Moon Fangs (04/10/07)
Interesting site...I like it...I would like if we could be friends..anyway sign my guestbook...
ocean sky (04/09/07)
nice site , i love the back ground , it's very interesting ^.^
i hope to see you around , bye *waves*
ocean sky :3
Inuyashaaa (04/04/07)
hi there! just site browsing and i came across your site. wow i see your a inuyasha fan. well more of a sesshomaru. lol sesshomarus awesome as well! the bg is really pretty. i like your artwork. plz make more! :D im going to add ya hope ya do the same
kitabug69 (04/03/07)
Well as I promised I returned in my everyday site. I am sorry it took me so long to get back to you I am a bad person... heehee. Not really just really behind in everything and like I said SesshomarusDesire is my second site so I am not really in there that much...
But if you would still like to be friends. I can be one of the best if you would still like to giv it a try... I will add you to this site so I will know when you post... Love your site by the way...
Well see you around The O...
inu434 (03/29/07)
ur avi is sooo cool i like what is says well laterz
inulvr61998 (03/19/07)
hey thx 4 signing my gb! i'll add you as a friend too! ^^
SesshomaruMistres (03/18/07)
Heya, thanx for stopping by :) Nice site you've got here... I LOVE Lord Sesshoumaru :) Take care
Talim-of-the-Wind (03/17/07)
Thanks a bunch for signing my GB!!! I really appreciate it. ^_^
Nice Site! I like the Sesshomaru background. Sesshy PWNS!!! XD
Posion Fangs (03/17/07)
Hey pretty cool site that you got going here love all the colors. I'm just passing by and found your site I decided to sign hope you can return the favor. Well hope to see you around the O sometime and wish you best of Luck.
~Posion Fangs
viperqueenie (03/16/07)
Anyway just passing by, 2 sign UR gb.
Hope 2 chat sometime, pm me.
Well C ya.