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myOtaku.com: blood wolf

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Guestbook Entries:

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Aquamarine Angel (08/09/07)

Hiya! Loooove the site! Where did u get the BG? It's really cool! Well, hope to see you around! ^^ See ya!




Live contains no evil,
except the ones we allow throug
our doors.

morbid twilight (07/22/07)

Hello! I love your site1 loveless is such an awesome anime. Ritsuka and Soubi r so cute together!! Love it! Also i like the backround. heehee. Well, see ya later.

-morbid twilight

totalrevenge (07/17/07)

Hey I love ur site.Im crazy too.And LOVELESS was sooooooo rad there so cute. i hope we can be friends later


innocent heart (07/03/07)

hi there! you have a very cool site! pretty background! please come visit my site.


SilverSun101 (02/27/07)

hi! i love your site! its really cool! i'll add you as a friend! hope you will do the same and stop by sometime! well, hope to seeya around sometime!


Kogasgirl4ever (11/05/06)

I love the site, It Rocks. The bg is cool. if you get the chance swing by my site sometime and sign my gb! well Bye bye *waves*

Gaaraismybf (09/28/06)

Nice site. i like it.

Forever Gone (09/12/06)

hi!! thanks so much for visiting my site ^^ I like yours too,and your bg....very addicting to look at lol anyways I'll be addin ya too p.m me anytime laters! ^^

vietguy (09/12/06)

like ur site
adding ya as a friend
hope u dunt mind
well cya around

ciao-su ~~~

kikyou1994 (09/05/06)

ur avatar is awsome i like the bg 2.maybe u could come by my site and sign my gb^__^

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