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Williamsport PA
Member Since
I am the gum that sticks to your shoe.
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Not killing you.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was about 7 or 8.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha and Gundam Wing. O.o and Death is a kick arse manga. Ha... Not even half way through it yet, and it's great.
Aspiring artist!
Drawing, writing, skating, being somewhat anti-social
Drawing and writing, I guess. people say I'm really good at both
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Forever and a day, atleast, that's how it seems. >.< I started a new account here, thinking this one expired... So.. I looked up my name on the search, and found me again. I was like "wow" so... I came back here. I've always been "Blaze" to people online any way. Well.. Accept for those that stalk me.
So hi. It's been ages. and I quote "been a long time, been a long time, been a lonely lonely lonely, lonely time..." And that it has. My broke ass is still looking for a job >.< Was baby sitting for a while, but no real business wants to take me, due to my eyebrow ring. And ofcourse, I'm too stubborn to take it out. Hell, I sufferd through a lot, just to get it to heal half ways properly.
O.o yeah... I've been partying a bit... But that's nothing to be thrilled about. Sippin the gin and other such stuff, then acting like a nimrod is just... too simpleton for my liking. Though, I must say, my artwork, when under the influence comes out rather interesting.
O.o I found something to brag about! I quit smoking. *churns her butter* I cheated, on 2 of the nights I went out drinking, but other than that, I've been smoke free. Which, really rocks. No more spending money I don't have, on slow suicide.
Hmm... Oi... I'm a nu Harry Potter fan as well. Alot of my recent work has been HP Fanart. I dunno why... but even though they kinda make McGonagle out to be a marm type... I think she'd be sexy... (No I haven't seen the movies, but what would producers and cast directors know any way!) She's been the center of my drawing kicks, as of late. I'd have scanned... to show ye, but... uhh.. I didn't know I'd be staying at my dads long... let alone overnight tonight. I'll be doing some more scanning the weekend of the 11th though. Perhaps I'll remember Minerva so I can color her in Corel before submitting n such. anywho... Must get some work done before 7 so, I'll post again in a few weeks or so. K? Be good. Dun do anything I'd do.... and.. <3 much love to those who still have me on their list, though I'd up and died.
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Damn.. This was a long arse weekend!
I mean that.. really.... It all started thursday night. Amanda came to get me. Well, it was like, 2 hours after school let out. Something like that. I WAS supposed to go up to NY with her to get Matt, but there was a change in plans, and she had already picked him up. Left at 4 AM to do so, since her jackass of an exfiancee was being a dick and she needed to get out of the house. So yeah.. then we went to our friends house. Uhm.. We didn't plan to party untill friday night.. But Let me say this... Amanda passed out before 9:30 and... I wound up getting so plasterd that I spent I don't know how long, praying to the porcelin god. I realize now, that it's the Vodka that hits me hard... Hehe. All we had was some SoCo and Vodka... Any way.. neither of us intended to get THAT tipsy... but she wound up not being able to take me home (obviously). Soo... i wound up not going to school on friday. LOL And Bobby got so damn drunk he ran into the same feckin wall like 4 times throughout the night... I'm like 0.o. Ah yes.. then theres Matt. He had 1 shot of SoCo and half a glass of Vodka and claimed to be drunk... LMAO he's so damn adorable at times. Friday was one big ol party... Not litteraly, since Amanda had to work. But yeah.. Me n the guys hung out for the day, and it was all sorts of all good. I guess. We shot pool and talked n stuff, so yeah. When amanda got back, we shot more pool and talked some more. Then we stayed up till like 5 am playing truth or dare. LOL we're so oldschool... but we pretty much just played truth.. because I think we were taking the time to get to know our more intimate sides, I suppose. I dunno. Whatever? Anywho.. We got up today... shot more pool, got pizza, hung out. THEN.. When we finaly left, we came back to my place so I cout get a quick bath, then we took Matt home.. Damn trip took 5 hours to get up there... then a nother 4 back.. and we didn't even have a half hour break in between trips.... Gah.. I'm so damn sore.. and stiff.. and tired.. But, I'm staying awake just to blog on here... Just coz I love and miss you guys so much.
