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Somewhere I think
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...Now why will I spoil something like that
Play PS2 Games with my toes/Being mad for one full day/Stay up for one whole night.
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Bleach, Naruto, FMA, and Blood+.
To go to Japan/Write a Fan Fiction
Watching Anime/playing Final Fantasy X, X-2,& XII/Reading/Darwing
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| BleachNarutoNut
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/06/07:
Oh Great.
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
Result Posted on 10/06/07:
I was hoping for only child.
You Are Likely a First Born
At your darkest moments, you feel guilty.
At work and school, you do best when you're researching.
When you love someone, you tend to agree with them often.
In friendship, you are considerate and compromising.
Your ideal careers are: business, research, counseling, promotion, and speaking.
You will leave your mark on the world with discoveries, new information, and teaching people to dream.
Result Posted on 10/06/07:
GO RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Psyche is Red
You are bright, bold, energetic, and intense.
Your upbeat, zany energy inspires those who are down.
Spontaneous and playful, you also have a courageous and fearless side.
When you are too red: you are angry, overprotective, and truly scary.
When you don't have enough red: you are depleted and lifeless.
Result Posted on 10/06/07:
I was hoping for a more different one.
Result Posted on 10/06/07:
Well it is good
Result Posted on 10/06/07:
I have a GUYS BRAIN. Well that does explain somethings.
Your Brain is 40% Female, 60% Male
You have a total boy brain
Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts
And while your emotions do sway you sometimes...
You never like to get feelings too involved
Result Posted on 10/06/07:
Your Life Path Number is 11
Your purpose in life is to inspire others
Your amazing energy draws people to you, and you give them great insight in return.
You hold a great amount of power over others, without even trying.
You have the makings of an inventor, artist, religious leader, or prophet.
In love, you are sensitive and passionate. You connect with your partner on a very deep level.
You have great abilities, but you are often way too critical of yourself.
You don't fit in - and instead of celebrating your differences, you dwell on them.
You have high expectations of yourself. But sometimes you set them too high and don't achieve anything.
Result Posted on 10/06/07:
You Are More Yang
Result Posted on 10/06/07:
You Are From Mars
You're energetic, althletic, and totally hyperactive.
You love playing sports and being in the middle of all of the action.
You're independent, corageous, and brave. Unafraid to do things your way.
Mars can be reckless, quick tempered, and a little too spontaneous.
So think before you act - and resist your natural urges to dominate others.
Result Posted on 10/02/07:
Hee-Hee Ichigo's Bankai.
who's ur bleach man??....longish results includes love story!!! WEWT
 ichigo (me:sweet) ~little love story~one day ur just out partying with ur friends at the club and lets just say ur about to blow up with how much fun ur filled with =P untill some beast comes charging at ur friend killing her...u scream in terror knowing ur best friend is now dead...then some guy with a black robe and orange hair walks up and slays the beast u fall to the ground crying then the man walks up to you and trys to comfort u....ichigo:hey....its ok im sure she'll be fine...hopefully my names ichigo you? _____... u said as u wiped tears from ur eyes trying not to cry anymore he smiled at u charmingly and held u...ichigo:wanna take a walk?? lets get ur jacket...and so u took a walk then u decided to go home he wanted to walk u home knowing somthing might attack you too u thought that was so sweet of him =) for being a stranger he was quiet the gentleman when u got to ur doorstep u two had gotten to know eachother actually quiet alot he started to like u and u liked this is was nice talking to you thou ichigo =)...ichigo:it was nice t-talkign to you too _____=)u unlocked the door and he grabbed ur arm ur gasped as he kissed u and he didnt take the advantage to make out...u thought that was so sweet of him and u kissed back next thing u knew u heared awws at the door a couple friends lived with u u blushed....ichigo kissed u again and slipped a piece of paper into ur pocket....ichigo:night _____ maybe we'll bump into each other again =P never know....u smiled lightly and blushed and u waved bye and mouthed thank you once more to him...once u got in they all wanted details and u said u were a litle depressed because the friend u lost was ur first friends like EVER they comforted u and u all sat by a fireplace in the basement with hot chocolate it was October pretty damn cold to be October u went to go to sleep and forgot about the note when u opened it it wrote "meet me at the club tomorrow at 12:00pm(midday) btw ur a good kisser" then it had a little heart at the end saying "ichigo"u kissed the note and fell aslep dreaming about him when u woke u were freezing u fell asleep just laying there without ur blanket I'm cold!...u nearly shouted but forgot about the note and u looked at the clock to see it was 5:38Am u sighed