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myOtaku.com: blood wolf

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Reoku-Himura (07/14/05)

*signs in purple* Love the stars, it gives your site such a sweet loveing feeling ^^ so peacful yet ready for anything.

HeavensHitman (07/10/05)

Yah its Karwiel (made new site)...love yours...ttyl

insanewolfgirl (07/10/05)

Ur site is Awesome. Quizilla is an awesome site. I hope you dont mind if I add you as a friend? May the wolves be with you.

hishyama shark (07/09/05)

cool bg. I like this site! I'll add you as a friend, ok?

ChibiIchigo (07/03/05)

hello! your site is so starry lol ^^ I love it! you were born 6v days aftrer me^^ Well I have to go for now. Please, feel free to leaveyour mark in my guestbook. Ja ne! -Nezumi

breaking through (07/03/05)

hey awsome site...love the wolf its my favortie animale...i'll add you as a friend...ttyl chow

kurama101hiei101 (06/30/05)

awsome site! i love all the icons! well come sign my gb ok. and i hope u don't mind if i add u as a friend. ^_^

Night shade2 (06/30/05)

I like your site could you sign my guest book I would really apreciate it.

stewies evil twin (06/25/05)

hey buddy ur here watching me type this right NOW, lalalala... hey well rememeber this night....C ya.....


Cash-chan (06/24/05)

Awesome site. wolvesr my fav animal ever. stop by my site and sign my gb sumtime, ne?

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