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Somewhere I think
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Real Name
...Now why will I spoil something like that
Play PS2 Games with my toes/Being mad for one full day/Stay up for one whole night.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Bleach, Naruto, FMA, and Blood+.
To go to Japan/Write a Fan Fiction
Watching Anime/playing Final Fantasy X, X-2,& XII/Reading/Darwing
Drawing anime people/soccer/Geting Sunbruns
| BleachNarutoNut
Hello, and welcome. Before I go and do somethin' dumb, I like to said I'm a girly person when it comes to my two most fav charaters, but I'm a tomboy (THAT'S RIGHT, AND SHE HASN'T WOREN A DRESS OR SKIRT IN LIKE 6 YEARS). I got a short temper, and I'm hot headed, brash, & rash. I can't give ya my real name, or other stuff. I do have fan art I want to post, but I lack a scaner (F THE ONE SHE GOTS!). As you can see, I have two personalities. One is my normal Hot headed one, and the other is kind of like a inner hollow (DO YA KNOW I CAN HERE YA!).
Anyway, I am a Bleach Naruto Nut, and when I mean "NUT" I mean I know everything up to data (SHE'S BORED AT HOME, AND HAS NOTHING BETTER TO DO!). For those who been here before, I got bored and changed my intro (What I tell ya, boredem). So, we're all clear? Good. Bye-Bye (DID YA COPIED GIN?!)
I bleached my hair and gave myself fox whiskers.
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Hinata
Likes: Naruto, Flowers, & Me!
Dislikes: Neij.
Owner: BleachNarutoNut
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!>
PS: All speak in () Are the inner person
PSS: We all have a fears. Mine is where I turn white, get white hair, Black sclera Yellow iris, a major voice change, and have a minor personality change(Mine is where blondy fears becomes ture)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Life is so weird
I'm now out of middle school, and into high school, but I won't have any of my friends and I must where a f***ing uniform! Plus, my Profanity is at a huge and major level. So, when I'm in school, I'm going to get really mad at someone, and cuss for a whole f***ing three minutes.
Ugh... But I'll worry about that when I have to read book over the summer. And speaking about summer, it's not going to be pretty down here when it's storming. 'Cause the storms limit my time on the computer, and when I'm cut off the computer, it's hell for who or what's causing, and I don't give a rat's ass about lightning or rain. So I'm gonna expect me cutting off a few years off my life.
I don't seem to be scared of gore and bloody scenes in movies or games anymore. Thanks to RE & Silent Hill. Here's the moment: There's a man tring to leave the room (I wasn't watching it, so I'm guessing), and something is in his way (Once again, guessing) and the guy cut off the person's head, which fell into the bath tub and was being fill with the head's blood. I would of be shitting at that moment, but it seemed so dumb to me and it was like nothing to me. Then again, I'm scared by the footsteps and doors (Mostly) in my house.
One last thing: I can cook! But it's only Ramen! I feel so stupid right now! Bye! (Eh? HEY WAIT! WHAT 'BOUT ME!!!)
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Featured Quiz Result:
Thats me! I like to burn stuff, and plot revenge on others. I like people suffering(I laugh at them).