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Williamsport PA
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I am the gum that sticks to your shoe.
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Not killing you.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was about 7 or 8.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha and Gundam Wing. O.o and Death is a kick arse manga. Ha... Not even half way through it yet, and it's great.
Aspiring artist!
Drawing, writing, skating, being somewhat anti-social
Drawing and writing, I guess. people say I'm really good at both
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
This blows!
Dang... Now I'm all ticked off... I can't check my email from school now... They blocked it, and the secure route wont work! This really sucks because it's my Stud's birthday :( makes me wanna cry, coz I promised him atleast an email if I couldn't get on AIM later to talk to him, which I probably wont be able to coz of play rehersal, and the fact that he will probably go out later tonight. Damn party hound!!! *sigh* any way... yeah... so umm... I drew a pretty cool pic of Sesshomaru last night. Yeah... MY Sesshomaru. I know when I finally get it on here and people look at it, they're gonna think the coloring is wrong. Well, it's not and there's a reason behind the different coloring. Me and this girl Lunactic_Inferno got into a fight over Sesshomaru one day and we came to a compromise. I get the Sessho with more red, than blue... and she gets the regular Sessho. I'm a compromisable person, so I was happy with that. Besides, my alternative color job looks grand.
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
New recomendations
I've decided now, that atleast once a week since I don't browse much, I will post a website that I think is recomendable. Now... the site that I'm about to post today, is one that... most may not take too kindly to. BUT... the moment I found this site, I found myself laughing my booty off. Before you visit this site, please be aware it's not recomendable for children, there are some "disturbing" graphics and... well... if you're still currious, check it out! Come visit the slef-proclaimed flaming wonder I serriously can't get enough of this site. No... I'm not sick. No, I'm not demented. No, I don't normaly laugh at other peope. No, I don't dislike you. He just cracks me up!
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Monday, March 15, 2004
I finaly have some art that I can put up here, though I wish I had more than 2 pieces, and I wish one of the pieces that I scanned was the picture of Raven and Corbin... But I didn't. Just a set of original characters (Credit to myself and my RP partner, Raven Zabat), and an image of the "love of my life" and his boyfriend >.< that I did for his birthday. Anywho... Now all I gotta do is get around to submitting them which will more than likely take forever coz I'm lazy *nods*
So hi! How are ya? I'm just absotively spiffy. Okay, not really, but I gotta keep up appearances ^_^. Or, I could just be honest and say that I don't know how I feel. Went out with some friends saturday night, and it was fun. Up untill later any way. I started getting upset over something, that I'm not even sure of what it was. So, I got up and went outside after about an hour of being completely neglected. I really hate being neglected by people, specially friends, when we're supposed to be hanging out. So yeah. I went outside. After a while my best friends boyfriend/fiancee thing comes out to see if I'm okay. Now, that was a suprise. As nice as it was, it hurt, really bad. This girl is supposed to be my best friend, and the other guy claims to be all crazy about me. If that's the case... don't you think it would have been more appropriate for one of them to come out, instead of the guy I barely know? So yeah... I denied my feelings and told him I was fine, then he went back in. Maybe 15 min later, he checked again. By that point, I was so pissed that I was crying and wouldn't be able to lie that time, so I told him part of what botherd me. The part about the people that actually know me, and I know, couldn't come out to check themselves, but had to send him out. He said he'd send her out, and I told him not to bother. Eventually, she did come out and pesterd me till I opend up a little. One great night turned into a hell.
O.o Also, I went to bed angry last night, and I hate that! See the dude that I like said he was going to come over to my house last night, and he never showed. I really need to talk to him... Get things atleast somewhat settled between us. Another thing I hate is when people say they will do something, and then don't. It's just like... GRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.o damn. Okay... I'm gonna go now... yeah.... tah
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Saturday, March 13, 2004
 Industrial rock! Just like Marilyn Manson, you know what you have to say and you just say it! I like you very much...just be careful you don't scare me away...
