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Williamsport PA
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I am the gum that sticks to your shoe.
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Not killing you.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was about 7 or 8.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha and Gundam Wing. O.o and Death is a kick arse manga. Ha... Not even half way through it yet, and it's great.
Aspiring artist!
Drawing, writing, skating, being somewhat anti-social
Drawing and writing, I guess. people say I'm really good at both
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Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Another year, another life
No game complaints or anything today. Not yet atleast... Maybe by time 4th period comes around. Coz well, I'm all happy today. This is strange, coz it's the happiest I've ever been on my birthday. I actually even had the motivation to do my makeup and put on a *shudder* dress. Go me, w00t! I'm all, almost 20 n stuff now LOL. I just can't think of anything I can do at 19, that I couldn't do at 17, so it's a bit of a beyotch.
So yeah, I guess part of the reason I feel so good today, is partialy because of what happend last night. I saw a friend who I litteraly haven't seen in years.Well one and a half, maybe two. And.... We really hit it off. What's strange about the whole thing is, I never thought I could be so cozy with HIM. Him of all people. But he seemed to have really grown up and matured quite a bit. What was even weirder, is that I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to lay there in his lap like the kitten he was treating me as, all night. I finaly made it home around 11:30, then layed up thinking all night. Grrr!
It's all my best friends fault that I think I may have feelings for him now >.< If it weren't for her sayin "oh guess who I ran into" blah blah blah "wanna go see him" blah blah blah. Then while we were there, she's like "I gotta get to work, but maybe you could stay and hang out with him" blah blah blah. But, maybe it was worth it. I just don't know whether I should go medieval on her or thank her...
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Monday, March 8, 2004
Chrono Cross - Don't read this... it may contain spoliers.
Okay. Opening CG's are great, the first time you've seen them. Yeah, I've played the game already. Atleast 6 times, give or take a few. As much as I like the game, I think it's time I'm allowed to express my feelings towards events, complain, praise and whine, about whatever I want. So let me say that I enjoy skipping the opening CG. After that... you find out you're a dude called Serge. What the hell kind of name is Serge? It makes him sound like a pansy! Lets rename him something cool, and worthy, like Sessho! Now, you get woke up by mom to discover you were late in meeting your girlfriend. Now tell me, do you really want to wake up? Everyone knows how 17 yr old girls are when you stand them up! So yeah... Lets go get yelled at, then get told she wants you to get beat up, just so she can have her komodo scales, for a necklace, and demands you meet her at the beach when your done collecting them. Okay, now... this chick is a real hypocrite! She comes in all late, expects you not to be mad at her, and then whines about yer childhood, and memories. GAG! That's one of the longest, most useless bits in the whole game! Who cares if you remember a dumb promise you made to her ages ago. Any way, next thing you know, you're getting hit by a huge wave, and you die! No, not really. You're just transported to a different dimension, which... really erks me too! It's CHRONO Cross... Not WARP Cross... or whatever.. Chrono is time... not dimensional warps! So yeah, when you come to, some dude with a Komodo *shudder* tells you you can find Leena (the b***hy girlfriend) in Arni. Yeah, you guessed it! She's a lazy mo-fo and she's STILL at the dock! Psht. Then the wench tells you you're dead! And again yells at you when you claim to be Sessho, then sends you to your grave. Litteraly.
So you go to your grave. *gasp* how horrible is that!? At your grave, you get jumped by 3 dorks. Okay, only 2 are really dorks... Later, you find out Karsh, the hot guy in the middle, is pretty cool. But for most of the game, he's serriously a dork. But have no fear! A "mysterious girl" comes to help you fight them off, and she then tells you her name is Kid. Again, lame name alert! But she deserves that name, for she really is lame! and let me tell you why...
Remember Schala from Chrono Trigger? Schala is my all time favorite princess, in all of videogame and cartoon history. Okay, now remember the baby Lucca found in the ending CG? Well... Kid is the baby and "clone-daughter" of Schala... now... This is really bad. For that fact that Kid is Schala's CLONE/daughter, wouldn't it be better if she LOOKED a little like Schala, and ACTED a lot more like her? Well, maybe not acted. I can deal with that, since she was raised by Lucca. *shudder* O.o just wait till I get to talk about one of my favorite characters! They tie into this as well!
okay! so now we're going to termina. I'm not even gonna talk about skelly, coz well, I never found the last piece to him, so I don't know jack, other than where you find the skull, and a few odd pieces. Now when you're in Termina, it's time to choose between 3 characters, and it's not hard to do. Pierre, a "hero" is just an annoying frenchman, who's a serrious narcisuss (Spelling?) and he's not worth it. Next there is Nikki, and the only thing he's really good for is eye-candy. Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE Nikki. He's one of my favorite characters. Plus, him and Miki's combo is pretty cool. BUT.... Guile, the 3rd to choose from is awesome. He's hot, and he's got power, which, Nikki lacks real power.
