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J Faulstich
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GetBackers, Trigun, Maburaho, Tokimeki Memorial Only Love (For interesting reasons...) and Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni (Kai), Monster
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
An Interview With Mah Characters!
I got really bored, so I typed up an interview with all of my characters. That means...
Tigo, my alcoholic, uneployed, and clinically depressed doctor.
Keigo, my sadistic and egotistical man-whore.
Haruki, my fruity, pink-haired hitman.
Naikanni, my sweet, caring, little boy.
Matsuko, my intermittent explosive investigator.
Matsuma, my happy-go-lucky apprentace.
Vin, my bitter and vengeful slayer.
Edward, my narcissistic, British Investigator.
Lil' Red, my annoying and boy-crazy bounty hunter.
Ichiryuu, my egocentric yet emotionally insecure assassin.
Kiba, my naive ladies-man.
Valterra, my psychopathic, charming vampire.
Anyways, here it is. I think it's pretty funny. I aim to please.^^
Character Profiles: Interview!
How old are you?
Tigo: 24.
Keigo: 29.
Haruki: 32!
Naikanni: 12.
Matsuko: Fuck you! (3017)
Matsuma: 16.
Vin: 17.
Edward: 23.
Lil’ Red: 21.^^
Ichiryuu: 21.
Kiba: 30. (Keigo: God, I fucking hate you!)
Valterra: Don’t you know you’re never supposed to ask a lady her age? (Unknown)
What's your height?
Tigo: 5’10”
Keigo: 6’1”
Haruki: Err… Tall… (6’7”)
Naikanni: 4’11” I think.
Matsuko: Fuck you! (6’)
Matsuma: 5’3”
Vin: Tch. 5’9”
Edward: 6’
Lil’ Red: 5’4”
Ichiryuu: 5’11”
Kiba: 6’2” (Keigo: Fuck you, Kiba!!)
Valterra: 5’10”
What are you?
Tigo: Err… A—um… A werewolf. *Sigh*
Keigo: Awesomeness. (Sika)
Haruki: Candyland! (Human)
Naikanni: I’m not quite sure… (Unknown)
Matsuko: Fuck you! (Human???)
Matsuma: Um… Human…?
Vin: What the fuck do I look like, a fuckin’ zebra? I’m human, jackass!
Edward: Not but a mild-mannered Adonis gracing a world which would, without him, be drab and colourless. (Vin: What the fuck does THAT mean?) (Human)
Lil’ Red: Human!
Ichiryuu: I don’t believe that’s any of your business… (Genetic experiment)
Kiba: Sika.
Valterra: A vampire. (Vin: Tch. A real pain in the neck.) I resent that…
Do you have any bad habits?
Tigo: No… (Keigo: Don’t listen to him... He’s probably drunk.) (Drinking)
Keigo: Let’s see… Smoking, pick pocketing, kidnapping, homicide, promiscuous behavior… By societal standards, those are considered ‘bad,’ right? (And much more)
Haruki: Uh, Tigo says it’s bad to kill… Is it bad to kill? (Throwing hissy fits, breaking things)
Naikanni: Uh… I don’t know. (None)
Matsuko: Fuck you! (Swearing, violent outbursts)
Matsuma: Um… I don’t think so.
Vin: Why the fuck do you care? (Smoking, swearing)
Edward: As far as I’m concerned, I’m perfect. (Vin: Perfect?! You’re an alcoholic slut!) (Drinking, promiscuous behavior)
Lil’ Red: I likes boyz.^^ (Promiscuous behavior)
Ichiryuu: I suppose I’m a bit touchy. (Vin: A bit touchy? You tried to shoot me in the face when I bumped your shoulder! If Edward hadn’t torn that gun out of your hand, I’d probably be dead!)
Kiba: Hmmm… I’m doing my best, but I really can’t think of any. I’m sure there’s gotta be something… (Keigo: Burn in Hell, Kiba!)
Valterra: I do smoke, but I’m a vampire, so it’s not hurting me… Of course secondhand smoke is damaging to today’s youth; but… Should I care?
Are you a virgin?
Tigo: Err… *Blush* Isn’t that question a bit inappropriate? (No)
Keigo: No, but I can fake it if that’s what you’re into. (Tigo: You know, you don’t have to try and market yourself every time someone asks you a question…)
Haruki: No. (Keigo: Yeah, you’ve got boys over at your penthouse almost every night. How much do you pay them? I’ll do it for less…) You’re so mean!
Naikanni: What’s a ‘virgin?’ (Yes)
Matsuko: Fuck you! (Unknown)
Matsuma: Yeah.
Vin: Psssh. I’m asexual, you figure it out. (Edward: Oh, Vin. You don’t have to be embarrassed about it. I’ve told you, all you need do is ask me.^^) I’m not gay, jackass! (Yes)
Edward: No.
Lil’ Red: *Tee hee…* (No)
Ichiryuu: Physical contact disgusts me. (Yes)
Kiba: Although I find that question a bit risqué… No, I’m not. (Keigo: God, I hope you die!)
