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• Blondehotness14
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• blondehottness14
• 1991-10-09
• nunya
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• 2006-02-19
• HA HA!........uh student?
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• a few years
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• To just be sucessful in life
• poetry, drawing, rollerblading, SHOPPING!
• see up there! ^^^^^
| blondechick 14
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I hate lately...
For those of you who have known me on here for awhile you probably remember Josh
I could have swore I was over him until I kept hearing "our song" everywhere and for the first time ever I cried in front of my friends. I felt weak like there was nothing I could do and that the world was against me......oh well.....I guess it's just a guy right?....
Anyways me and the band went to San Antonio to Fiesta Texas we had only one guy and our group, Alex. And we started talking and stuff and we were getting along great but then on the way back he wouldn't talk to anyone and then later I ound out he wasn't saying anythig because he was missing someone (a gf) in New Jersey because I reminded him of her, I felt bad.....I didn't even know I could hurt people without even knowing it..
<3 <3 <3
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
So what be up ppl?!
oh lol sorry I have to do a report on Lizzie Borden "One of the most celebrated murder trials in U.S. history" and in case any of you didn't know this is the song that explains what exactly happened
"Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her mother forty whacks.
And when she saw what she had done,
She gave her father forty-one. "
Ok please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks that is pretty scary!!
and to top it off my parents are watching this thing on her on TV and it's giving me the creeps
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Monday, May 1, 2006
When you finally trust me finally believe in me...
I have been really depressed lately...idk why either...
But on the plus sidewe have our grade only picnic coming up which is SO FUN not like the picnics you took in elementary where you do all this running and jumping like wierdos LOL.We are going to this pool-party-thing-place it's gonna be awesome
oh and I will have some more of the "odd" pictures again soon if you remember my friends are phsyco lol
much love

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Monday, April 24, 2006
hi ppl
Ok so yeah haven't been on in a while
and NO I'm NOT leaving otaku I just haven't had time to post lately
anyways the only thing I can think of to post is yesterday when we went out on my friends boatit was so AWESOME! There were many "boat boys" they were hott!! ok srry I'm good ...anyways when we went out (first time on a boat 0_0 )her dad purposly went through other ppls wakes really fast and I flew out of the seat like 5 times!. But it was still awesome then her dad dropped anchor I swam for a bit,layed on the boat, ate what little food we had and it was over all Awesome...oh yeah we went intertubing as well (sp) yeah...AWESOMENESS!!!
ok I'll shutup now
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Forget me not...

well I fell really shitty
I just got over being sick I'm not allowed to eat tomorrow mornin cuz I gotta go to get my blood sugar checked *damn*and *sighz* lately I feel as though my heart is being torn in 3 different ways
...anyway um heres is the picture of the week I guess my friend Trina choking my friend Kandy

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Saturday, March 18, 2006
tee hee my homies
I edited this profile with // Myspace Editors
ooook went to the mall today with Katy, Lauren and Sarah lots of fun!
See my friend Sarah is completly grunge (tomboyish)
and refuses to wear makeup so we had to hold her down and put eyeliner on her lol we ended up poking her in the eye like 5 times
hmmm not really very much to put ....
oh heres another poem
Our promise...
I said...We said we would never stay angry
I don't know what went wrong with you and me
We broke our promises
I shouldn't be defeated
...Why do I still think about you?
Why is this so hard?
I'm trying to move on
Yet I'm dying inside!
I can't resist this temptation to cry!
Mystery, deliverance, ecsrusiatingly
that's me
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
New Site!!!!
Stupid bitch fucked up my other site too badly
and yes that picture up there is me..ew lol
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