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Williamsport PA
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I am the gum that sticks to your shoe.
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Not killing you.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was about 7 or 8.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha and Gundam Wing. O.o and Death is a kick arse manga. Ha... Not even half way through it yet, and it's great.
Aspiring artist!
Drawing, writing, skating, being somewhat anti-social
Drawing and writing, I guess. people say I'm really good at both
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
sho damn bored
Bored bored bored. Time to take more quizes.
ROMANTIC ONE. The really most most most important for you is that she/he is romantic. You love it to get love letters, red roses and be in a romantic atmosphere. He/She must make you think that you are the most beautiful of all. When he/she is romantic she/he has you got in his hands. When he/she tells you all that he/she feels for you ,you are devoted to him/her. At this point you are easy to be tempt. Your heart is soft and pure and you would never cheat as long as you love your partner. But if he cheats you, you are not hiding your feelings and show how much she/he hurt you because you trusted in him/her and never thought he/she could do this to you.
 You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek or more passionate embrace. super markets and work places are your favorite places to attack your loved one with all your love =p
 schizoid No matter what quiz I take.. no matter where... I'm a schizzo.. Interesting..
 You have a Lost Soul. No one is really sure what that can always mean, because it can be defined in many ways. As Legend goes, lost souls were the spirits of passed away people who are neither in heaven nor hell. They walk the earth, brooding mysteriously, always appearing when you expect it least. So hence, if you have a Lost Soul, then you are probably very insecure and shy. Stuck in your own little box, you watch the world fly by as a loner. You dont know your place. You seemingly dont have a place in society or an interest. You are a very capricious person, and are confused and frustrated about where you belong. You crave for the sense and feeling of home-but have not obtained it yet.
 Ballet shoes- beautiful, graceful, and creative, you enjoy dancing writing and music. You are often very poetic and sometimes dramatic. You keep to yourself aside from a few close friends that you can relate to.
You belong in the land of darkness, otherwise known as one of the worlds in which I dwell. All here is beauty inspired by tragedy and great sorrow. Write or go through other creative outlets to express the anguish you may be feeling, and never let anyone tell you that you are just being 'weepy' or full of 'teenage angst'(if you're a teenager.If not, then they really should be punished for calling you one. They probably are trying to insult your maturity...fools.)and always remain yourself, dark and amazing. Never change.
 You are a moon shadow. With the moon as your source you are a being of great mystery. Constantly drifting, you descend into darkness to conceal your brokenness. You have come to believe that you are the only one you can rely upon for constancy and safety that you need. But those who know how to see you find enchanting beauty in your wistfulness and fragility. It is to them that you should flee, for their arms are an open haven where your true light can finally thrive..
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Thursday, April 15, 2004
I dun remember if I mentioned Tiamat yet, but she's my latest RP character. I'm still working on her Bio/Description, since I think I'm finaly finished drawing her. I can't get a pic up here any time soon, that I'm aware of, but can you guyses let me know how she sounds, so far?
Age: Unknown. Appears to be in her mid 20's
Height: 5'8"
Hair: Long and wavey, her (haven't figured out a color yet) tresses are constatly waving around her body
Eyes: (haven't picked a color yet)
Weapon: Deadly with the kunai, she is also a water conjurer
Dress:Tiamat wears an icey blue gown with a black underlay at the lower half. A thick, dark blue ribbon ties around her waist forming a small bow with floor length tails at her back. Covering her body is a deep blue cloak, bound at her neck with an amethyst crystal. To top is all off, a baby dragons wing is bound in her hair, and though it looks artifical it is very much alive.
Personality: Comming off aff as sorrowful, she's often misjudged. She's deep and constantly brooding, and more oftehn than not, alone. Somethimes she can be quite rude, although she doesn't realize it. She just never lies and feels no need to sugar-coat anything.