Valterra: I find your line of questioning extremely offensive. (Unknown)
Who's your fiancé/spouse? If you don’t have one, got anyone in mind?
Tigo: I don’t have anyone. It’s probably best if it stays that way. I don’t want anyone getting hurt. Although, I do think it would be nice, for once…
Keigo: Is that a proposition?
Haruki: No one right now. I accidentally killed my last-- Err, oops. I mean… Uh…………… Muffin.
Naikanni: There’s this girl I like at school…
Matsuko: Fuck you! (No one)
Matsuma: *Glances at Vin* No… Of course not… (Vin)
Vin: Fuck no. I hate you all.
Edward: The very idea makes me feel ill…
Lil’ Red: *Sigh* Someday I’ll find the perfect man… Tall, strong, handsome, well-built… And pink hair wouldn’t hurt, either. (Keigo: I know someone you should meet…)
Ichiryuu: The only person good enough for me… Is me.
Kiba: No one, right now. Hopefully someday I’ll find a someone who’s willing to spend the rest of their life with me. (Keigo: God, you’re so naïve! You’ve had every woman in town tailing you since you got here, and you don’t even realize it! All you have to do is close your eyes and point. Bam! You got one. I hope you die!)
Valterra: Hopefully someday I’ll find someone I can really sink my teeth into. *Grin* (Vin: Aha-ha-ha.)
Do you have any kids?
Tigo: No.
Keigo: No. (Naikanni: *Tears*)
Haruki: I dun think so…
Naikanni: I am the kid. Or… I’m supposed to be the kid.
Matsuko: Fuck you! (No)
Matsuma: No, but I’d like to someday.
Vin: Tch. Hell no.
Edward: Huh. That’s an interesting question. I’ll have to look into that…
Lil’ Red: No.
Ichiryuu: No, and I can guarantee you, I never will.
Kiba: Not yet.
Valterra: No. Even if I did, they’d all be dead. (Vin: God, I hate you…)
Have you ever killed anyone?
Tigo: It’s not my fault! (Vin: You sick bastard… Imma kill you!!)
Keigo: *Maniacal laughter* (Yes)
Haruki: I like to make them a’splode.^^ (Yes)
Naikanni: Injured. Never killed.
Matsuko: Fuck you! (Unknown, but most likely yes)
Matsuma: No… I don’t really want to, either.
Vin: Well I’ve never killed a HUMAN…
Edward: Yes. In my line of work, it’s hard to avoid.
Lil’ Red: *Sigh* Yes. But no one who didn’t deserve it.
Ichiryuu: It’s what I do best. (Vin: I knew it! I knew you were a fucking assassin!)
Kiba: Hmm. Now that’s an interesting question… (Unknown)
Valterra: What I do in my spare time is none of your business. (Yes)
Do you hate anyone?
Tigo: No. And everyone who hates me has a reason.
Keigo: Let’s see… Vin, Lil’ Red, that jackal bastard, that jackass Kiba, and that bitch in Vin’s cellar. I know she’s a vampire, but I hope she drops dead.
Haruki: I luuuuuurves everyone!^^ (No)
Naikanni: No. ‘Cept that silver-haired guy smacked me in the face one time… That was kinda mean.
Matsuko: Fuck You! (Everyone)
Matsuma: Nah, I think it’s pointless to waste emotional space on hatred.
Vin: Tigo. Oh god, do I hate Tigo. Besides Tigo, there’s always Keigo, Lil’ Red, Ichiryuu, and the psychopathic blood-sucker downstairs. I dunno why Matsuko makes me keep her alive. She’s nothing but a hassle.
Edward: The mysterious pink-haired phantom… Someday, his life will be mine… (Haruki)
Lil’ Red: Mmmmmmmm… Mmmm… Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm… Mmmmmmm… No.
Ichiryuu: Kabayama… *Glare* (Keigo)
Kiba: Nah, I find it hard to hate, when there are so many nice people in the world. (Keigo: Gaaah! I swear to god, I’ll slit your fucking throat while you sleep!)
Valterra: *Glares at Vin… Glares at Keigo*
What is your job?
Tigo: Well, I was a medical doctor. But now I’m nothing. I still have my pager, my lab coat, my stethoscope and all my medical awards shoved under the back seat… *Sigh* Well, I’m gonna go kill myself now. (Keigo: Hey, hey, hey! *Grab* Where do you think you’re going?)
Keigo: I’m a provider of unusual goods and services. *Sneer* Anything you want, that’s what I got, baby. *Wink* (Vin: Somebody shoot him please…)
Haruki: I’m a professional hit-man! (Tigo: Haruki, you shouldn’t tell people that…)
Naikanni: Oh, I still go to school. (Student)
Matsuko: Fuck you! (Chief investigator)
Matsuma: I’m an apprentice mage, as well as a student.
