"Cold Bloodshed softly stains the floor,
dripping over the blade,
staining our hands,
As we smile softly at eachother,
I can feel your heart disintegrating.
It is my fault,
I can see your tears now,
Your arms wrap around me as my body becomes cold,
I never want to hurt you again,
I want you to Bl33D ME,
So that these injures will forever sting.
Now I can never hurt you,
At the consequence of never seeing you smile again,
Never seeing YOU again,
Because now my heart Bl33DS,
And all I can see is,
Your face, And your tears.
To me you were an angel,
A godly prince,
Now I am falling,
Like a dying angel in snow...
I can hear you sobbing,
As my eyes close,
As my heart stops beating,
Now I can hear that you understand, Now that you know...
I died because I loved you,
I died because I cared about you,
I died FOR you..."
"Oh my god,
Can't you see me crying!?"
Inspired by a video...
Only because he cared...
Thank you,