Past: Once well guarded and cared for by many servants, she fled, unable to handle being confined. When starting her oen journy she appeared as a little girl and was taken in by a young man who raised her like his little sister. One night, a band of theives broke into their house in a raid. Seiji, her "brother" was killed as he tried to fight them off, and Tiamat went under a transformation which leads her to her present day dilema and attitude.
I'm giving her one more category, sacred items... but I haven't thought about that too much yet. I think once I get her penned in and colored, I'll be able to think a little better. Like... I dunno what color her hair and eyes will be, untill her clothes are done, so I can offset everything and make it look right. So.... Any feedback will be appreciated. thanks!
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Wednesday, April 14, 2004
This shall be interesting.
Jenn dumped Matt... and now 500 bux sayz she's gonna hook up with Adam. Grrr. That makes me so damned angry! But, not at Jenn. Not by any means. Just Adam. Why would a fag wanna hook up with a woman? I hate men... for the most part. But right now, I'm really hating Adam. O.o I was doin other stuff and forgot I was posting.. but yeah... If they hook up and he tries to speak to me again.. Let him die by my hand.
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This weeks Site of the Week
Okay... I'm deeming the site of the week, this week, as GpetzI haven't had much of a chance to look through it too much, but it looks like a cute site ^_^. So yeah!
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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Time.. Time...
Not enough time for me to do stuff. I haven't had the chance to check out anyones updates as of recently. Well, I've had the chance, but not the time. Today, either in a few minutes, or when I get home, if my mums at work, I'll do some lookin around. ^_^
So yeah! Any way... Update on my "love life" so I can put a closure to some things. I'm done waiting for an answer from Liam. I should have realized that if he has to think about it, I must not be that important. Besides that though, I think it might be better if we keep our relationship the way it is. I love him too much to hurt him again. And aside from Liam, there's JT. He's he best. Serriously, you have no clue. *giggles softly, thinking* But yeah.. uhh... He's pretty much... I can't say perfect, coz there are some things I've had to adjust to, but he's close :P. And, I can't really deny that what I feel for him is... O.o I'm not going to say it. Might hex things. >.< So yeah! Any way!
O.o shxt! I forgot all about Battle Of The Bands! They just put across an announcement about it and well... O.o I almost blew the rest of my money. I just hope BOTB isn't on the same night as the Andrew W.K. concert. Even yet, I came up with the money for a ticket, but I don't know if I can go. Feckin Adam still doesn't have his phone working right and I can't get ahold of him! *grumble* I don't even know if BOTB will be worth going to... All the guys from the 2 best bands graduated last year. I was gunna tell Jason I'd become like a temp backup singer for his band, just so they could play, but that wouldn't really be fair. they won 3 of 4 years up here, and the other best band... *giggles* won the other time, and they came in second.
Yeah.. Think I'm gonna roll now. I want to get some writing done before activities period is over, and I gotta look at updates. *huggz all who reads* be good n stuff!! Yes... I know it's not fun, but try ^_^
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
Okay. More quizilla time. Can you see that I have no life? Well... actually, I'm just bored. But yeah. For the first results here... I don't label myself, because I'm me. That's all. But here's the results for "are you one of the 3 P's (Punk/Prep/Poser)"
Punk! My kind of friend. You could care less what other ppl think of you. You want friends who like you for who you are and not what you have. I mean, sure, sometimes you stick fries up your nose, but thats ok. People love you because you crack them up immensly! Your amoung friends! Rate my quiz fellow Homie!
Okay... I must be the perfect woman for all demons. What's with that?
The young demon is sure that you are the perfect human for him. He is in love but too shy to let you in on it yet.

Now let me see how I rate with vampires... 2 parts to this.
1)Mr. Vamp really loves you. I sure hope you like him too, cause he ain't never lettin you go!
2)The Vampire likes you... he likes everything about you... Stay away from other men, because he is jealous.