 Ok. You are one hell of an angel. You are a vampirish angel. You murder in the night, and are quite proud of your achievements. You have a naturally blood thirsty and malevolent mind. But that's just you. You are dark and powerful, if a little blood thirsty. You are both and angel and a vampire. But you will never be either. You feed from the innocent, and glide away from the world of mortals. You are unique, and have a gift for poetry. You are manipulative, and are cunning and quick minded. You are a sharp person. One that should never be under estimated, and if you are, that person will be your next feed. Congrats. You are certainly original. Extremely rare and one of a kind.
 You are the Goddess of Water. You are a very loving, you show your emotions out in the open. You are full of wisdom. Also dreamy... You would rather be sleeping then awake. But are still very happy. You are most inspiration to the other Four Goddesses since without water there wouldn't be life.
Other Water Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya, Ran, Kupala
 You are Amon! Prone to silence and not one to smile easily, you never the less get the job done.
You are the vampire that controls the soul. You are dark and lonely, you long for love and friendship. You hide yourself in the shadows afraid that people may hate you, and you are afraid to be hurt. If you don't take a chance and show your true colours, reavle to people the real you, then you will always be alone, only you can help yourself.
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Friday, March 12, 2004
 You are the chinese element of Water. People who are under the element of Water are creative, independent and intelligent. Water you are a dreamer, but are quite vulnerable, and have hidden agendas. The color of water is black, and your symbol is the tortoise. Winter is the season in which Water shines and it's months are October/November. Your weather condition is cold. Water is the direction of north, and your day is Wednesday, while your planet is Mercury. Animals under your element are usually shelled. People under you are Turks. Your sense is hearing, your taste is salty, your sound is moaning and your virtue is knowledge. Your organs are the kidneys. You were created by Metal and control Fire.
 Your a Guradien Angel! Guardien Angels are also knows as Warrior Angels, because they are the army of God. Not always meaning that they are in war, simply that their job is to protect unwary humans from dark dragons, or other evil demons. Warrior Angels are not always friendly with humans, but they will watch over them all the time. Humans say that when a miracle happens, thank your guradien angel.
 Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for one reason or another - possibly, you made one tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't commit. In any case, you are faithless and joyless. You find no happiness, love, or acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most days are a burden and you wonder when the hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching picture. You are the one that few understand. Those that do know you are likely to love you deeply and wish that they could do something to ease your pain. You are constantly living in memories of better times and a better world. You are hard on yourself and self-critical or self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved, you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite your tainted nature, your soul is breathtakingly beautiful.
 You are Form 8, Demon: The Destroyer.
"And The Demon took advantage of the chaos and seized civillization. With grace and style, Demon slit The Goddess's belly and drowned the world in her blood. The Goddess, The Demon, and the world were no more."
Some examples of the Demon Form are Seth (Egyptian) and The Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Christian).
The Demon is associated with the concept of destruction, the number 8, and the element of earth.
His sign is the full moon.
As a member of Form 8, you are a very strong willed individual. You don't let others' opinions sway your own and you're usually not afraid to speak your mind. However, some may see you as a bit overly passionate but it's just because you never back down from your values. No matter what, you always do everything with style. Demons are the best friends to have because they will back you up.
 Darkness is your passion. You can't live without it and you're starting to turn dark. You are interested in things that others fear, sometimes using it against them. So much fun. You think you're pretty dark, but that ain't true. Better watch your back, real dark people may find it fun to teach you a thing or two about REAL darkness...
 Your an ice dragon! Congrats! Out of all the dragons, you are most powerful but do not like to show it. A rare and special creture, you have artistic style and are great at expressing yourself. You think friends and Familly are the most important, and are a hopeless romantic. But of course, as ice goes, you can be a little cold or harsh at times. But not to worry, you always apoligize later!
