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myOtaku.com: blood wolf

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Cute and Crazy (05/21/05)

Muahahaha! I sign your guestbook! lol

-Cute and Crazy

redvixen (05/17/05)

hi i'll sign ya g.b,great site hope u don't mind me adding u as a friend

Yuri AngelofDeath (05/16/05)

Kewl u know dream wings pretty kool, i like the site i feel good and welcome here i shall be adding you as a friend so come and visait me when you get chance cya buddy


peibu (05/16/05)

gameboy told me the pic of dreamwings was here...and so it was!! hahahahaha!!!
your site is great!! i really like it!! your avi is sooo cute!

MMGothicGal (05/15/05)

Hey thx for liking my site, yea I am most ppl label me that.
I'd rather stop labeling myself, but yea I am gothik. I spell it differently.
Ok cool I'll add you too.
I want a beer oh umm...
~Dissappers in a cloud of smoke~

shade the great (05/15/05)

cool puzzle

FantasyXFantasy (05/15/05)

hey nice site . i am also a Christian , but its strange that no one else has really talked about religion . wonder why ...

kitty-cat1518 (05/15/05)

Hey! vampgurl1880 told me to check out ur site, so I did. Love it btw. Do u care if I add u as a friend? hope not. later

vampgurl1880 (05/15/05)

like the site. love the sn. and think ur writing style rocks. mind if i add u as a friend?

Witch Hunter Wolf (05/13/05)

Howl for the wolves. Good site. Nice to meet you

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