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...Now why will I spoil something like that
Play PS2 Games with my toes/Being mad for one full day/Stay up for one whole night.
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Bleach, Naruto, FMA, and Blood+.
To go to Japan/Write a Fan Fiction
Watching Anime/playing Final Fantasy X, X-2,& XII/Reading/Darwing
Drawing anime people/soccer/Geting Sunbruns
| BleachNarutoNut
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/12/07:
It is funny!
Bleach: How and Who you meet the love of your life? (For Girls)
 Your whole entire face turned red now, the note said to meet the mystery man at the public library, which was perfect for you, you had to finish studying for the next days test, and you had just enough time to change and get ready at home before meeting at six. You picked up your things and hurried home, you showered, did your hair, make-up, and dressed in a comfortable but glamorous outfit. You stuffed your study materials in your tote bag and headed out the door at 5: 20, you figured you get there a little early so you can catch a glimpse at your admirer before he saw you. You headed your way to the library, and it seemed that unlucky streak didn't end yet, you were clipped by a bike messenger, and your right arm was throbbing with pain, and bleeding continuously. The Kurosaki clinic was just a couple of blocks up, you ran there thinking you would now be late. "Ichigo! Get down here we have a patient!" Mr. Kurosaki hollered, he smiled at you and told you to sit up on the table, "Dad, I can't I've got to hurry up and go to the library, I'm meeting someone!", your face turned red , "It was Ichigo! Your childhood, middle school, and now high school crush, OMG" you thought. Your face was red now, blushing, "Are you okay? You look like your going to faint?" Mr. Kurosaki asked, you nodded, you wanted to get out of there and rush to the library now before he got there, you heard foot steps coming down the stairs, you got off the table and went to gather your stuff, Ichigo didn't seem to notice you, and he was just passing you when his dad tackled him "Get the hell off me dad! Your messing up my new clothes"-Ichigo "What trying to look nice for a special someone?" Ichigo's dad said to him winking his eye, Ichigo rolled his eye "Go help the patient" Ichigo commanded to his dad, then Ichigo noticed it was you, his face expression changed and he dropped his things on the floor, "Never mind dad I'll do it" he pushed his dad out of the way and ran to get the bandages, he took your arm and began to clean it, you looked at him, and he caught your eye, you both looked away, his touch was so gentle, and you were falling more in love with him with every passing second, "Um so, you look pretty" Ichigo mumble, "Thanks, I wanted to look nice for." You drifted off "for you" "I can't believe I just said that" you thought. "Finished" Ichigo announced, maybe he didn't here you, you hoped, "looks like we have a lot in common, I wanted to look nice for you too." He smiled, goodness did that melt you, there was silence in the room, when Mr. Kurosaki yelled "We'll kiss her already IDOIT!!" you both smiled hesitated and locked into a meaningful kiss. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/12/07:
Me like!!!
Bleach Boys : Spin The Bottle (For Girls)
 You span the bottle with hope and a smile on your face, you didnt care who it landed it on, you were just happy to be here, hanging with the guys. Basking in your own little glow of happiness you didnt notice the bottle stop, Renji pushed you over and aggressively said "well get to it" and pointed to Ichigo. "Bout time that boy got a kiss from a beautiful lady" Renji said mockingly. You turned to your left and Ichigo wasnt even paying attention he was stuffing his face with noodles, he looked at you and smiled with a mouth fool of food, "how cute" you thought out loud, you gulped, and placed your hands over your mouth, you cringed your face and couldnt believe you said that out loud. Ichigo swallowed looked at the bottle, gargled, and said "yeah you are cute", smooth you thought, smooth. You soo fell for him with those words, he scooted on next to you, and told you oh so cutely that not to worry his breath didnt reek of noodles, you giggled and without notice you were both locked in a passionate kiss. Your limbs were limp, with the electricity Ichigos lips had sent through your body. You both pulled away at the same time and smile at one another, knowing that this wouldnt be the last one. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/10/07:
~~ Your Naruto Date: Who's your boyfriend and what happened on your date? (Girls only) ~~
 You got Naruto!!!! He's childish, hyper and likes to brag but he can have his mature, sensitive times and he has heart. He would love and protect the one he loves until the end. Lucky you ^^How your date went:You were eating at the Ichiraku Ramen when Naruto came in to ask some ramen. You blushed at his sight since you loved him for some time now. When he noticed you, he sat down beside you, grinning. "Hey ______, how are you today?" "I'm fine and you?" And so on went the conversation. You two were having a great time. Talking about this and that. Laughing at his jokes. Eating ramen. Yup, it was fun.*****After you two finished eating your ramen, he proposed of walking you home. You accepted of course. On the way home, he asked if you liked someone. "Hey _____, do you like someone?" he suddenly said. "Yes, why?" you replied, hoping that he really likes you. "Meh... It's just that I... really like you ______." he said, blushing. "Me?! I-I'm so happy!!!" You nearly jumped on him as you shouted that. "Hehe, I'm really loved." he lifted his hand behind his head while he said that.***** At the threshold of your house, you say each other goodnight when he suddenly hugs you then kisses you. You were surprised but didn't mind. You then waved him goodbye as you watched him walk in the distance. You were happy because you were still going on the road of life but this time with him.That was my very first quiz and I hoped you enjoyed it ^^ Message me or rate if you want to. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/10/07:
Why Me!!!
Result Posted on 09/10/07:
What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
Result Posted on 09/10/07:
I was hoping for blue, but I don't care
~ What Anime Haircolor would you have? ~
Result Posted on 09/10/07:
Why Me!!!!
Result Posted on 09/10/07:
I love rain
What kind of weather are you? (anime pics)
 Rainy. To some people, your beautiful in all your sadness. To others, your annoying because you often ruin things for people. You often bottle up your emotions, but they get so bottled up sometimes you can't hold them in any longer. When you let them out, people know how your feeling. When your angry, your emotions may come out too strong and cause alot of people destruction. You just simply want people to understand you.... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/02/07:
That's me a lot.
Result Posted on 09/02/07:
Red is nice, but I don't hunt much.O_o
What are your anime eyes?
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