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Duck City (UK)
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Professional Grave Robber (Archaeology Student)
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Being cute on a day to day basis
Anime Fan Since
Outlaw Star (whenever it came to CN)
Favorite Anime
I have lots but here are afew... Trigun, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, DN Angel, Full Metal Panic!
I don't really think that far ahead, I'm gonna stay in education as long as possible then get a cool job as far away as possible lol
Music, art, reading, digging (and watching anime of course!)
I can draw pretty well, and I'm good with music, I play oboe and random other things =/ Oh yeah and my jokes could silence a Roman legion o_o you know those awkward silences? I create them... really! My friends call them Jessisms or something....
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Name: Jess
Birthday: September 20th 1986
Age: 22
Member Since: May 21st 05
Likes: Driving, Jiving (yes), Fencing, being a student, who I am right now (cheesy but it's a change for me)
Dislikes: lots of things, tomatoes mainly and people who think all anime is porn (yes it happens a lot!)
Occupation: Student: I've now graduated from Archaeology and have taken up Art History at postgraduate level (because I can...and have) I'm currently working on getting myself onto a Phd course and stay a student forever! Oh yeah and I'm still in York (UK) i love this place
achievements: Graduating, keeping a boyfriend for over a month (a year now infact!)
Hobbies: going to the pub with friends (I have become a fan of real ale! O_o) Fencing (when I have time) drawing, drinking tea (oh god the gloriousness of tea)
+Other stuff+
Thank you for visiting my site, if this is your first visit please sign my GB so I know you've been and so I can return the favour.
I've been away for a while and don't have much free time atm but feel free to add me as a friend and I will do the same, I will try to stay in touch and hope you will do the same.
I like a good chat and I love to laugh so don't be afraid to PM me any time for a chat anytime. See ya'll around!
Graphics:By me!
Codes I was inspired by ankoku's site, her page is always changing and so stylish. The general layout is a lot like hers, but I've changed it where I can.
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I went to another soccer match today (that works out 3 in total this season as I went to an england Under 19s last tues too) AND MIDDLESBROUGH WON 2-1!!! We were really cool and it was against Arsenal who came third after chelsea and manchester united last year. Anyways, great game, those millions of pounds spent on international footballers is really paying off I guess. I can't wait to see them play a european team on thursday (yes I somehow managed to get tickets for that too XD) lol
Back to interesting stuff...
Well with the interesting stuff out the way... okay only kidding :p I must get the next Bleach, >_< so good lol and I made some new greatings (I finaly figured out how to work the snapshot thing, thanks to Zoye *hugz* ^_^) mainly Fruits Basket ones as I know quite afew cat quotes lol
It was my orchestra concert yesterday and I had a big solo on the Cor Anglias for the Romeo and Juliet Overture (It was the theme that you here on the Sims when they kiss lol) it was the first time I played it right all the way through o_O what are the chances? lol I was in so much shock when I finished I forgot to count and had to guess when I next came in lol.
Oh yeah something big did happen lol my birthday party... yes I know it's not my birthday till the 20th of this month but all my friends are leaving before it :( infact my oldest friend left today I last saw her thurday and I nearly cried as I waved her off (I don't normally cry at stuff like this) I know we'll keep in touch but it's still really scary if you know what I mean =/
umm well... I think that's it lol (finally) I'm gonna have to get round ppl in the morning as I'm way too tired now (so much exitment hehe XD) so I hope you enjoy your weekend wherever you are and have all your homework finished for monday morning lol ^_^
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