Meh even after this, I should go post on the GC MB... But I will wait to do that untill I'm coherant... as well as going more into detail with this. So... I'm going to bed. K? K.. Thnxbai!
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
Well, I don't know if I've recenly posted Liam's status... but my Stud is back home where he belongs... Gosh I was so happy to know it was actually him on AIM yesterday. Litteraly made my heart skip a few beats. The most beautiful person I know, is home, and I can rest assured that he's safe now *smiles faintly*
Hmmm... Other than that... what can I think of to say. Oh... Know how I had my problem, of being stuck between two men... who I love dearly? Well... The girl that was with the one... Broke up with him.. and is now with the other >.< I'm so damn frustrated and hurt over this. It sucks more hardcore than I do, and that's not exactly a good thing. The past few days, I've been really depressed... I mean... When... before the change, I could atleast be friendly and rather cuddly to an extent, with both of them... Now, it's hard just to even talk to either of them.... So hard.. so very very hard. Matter of fact, I think I'm gonna go log into allpoetry and post something in the 10 minutes I have left. Maybe I'll write more, come fourth period, or just browse sites if the networks not lagged too baddly. You guys take care. Don't do anything I'd do!
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Monday, May 17, 2004
omg omg omg!
This was like... the best weekend ever! Friday kinda sucked.. but saturday and sunday were feckin awesome!
Friday consisted of a camping trip. Getting there was hard and uncomfortable. 2 fat people (me n bobby) were crammed into the back seat of a Neon along with a big ass cooler, my shit, and a whole mess of pillows... Why bobby had to bring so many is beyond me... but yea.... We set up in the rain... and that was the ONLY time it rained. The night was okay... Yeah... i didn't know how to tell Bobby I didn't want to hook up, but I was talkin to this girl Ashley about it, and he later told me she told him. So, that was out of the way. Even though he knew i didn't want to be with him though, after we crawled into the tent, he kept asking me if I was sure he couldn't "entice" me *shudder* And the morning sucked. Bobby kept me up till 4, yammering away about nothing... the only thing i clearly remember is talking about the accuracies and inaccuracies of Avalon in Gargoyles. >.< Then Ashley and brian woke us up at 7. grrr... So packing up, I was tired and in a rotten mood, and tried to deal with brian's attitude and cockey self.... I hate him so damn much!
And then saturday was prom. i didn't even know I was going til friday, and had to get my dress and stuff all last minute. It was so beautiful though. can't wait to get some pictures up ^_^ I might turn it into anime like I had with a few pics of my friends. but yeah... It was great. Sortof. What really topped everything off is what happend first. I had about an hour to spare after getting ready, so I got online. Lucky for me, April was on, and she had news about my stud. They took him off of life support... and guess what! He was breathing good! and he's okay now! Stephen said Mike has been at the hospital with him since then, and has been keeping us posted. Said he squeezed Mike's hand before being all coherant, and since he's woke up he's been talking, and pretty much wont shut up. So.. that was great news to hear before prom ^_^ Kept me happy! But yeaaahhh.. Prom was cool. I was little miss social whore, doing more talking and aimlessly roaming the floor than I did dancing. haha. The prom would have been awesome if they were ALLOWED to play rock music,.. and not just hip hop n rap. I mean... I asked the DJ why he wasn't playing some of our requests, and he said "I'm sorry. I wish I could, really. But I'm not ALLOWED to play rock music" me n a bunch of other people were like "Wha?" I mean really, that's unreal!
O.o... Skipping crap.. But yeah.. After prom party was fun.. Mellow, but fun. And it's the second time I've ever been completely wasted. I don't think I even drank that much.. a few glasses of straight vodka, 2 of some boonsfarm strawberry hills wine, a 2 glasses of it mixed together and a lime schmirnoff twist. But I was so gone... *sighs* Atleat I didn't get sick.... Soooo yeah... I wont' bore you any more with whatelse happend.. mainly because it's messed up... and I got some research to do, so.. tah!
