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Duck City (UK)
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Professional Grave Robber (Archaeology Student)
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Being cute on a day to day basis
Anime Fan Since
Outlaw Star (whenever it came to CN)
Favorite Anime
I have lots but here are afew... Trigun, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, DN Angel, Full Metal Panic!
I don't really think that far ahead, I'm gonna stay in education as long as possible then get a cool job as far away as possible lol
Music, art, reading, digging (and watching anime of course!)
I can draw pretty well, and I'm good with music, I play oboe and random other things =/ Oh yeah and my jokes could silence a Roman legion o_o you know those awkward silences? I create them... really! My friends call them Jessisms or something....
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
Hey Guys!
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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I'm back at uni now anyways (yey) I can't believe I love it so much lol just waiting for my bf to return. I've missed him so much! Well I hope you've all had a good holiday and are ready for a new year of goodness. I can't believe I only post once when I was back o_o I should hopefully be able to manage once a week again anyways ^_^
this is only short cause I'm tired *yawns* was at a hen party last night, very wild lol lots of fun though. I'm gonna attept to visit people and then play on my guitar for a bit. *waves*
Comments (20) |
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Blink's Christmas Post
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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Hey guys, I know I PMed afew of you and said my e card would be up afew days ago but I'l really ill (although better than I was) Ironic I know but still happy ^_^
Thank you all who send me e cards (I attempted to put them up but ran out of space, so I thought it was better if I didn't as I would have to miss some out) and infact everyone of you who I talk to, you are all great and I wish you the Merriest of Chritmases and hope you all have a wonderful 2006. You all deserve it!!! *hugz*
I'm afraid my ecard to you guys is rushed as I'm about to head off for church I'm gonna try and get round most people as it's Christms.
This is for all of you ^_^ Merry Christmas! I'm putting it on my post just to leave you a bit of extra space in your inbox. I know it's nice to recieve them that way but here ya go anyways XD the graphics aren't great but it's still christmasy:

That's all folks! Thanks again you lovely people!
Comments (16) |
Friday, December 16, 2005
Just a quick post...
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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Well it took me a while but I got round everyone, I think my exam went okay and I'm all packed (other than my laptop) to go home for Christmas. I would like to thank everyone who has sent me chritmas wishes and e cards. I shall put them up on my site when I get time and I'll make one for all of you which I shall post at some point. *hugz* thankyou all!!!!
PS. sorry I'm not on more... oh and I accidently deleted my last post >_< I don't think I can get it back either grrrrr sorry for all who commented I did't get chance to read :(
Comments (15) |
Monday, November 28, 2005
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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Now picture this place with snow XD
Okay well it's stopped now and it didn't lay but it was so cool. When we all came out of our lecture at King's Manor, everyone just looked at eachother, we were all thinking the same thing (harry potter) :p I mean imagine that pic with snow! Wheeee! York is so loveyly when it snows.

Just thought I'd share this with you too! It's a picture of Trevor and he is a living, breathing Golden Duck! Seriously! Look at him! O_O

I've kinda shrank the image so if ya wanna see the full one right click on it and select 'view image' ^_^ oh and it's the same with the one above that too!
Done lots of stuff and been very busy but don't think you'll wanna hear it all so I've just stuck up a load of pics lol Sorry I'm failing when it comes to psoting more and visiting more :( at least I get round everyone who comments before I post again (just to let you know, that's 30 ppl!) so it may be another week before I post again with everything else I do.
well, toodles!
~Blink ^_^
Comments (25) |
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Frozen lake = angry ducks O_o
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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Well yes, it's cold and the lake froze over, it looked really cool anyways, ya see my Uni has a big lake in the middle so to get anywhere ya have to cross sevral bridges (see map)
Another funny thing my bf found when messing around (I mean doing his work :p) he did a search for our college in wikapedia, the results are funny. I'm in Block D (the detached quiet block) but is the same as the others although apparently my block has better kitchens... hmmmmm...
Not much else going on really other than work, watched Air at the anime soc, well the first two episodes anyways, I love the animation but i haven't quite figured out what's going on yet lol
Anyways I think I will have to go and eat now, I've jsut got up and need some kind of breakfaste hehe it's 12.30pm my bf got up for a 9.15 lecture haha! shouldn't have chosen biology! I know I'm mean but archaeology rocks! (dig it?) sorry :p and our socials involve drinking and talking about time team and watching indiana jones hehe.
okay I'm really going now :p
Comments (28) |
Monday, November 14, 2005
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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I think it's going to have to be assumed that I won't beon here as much anymore lol I do try and I usually get to reply to PMs so if you wanna talk to me there's always that and my msn address is so fell free to chat to me ^_^
Well, I handed in my essay today, I was quite rpoud of it so I hope it all balences out as the last one sucked lol I was working on it last wednesday and didn't realise the time and was an hour late for my ancient Egypt lecture ¬_¬ how come I only seem to miss the good ones lol it was tanking down outside so I got soaked, I was v. dissapointed when I found that the back door was locked so I had to go through the front, so everyone stopped and stared as I (soaked) went to my seat >_< v. imbaressing... ah well, tis over now.
You may have noticed a little change to my page, I have a wide screen laptop so the bg was bugging my, not much differnce but comments are welcomed if you think i can improve it ^_^
The link for the Bonfire think didn't work lol so this time it will if ya still interested, I would rate it as interesting as the thanksgiving background... if ya get me ^_^ CLICK HERE!
ummmm lots of other boring stuff going on in my life, but too tired to be evil and write it all hehe. I made some wallpapers, all bleach i believe if ya wanna check them out at some point ^_^ anyways I'll attept to visit but it will probs be tomorrow when I comment.
Comments (18) |
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Did it again
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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Yep I didn't post in ages, sorry ^_^ I really shouldn't be posting now, I have an essay due for next Monday morning *sigh* not going to well so far...
So how are you all? I'm doing fine. Watching lots of Inuyasha with bf hehe. Nothing major really happening exept bonfire night... I'm guessing most people won't have heard of it right? Well in short there's lots of fireworks and a big bonfire in places all over the UK. Kinda like 4th July in the US in that respect. If ya still confused and wanna learn more about it go here. Well anyways, I took James to Whitby that day, had a great time but I got a really bad migraine on the way back so I just went to bed and missed all the fireworks >_< fun day anyways lol ^_^
Ahhh, FLCL tonight with the animesoc I never got round to seeing the last two episodes so this will be agood oppertunity and James hasn't seen any of it so that's good too.

