Birthday 1991-10-09 Gender
Female Location none of your buisness Member Since 2005-07-26 Occupation HA HA oh yeah a student Real Name johnjacobjingleheimerschmitd....yeah it's a long name lol
Achievements uhhhhh... Anime Fan Since don't remember Favorite Anime FMA Goals I have alot but mostly just to be sucessful in life Hobbies writing,drawing,flirting,rollerblading(i.e. falling on my ass) Talents see above blondehottie14
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Ok so my day absolutley SUCKED! So this guy who likes me wanted to ask me to the dance next week (I just found out today it's next week) and because he's so shy and stuff he asked his friends to do it for him. And so I said no because I just wanted to be friends and when he found out through his friends he got so upset and heart broken he got his parents to come and get him from school and when I found that out I felt really bad....Even though I still just want to be friends
And to top it off the biggest biotches in the whole world (Lilly) likes one of my best friends (Ben)and he doesn't know how she really is because she always acts like an anel around him...GAW! And she wants to ask him to go with her to the dance!!! And I don't want to get involved cause' Ben has the right to go with her if he wants but she's just...Ah!
Neway heres a game I wanted to put up let me know what ya think
School's been ok latley...Oh yeah i have more guy friends this year then I did last year which is cool (like 6 or 7) just freinds though in fact me and these two guys have nicknames for eachother...Ah one of them is so mean! He was makin' fun of my last name by calling me hussler instead of well my real one. So now these guy are like sayin' "she's a- she's a -she's a hussler!" that's ok I have nicknames for them too ^-^. The one who first started calling me a hussler yeah his nickname is Benny-boi at first he didn't like it ...and now I'm the only one allowd to call him that lol
Oh and just to clarify WE ARE JUST REALLY GOOD FREINDS!!!
and other than wut I just said it's been kinda slow... Comments (2) |
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
OMG!OMG!OMG! My dad is pissed off...and for n e of those who don't know my dad gets to be very dangerous when he's angry..once he punched a hole through a door! And he's actually tried to hit me..once...*hides* ...omgomgomgomg Comments (2) |
Monday, September 5, 2005
Ok so I'm WAY bored hey just curious but can anyone guess wut the song currently playing is?
I'm only curious...BOOOORED Comments (1) |
Sunday, September 4, 2005
OMG! another fun day!! I went over to my grandparents again today and my cousins met us there (Candice, Courtney, and Justin) and they asked me if I wanted to play spoons...and I was like you guys are disgusting! They cracked up and told me it was a card game and I was lik o...ok. It was SOOOO much fun Justin tried to grab one of the spoons (that's wut your supposed to do in the game while passing cards around trying to get 4 of a kind) and instead of grabbing the handle he hit the spout part and it flipped up and hit my cuz courtney in the face it was hilarious I couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes and well theres another part but it's too long to type and it's kind of ya byeness
P.S. If youd like to read my story at quizilla it blondehottie 14 and the story is Dancing and Sweet Lips...and I think it's kind of boring so ...ya Comments (2) |
Ok so today I went over to my granma's house (go fig) to see these relatives I haven't seen since I was REALLY REALLY little it was kool I learned alot about them of course I'm not going to get to see them for another ten years...(wierd) neways after that I got to ride the GATOR! it was so kool! and for those of you who don't know a gator if kind of like a go-kart only it's supposed to hold yard equipment. So we driving along and my dad starts going Really fast and I freaked my dad definetly knows how to scare driving insanely fast with no hands! ARGH! he's so wrong! Neway so ater that I was bored and made a quiz on quizilla..I also started writing a story...but I don't know how far it's gonna go..(geeze an unevntful day yet I wrote alot...wierd)
neway l8r Comments (3) |
Friday, September 2, 2005
Ok so I'm insanely bored right now so i started lookin' at avi's and Here are som of the ones I found for you freaky family guy fans (F.F.G.F) So ...ya....ENJOY!! Comments (2) |
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Ok I actually drove a car today...yayness! And I also found out I'm not very good at it yet..My mom is not allowed to teach me to drive because she's always getting into wrecks so dear old dad get's to teach me...oh by the way I almost ran into a pole lol but that's ok that's the first time I've actually driven it all the way from our gate, down our drive way, and to our house sooo it was kinda funny I kept hitting the break to hard tho lol Comments (3) |
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
*sigh * nuthin' new really...just me starting that fundraiser I may not be on after school in a few days getting more and more bored...well I did get out of school like 15minutes early I'm not feelin' very well....*sigh* ...HOLY SHIT! My big sis is here!! OMFG! woo hoo She got out of jail!!!!! party in the hizzouse!!!! *dances
Help Out!
Hey guys I don't know if many are gonna read this post but well I just watched a very sad story on the news about a guy who lost his wife in the hurricane disaster,And now it has kind of inspired me to start a releif fund at my school, the elementary school and the high school so if any of you want to help out you can start a fundraiser or send money to one..
anyway cya'
P.S. For information on how to start a fundraiser call the national red cross at this #
peace! Comments (2) |