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• blondehottness14
• 1991-10-09
• none of your buisness
Member Since
• 2005-07-26
• HA HA oh yeah a student
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• johnjacobjingleheimerschmitd....yeah it's a long name lol
• uhhhhh...
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• don't remember
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• I have alot but mostly just to be sucessful in life
• writing,drawing,flirting,rollerblading(i.e. falling on my ass)
• see above
| blondehottie14
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
*sigh* I'm depressed right now....and it sucks I feel sick at my stomach, I feel like crying and I .....don't know why......NEWAYS they say that when your truly in love all you want is for that person to be matter what it may take....even if it includes you not being with that person.....just a word of advice for those of you who are wondering how to tell if you are in love for real
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
so bored.......go fig
You Are? by Osaku |
This is about you and me..err I mean you... | Name | Tasha | Nickname(s) | Tash or tasizzle | Age | 14 | Hair Color | Blonde | Natural Hair Color (if different) | same duh! | Eye Color | hazel | Height | 5'1 | Righty/Lefty | righty | Innie/Outtie | innie | Birthplace | Austin TX | Sign | Libra | Glasses/Contacts/"I Can See" | I can see | Birthmarks | none | Song that Describes Your life | uh I don't know if this counts but Linkin Park's "numb" i just like the song | Relationships (aww)... | Are You In Love | YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Who Are Your Best Friends | Josh,mimmy,Kandy,Sarah,Kim,Alex M, Briana, Leslibeth,Cedric,and alot more | Do you Intend/Want to Get Married | ........maybe | If So, Where | somewhere exotic i guess | Do You Want a Family (kids!!!) | yeah | If So, How Many | 1 or 2 | If So, Boy/Girl/Doesn't Matter | doesn't matter | Aspirations (You go-getter you)... | What You Wanted to Be When You Were a Kid | singer | What Do You Want to Be Now | Fashion model or designer | Where Do You Want to Live | the beach | Where Do You Want to Visit | France | Where Have You Been That You'd Rather Be Right Now | Dllas it's cool up there | What Would You Change About Yourself, Given the Opportunity | my temper | Favorites... | Place (Near or Far, it doesn't matter) | far? | Vacation Spot | HAWAII!!! or someplace really cold either way it's cool | Shopping Location | JCPENNY'S!!!!! | Music Genre | anything | Band | blink182 | Color | blue | Flower | rose | Smell | patchouli spice | Shampoo | Amplify | Ice Cream | vanilla.....usually | Website | | Car | any hot sports car!!! | Movie | Hitch | Actor | Will Smith....don't know why | Actress | Jessica alba (she's cool) | Holiday | Christmas | Soda | uh sprite or dr.pepper | Book | Harry potter....yeah i know wierd | Game (Board/Computer/Word/Drinking..It's all good) | Halo2!!!! | Either/Or... | Responsibility/Simplicity/Both(?) | both | Pop/Rock/Rap | all | Work/Play | play | Car/Train/Plane | car planes scare me...ok I've never been on one | Cat/Dog | kitty!!! lol | Coke/Pepsi | neither | Color/B&W (photos) | color | Tomato/Chicken Noodle | neither | Noon/Midnight | midnight | Hot/Cold | cold | Dawn/Dusk | dusk | Books/Movies | movies | Did You or Do You... | Have and Siblings | yep 2 older sisters | Cry Easily | no not really unless i've been emotionally hurt | Think You are Smart | yes | Act Your Age | Everyone I know thinks I'm very mature for my age.....go fig | Have Any Tattoos | no! | Have Any Piercings | ears | Have Any Pets | hell yeah, 22peacocks,11sheep,3dogs,2cats....wait that's already too many | Get Jealous | .........maybe | Ever Like Boy Bands | a LONG time ago | Believe in God/Allah/Jesus/etc. | I don't really have a religion | Take Criticism Well | well sort of | Have You Ever... | Gotten Drunk Before | no but I act like it sometimes | Smoked (cigarettes) | no | Done Drugs (Any) | no | Kissed a Member of the Opposite Sex | YES! | Kissed a Member of the Same Sex | HELL NO!! | Been on an Airplane | no....... | Been on First Class on an Airplane | no | Skinny Dipped | ..........maybe | Had Sex | ............nunya' buisness | Take this Survgen survey! | |
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Ok I just had to take this quiz...i know I'm so bad
 Your bikini...your just right not to sluty not to boring the world needs more people like you
Whats your Underwear Type? brought to you by Quizilla
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ok I just had my first day of school and I'm SO TIRED!!!!my teachers bore me to death....except for my socialstudies teacher he's hilarious....oh and for all the girls who haven't started school i highly recommend not wearing high heels the first day of school it sucks...neways so i'll talk to ya' l8r
P.S. Love ya' josh
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
lol joshizzle this is for you since i know how you are

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Saturday, August 13, 2005
So I went over to my friend alex's house yesterday and spent the night it was fun but kind of awkward i haven't seen her all summer anyway if anyone has any ideas for a new theme just let me know =^-^=
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Ok so yesterday I went to help my mom with some stuff at the store (i.e. I never go anywhere with her because she drives me nuts) anyway so on the way to the store you'll never believe what happened....our car ran out of gas in the middle of the road!!!!0_o it sucked!!!!I had to stay in the car, in the blazing heat, with my nephew while my mom walked down to the gas station to get a gas canester!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH talk about nightmares.So when I finally got home yesterday I was exhausted ...

