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myOtaku.com: blood wolf

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Guestbook Entries:

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GCfan13 (05/12/05)

hey awesome site!! well come visit me sometime and add me as a friend!! peace!!

silverfangw (05/11/05)

Hi cool site I like you poem. Adding ya as a friend okay.
Laterz ^_^

strawcatcher (05/10/05)

Hello, fun site. I like that you drew your avitar. Thanks for coming to visit...sorry to hear about the goose incident...they ARE really scary! Ducks aren't quite so aggressive as their larger, meaner geese cousins. BTW...I am Gameboy and Dreamwings mom...they got me here... I am adding you as a friend. I like seeing your poetic posts.

msyugioh123 (05/05/05)

hello come to my site

Glacial Drake (05/04/05)

hey cool site nice colors stop by sometime!! hope to talk to u later


black-neko (04/30/05)

hey, real nice site u got *nod* i like ur name alot ^^ really caught my attention there lol ^^
like the poems u put up, really really good
let me know if i can add you as a friend okies?
hope to see ya round

~luv kiei

Kogalover05 (04/25/05)

hey, your site is awesome ^_^. I LOVE the color scheme...^_^, I love clashin and bright colors....of which you have both. lol, anyhoo, I notice that you're new here, so if you need any help or info on how to do stuff on otaku, give me a PM and I'd be happy to help ya out ^_^ I'm gonna add you as a friend if it's kool with you. And remember, if you need help...don't hesitate to ask me. ^_^ PEACE!!

B.Moon WereWolf (04/25/05)

Hi, I like your site. I'll add you as a friend ok

ladyalchemist22 (04/24/05)

hi, you have a really awesome site here and yes living in tn sucks doesnt it? i know that all to well. im gonna add ya as a friend if you dont mind. ttyl!

albino black girl (04/24/05)


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