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Why do people chose suicide? I mean really... Things CAN be worked out... Things.. Damn.. fuck my long anti-suicide speach. I hurt... alot... My best friend in the world is laying in a hospital bed on life support after losing a lot of blood. There's not a damn thing I can do... accept think on it. He's so far away... hurting... and I can't be there... Can't hold his hand. Can't try to tell him everything will be alright. That I really can be there for him. But... That's okay... He has Mike there. When it comes to Liam.... I trust Mike. Not only do I trust him... I need him now.
I'm not one to pray... Last time I did pray for someone, they died... Part of the reason I suppose I'm athiest. But damn it... If there is an omnipotent god out there... Don't you dare take him. this is the 3rd person whos been so damn important to me, that I'm losing and I don't think I can handle it!
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Finaly, something interesting to talk about! LOL And again, it's all thanks to Amanda. Damn her.
She calls me up yesterday sometime between 4 and 5, and she's all like "Hey! Wanna hang out?" So I'm like "Uhm... I dunno. I'm in a lot of pain.. I dunno what's up. It may be a growth spurt (which is odd since I'm 19) or my arthritis is acting up pretty bad." But I said sure.. Might help work out the pain or something. So, we went to her friend Bobby's who we've both known since Middle School. I've just never really hung out with him. We went ta his place n played pool till these peoples Ashley and Matt showed up. We then continued playing pool after I got to meet Ashley, which was much anticipated. Ohhh god you can't believe how excited I was to meet her, after what I found out about someone. Anywho, those 2 are uber cool. And let me make this clear, since I didn't last night, untill I was too damn tired to even care how anyone reacted. Matt has a nice ass. Deffinately nice. *nods* HAHA. To top off the ass, litteraly, he's got a NY accent, which is weird. Cool, kinda hot, but weird. And no no no. don't go gettin the wrong idea. I'm absolutely not attracted to him. Hell, I deemed him my new best friend. ^_^. Shame he's already left for NY again, and wont be back till sometime in august.
So yeah, any way... eventually we were spoused to meet Adam (my ex, Jenn's skank) and go to the carnival in a town a ways away from mine. We get out there, and Adam swears him and Jenn looked all over the place and couldn't find it. Then he says he knew it wasn't in Jersey Shore, but in Old Lycoming TownShip. So.. we go all the way back and wind up clear out somewhere fecking else. By this time, I was so god damned pissed, I litteraly wanted to kill something. Something, or someone. I had my chance and missed... Coz... Well, i can't talk about that here, just incase he reads this and is like "o.o" coz.. He doesn't know I know what he's done. and He doesn't realize that one of these days, the little pacafist he knows is going to kill him. violently and slowly. Though.. gotta admit, I was more pissed at Adam than I was him..... But uhhhhh yeah. Onto another part of stuff.
So liek yeah. I sorta got asked out last night too. In a weird sort of manner any way. Bobby suggested a walk, and I was thinkin it would be me, him, Amanda and Matt. He walked out the door, and I'm standing there in the door way lookin like a bitch, waiting for Amanda and Matt, who are just standing there in the kitchen. I sorta was like "Uhm... oh.." *wave of uncomfortableness, which actually only lasted for a second or so* Where we went, couldn't classify too much of a walk, but the area was perfect. Was his back yard. But noooo you don't understand! He's got this babbling brooke that runs through, and he's "in the middle of nowhere" so the stars are so bright and beautiful and crystal clear! Discussion wasn't too great though. Any way, again, can't get into that incase a certain someone reads this. Any way, Bobby asked what I thought about him and I was like "Uhmm.... You're cool, I can say that" even though I knew he was looking for more of an answer. Felt bad, sortof, but I didn't know what else to say! Everyone knows I'm not well with verbaly projecting my thoughts! So uh yeah... Talked a little more, then he was like "You doing anything friday?" I'm like "I dunno" and he's like "Wanna go out?" I'm like "I dunno what I'm doing friday" and he's like "That's as in a date" I'm just like "Duh?" I don't remember if I said that, but I know I screamed it inside. So yeah, he was like "Well, you now have plans for friday" and I'm like "Okay then, I can live with that. Let me mark it on the calander when I get home, if I can actually find one."