Vin: Paranormal investigator and slayer. That means I track them down, then kill ‘em.
Edward: I’m a PI Executive. Like Vin, only better. (Vin: You don’t even do any of the work, jackass!) I don’t need to… I’m the Executive.^^
Lil’ Red: I’m a bounty hunter. Gonna kill me some bad guyz!
Ichiryuu: If I told you, I’m afraid I’d have to kill you. (Vin: Just say it! Just say you’re a fucking assassin!) Oh Vin, you make me laugh.^^
Kiba: I’m a bartender in Hokkaido. (Keigo: BURN IN HELL!)
Valterra: I’m a professional gambler. And I always win.
Are you into men or women?
Tigo: Women. (Keigo: And women are into you; right? Goddamn, if I had 100 yen for every girl you’ve mercy-fucked…) Don’t, Keigo…
Keigo: Either, as long I get fucking paid. Or they’re really hott. Or I’m really horny. Or they’re bleeding profusely. Or someone’s reeeally drunk. Or it’s Vin. *Sneer*
Haruki: Women. (Keigo: Don’t lie, Haruki… Lying is bad…) I’m NOT!
Naikanni: Girls, I think… I don’t really know what’s right. (Tigo: There’s no right or wrong, Naikanni. It’s whichever you like best.)
Matsuko: Fuck you! (Unknown)
Matsuma: Guys.
Vin: Neither. (Keigo: So what’re ya into? Horses? You have one, don’t you?) Fuck off, Kabayama. (Edward: No, he’s definitely into men. For some odd reason, he just doesn’t want to admit it.) I hope you both die!
Edward: Both; but they have to be attractive. Very attractive. And not clingy. I can’t deal with clingy.
Lil’ Red: Mmmmmmm… Boys…
Ichiryuu: Tch. Don’t waste my time with annoying questions. (Unknown)
Kiba: You query such strange things. (Unknown)
Valterra: Yet another offensive and inappropriate question. My dear, you need to stop. (Unknown)
What do you do to relax?
Tigo: Drink… A lot.
Keigo: Smoke, fuck, hack things, hack things and fuck at the same time…
Haruki: Lay on my bed while it spins. S’fun.^^
Naikanni: Watch TV. Unless Keigo’s working. Then I’ll colour. Or go for a walk. It depends on the amount of screaming.
Matsuko: Fuck you! (Break things)
Matsuma: Daydream.^^
Vin: Smoke. That’s really about it.
Edward: Drink, mostly. Lying in the grass can be quite nice, too.
Lil’ Red: SHOPPING!!
Ichiryuu: I don’t relax.
Kiba: Take walks, do some stretching.^^ (Keigo: Imma strangle you, someday…)
Valterra: My whole life was relaxation time. Of course now I’m stuck in this cell…
What's something that you like?
Tigo: Making people happy… I can’t fix my own problems, so I might as well fix others’.
Keigo: Masochistic clients. (Tigo: You’re sick…)
Haruki: Candy!
Naikanni: Um… Friends. I don’t have very many, though.
Matsuko: Fuck you! (Screaming)
Matsuma: Vin. I mean flowers! Boy do I love flowers.^^
Vin: I like it when people SHUT THE FUCK UP! (Cigarettes)
Edward: Expensive wine and sex.^^ (Vin: See? You are an alcoholic slut!) Oh Vin, you’re just jealous ‘cause you’re a virgin who’s not old enough to drink.
Lil’ Red: Clothes and boys. Hott boys. Hott boys in tight pants. I wish Tigo wore tight pants… *Sigh* (Tigo: Wait, what…?)
Ichiryuu: Myself.
Kiba: Meeting new people. I love being a bartender. (Keigo: I swear to god, Kiba… Someday…)
Valterra: Money and good food. And by good food, I mean an attractive, young virgin. *Glances at Vin* You’re lucky I’m stuck behind glass, sweetheart.
Weapon(s) of Choice?
Tigo: I don’t fight…
Keigo: Poisonous quills. And guns, and hammers, and scalpels, and bone saws, and maces, and chains… (Tigo: CHAINS?)
Haruki: My umbrella! *Huggles umbrella* (Keigo: Creepy…)
Naikanni: My bladed yoyo, my spikey paddleball and my bomb earrings.
Matsuko: Fuck you! (Magic)
Matsuma: Magic.
Vin: My katana and guns, generally.
Edward: My whip, of course.
Lil’ Red: Mah cannon! It shoots deadly blue torrents of pain!
Ichiryuu: It really depends on the situation. Either my scythe, or a gun.
Kiba: I don’t use any. I’m more of a hand-to-hand guy. (Keigo: God, you think you’re soooo much better than everyone else, don’t you, Kiba! Burn in hell!)
Valterra: Exploding dice, bladed cards, and my lucky number seven.^^
Alright, any last words?
Tigo: Um… Goodbye…?
Keigo: Get out of my fucking face before I fucking kill you.
Haruki: Candyland!
Naikanni: Bye…
Matsuko: Fuck you!
Matsuma: No, just bye.^^
Vin: Fuck off.
Edward: Parting is such sweet sorrow. Arrivaderci!
