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Somewhere I think
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...Now why will I spoil something like that
Play PS2 Games with my toes/Being mad for one full day/Stay up for one whole night.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Bleach, Naruto, FMA, and Blood+.
To go to Japan/Write a Fan Fiction
Watching Anime/playing Final Fantasy X, X-2,& XII/Reading/Darwing
Drawing anime people/soccer/Geting Sunbruns
| BleachNarutoNut
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/29/07:
Me Likie.
Result Posted on 10/29/07:
There I put my name happy? and poeple who want to skip this go ahead
Result Posted on 10/29/07:
Change Facts no Justu!!!
Result Posted on 10/29/07:
There must be some thing wrong with every computer I take a quiz on.
Result Posted on 10/29/07:
of course no girls!!!! Forced to be Ichigo
which bleach char r u created with |
You scored as ichigo you are ichigo strong and powerful and very qucik on ur feet and the strongest of them all with enough spirt energy to feed the world!?
ichigo |
| 86% | Urahara Kisuke |
| 59% | Sado Yasutora (Chad) |
| 50% | Abarair Renji |
| 41% | Kuchiki Byakuya |
| 27% |
Result Posted on 10/29/07:
Well to say the turth I was geting Ichigo or Tatsuki.
Which Bleach Character Are YOU?! created with |
You scored as Tatsuki You are Tatsuki. You kick arse- even though you're a girl. People mistake you for a guy sometimes because of your attitude- but you don't mind. You hate homos. You've got a guyish dress sense. You are really over protective of your best friend. You always stick up for people that can't stick up for themselves. And basically- yeah you just love kikin ass...
Tatsuki |
| 90% | Ichigo |
| 85% | Rukia |
| 45% | Chad |
| 40% | Inoue |
| 30% | Kon |
| 25% | Ishida |
| 25% |
Result Posted on 10/29/07:
I...I have to be a dead guy...WHEN I'M A GIRL!!!!!!!!
Which Bleach Vice-captain are you most like? created with |
You scored as Shiba Kaien You are Shiba Kaien. You have a younger sister and brother, and though you're technically deceased, you live on in everyone's lives. Your sense of justice and pride is great. You're willingly to fight to death for your pride, and you feel sad that you pulled Rukia and your captain into. Yet everyone feels a sense of belonging with you and you make everyone feel welcome.
Shiba Kaien |
| 100% | Abarai Renji |
| 90% | Shuuhei Hisagi |
| 85% | Ise Nanao |
| 80% | Kusajishi Yachiru |
| 65% | Hinamori Momo |
| 55% | Kira Izuru |
| 55% | Sasakibe Choujirou |
| 45% | Kotetsu Isane |
| 45% | Matsumoto Rangiku |
| 30% | Oomaeda Marechiyo |
| 25% | Kurotsuchi Nemu |
| 20% | Iba Tetsuzaemon |
| 15% |
Result Posted on 10/29/07:
Go, Toushirou, Go, me.
Which Bleach captain are you most like? created with |
You scored as Hitsugaya Toushirou You are Hitsugaya Toushirou. Small and young, but you hold great power. You are overprotective of your friends, but at the right circumstances, you will lose your temper. But you also hold your own sense of justice, in which you will also break the rules to achieve.
Hitsugaya Toushirou |
| 100% | Kuchiki Byakuya |
| 71% | Komamura Saijin |
| 71% | Soi Fong |
| 71% | Unohana Retsu |
| 58% | Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni |
| 54% | Tousen Kaname |
| 54% | Ukitake Jyuushirou |
| 54% | Kyouraku Shunsui |
| 38% | Zaraki Kenpachi |
| 33% | Ichimaru Gin |
| 25% | Aizen Sousuke |
| 21% | Kurotsuchi Mayuri |
| 13% |
Result Posted on 10/29/07:
Man, I am too good.
What kind of an Angel were you before your life on Earth? (kool anime pics) created with |
You scored as Guardian Angel You were a guardian angel! Before you were sent down to Earth to live and be tested, you were a beautiful guardian angel who faught off evil and protected humans even the ones who didnt deserve it. You risked everything to protect them because for some reason you just naturally had a fondness of them. Humans felt protected when you were around even though they couldnt see you secretly keeping them safe
Guardian Angel |
| 96% | Angel of Death |
| 79% | Angel of Hope |
| 54% | Angel of Guidance |
| 43% | Angel of Prayer |
| 43% | Angel of Good Fortune |
| 39% |
Result Posted on 10/09/07:
I guessed 80-95%
You Are 90% Psychic
You are so very psychic.
But you already predicted that, didn't you?
You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.
You're very tapped into the world around you...
Just make sure to use your powers for good!
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