I'm nervous though. Not because of him, but because I haven't actually been out with a guy in a long time. Well... Let me rephrase that. I haven't been on a "date" with anyone in a long time. Soooo.... Uhm.. yeah. Anyone got any tips on how to get rid of the nervousness? coz it's only tuesday morning!
hahaha. So any way... to make a long story finaly come to a conclusion, i didn't get home till 3:30AM AGAIN even though I made it rather clear I wanted to be home by 1:30, 2 at the latest... *grumbles* Jadeness can't live on 2 hours of sleep! I feel dead to the world. Still got like 3 hours of school left.. and as soon as I get home, I'm gonna bum a fag off of mom, call Bobby n see if he's okay (got kinda sick last night) and then crash. I need to just crash out... serriously... so.. tired...
Anywho, much love everyone. be good, take care. All o' dat!
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
So liek yeah.
One day at band camp, we watched spider man. Any way, it wasn't that big of a deal. We all just stuck flutes up our *exploit deleted*'s and enjoyed it like any normal person would. Hrm.. for some reason, I'm lagging really bad.. my text isn't even comming up, untill I switch over to my IRC screen and back.. I've typed like, 6 lines so far, and it's still just comming up as blank space. That's kindof scary if you ask me... Just thought I'd drop by and letchas know that nothin really happend as of late, I've been bored out of my mind. THe only thing new, is that Im addicted to the peach girl commics and I've also read a book called the conquorer. It's good! I'm not really into that sort of thing, but, the book is good good. I reccomend it. any way, tired of the lag. peace
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
I've adopted a draggie... and have taken more time on them memegen thing!!! woohoo!!!
One day, at band camp, I will.. GASP... Have a fling with InuYasha? A hot one at that! Which, makes no sence, since I'm pretty much enslaved by love to Lord Sesshoumaru.
Hmm.. Is there any sort of psychology behind names and these things? coz.. this has it nailed.
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Dude.. this next one kicks ass.. Mainly coz I serriously think Sigourny could play a mean me.. accept she'd have to get fat... and Jack Black is hot! woohoo!
Oi.. And this one's just great. HAHA..
[17:21] wow
[17:22] I just filled out another memegen generator...
[17:22] and with my SN, my real name, my sex, and my age..
[17:22] * Isobel pokes Blaze with a stick
[17:22] it was to find out what my last words will be
[17:22] and it said.. "Sex?!!?"
[17:22] * Blaze uses her stick to poke Iso back
[17:23] I can see it... It's probably true
[17:23] Jadeness is going to be laying in a trench, filled with blood.. my last breaths excape me and I'm going to be like "Sex?!!?"
Woot! I was a rock legend!! Or, most likely was..
HAHAHAHAHA. God I love this stupid crap!!!
Okay Miss Princess... I have you to blame for this... *scowls, followed by a smile* But thanks to you, I know a lot more about myself. LOL.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
okay.. yeah.. bored for now.... looking.. browsing.. etc etc.. weee...
Thnx Cho, for linking the site w/these quizes in your blog... more quizes to keep me busy!
You're a villain!
...though you prefer to think of yourself as misunderstood. You know the world would be a better place if they'd only let you be in charge of it, and if they don't appreciate your genius by themselves you're willing to make them. You've got good hair, a secret base and an ambivalent relationship with the bishounen hero. You've got the money, the women, the best mecha and your own private army, but you still lose in the end to some jumped-up kid with spiky hair. There is no justice.
the rest of the html code looked really muffed up.. so.. I had to leave it ou.. yeah!
You're Jane!
The scary one of the Evil Fangirls of Doom, your uncanny ability to spot seiyuu at fifty paces leaves many astounded. Grown bishounen turn and run at your approach, lest they too find themselves denizens of your legendary Yaoi Dungeon. Oh, and angst *is* an addiction, y'know. Can't have anything interfering with the world domination plans...
Which member of the OAV Committee are you?
o.o is 2 all? *frowns* meh.. now I'm in the mood to quiz.. and I've done all here... that look interesting, and quizilla is blocked. >.< grumble. ahhh well...
O.o sometimes I take quizes here, when I feel my mood may be different. This is funny. As I think I've said, my latest RP char is Sango.. What Inuyasha Hero Are You?
and the bell is now about to ring... buh bai!
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