Lil’ Red: Bye bye!
Ichiryuu: No.
Kiba: This was fun.^^ Bye! (Keigo: Fucker…)
Valterra: So long, then. Maybe next time you come, we can have a bite together. (Vin: God, what is it with you vampires, and your stupid verbal puns…?!)
Okay, that's it!^^ Yay! Err... Okay.
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Lot'sa stuff
I almost DIED over the weekend. I'm sooooooo very glad the O is running smoothly again. I'm sure everyone else feels the same.
Anyways, on to the "important" stuff.
I'm goin' back to California, on wednessday.^^ Imma be home for my favorite holiday! Yes... Halloween.^^ I can't wait. I think Imma be a pirate... I'm always a pirate. I told my friend if I could get a pair of white pants and shoes, I'd totally be Kagami. I have the white jacket and BOTH a leopard print AND a purple shirt, so I could choose between anime Kagami and manga Kagami.^^ I really wanna do it, since I know it's gonna drive my friend (who thoroughly dispises Kagami) absoloutely crazy.^^
My cuz came over this weekend, and drove me straight to hell. He's like, 10 years old, and he loves bionicles, whatever the hell those are... Ah yes, and when I was watching GetBackers, he asked me why Akabane looks like a woman. WTF?! Sure, he may be mildly feminine, but you can TOTALLY tell he's a man.
My cat was eating chicken on the dining room table, then when my mom came to scream at him, he skitted across it and broke my step fathers favorite candlestick. EVIL!
Poker Party isn't goin' so well. Some of them are reeeeally hard to draw. Like, REALLY hard. But don't worry, it'll all get done eventually! I swear! *Shifty Eyes* Besides, I refuse to work on any other comics until this one if finished. I have like, 12 I have to do after this one, and it aint' gonna be fun. :( Anyways, that cover took for-freakin'-ever, but to tell you the truth, I f%in' love it. If you haven't seen it yet, you should go look.^^
That's it for right now. Oh, 'cept I applied to Portland State... Hope I get in.^^
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
God, I swear upon my life, Kagami has been reincarnated in my home as an adorable, black kitty... It's so hard to love The Jackal, when he's pure $#&%in' evil... And yet, I'm drivin too, since he's my cat. But, its like loving Kagami, really it, is... Yesterday I cought him sharpening his claws on the fabric stereo on my flatscreen TV. PURE EVIL! And yet... So devilishly handsome...
P.S., Akabane is hottttttt...^^
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
OMFG... I've finally found the perfect manga for me... It's got everything I love in it! Monster... It's about a smexy doctor (mmmmmm) who risks his career to save the life of a young boy... Who ends up being a sociopath (hells yeah!). And, he befriends potential killers and gets them to do his dirty work. And Dr. Tenma (sexy doctor) is getting blamed for all the murders, due to unfortunate coincidences. Now he's trying to hunt down the sociopath (mmmm... Sociopath...) so he can fix the problem he created so long ago. Unfortunately for me, I don't particularly enjoy the art style. But still... The story makes it sooooo worth it.
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Friday, October 12, 2007
Real Hmmmm...
...Except now you won't go away... Why won't you go away?! STOP TORTURING ME LIKE THIS!!! God dammit, now I'll have to wait another five days before I can get rid of you. Oh well, Fine, Kagami, you can stay a little longer. I love you...
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WTF...? My BG doesn't show up on my old computer here at home. :( Therefore, I can't know if anyone else can see it... I guess I'll just have to delete it all... Oh well; bye, Kagami. I'll miss you, you hot, smexy work of art...
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Monday, October 8, 2007
Ah, Tokimeki Memorial Only Love... So funny, and yet... Hmmm.^^ The only reason it should be watched is because of the wide range of super fun characters. My two personal favorites:
Ryoichi Kamino, the self-absorbed track captain. I don't know why, I just absoloutely adore him! I sqeel whenever he appears.^^

