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Williamsport PA
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I am the gum that sticks to your shoe.
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Not killing you.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was about 7 or 8.
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Inuyasha and Gundam Wing. O.o and Death is a kick arse manga. Ha... Not even half way through it yet, and it's great.
Aspiring artist!
Drawing, writing, skating, being somewhat anti-social
Drawing and writing, I guess. people say I'm really good at both
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
I really need to stop going out with Amanda at random hours, then staying out all hours of the night. LoL. Right now, I feel so damn wasted!
Amanda came over last night, planning on only staying till she had to go to her friend Andy's house. But yeah, she called him before she lef my place, coz I guess she didn't feel like just sittin around and watching movies. But yeah, she asked if he wanted to go play pool, n I guess he thought it'd be cool. So yeah. We went and got him, and as we did, his friend Paul showed up. He came with ^_^. But yeah.. The place we were gunna play pool at was closed, and so then we went to the carnival. Damn carnival was closing down too. So we decided then, to go to Denny's. LMAO... How many times have I been there in the past week now? But yeah.. we hung out there, then went to Andy's house and watched Matrix: Revelations.. or whatever the title of the 3rd one is. But yeah... i didn't get home till 3:20 in the morning... Got a whole 2 hours of sleep, maybe. Coz even though I was bushed, my mind just wouldn't calm down. it was racing like... Speed Racer.
So yeah... I tend to meet interesting people through Amanda. Which, is cool. Andy's spiffy, and Paul's spiffy, but.. Paul reminds me of like.. A clone of my uncle Curt. I'm about to call my aunt n see if Uncle Curt died.. maybe Paul is an aged reincarnation!!! O.o but yeahhhhhhh. *waves just incase one of em sees this, coz she mentioned the site and her username* O.o you guys got the 1 gloved hand wave!!! So special.
Yeah, this girl found a glove at the bus stop and asked if it was mine. I was like "no.. " and tossed it aside. Then I was like "wait.. that's cute! I'm gonna hang it on my wall. Or better yet, I'm gonna wear it.. every day. just this one glove." I wasn't even thinking at the time.. But then they started talkin bout how Michael Jackson does that. I was like "Woah" (Does that make me the one?) But yeah.. it actually seems like a funny idea.. I'll also start carrying around baby pouwder, so I can challange someone to a duel in 2 styles... Classic Victorian, where they take off the glove and slap, and pimp style, powdering my hand first. Serriously... And one day, I'll do it. Even if it's just to a random person I don't even know. It'd be like... "Shibby!!!"
So yeah... I'm gonna go.. And after I get home and take my nap, I'll come back and start browsing sites... it's been a few days and I feel guilty. I'll post on every one(as in atleast one per person) of your threads. I'd start now, but I don't have enough time. <3 <3 <3 ^_^
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Okay, I'm happy. It's about time I got more pics to put up.. updates of me, since the last thing any of my friends have seen is my graduation pic from last year. LOL Now that I'll actually be GRADUATING this year, I need some new pics. And I'm NOT I repeat, I am NOT paying almost 200 dollars for more pictures, when I can take better ones at home, without all the fancy equipment. besides, i never wanted to be dolled up for my pictures any way. Now I can be me, all mellow n shxt. I have controll of the camera.. and I'm going to be shooting and shot at like a Leo Suit in battle. w00h00
What happend yesterday.. Hmm.. I'm not quite sure. Well.. Friends of mine from where I RP are fighting.. 3 of them, for damn near the same issue.. Ones talking of having one of the others akilled, and I don't know what to do. I want to try to bring them to peace, but they're all bull headed people... As are most of my friends. And they more than likely wont come to an agreement on anything, and they're gonna hate eachother forever. *Knocks on wood*
O.o In other news, me new RP character ish Sango. Even though as stands, I'm more comfortable with my other 2 originals, Blaze and Khameleon, I'm making Sango my main character. need to get used to a boomerang. LOl anywho, check my character out *squeek* Sango's Bio That took a while.. I write all my HTML in notepad.. and forgot to add the breaks.. then screwed up on the alt colors... then had to fix some typos and runon sentances... but yeah.. it was worth it.. sexy sango, sexy profile. go me ^_^!!!
