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Williamsport PA
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I am the gum that sticks to your shoe.
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Not killing you.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was about 7 or 8.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha and Gundam Wing. O.o and Death is a kick arse manga. Ha... Not even half way through it yet, and it's great.
Aspiring artist!
Drawing, writing, skating, being somewhat anti-social
Drawing and writing, I guess. people say I'm really good at both
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Okay. More quizilla time. Can you see that I have no life? Well... actually, I'm just bored. But yeah. For the first results here... I don't label myself, because I'm me. That's all. But here's the results for "are you one of the 3 P's (Punk/Prep/Poser)"
Punk! My kind of friend. You could care less what other ppl think of you. You want friends who like you for who you are and not what you have. I mean, sure, sometimes you stick fries up your nose, but thats ok. People love you because you crack them up immensly! Your amoung friends! Rate my quiz fellow Homie!
Okay... I must be the perfect woman for all demons. What's with that?
The young demon is sure that you are the perfect human for him. He is in love but too shy to let you in on it yet.

Now let me see how I rate with vampires... 2 parts to this.
1)Mr. Vamp really loves you. I sure hope you like him too, cause he ain't never lettin you go!
2)The Vampire likes you... he likes everything about you... Stay away from other men, because he is jealous.
HAHA. I'm taking all of the sessho quizes for fun. This result is deffinately funny. Wouldn't Sessho like a strong willed woman, who doesn't need to scream for his help every time another demon comes along and tries to do bad things to her?
 uh oh..maybe you should at least TRY to let him save you..he doesn't think you love him anymore because you're not even trying to call for help..
You are probably a lucky girl. Sesshomaru is a guy who by the looks of it would love you. But what do I know? If you want to know. Go to the next one!!!
 Sesshoumaru would ask you to marry him! he is so in love with you he cannot stand being away from you! he will die for your love or even aproval!! you go girl!
---- Damn.. don't remember which ones I took already... here we go any way... ----
 Sesshoumaru would ask to marry you!!!! he loves you for your mind and looks!he can not stand being away from you!!!!!!you make him open up his feelings and you make him relize he can love a human GO GIRL!!!!!
----this is sad... I'm pathetic----
 Sesshoumaru ask you to be his wife!!!!! he can not live with out you! he wants to be with you forever!his heart splits if he ever sees you with another guy! he is crazy about you! GO GIRL!
----Uhhuh.. Let's see if we can predict the next one...---- Sesshoumaru ask you to be his wife!!!!!!!he can not stand being away from you!he brings you gifts and flower to you every day! he agree with you and always thinks you are right! YOU GOT HIM!
----uhhhuh! and the next?----
 Sesshoumaru ask you to be his partner in battle!WOW! he thinks you are the only one good enough to be bye his side! he thinks you are even hot when you slice huys in hlaf you rock!
Finaly done with hers.. and I think I'm done period. Well.. I guess that all wasn't pointless. I guess I now know where I should go with Inuyasha character... *yawns* now I'm tired... I think I'm gonna give quizilla a break for a while and pop in on my peeps in BH coz yeah. bored still.
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