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Williamsport PA
Member Since
I am the gum that sticks to your shoe.
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Not killing you.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was about 7 or 8.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha and Gundam Wing. O.o and Death is a kick arse manga. Ha... Not even half way through it yet, and it's great.
Aspiring artist!
Drawing, writing, skating, being somewhat anti-social
Drawing and writing, I guess. people say I'm really good at both
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Okay, before I go on and take quizes and post the results here, I guess I'll clue you guys in on the dance.... YEah. In short, it didn't happen. We went up and stood outside for maybe 20 min, waiting for peepz to show up so I could introduce him to my friends. Well, the only one that I got to introduce him to was Alana. *sigh* well, I decided we'd leave coz he really didn't want to be there, and I'm an understanding person. Well, on the way back, I go "so are we gonna hang out, or are you going to go to the bar?" Coz, before, he said something about just getting stuff and going back to his house to drink. Well, he wanted to go to the bar. Now, that really pissed me off. I mean... He'd rather go to the bar, then spend time with me,. after not really seeing me all week, other than to drop the money off for the tickets. >.< on top of that... he was talking about this guy, who he really likes, who just happend to go gay recently. Now, that wasn't bad. I straight up said if they messed around, I wanted to watch... but... yeah... It's still upsetting, coz after all, I am his girl. Or well.... that will be past tence next time I see him. Considdering while we were at the school, we were talkin bout stuff and he says "remember hunny, I'm gay" and I go "so then why are you with me then?" and he says "for shxts and giggles" and at that time, I didn't think anything of it, but later that night, I realized that he was more than likely being serrious about it... and that hurts so much...
any who, time for quiz results... lets go have some fun and get my mind off this depressing topic! Word to my nizzles!
 Your Energy is Grey. Your thoughts are unclear, muddled, and confusing. Dark thoughts or depression may be clouding your true colors. It may be that you have been hurt and rejected, or maybe you are just manipulative, dark, and evil.

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while adults might just accept that, I know something's gotta change. And it's gonna change, just as soon as I become an adult and get some power of my own.
ahhhhhh this result is to die for!!! lookie!!! lookie!!! i mean it damn it!!! lookie!!!!
You and Sesshomaru are a perfect match. You are both worriors and probably both of you have troubled lives. You are stubborn and he really likes that about you. He doesn't really mind you being human.
 You are a fire shadow. The feathery glow of your source makes you spritely and active. You love to experience many things and you want to take in the entire world. You are constantly flickering, darting from one experience to the next. You have heat, energy, magic, and charisma and hold the power of beauty and destruction. However, the dying of your embers is a corrupting fear. Learn to accept that you cannot possess so much raw energy forever.(please rate my quiz cuz it took me for freaking ever to create)
 Your ideal Middle-Earth parents are Celeborn and Galadriel! You live in the beautiful woods of Lothlorien. You are an elf! Your parents are very wise and will always be fair with you. They also give very good presents that seem cheesy until you realize that they are exactly what you need. Your mother is as beautiful as the dawn, which means that you will be either handsome or beautiful yourself and your guy friends will want to hang out at your flet all the time to look at Galadriel. Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir are your niece and nephews, and Elrond is your brother-in-law.
Your Middle-Earth mama is a psychic, which means that you can never, ever lie to her. She is the disciplinarian and will do her best to see that you become a wise and noble elf.
Your Middle-Earth dad will try to be your best friend. He is the one to ask when you want money for concert tickets or permission to go to a party. Since he will really want to impress you with his hipness you shall be forced to listen to him butcher teenage jargon. Example: What up, homechild! Thou art trippin in that tunic, yo? Try to keep him from doing this in public. Even with all that, Celeborn will spoil you, which you will enjoy, so live it up!
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