Ryuuichi Yagen, the absoloutely insane science teacher. Something tells me, without that mask, he'd be uber-hott... Unfortunately, it doesn't come off. *Sigh...* But oh my god, am I in love with him! He's always trying to get the students to let him perform crazy experiments on them. Heheheh... Oh boy.

Why do I bring these characters up...? I'm not sure... However, it leads me to a completely different topic. (Well, almost completely.) You'll find out how they're connected in the end... Boy is it messed up.
Okay, my mind works in very bizarre ways. VERY bizzare. Nobuo Tibita, my favorite Japanese vocal actor... Guess who he plays...? That's right; Akabane. Anyways, he doesn't JUST play Akabane. Is this a good thing? Not particularly. After watching so very many shows that include him, I've discovered that 90% of the character he plays are either horrible, horrible people, or the most annoying person on the planet. Ttragically, as I stated in the beginning, my mind is screwed up, so everytime I find a character he plays, I always think of it as Akabane playing the voice. That can really throw you off, sometimes. Some examples of what I've seen... Recognize any?
None Anime Roles:
Terrorsaur (Beast Wars, Japanese version)
Now I dunno much about Transformers, but... This just bothers me. A lot.

Logos (FF X-2, Japanese version)
This guy just creeps the hell out of me...

Millhouse Van Houten and Dr. Frink (The Simpsons, Japanese version)
Oh dear god, please say it isn't true...

