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Orlando, FL
Member Since
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I have to think about this one so this is coming soon.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Fruits Baskets, Naruto, FullMetal Alchemist, Rurounin Kenshin. It would be a sin to pick, hehe. I have several but these are the ones that alway come to mind.
Graduate from college, be successful in my career, become a really good artist (even though I've been out of practice for years due to college), hmm....
Sing, read, write, draw (whenever I can), clean o.0 (yup, I am anal), chat, being silly and making people laugh.
Uh...sing, write, translate, look beyond what is infront of me. Obviously not answering these types of questions. =0)
| Blessed Enigma
Hmmm, spunky, silly, serious, funny, crazy, protector, deep, analytical, surprising, enigmatic, know 2 languages and a half =0); these are some words that describe me, according to my friends and mua. Wanna know more? Anything worth knowing, is worth asking. I am not an artist so you will not be seeing vey cool drawings and stuff. BUT I am trying to become one (if that is something you can become. I don't think so but oh well). So with the proper incentives, I could perhaps scan some of my drawings and put them in here. Please experienced drawers be nice to me and no flaming. You could actually teach me. How about that
? I am a good student *Halo flickers*...I promise. ;0)
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
I have returned?
Hmm, seems like I have not been here for a while. Ah the wonders of college. Anyway, here are some quizzes results. Enjoy!

What Fruits Basket Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

What Escaflowne Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

What Military Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
The Holidays!!!
Happy belated Christmas and Merry New Year to all of you who may stumble across my humble site. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that the upcoming year will bring new challenges that will mold you into something stronger and wiser. Best of wishes from the newbie. So would anybody like to help me pimp my site? Leave me a comment on my guest book and let me know about you, ok? Matane mina!
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
Introduction to me
Hey everybody,
Ok, so I decided to give this a try and see how this whole thing works. Hmmm, I really do not know what to say but hey I just finished my 1st semester of my third year of college and I have like 4 neurons left in my brain so give me a break.
So, until I can practice my drawing skills I would probably so art with other people's pictures. Let me explain before I am labeled a copier or pliagarist or a cheater or whatever. What I do is that I take picture from many different sources and I blend them all into one work of art. It is entertaining when you do not have anything to do. For instace, in one of my classes I had to write something for a magazing and I chose to do so in Naruto. I'll post it here sometime. In the meantime, I am off to recover my neurons. Matane mina!
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Featured Quiz Result:
The questions were kinda obvious but the result was relatively accurate. I was thinking more of Ichigo or Rukia but Ishida is a very good match.