 Your a magical unicorn! As all unicorns go, magic unicorns are amazing with enchantments and can perform spells and all kind of crafts. Magic Unicorns have horns that if drank from can cure blindness, and give immortality. All magical unicorns are very kind and heart-warming, but can get tempermental if a spell goes wrong. Magical Unicorns live in forests where they can practise all there magic in secret. But, if a human befreinds a magical unicorn, they have a friend for life.
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
Untitled Story
I decided it would be better if I just moved all of this to one post... so.. yeah. Hope ya enjoy!
Staring down from a black storm could, Raven was lost in thought. Mostly, what filled her head were thoughts of her mortal life. H ow she was a lowly being and only wanted to find love. SHe never did. Until now that is.
Even though she found love, she couldn't have it. Corbin, the one she found herself loving, is a demon. By the laws of heaven and earth, angels and demons were forbidden to walk amongst each other unless it was in battle.
What made them so different? The only thing that really stands between them are the choices they had made in their mortal life.
"Raven honey, why don't you come in?"
The voice belongs to Raven's mother, Anna. Looking over her shoulder she saw her as she was when Raven was born, The day her mother died. "I need to get my head straight" was her answer.
Anna sighed softly. "It's that man again, isn't it?"
"It's not just him mother. It's a lot more than that this time." Raven rose from her knees to her feet and brushed her black hair away from her eyes. "Mother... Can you tell me why our love is forbidden?"
"Because..." Anna hesitated. "Well, I think that's a question you should answer for yourself... Or, ask *God*"
"Very well... I'll ask him before I turn in for the day." Raven suddenly turned and dove from the cloud, her blood colored wings spreading behind her.
"Aye, poor child."
Leave me alone!" Dylan yelled at the group of thugs that gathered around him in a circle. Kicking up his skateboard to his hands he yelled "STAY BACK!"
"Awwww! Little baby gonna beat up up with his plank?" A thug asked.
"OOOOoooohhh! We're so scared..." Another one added.
Dylan thrashed at them with his deck, but it did no good. Quicker than he thought possible, he was being beaten to a pulp.
A figure moved in the shadows and a mean cleared his throat. "Leave the boy alone" he said calmly.
The thugs all turned and looked towards the voice. When the first thugs eyes fixed on a still figure covered in black, he drew a thick chain from his pocket and wrapped it around both fists. Soft sobbing came from behind him as e said darkly "What are you going to do if we don't?"
"Stop you, of course" The man said, in the same calm tone.
The same thug laughed and charged at him. The others couldn't see what was going on, or who had the upper hand. They heard what sounded like bones breaking and hooted. The chain suddenly flew out, lashing the smart mouthed thug across the jaw and head, knocking him down and out.
The group fell silent and moments later, the first thug skidded across the pavement, back into the dull light. "What the hell?!? Lets get out of here!" Another yelled. The 2 thugs were left behind as the rest fled from the ally.
Raven saw pieces of this as she cradled Dylan in her arms, trying to calm and heal him. She watched the man step out of the shadows, his leathery wings spread behind him. Standing over the thug he just fought, he looked down, his eyes flashing red. "What's your name?"
"Drag!" he stammered.
"Screw nicknames. What's your real name?"
The thug tried to et up and run away, but he had a broken wrist and a leg that was fractured in several places. "Marcus! My name's Marcus!"
The man smiled, his eyes now ablaze. "Marcus, mark my words. If I find you messing with the innocent again, I'll kill you. Got it?"
He nodded. "O-o-o-okay.."
"Corbin , thank you." Raven finally spoke up.
The man folded his wings to his back and walked over to her and the boy "I thought angels were never late." he smiled warmly and added "Angelus Erarre?"(if someone knows latin, correct me on that please)
"Hmmm... Yes" Standing with Dylan still in her arms, she close the small gap between them. "It seems I owe you one. You saved my boy." Turning her attention to Dylan she asked "What are you doing out so late any way hun?"