HAHA. I'm taking all of the sessho quizes for fun. This result is deffinately funny. Wouldn't Sessho like a strong willed woman, who doesn't need to scream for his help every time another demon comes along and tries to do bad things to her?
 uh oh..maybe you should at least TRY to let him save you..he doesn't think you love him anymore because you're not even trying to call for help..
You are probably a lucky girl. Sesshomaru is a guy who by the looks of it would love you. But what do I know? If you want to know. Go to the next one!!!
 Sesshoumaru would ask you to marry him! he is so in love with you he cannot stand being away from you! he will die for your love or even aproval!! you go girl!
---- Damn.. don't remember which ones I took already... here we go any way... ----
 Sesshoumaru would ask to marry you!!!! he loves you for your mind and looks!he can not stand being away from you!!!!!!you make him open up his feelings and you make him relize he can love a human GO GIRL!!!!!
----this is sad... I'm pathetic----
 Sesshoumaru ask you to be his wife!!!!! he can not live with out you! he wants to be with you forever!his heart splits if he ever sees you with another guy! he is crazy about you! GO GIRL!
----Uhhuh.. Let's see if we can predict the next one...---- Sesshoumaru ask you to be his wife!!!!!!!he can not stand being away from you!he brings you gifts and flower to you every day! he agree with you and always thinks you are right! YOU GOT HIM!
----uhhhuh! and the next?----
 Sesshoumaru ask you to be his partner in battle!WOW! he thinks you are the only one good enough to be bye his side! he thinks you are even hot when you slice huys in hlaf you rock!
Finaly done with hers.. and I think I'm done period. Well.. I guess that all wasn't pointless. I guess I now know where I should go with Inuyasha character... *yawns* now I'm tired... I think I'm gonna give quizilla a break for a while and pop in on my peeps in BH coz yeah. bored still.
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Saturday, April 10, 2004
All up in hurr!
aaaaaiiiiiiight! For some odd reason, I give away some of my net stuff... and the day after we do, we get another comp.. Still slow as heck n all, but I'm back online at home. It's great. teehee! any way.. that's all for now. peace n love always!
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Thursday, April 8, 2004
Spring Break
This is more than likely the last time I'll leave anything for you peoples who are strange enough to read my stuff, untill tuesday. Spring break starts tomorrow and I don't think I'll be going to the library. I'm gonna coup up and play Legend of Dragoon all weekend, even though I think I've gotten it almost beaten. *cabbage patches for that*
Yeah... So.. Emotionally, things are weird... My Stud and his boytoy broke up... Makes me feel bad... well.. yeah. I was on AIM yesterday, before school let out, and Stephen was talkin on his SN. He came on too and I dun like talking with him in a big chat session, unless it's just me, him and our friend April. I left.. For two reasons really. One, was because of the amount of people there... The other was because of JT. I wanted to focus mainly on him, instead of 5 or 6 other people. Coz.. yeah.. misseded him and all that stuff... >.< Liam (my Stud), for the first time, got jealous of him and that caused problems between he and I. Said he felt like second best... Really, there's no way either of them could be second best... I care for them both, so much. But, I do love Liam, with all the love I have. I can't honestly say I "love" JT but I do love talking to him, and I care about him, alot. Which... made it hard to do what I decided on, last night. See... I've been waiting a long time to get back with Liam. I f*cked up big time when I left him before... *sighs* So yeah... I asked Liam about getting back together... and before he answerd me, I told JT what I was doing.. even though it was weird, and kindof painful to say that to him. So worried about how he feels about it. Well... Yeah, understandably, Liam said he has to think about it. Was a bummer, but understandable.. and I couldn't say much any way, considdering that me asking period, comes off to me, as somewhat selfish.