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Monday, April 26, 2004
the most funniest thing this week... lol
DysfunctlLoser (2:12:09 PM): *lix*
ScreamingDaze (2:12:18 PM): *sux*
DysfunctlLoser (2:12:43 PM): *moans*?
ScreamingDaze (2:12:57 PM): o0o
ScreamingDaze (2:12:59 PM): *sperms*
DysfunctlLoser (2:13:30 PM): *eggs*
ScreamingDaze (2:13:52 PM): :|:|:|
ScreamingDaze (2:13:55 PM): LOL
ScreamingDaze (2:13:58 PM): That sounds so nasty
DysfunctlLoser (2:14:01 PM): that just... looks strange. it's greaet!
DysfunctlLoser (2:14:03 PM): *great
ScreamingDaze (2:14:04 PM): lmao
ScreamingDaze (2:14:08 PM): *loves it!!*
DysfunctlLoser (2:14:13 PM): *too!!!!*
DysfunctlLoser (2:17:21 PM): *yawns*
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Saturday, April 24, 2004
What ever happend to the HTML here?
Serriously, what happend to it? O.o but any way.. that's not my point tonight. Tonight was pretty much a blast. Me n Amanda went to Adams... yeah.. I didn't want to, but I got sick of her begging... So I decided to go... Well, when Jenn got done with her training, he went to pick her up, then we all went to Denny's, including his dyked out roomates, coz it was their anniversary. Any who, we didn't sit with them though, coz they had to sit in the non-smoking section... His roomates don't like smoke. So yeah.. While we were waiting for them to get here, me and Amanda called several people, till we found someone who wasn't sleeping. it's like 10:30 on a friday night, and everyone was sleepin. Sept for this dude Rich. He was partying. Frat Party. LOL. But finaly we got ahold of this chick Dezi, which was odd. I thought we wouldn't get along, coz most of the Dezi's I know are stuckup biatches. Anywho, this girl was cool. We chilled at Denny's till almost 1, then we went to the park to hang out, dance n stuff. Amanda has a kickin system in her car, so.. we cranked it and partied at the park. Hahaha.. Any way... I finaly got home.
Meanwhile, back at Denny's... Or.. While we were still there... LOL. We were trippin, over every little thing. Later these guys sat at the booth B4 ours.. like 5 guys... then a bunch more came to join them. the whole lot of us were talkin about stupid shxt, and at one point.. I said something. I don't even remember what it was.. but we laughed so hard, non-stop for like 20 minutes. I swear, I thought they were going to kick us out. On numerous occasions. But.. our waitress, Janis seemed like she enjoyed us as much as we did. LOL. It was great.. but yeah.. it's almost 2:30 now.. so I'm gonna roll. I got some unpacking to help do tomorrow, and I gotta be up b4 noon. be good guys! peace.
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Friday, April 23, 2004
God damn I'm feckin stupid!
Haha I'm stupid! really! LMAO! We were playin a game called Community Killer here in drama class.... and like... I wasn't thinking. Any who, You play the game by sitting and talking amoungst eachother, and the killer person winks at people. When you get winked at you're dead. Well.. i wasn't thinking right, and Scott sat there, winking at me. and I'm all like "e.e!!! DON'T WINK AT ME" and kept bitchin about it, completely forgetting we were playin Killer. I started laughing so hard when someone finaly pointed it out. I felt so dumb, but I sat there and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed. haha. any way.. yeah... now I'm going to come around and inspect everyone elses sites. <3
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I wasn't going to post.. but I've got quite a bit on my mind and need to vent
Well.. Yeah. I don't even really know what to talk about. But.. After one block of confusion is knocked out of my head, another one takes it's place. Coz now there's these other two guys. LOL that makes me sound so skanky. Funny... But both of them have always been "special" to me, but crap wound up happening, that drew us apart. I feel bad for the one though. I ask if he's "available" because if not I didn't want to waste my time in letting myself grow attached to him again, and he said it's "undecided" so... I left whatever there was developing, behind me. I don't need to waste myself away on something useless and harmful. Although, we started uhhm.. messin 'round, and it was kindof fun n all... And later last night, when I had to leave, he got.. uhmm.. is upset the right word? I dunno... I was oblivious to the matter ofcourse.. and it took the other guy (next one I talk about) to point out what his silence was about. That made me feel really horrible, but I told him I didn't want to get attached if there was no sence in it... But yeah there's this other guy, who's like.. Uhm... I don't know how to explain with him. All I'm doing is hurting myself when I think of him, because he's taken. I'm a stupid punk ass. that's all. Don't we all want, what we can't have, at one point or another?