"Mommy.... She's in the hospital. I wanted to see her and... and... THose mean men got me..." He answered.
“I see." Raven responded. "Well here. Let me fix up these bruises and you can run along and see her." She set him down and cupped his cheeks in her hands and gingerly kissed his forehead. They radiated in a golden glow for a moment and when she drew back, he was fine.
"How... How did you...." He stammered.
"Let's just say I'm a doctor. Now run along." Dylan nodded and grabbed his board, running off to the hospital as fast as he could.
"You don't owe me anything" Corbin finally spoke again. "I can't stand to see bastards like them beat on kids."
"Thank you any way. If it weren't for you he..." She trailed off.
"I know, but... Let's just look at it as an unfortunate way of shamelessly meeting." Corbin said.
Raven smiled, her frosty lips parting slightly. "Yes... You're right." After a moment of silence, they embraced in a hug, tight and affectionate. "I wish things didn't' have to be this way" she whispered.
I do too" Corbin replied. "But we can't do a thing about it." He folded his wings around her, not wanting to let go again. "Raven, I love you so much."
"I know." A bloody tear slithered down her cheek as she looked up at him. "I can't go Corbin..."
"You have to"
"I can't! I'm hurting myself every time I walk away from you, and it's killing me, even though I'm already dead!" Her body shuddered which only made him hold her tighter. "I just can't.'
"Raven..." He whispered. "Please, just save yourself. If it means us being apart for eternity, I'd rather it be that way, than to know I'm hurting you." He drew away from her and reached into the vest of his uniform. "here, take this and never forget me." He drew a white rose from his vest and stuck it in her hair at the edge of her tiara. He brushed his lips over hers, whispered "good-bye" and faded away as the sun peeked out from the roof tops.
Raven fell to her knees and wept. Forget him? How could she forget him? As much as either of them could try to deny it, they were a part of each other. Like one soul, bound d by fate to never be whole again.
For the next couple of years, Raven and corbin went about their lives. Raven protected Dylan and Corbin worked as a bouncer at a club called Technotica.
During those years, they hadn't seen each other and tried not to think about each other. Raven remained emotionally alone, though engaged to another angel named Edward, while Corbin began seeing another demon named Erica.
One night, both the demons and the angels were summoned to meeting with their superior beings, "God" and Terra.
Terra stood at the altar above her league of demons and began to speak. "My comrades, it is time for you to know why you were reborn onto this planet as an immortal. I'm sure many of you have wondered why, because at one point, I had too. Actually, it's simpler than you think. The past repeats itself.
"Thousands of years ago, a war took place. To be more exact, a holy war raged. Demons and angels hacked away at each other, both for the benefit of humanity." "God" waved his hand over the angels, showing them his memories of the brutal war, a wave of pain sweeping through his body. "All but two Immortals were destroyed in this war and sadly, it is time to go into battle once more."
"My fellow land walkers! Gather your spells and weaponry, and let the final war commence!" Terra bellowed. She turned and left, her cape flowing behind her.
An uproar arose as many of the demons became excited. Corbin sat in the midst of everything, thinking. +why did she look directly at me when she talked of the 2 survivors from the last holy war? I don't understand...+
"Corbin, let's go!" Erica cut into his thoughts. "We have got work to do."
"I'm not fighting."
"Why are you refusing to fight!?!" Anna asked, concerned.
"Because they are no different from us! The only thing that separates us is our wings!" Raven responded.
"Stupid child! Don't you realize this war is not about us, but about humanity? Don't you understand that demons terrorize humans?" Anna found herself becoming angry, too quickly.
Raven looked at her mother through sad, green eyes. "Mother, don't you see this isn't about humans any longer? That it's a war of nothing more than revenge? That the immortals are only being used?"
“How can you say that?"
"Well... I've never told anyone about this... Fifteen years ago, Dylan was in trouble and i couldn't make it there in time to save him. But a demon did. Corbin saved Dylan in that allay fifteen years ago. Not me." A tear fell down her cheek. "It was the last night I'd seen him."