Vayne Solidor (FF XII, Japanese version)
Okay, I must admit, I like this one... He's pretty smexy.

Anime Roles:
Cloud (Bleach)
Ironically, to pronounce "Cloud" in Japanese, you have to say "Kuroudo." Akabane's first name. Creepy. At any rate, this guy freaks me out.

Aries Shion (Saint Seiya)
Aries the Ram, I suppose... He's pretty good looking... For the gayest man on earth.

Kamille Bidan (Mobile Suit Gundam)
Hmmm... I'm not a huge fan of Giant Robot stuffs, but he's okay...

Randy (Ryo) McLane (FAKE OVA)
Okay, from the yaoi "FAKE." Yes, you heard me right. Yaoi. He's the sensitive and easygoing uke who hasn't realized is feelings yet. Heheheheh... Oh god, he REALLY sounds like Akabane.

Toshiyuki Aoshima (Ah, My Goddess!)
Meh, he looks okay... Never watched the show. Apparently he's a real ladies' man.

Sinistra (Kiddy Grade)
Yes, his name is Sinistra. Yes, he is a guy. Yes, he IS incredibly hot. He works with his partner Dextera, who's basically his red counterpart. My friend says the two of them are gay, but I don't like to think so.

Clovis La Brittania (Code Geass)
OMG, he's Narcissistic, he's smexy, he's evil... He's like, my perfect guy!

Zetsu/Ebisu (Naruto)
Now I don't watch Naruto, but whoa, Zetsu's freakin' creepy. Ebisu... I don't really have much to say about him.

Saboromaru (Detective Academy Q)
SUPER annoying and SUPER incompetent. I've been watching this show a lot, and I must say, he's BOTH the comic relief, as well as the character you love to hate.

Dr. Eypatch (Super Milk Chan)
Oh, please, PLEASE say it isn't so!

Lumiale (Angelique)
Omigod... I've never seen this in my life, and I've still fallen madly in love... He's got to be the one of the smexiest characters I've ever seen... (Yes, I like girly guys.) And with Akabane's voice, my burning passion for him has just tripled.

Misao Kurotokage (Tokimeki Memorial Only Love)
Yes, this is what my previous statement had been referring too. And here's why... If you're looking at the one on the left... You're looking at the wrong one. That's right. The perverted drama teacher who, unfortunately, sounds a hell-of-a-lot like Akabane. Yes, it is a woman. Yes, it is disturbing. Believe me when I say that if you love Akabane, you should NEVER watch this show. And yet... I can't stop...

So that's that... For a full list of Nobuo Tobita's characters, you should go here.
Let me know if you know any of the characters he plays, and if you have any screenshots... I'm collecting them. If that's not f*cked up; I don't know WHAT is. At least I can admit my oddness, though. Anyways, Imma go. *Awkward silence* Um... Yeah...
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Monday, October 1, 2007
A statement that actually made me laugh, quoted by my good friend Terra, at the request that she draw a picture of Kagami for me:
"Hanna I can only draw things I look at well, plus Kagami is like acid, he'll burn through the paper before I'm done."
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
SITE MAKEOVER!!! I redid my entire site... Huzzah!
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Got a few new kick-ass pics up... Totally awesome, you should check them out. Particularly the Akabane and Kagami one.^^
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