my current living situation,its gotten to where...I myself don't think it's possible for things to change...
 | You scored as Neji. You’re Neji, the bird in the cage.
You carry a label you got when you were born, and there’s no way you could pretend to be something else than what you are. This has made you believe firmly in destiny. You’re a praised genius but deep inside you feel miserable. It’s time someone showed you people can change.
Neji | | 100% | Kakashi | | 88% | Sasuke | | 88% | Genma | | 81% | Rock Lee | | 75% | Naruto | | 63% | TenTen | | 56% | Shikamaru | | 50% | Iruka | | 44% | Hinata | | 38% |
Which Naruto ninja are you most like? created with |
yeah that exactly it,leave me alone I leave you alone I always say
*sigh* so it seems but its natural I can't help it
~~Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers~~  You have wings of STEEL. No one's really sure why, but at this point in your life you've shut off emotion to the point of extreme apathy. You are cold and indifferent much of the time...or perhaps you're just a good pretender. Next to impossible to get close to, even those who do never see the real you. It's entirely possible that YOU don't even know the real you. You have a certain fascination or attraction to destruction on a massive scale - disasters, perhaps even death or the concept of the Apocalypse. Because you hold so much inside, one day you're simply going to snap. Then the mask will fall away, and your true wings will be revealed. Until then you will deal with whatever comes your way in icy bitter silence and acceptance. On the positive side, you are fearless and immeasurably strong - not much can crack through your defenses. You intrigue people, who can't help but wonder why you're the way you are. A loner and one who spends much of their time brooding and contemplating life and death - you are a time bomb waiting to explode and create some destruction of your own.Image Source: added by myself Take this quiz!
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