in relief u didnt wanna be late to see ichigo again u blush thinking about him took a shower got dressed and went downstairs to get breakfest ur friends gave ua hug goodmorning and felt how cold u were (lets just pretend her name is...umm...darcy...)darcy:____?!?! what happened ur freezing dont tell me u went into the freezer cause im not taking that again! no i just fell asleep stupidly without putting my blanket on h-heh....darcy:OH MY GOSH U DUMMY yo celia get a blanket!! ____ fell asleep without her blanket on!.....celia:oh my god what happened did that orange hair guy get into you're head?? were completely red now since u actually did fall asleep without ur blanket thinking about him they all literally screamed "OH MY GOD U LIKE HIM!!!!" and then squealed that little fan-girl squeal uv never really liked anybody....well u have but they were all fakeing it to try and get itno ur pants...and lets just say ur friends nearly killed them for how heartbroken u were u actually at the last one slit ur writs and nearly died...the door rang and u saw....ichigo:hey ____....he hugged u and was completely shocked...ichigo:oh my god ____ ur freezing what did a blizzard come through here?!....u blushed and the rest of the girls gigled and said "hi there" um hi ichigo... i was stupid and fell asleep without putting my blanket on...he laughed a little and smiled taking the blanket from Celias hand putting it around u and holding u in his arms asking if he could come in they all nodded and u blushed again as they whispered to you "he's cute" and then asked how u met him u just said "look i cant leave him in there he'll look at us and think were plotting something on him I'll explane later i promise ok??" they alljust nodded and ichigo spoke...ichigo:hey..watcha talking about....u looked forward and noticed he was standing there smiling and he winked at you u ichigo! don't worry!...ichigo:don't worry its ok i heared..and he smiled u blushed then smiled back he was quiet charming..then he took ur hand and lead u to the living room and set u in between his legs with his arms around ur waist and back against his chest u blushed his body was so warmu took the blanket off ur back and put it on ur and kissed ur cheek...ichigo:warmer _____? yeah thank you ichigo.....he leaned back entwined his hands and feet wiht ours to make sure u two had just about no room in between u blushed u were so warm and close to ichigo it got brighter outside and ur curtains were ripped so it seems like god was signaling the both of u to be together u both giggled and kissed on the lips...later that day at 12:00(midday)u both went out you stopped by a shop and he closed ur eyes cold u to keep them there...he went in u heared someone come out and say "ready?" u thought it was ichigo said "i guess"next thing u knew u were being harassed in an alleyway u screamed ichigo heared u and came thing u knew the hands stopped and u fell to the grounds ur eyes were still closed so u diddn't know what was going on...all u knew was there was fighting....ichigo:_____!!? are u alright?!! are u alive did they hurt u?! opened ur eyes and tackled him in a hug in relief u were yeah ichigo just scared.....u started to cry...ichigo helped u get ur clothing back together he was blushing a little u were too after all u were nearly half dressed...ichigo:there are u sure ur ok ____??? ichigo i should be fine....u were sorta shaking u couldn't believe that u nearly got u so much ichigo...u'v saved me twice now...idk how to repay you....ichigo: hey..._____its no problem i enjoy knowing u alright and safe.......he was blushing alot more now....u hugged him again u were blushing and tears were flowing down ur cheeks....ichigo:hey ______ its ok....everything gunna be alright....i promise no one will ever hurt u i swear on my mothers grave....but umm do u..uhhh wanna be my girlfriend...he loked away and blushed trying to hide it ur tears still coming down u looked up and him..and ur tears came faster again....ichigo: ______?? are u alright did i say something? ichigo its alright its just *sniff* every guy iv ever dated alwaysdid it to get "it" ya know? or they just idd it for my looks no guy has ever been so sweet to me in my life...ever...*sniff*....ichigo:oh my god...._____im so sorry....he then held u in his arms and a girl came running towards the two of you screaming ichigo's name..rukia:ichigo!! inoue is in trouble!!....ichigo:WHAT?!! why didn't u come sooner rukia!?!rukia:do u htink its easy finding you?!?!?they wenon and another 5 mins and then ichigo went to go save her rukia loked at u confused...rukia:who are u??you:umm i'm _____.. nice to meet u*sniff*....rukia: o hi u must be the one ichigo always talks about im rukia we should go catch up to uh yeah.....after inoue is saved and all thats done with ichigo walks u home u ask him if he wants to stay the night he accepts when ur about to go to bed after brushing ur teeth and all ichigo walks up behind u and says "hey..._____?? wil u be my girlfriend?" u blushed u forgot he asked u in the alleyway but u did nod and the he turned u and kissed u passionatly... and u fell asleep in his arms both of u on ur bed...(me:awwws <3)the end hope u liked it rate plz message me if u think i should make another it wasnt easy do all this typing there all like a page long and for me thats hard... 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