"So that is why you wear the white rose of the demons every day. But that is no reason as to why you wont fight with your people." Anna turned and left, enraged.
"And that's why you wont fight? As well as why you wouldn't bond with me through marriage?" Erica shrieked. "Because you're in love with an ANGEL!?!"
"Yes" Corbin answered firmly.
"You're going to hell, Nazi bastard!"
Laughing suddenly, he said "I'm already in hell. But is there really a need for name calling?"
"I hope you die along side your angel after you see Terra herself, rip her limb from limb." Erica hissed at him.
"As long as she dies painlessly, I'd gladly die along side of her." Corbin closed his eyes. "Good-bye and good riddance Erica." +I have to find Raven. We can't let this get out of hand.+
Raven perched on he fire escape, rapping gently at the hospital window. Finally, Dylan pulled back the curtain. With a smile, he opened the window. "Hey mom! This is the woman that saved me when I was little. How are you?
"Dylan, your mom can't see me" Raven smiled softly. "But she's part of the reason I'm here. Things might get strange and bad and I need you o stay here and protect her, no matter what." She told him. "Can you do that?"
"Yes, i can do that. Oh.. Since I got to see you, will I see the man who's been my hero, since that night in the alley on Funstin?"
"Your... Hero?"
"Yeah!" Dylan exclaimed, sounding almost childlike. "The guy that taught those guys a lesson for picking on me, fifteen years ago."
"No hum. I don't think so. But if you do... No... Never mind."
A shadow swept over then and Raven turned to see what it was. "Oh my god," She gasped.
"Now it just wouldn't be a reunion without me, would it?" Corbin asked. He folded his wings back, and as he did, light spilled over them once more.
"I don't believe it." Raven looked back at Dylan. "I guess it's time you know who we really are. I'm Raven, an angel. And hi is Corbin, a land walker."
"Wait, you mean like.... Like a demon?" Dylan sounded confused.
"Yes" Corbin answered for her. "I'm a demon. That may be hard to accept, but it's true. Look... A war between our races is about to begin and we want you to be safe."
"Thanks man... But if you haven't noticed, I'm not that ten year old boy any more. I've grown up." Dylan chuckled softly. "But, I will protect mom."
"That's all we want" Raven smiled.
"Must feel good to say 'we' for you two, doesn't it?" Dylan asked.
"How could you...?" Raven started.
"Your eyes. Both of your eyes say so." He smiled brightly. "Go do what you have to. We'll be fine.
With a nod from each of them, they flew off together. After Dylan closed the window, his mother asked "Who were those kind people?"
+She could see them?+ "Old friends Mom. Old friends.
"It's good to see you again Terra"
"I wish I could say the same thing, 'God' "she responded. "But welcome to Angelus Erarre."
"The place where angels lose their way?" 'God' blinked. "No don't kid yourself. We will prevail."
Raven and Corbin grounded at their sides. "Neither of you will prevail." Corbin stated.
"Now that's a little too pessimistic, even for you, Corbin" Terra said.
"He's right though." Raven cut in. "We know who the last 2 standing at the end of the last Holy War were. We also know it only ended because you love each other. But why? Why did it take so long and why couldn't your love continue?"
Both Terra and 'God' looked at Raven, unable to say anything, afraid of saying the wrong thing. When Corbin took Ravens hand in his he said "We are in love, and we love humans. We can't let you unleash this war with the earth as your battle field."
"Because" 'God' began.
"Love is foolish." Terra finished.
"Love isn't foolish. It's what held our people together until you two began your own war." Raven said quietly.
"It was never our love that died. It was our love that was murdered. Humans began to hate and dear land-walkers. Humans divided us! It wasn't o ut choice" Terra cried out. "She's right! We must stop this!"
