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Sunday, January 15, 2006

nothing else...>.<
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Well I don't know if anyone is going to see this but this is sad two people I LOVE are getting surgery and it could possibly end up...well being bad (nice word for it)
high school drama
Girl: I'm always here for you
Boy: I know
Girl: What's wrong?
Boy: I like her so much
Girl: Talk to her
Boy: I don't know. She won't ever like me
Girl: Don't say that. You're amazing.
Boy: I just want her to know how I feel.
Girl: Then tell her.
Boy: She won't like me
Girl: How do you know that?
Boy: I can just tell
Girl: Well just tell her.
Boy: What should I say
Girl: Tell her how much you like her
Boy: I tell her that daily
Girl: what do you mean?
Boy: I'm always with her. I love her.
Girl: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me
Boy: Wait. Who do you like?
Girl: Oh some boy
Boy: Oh... she won't like me either.
Girl: She does
Boy: How do you know..
Girl: Because, who wouldn't like you?
Boy: You
Girl: You're wrong, I love you.
Boy: I love you too.
Girl: So are you going to talk to her?
Boy: I just did.
re-post this
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Monday, January 9, 2006

Sorry I like this Icon
anyway haven't posted in forever how is everyone?
anyway i have some shoutouts! ^-^
thisguy: dn't ever call me por_ _ again!
JDperson: I don't undersyand your posts...explain please!
dbluver=4ever: hope ya have a nice date with Mr. Sozo
miroku is mine: needs to update
shadows girl: you too!
Tigers girl: same goes for you
anyway ummm i don't really have anything else to say...
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Ok so today was ok I guess
the stupidity in ppl scares me it honestly it does (none of ya'll)
Oh and before I forget if any of you can guess this song you will get an imaginary gold star
(I'm random today not hyper)
I wish I told her how I felt maybe she'd be here right now but, instead
I pretend that I'm glad you went away
These four walls are closin' more every day
and I'm dying inside
and nobody knows it but me
like a clown I put on a show
The pain is real even if nobody knows
and I'm cryin' inside
and nobody knows it but me
Why didn't I say
the things I needed to say
How could I let my angel get away
Now my world is just a tumblin' down
I can say it so clearly
but you're nowhere around
The nights are lonely, the days are so sad
and I just keep thinkin' 'bout the love that we had
and I'm missin' you
and nobody knows it but me
I carry your smile when I'm broken in two
and I'm nobody without someone like you
I'm tremblin' inside and nobody knows it but me
I lie awake it's a quarter past three
I'm screamin' at night as if I thought
you'd hear me
Yeah my heart is callin' you
and nobody knows it but me
How blue can I get
You could ask my heart
but like a jigsaw puzzle it's been torn
all apart
A million words couldn't say just how
I feel
A million years from now ya know
I'll be lovin' you still
The nights are lonely, the days are so sad
and I just keep thinkin' 'bout the love that we had
and I'm missin' you
and nobody knows it but me
Tomorrow mornin' I'm hittin' the dusty road
gonna find you where ever, ever you might go
I'm gonna unload my heart and hope
you come back to me... yeahhh
said when the nights are lonely...
The nights are lonely, the days are so sad
and I just keep thinkin' 'bout the love that we had
and I'm missin' you (I'm missin' you)
and nobody knows it but me
The nights are lonely, the days are so sad
and I just keep thinkin' 'bout the love that we had (I always thought
that you'd be right by my side)
and I'm missin' you
and nobody knows it but me x's 2
Chorus Out
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Monday, January 2, 2006
Well I'm freakin depressed actually VERY depressed but I did get a webcam today I'm really happy yet I'm still depressed....*sighz*
P.S. I don't care if no one's ok
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I'm kinda sad...heres a post

I confess that in 2005 I...
( ) stayed single
( ) got your first kiss
(x) kissed someone new
( ) made-out for the first time
(x) made out
( ) made-out in/on a car
( ) kissed in the snow
( x)kissed in the rain
(x)fell in love
(x) had your heart broken
(x) broke someone else's heart
(x) had a stalker
( ) had a good relationship with someone
( ) got head
( ) someone questioned your sexual orientation
( ) came out of the closet
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) gotten someone else pregnant
( ) had an abortion
( ) gotten married
( ) had a divorce
(x teehee, several people) dated someone you'll never forget
(x) done something you've regretted
( ) lost your true love
(x) lost faith in love
( ) kissed under miseltoe
( ) painted a picture
(x) wrote a poem
(x) ran a mile
(x) listened to music you couldn't stand
(x) skinny-dipped
(x) went to a sleepover
( ) went to camp
( ) threw a surprise party
(x) laughed till you cried
( ) laughed till you peed in your pants
(x) flirted shamelessly
( ) visited a foreign country
( ) visted a foreign state
(x) cooked a disasterous meal
(x) lost something important to you
(x) got a gift you adore..
(x) realized something new about yourself
(x) went on a diet
( ) tried to gain weight
() dyed your hair
() came close to losing your life
(x) someone close to you died
(x) went to a party
(x ) drank alchohol
(x) drank alchohol underage
( ) did a drug
( ) got drunk
( ) got arrested
(x) read a great book
(x) saw a great movie
( ) saw a movie so scary that it made you cry
() saw your favorite band/artist live
() saw someone famous in person
( ) did something you want to tell everyone
( x) Enjoyed this year overall
( ) Made Love during adult contemporary music
( ) Had hate sex during deathmetal/hardcore music
(x) Been blackmailed
(x) Blackmailed someone
( ) Had such hard sex - the type some would call sacreligous
Oh yeah and happy new year ya'll
(I'm Texan I say ya'll...XD)
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
You can take this quiz i made if you want i don't really have anything else to say except i'm kinda not feeling very well, but i'm sure i'll get over it
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Monday, December 26, 2005

ok so I've decided not to delete my myotaku site anyway so...JOSH IS BACK!!! YAYYYYYYY!ok sorry hyperactive moment...
Christmas eve
I went over to my aunts house and hung out with my cousins Kyle and Kami Kyle is my favorite cousin! I was so happy to see him I haven't seen him in forever! And I got some clothes from them which was awesome
Christmas Day!
was cool I was actually the last one to wake up
I got more clothes and these shoes I have been wanting for a LOOOONG time ^-^
and then we went to my grandmas and had lunch and stuff and I played a card game called spoons with my cousins again!
ok I'm done
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
ok since no one comes to my site anymore i'm probably gonna get rid of it
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

things that are happening and things that are going to happen
I'm currently working my ass off to try and make some extra money for christmas (yeah kinda low on money and everyone deserves a gift, yes I know thats corny)
ok things that are going to happen my dad is going to fix the GPRS (whatever that is) on my phone and then I'm going to be able tolog on to yahoo messenger from my phone and I will also be able to upload pictures and I MIGHT put some up
I am going to see the trail of lights on Friday in case none of you know what that is it's along hike looking at HUGE light up Christmas displays it's actually really fun
...and that's about it so ttyl
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