Youre the
Romantic Girlfriend
A gentle peck on the cheek. The sweet note in his locker scribbled just to tell him that youre so lucky to have him. The unexpected message on his phone that just says, Hey, hun. Just wanted to say Im thinking of you. Love you. The gentle, tender embrace that told him you were sorry his day sucked and that you hoped he felt better. You look into his eyes and see everything youve ever wanted. You savor every moment together, every single touch, each solitary syllable that falls from his lips. Every love song on the radio was meant for him. Hes every dashing hero in every movie. You absolutely love being in love. Yes, this is the life of the hopeless romantic, and you, my dear girl, are exaclt that.
Every femalegirl or woman of any ageis a romantic at heart. We crave romance. And some of uslike youLIVE for romance. You cherish your loved one with everything you are and dream of ways to show your love to him. Daydreams of his face cloud your every thought . . . in fact, hes all you ever think about.
You tend to be a dreamer, and, so when you fell in love, naturally, your quixotic heart wandered into tales of your boy as your night in shining armor riding up on a white horse to sweep you off your feet to a romantic, candlelit dinner, walking hand-in-hand down the beach, and waltzes under the stars. But theres a problem: sometimes a guy, no matter how perfect and wonderful he is or how much he loves you, cant always reserve that special table or make the trip to the shoreline. This can sometimes lead to disappointment. Understand that sometimes his cash flow or schedule cant allow for some of the creative outings youd like, and there are those guys who are just clueless on romance. Be forgiving and give him time. Hell learn. In the meantime, your imagination and romantic heart are not things to be ashamed ofthey are beautiful, wonderful things, but, like all good things, too much isnt always healthy. Just be sure to keep some of your expectations and daydreams in check.
You need a boy who is very creative, thoughtful, and tender, a true artist or poet with deep feelings and a heart as romantic as your own. He knows how to play prince charming and sweep you off your feet with ballads and sweet declarations of his love. The two of you will spend hours content just to stare into the stars of the each others eyes. *sigh* Dreamy . . . .
*~What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?~* (10 Detailed Results with Beautiful Anime Couple Pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
so boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ed........*yawn* I'm still
waiting to here from the talent agency......ahhhhhhhhh THEY ARE SLOW!'s like 2AM and I'm tired wow! that's a change...anyway I'm gonna go to bed cya'
 Your personality is best represented by the traditional Japanese Katana. You are brave beyond words and rarely (if ever) act for your own personal gain. Your honor is very important to you, and you strive to better yourself and help others. You try not to let emotions get in the way of making a sound decision, and are usually quite successful.
What sort of Weapon best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, August 8, 2005
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Rigggghhhhht sure....
 You are Lois, you have the makings of a model and are admired by the ENTIRE neighborhood.
Which Family Guy Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your font is Chopin Script. (pronouned Show-pan not Chop-in, in case you didn't know ^^)You are a very elegant person and you have a way with words. Chances are youd make a good politician or counselor, because you know exactly what to say and how to say it. Your tact and kindness make you a very pleasant person to be around and you can often see a situation from a unique point of view. You are a very dependable person, but sometimes you feel like something is missing...
What Unique Font Best Matches You? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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