So, on a better, happier note, if I can scrounge around 20 dollars quick, I'm gunna go see Andrew W.K. Next weekend. Squeeeee! Gosh. LOL just thinking about that now, gets me in an uber good mood. Or, atleast makes me feel a little more sane. But yeah.. Adam and his brother are going with a few other people. If I can get the money, we gotta find 2 other people. If we can't it looks like we'll be taking his room mates *cough* and they don't like me.. I don't want to be stuck in a car for an hour or so, with a couple of dykes that don't like me at all. I think they're pretty chill, but they think I'M a bad influence on him *shakes her head* YEah.. but I'm the one trying to get him to grow up a little more. Such a bad influence am I. *nods agreeingly while rolling her eyes* So, we're gonna try to get Amanda and her man to go, since there'd be no reason for he and I to go, if we'd have to take an extra car, just coz one of us wouldn't fit in the other one. *laughs* being fat is fun sometimes! Anywho... What would be better, is if I could go see Godsmack tomorrow instead. Don't have money for that though.. and they already orderd and have the tickets. I told em all to take a cam corder and bootleg just the performance of the song Serenity for me. That song's so beautiful ^_^ *halo*. But yeah yeah. Going to see Andrew W.K. gets me pretty hyped. But yeaaah... I need a site of the week recomendation.. and i don't really have one, so I'm gonna go find one. Maybe an... wait. Right off the top of my head, I got one. I used to spend hours on the anime turnpike... so if you don't use it, go ahead and check out The Anime Web Turnpike hmmm.. Actually, thinking about it, I haven't been there in a while. Me thinks it's time to go back! ^_^ Tah!
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Code name
Fagus Hagus. Yeah, that's me! LoL. Okay, couldn't think of anything normal to post today, so I'm going to ramble about my hag-ism stuff. You know you're a true fag-hag when you date guys who turn out to be gay >.< This has happend to me three times. Nu, it's not my fault. Maybe once.... With my stud! He was straight when we hooked up, but I talked about my half-dykeness and it seemed to get him currious. Well.. when we broke up, he hooked up with this guy to experiment *giggles* it's great! that was the second guy.. first guy, it was my best friends fault... I swear. We broke up, and they hooked up *laughs some more* then he got tired of her and hooked up with this Bob dude. And now there's Adam. But yall know about him, so I wont go there. O.o he gave me my first hickey though. 19, and I've never had one till last night. the fecker bit too hard though. Must think he's a vampire or something... Most people suck a bit more. he straight up bit alot and sucked a little. I'm like "owwwwowowww!" pain is good.. but not that much. Told him to come back when he has fangs cemented in. I'll have mine before he has his.... so I can atleast strike revenge.
Okay, so yeah. Josie wanted me to do more characters for my current story. Erm... Draw.. not do. Mainly, her and this guy Albert. So... I did. YES, I did. So, if you read this b4 3rd period, you can expect what to see. It turned out cute, but not the way I wanted it too. I was getting frustrated while attempting to draw parts of Albert, and then just decided to finish it up and be happy with it. It's cute ^_^. I was bxtchin bout how it didn't really look like Albert, and Adam looks over and goes "well, I don't know if it looks like him or not, but he's cute" I look at him and say "well... I guess, but it doesn't do Albert justice. I couldn't look at him in that way, but he's hotter than a mo' fo'.
OK... stupid fecks in my homeroom need to stop spraying colgone or whatever.. it stinks worse than my hoodie *shudder* I was gonna do laundry last night, and never got around to it, coz I was dragged out of my house. Needless to say, laundry is on my "to do immediately after school" list, considdering Adam's commin over around 6ish and probably wont leave till late, unless we leave and go to his place. Either way, it wouldn't matter... still wouldn't get it done then. O.o bells gonna rind in like, 20 seconds, so I gotta go. Be good!
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Test and again
The quiz is almost ready to submit! I just gotta get around to getting the images and the html on the same computer, so I can email em... yerps! *cabbage patches* ooo damn! I can't even upload them for access elsewhere.. my quota is exceeded.. gotta take care of that. TC, be good. all that.. yeah! *much love!*
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