When the 4 arrived on the battle field, they were dismayed. So many immortals lay slain on the ground and buildings. Much less were left attacking each other.
A light erupted from the direction of the hospital. "Dylan!" Corbin called. "That's Dylans soul!"
"It can't be. That's a child's soul" Raven argued.
"But a beautiful soul as well." 'God' said.
"No Raven. Look at it and look at your hands. They glowing is the same as it was fifteen years ago, when you healed him." Corbin said firmly.
"The love of a boy, for both land-walker and angels? How?" Terra asked. She shifted then and called to her people. "Look everyone! There is love in this world for us. A child in that building loves both us AND the angels!"
At those words, the fighting slowly ceased and the immortals all turned to look. When all had seen the light of Dylans soul, his inner child, they looked upon each other as if for the first time.
"WE did it!" Corbin stated firmly. "WE did it."
Raven laughed softly. "Yes, we did it. Didn't we... The sun began to rise and Corbin pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply. Returning the kiss, not wanting him to vanish, she wrapped her arms around him.
When he and the other land-walkers didn't fade away, 'God' and Terra breathed a sigh of relief and together said "It's finally over. Thank you"
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I was thinking last night, as I was setting the timer for Inuyasha. I started a fan fic some time ago, just to go with a pic I drew of Inu, sortof worriedly holding a wounded Kikyou against him. I think I'm gonna try to find it and continue it, or start again. I've been developing a female character based on Sesshomaru (coz he's so hot, more mentaly/emo-ly than physicaly, but... I won't deny he's one of the hottest animated characters ever!) and I want to do something with her... *thinks hard while playing with the robe her very own Sessho, clothed in mostly reds* I dunno what I'm gonna do though. Maybe her n Sessho will fight. One will die. Or... someone will die any way. Kagome is a deffinate (I don't really like her too much), and if she doesn't get killed off, she gets permanantly stuck in the present time where she belongs. That's all there is to it. o.o oh yeah. I forgot I was posting my story here. Today was really hellish... so.. yeah. And since I have a half of an hour to kill, I might as well dig it out and continue with it.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2004
I'm so blonde..
I forgot... Gay Jay asked why I don't have a Signature set up here, and why I don't have quotes plasterd all over the place like I usually do. He was like "you've got quotes pinned up around your room, on the GC board, and anywhere else you go. Hell, you even do shxt like that in a chatroom, if you can." so... Just to make him happy, here are some quotes, aside from the one on the side bracket.
"Our music is kindof like taking something and making it beautiful" - Jerry Cantrell
"You're not skanky, you're just a slut." - Tenley
"I once loved you, but that was long ago. You once hated me and it really showed. Now you long for me and I'm nowhere to be found." - Sassie Andrews
meh... Bell finaly rang... maybe... I'll add more later or something... buh bye now.
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Are all men dumb? And or shovanistic dorks? This dude, the dude I was talkin bout yesterday >.< me n my friend went back over last night around 9:30 (Well, I joined them, since I had to go back to school at 6 for play rehersal) and yeah... We hung out for a while, doing stupid stuff. Yeah, uh we played Bull Shxt(the card game), spin the bottle, and truth or dare... Yeah, what a fun way to spend my birthday *rolls eyes* Okay, so I'm going to skip to when we left (It was like 12:15... made it home just in time to throw a tape in for Inuyasha) When we were leaving, I heard him whispering something to "prtygrl" and when I asked her later "Is it okay if I ask what you guys were whispering bout?" and she told me. Dumb arse thinks I don't like him, just coz I didn't put out the other night. Grr! I'm just not easy. Can you blame me for not wanting to "sleep" with a guy I haven't seen in forever, even if the "spark" is there? Yeah... I may be a slut, but damn it, I'm not easy!
So any way, I wrote a short story based on this kick arse pic I drew, and well, I think I'm gonna post it here. It is a bit long for an entry... but it gives me something to do, and you, something ghetto to read, if you want. So, hurr it goes.
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