Now I can talk about Guile. Later in the game, you find out that Janus is supposedly watching over Kid on her journies, because of his promise to always watch over Schala and protect her to the best of his abilities. Some people think that Guile is Janus, while others claim it is Sessho. I have a question... Janus didn't die. He went on living. How do I know this? Because Magus and I beat the hell out of Lavos in Chrono Trigger! Soooooo, Janus could not be a 17 year old boy, could he? Now Guile, I'm not posative of his age, but he'd be about the right age... And that piece... where he loses the bet with the fortune teller and he has to show her what's under the mask... would it be Magus/Janus's incriminating scar? I don't know! They blacked it out! It's just too mysterious. Later, you SHOULD be able to find out, but as before, Flea, Slash and Ozzie are of no help. But, you'd think if they saw Magus, they'd say something! They don't.... punks!
To Be Continued. En Fin!
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Thursday, March 4, 2004
My baby's okay! I mean... well, He's better any way. Still can't talk, but he's mobile again. Wheeling around the house in a wheel chair ^_^. It's an incredibly huge relief to know that he's doing better now and that I can atleast talk directly to him, instead of through someone else.
O.o and mister person... I forgot what your name was already even though I was just looking at it, but I do understand what you mean now... I'm not sure how the pic looks like porn exactly, though Ron said the same thing after I took the quiz and showed him though, he used the term hentai >.< I don't think it's bad, considdering you CAN'T SEE ANYTHING >.< *gets all cartman-like*
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Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Wake up San-Fransisco!
Good morning and such. Though, I haven't figured out what's good about it. I'm still sick, I don't want to be in school. I'm still confused as he|| and when it comes to part of that... one of them is ill and... they aren't sure exactly why. He can't talk, can't get up to get out of bed, and the doctors are clueless. The man I love is suffering, and I'm powerless to even attempt to help them. I hate being powerless. To end things on a good note though...
Bradley Academy called me. I'm not accepted yet, but it's lookin all sorts of good for me. I wonder what will come of that since I'm still not sure if I'm staying in the states after graduation. O.o oh yeah, Bradley Academy is an art institute, for those of you who were like "wtf is that?". I'm actually interested in either majoring in animation or fashion design, and from what the rep. was talkin about, they have some really great programs for both. It's an 18 month school, where after you complete it, you get your associates degree. I can't really say any more, coz I don't know too much more. I have yet to check out the site for the school that the rep gave me. So yeah... tah n stuff.
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Tuesday, March 2, 2004
Could someone do me a favor?
I was wondering if someone out there could help me out with something... maybe as a birthday present ^_^ ? I can draw and all, but I wouldn't want to mess this up. But I'd really like a picture of Larva (maskless) of Vampire Princess Miyu and Amon of Witch Hunter Robin standing together, back to back, calmly poised to attack. Prefferably black and white, or photoshopped. I know I know... I'm kindof picky.. But I was thinking about what would be cool... and that was what I came up with. I'm just so afraid I'd feck it all up if I tried on my own.
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This sucks.... I decided not to stay up last night and set the VCR to record Inuyasha >.< gaarrrrr! And I had a huge problem. i have to turn the power off, in order for the timed recording to start. Ofcourse, my stupid ass forgot to *cries* Now I need to find another tape, and pray, even though I'm athiest, that Adult Swim runs Inuyasha one more time. *sniffles and hugs herself*
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Friday, February 27, 2004
Well... Hrm.. as you can see, I went test crazy earlier. I can't do alot, coz of working from a school comp, and everything being blocked... but when I stumble across ones I can take, I take them.... yeah.... but uhm... boy..... blah. I'm bored. Really bored... and I don't know what to say or do... so here I am, just rambling... just keep swimming, just keep swimming....
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Heeeyyyy my quiz got accepted! I'm all happy about it ^_^ so... like yeah.... Meh. I was all hyped but not it's just.. meh
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Hrm. I don't have much to say today, that isn't redundant, but I wrote some things last night, and I'm thinking about submitting one page, to get it published. If you don't mind, please give me feed-back. it would be greatly appreciated.
Everything to Me
I love you so much
I want to reach out and touch you
Caress your scarred flesh
Kiss your becconing lips
I want to make love to you
Entwine my body with yours
Two being becomming one
I want to share everything with you
laughter and smiles
Kisses and hugs
Success and failure
Comfor and pain
I would take it all to my grave for you
Would you let me hold you
Be the strong one to protect you
Will you share with me your greatest fear\To shiel you the best I can
Can I be the one to tranquilize you
Sedating your wild storms inside.
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