Well I'll quickly go round all your sites now before I start my essay research, so if you have a long post I may have to just quickly skim through this time, sorry guys I'll make it up to ya *hugz* 29 comments! wow o_o I feel so popular :p
Comments (25) |
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
hey guys
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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Well, it's been a while I guess, lol. Been so busy, my desk is littered with archaeology books of all kinds (most of them thick, heavy and over-priced) I handed in my first essay on Monday, I was up till after 4am doing it and I still missed the word limit by 500 words (it needed to be 2000 - 2500) but, ah well, it's over and it is the first one, and I only heard about it afew days before and I was going home that weekend. Bit of a rush really >_< the list of books i needed to read for it was rediculesly long, and all the books were out of the library anyway! *sigh* Okay I'll stop talking about it now, as it's all over. And I have to work on the one due in two weeks and my presentation next week on the Landscape of Stonehenge... not to mention the prep. reading for the 2 leacutures and seminars I have each week. lol When I fisrt saw my timetable I figured I got off pretty lightly compared to the science and maths people. But then they don't have to do much reading so I think i've got it worse...
Well onto more interesting stuff, I think I'm gonna make it a weekly event for the anime fans in my block to come and watch Beach in my room. It was great fun watching 52 - 54 last week. And one of the guys who is Japanese (but lives in Holland, v. confusing) was explaining the accents and stuff so educational aswell lol.
Hope you all had a good Halloween anyway, there was loads going on at the Uni. and in town but I was way too tired with only 3 hours sleep so me and my bf stayed in and watched Nightmare before Christmas as he hadn't seen it (v. strange) I'd already been on a Ghostwalk on Friday and then a pub crawl round the most haunted pubs in York in fancy dress, so it's not like I missed out. Me and James at gonna watch Zoolander tonight (he hasn't seen that either O_o) and then some Inuyasha (yey!) so all good.
Gonna go round sites now so seeing ya soon! Hopefully I won't disapear for ages again lol ^_^
Comments (25) |
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
A Shrubbery?
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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Well, not had such a great day, it's raining and there was a fire drill at 2am last night. so only got about 5 hours sleep and then had to be up for a lecture. Luckly I didn't cycle it as I normally wouod have done, due to the fact that the rear wheel decided to detatch itself as I went over a cattle-grid >_< it was raining then too, and I had to drag it most of the way home... not such a good day then either lol
Been watching stuff with new bf (yippee!) Lots of Inuyasha, some FMP and Trigun, all good oh and the Holy grail last night (hense the title lol)
I can't think of anything interesting and I'd best get back to work... hmmmm... oh yeah, I've past the 10k wallpaper downloads!!! WOOP! well it made me smile ^_^
okay I'm off! *waves*
Comments (21) |
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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hi guys, sorry i haven't really been around, this is the 5th time i've tried to write this, i spend ages writing up all the cool stuf I've done and then it crashed... every time... problem fixed anyways after having several people looking at it over the course of it's "crashing annoyingness" I even tried crying on it... so sympathy... *sigh* well I then remembered about adding some more ram... so there we have it, bad ram... and now it's fixed huzzah!
been watching trigun and FMP with some anime fans from downstairs in my room (as I have the biggest stash lol) lots of fun ^_^
errrm with that out the way it's now 1am and I'm kinda all hyped so I'm not gonna type much longer and I'm gonna save visits for another time (sorry guys) at least you all know that I do get round you all eventually. And at least it won't always crash now lol. Okay well the reason that I'm hyped is to do with the cute guy downstairs... He likes me too YEY!!!
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