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Duck City (UK)
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Professional Grave Robber (Archaeology Student)
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Being cute on a day to day basis
Anime Fan Since
Outlaw Star (whenever it came to CN)
Favorite Anime
I have lots but here are afew... Trigun, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, DN Angel, Full Metal Panic!
I don't really think that far ahead, I'm gonna stay in education as long as possible then get a cool job as far away as possible lol
Music, art, reading, digging (and watching anime of course!)
I can draw pretty well, and I'm good with music, I play oboe and random other things =/ Oh yeah and my jokes could silence a Roman legion o_o you know those awkward silences? I create them... really! My friends call them Jessisms or something....
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
My first two exams are over... *falls asleep*
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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Todays Exams:
Englsih LIT - War Literature unit (unseen war literature extracts) 3hrs
Classics - Greek and Roman Epic (The Odyssey and The Aenead)1 1/2hrs
I had four and a half hours of exams... they clashed, I was supposed to have them both on the morning but the Lit been three hours I had to move my Classics into the afternoon. This meant that I was invidulated (with afew others who were taking the same subjects). This is where we had to be watched over so that we didn't talk to anyone over the lunch break exept amongst ourselves. If anyone talked to us we had to ignore them of risk failing the exam O_O. I think altogether I wrote about 12 A4 pages of smallish writing. My hand is killing me, and my back. I wish exams wouldn't clash >_<
The exams themselves were okay, Unseen Lit paper had afew I'd read before, (if you aren't interesting in war Literature you can skip this ~_^ ) There was a letter from Vera Brittain, and I'd read (most of) her book Testament of Youth which was boring (I'm being honest) some kinda crappy stuff... and there was my favourite and what I consider ther greatest war poem of all time on it which I'm gonna post cause it's that good, I'm sure everyone will have read this at some point:
Anthem for Doomed Youth
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
-Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells;
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,-
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires.
What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of good-byes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.
~ Wilfred Owen: The War Poems, ed. Jon Stallworthy, pub. Chatto & Windus
It's such a powerful poem, I love all Owen's work but this one gives me goosebumbs everytime I read it.
What's your favourite War Poem? (if you care for such things)
On the Classics (if your still with me) *Kicks anyone who's asleep* :p Virgil and Homer Rock! So when you enjoy your studies you tend to do better *crosses fingers* One of the questions I chose was, Who is more heroic Odysseus or Aeneas? there were also some context questions with passages from both of the books... Oh god I hope it did okay, I don't find out 'till August *cries*
Since this post might be considered boring *sigh* :p I thought of something fun that might jazz it up, so please join in, it's only fun if there's more than one ^_^
The Anime Caption Game!!!
I'm sure everyone knows how to play this... but if you don't I just explain: I've posted a a screen (FMA as I've been doing wallpapers I've loads handy *sigh*) And you post a comment of what could be happening in the screenshot... simple and fun! ^_^ the only rule is that you don't put what is happening (if you know). It can be a title or some dialogue.

My caption is...
The evil glare competition is very tough this year
...okay that was about...
Mustang: okay... That picture on the wall over there, just moved, it's freaking me out
But I bet you guys can think of something better. Please post at least one :)
Oh and if you think this is a good idea for a post and want me to post more like this from different anime let me know... 'cause I will! ;D
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