*whimpers and goes ferral, taking her panther form and hides her head under her big paws*
I'm just a confused person, and sometimes it hurts.*scampers off and clings to JT's back after he reads this and chews on the shoulder of his shirt, being careful not to rip it* I'm just a bit young and a bit dumn, and I gotta deal with it. O.o along with the fact that my emotions rule me, and for some reason, I can't controll them. *roars quietly and hops off of his back, knocking him down with her tail. Crawling into his lap, she shrinks to he size of a normal house cat with oversized paws and lays her head on his thigh* Sowwie >.< *flicks her tail back and fourth thinking* So any way, how was your day yesterday? LOL All of you.
*gnaws on her Sharpie and clicks add post*
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Thursday, April 22, 2004 What Anime Angel Are You? What Anime Mech Are You?
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
people suck
Really really bad. Some people anger me bunches. I mean... It's probably just that woman factor kicking in.. but even if not... Stupid person had to go and use the word rape... Everyone I talk to, knows not to use that word around me, unless it's in a serrious situation. *growls* I can't stand it when people joke about rape. It's not funny. Therefore, it shouldn't be joked about... So yeah.. It's not something I want to see online, after spending a really shxtty day at home, dealing with after-period cramps, listening to my sister whine about shxt, cooking something as simple as tuna-noodle helper and fecking it up, and then puking up some rancid crap, that doesn't look like anything I've ever eaten. Meh... My head hurts. I just needed to blab for a while, so I'll be out now... yall take care.
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Monday, April 19, 2004
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Unproductive weekends
Oookay. As subject states, this weekend was very unproductive, and more confoozling than the last few. I've realized that all my stress over JT and Liam was just a big... confusing state for me. I dunno... In a sence, it was worth it though. I'm sorry you'll have to read this here instead of hearing it from me, but JT, I dun think I care for you the way I thought I did. Things seemed to get boring and redundant, and with that in mind, I think I look to you more like I look to Reeny. as my.. little big sister, though, being the male counter part. ^_^. That's not a bad thing though. Actually, I think it's an uber good thing, because that my friend, can't be ruined.
In other news, the past has come back to haunt me... Litteraly >.< There are these 3 people, whom I've always adored very much. I got into a bit of a tangle with one. Coz like, at one point, messa cared for him lots... Too much maybe LOL. and he's just a really cool dorky, pervy person. He's taken though, so Jadeness has to be all like "no bounce, no play." Can't bounce, can't play. LOL and then theres Xi n Rouge. They be back! That makes meh so very very happy, coz yeah! LOL I can't even begin to explain why. *falls over laughing* it's just a big fecked up story. O.o and on top of that, in the proces of somewhat catchin up with them, I've made myself another fags hag! GO ME!
Now that I'm thinking about that... I must also add that I'm FINALY getting around to making a website, since I get some free space with my earthlink account. It's cool. Sept.. i got afew pages mostly done, and the stupid crap wont give me a thing to use, to directly do HTML. It tries to make me use an editor thing, and i don't want to do that.. I have my own layout.. simply black. LOL. It's better than their corny arse background formats. and I put things where I WANT THEM. Not where THEY want them.freedom is key when it comes to my web space. My sites gonna be fun once I get it all up. Only prob with it, is that I'm HTML illiterate, so I'm holding onto a book the whole time I'm doing it. Gets frustrating sometimes. Another frustrating piece, is that the stupid earthlink crap wont lemme upload my folder so I can test things out... that makes me so angry.
Hmm... One last thing I would like to add. If you come across a person RPing as Alice Cooper, take advantage of it. If this person does a good job, it comes out great. Maybe even kinky. LoL.
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