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Monday, July 30, 2007

A selection of quotes...
I've selected a couple quotes from my quote collection that I thought I'd share with you. Enjoy them as I have enjoyed them, and hopefully they'll inspire you in some ways. These are all quote from people I know, and all of them are brilliantly aweful in one way or another.

You know, if Basil of Baker Street were'nt a mouse, he'd be hot.

I don't believe in Asian doctors.

Did you dispose of the corpses properly?

I'm 18! I can go to REAL jail!

There's only one man can walk on water, and that's Jesus.

That would be the most disgusting crayon colour ever... "Potato salad yellow."

Steven: There's no guilt left in the mountains.
Me: But what if I killed 84 people?
Emily: ...Then there's no one LEFT in the mountains.

No matter what, butter on ice cream is gonna be nasty.

Murder is just extroverted suicide.

What's the penalty for killing a teacher?

Holy crap, a seagull!

Public deffication is a crime folks; we WILL call the cops!

Freud would have something to say about him [Akabane].

Helium is the gateway drug.

I have illegal business to conduct...

Are you comparing me to Fudou?

I feel like shooting babies.

If you tie the splint up like this, you're retarded.

I'll bribe you with chocolate and Pokemon cards.

Me: I didn't say I wanted to go on a killing spree--
Joe: I said I was GOING to.

In anime, the pointier the hair, the more important a character is.

Are you cuddling a latex glove?

I'm not really attracted to gay men.

Cameron: I've seen cars with upside-down, purple triangles on the bumpers. Does that mean they're homosexual?
Chris: No, that just means they like teletubbies.

If there were any animal that would come off as not having any feelings at all, it would be a moose.

They should call him [Legato] Mind-Power Johnson.

Me: Walking around with plutonium in his pocket... He should be dead.
Bryce: Not himself, but... He probably poisoned everyone else around him. GINJI should be dead.
Me: Heh...
Bryce: No, I'm serious. Ginji should be on the ground, dead, with like, three eyes or something.

India is Asia's second chin.

I may be a good cross-dresser. I may be a girl.

It doesn't matter WHO I date-rape, as long as I date-rape SOMEONE...

Sylvia: Oh, that's good. how long did she take you to draw?
Me: Actually, it's a guy.
Matt: ...........................Awkward moment.

Oh my god, your dad is awesome. If I could, I'd totally get stoned and talk to him for hours.

Jane Austen is my alias--Along with Zeus.

You say you deep fry it... Deep fry my cat.

What is this? America exploded on a piece of paper.

A verbal fight between Kazuki and Jackal. Neither of them will win, Kazu's just like: "he's unhappy" and Akabane: "he looks like a woman."

Nothing says I love you like a rock.

Your logic is faulty. You should date Juubei.

Wait... What's your e-mail? Hack_n_Slice@yahoo.com... And you wanna be a doctor?

If you're gonna breed something; breed tigers.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me.

Me: I wouldn't be surprised if he [Akabane] liked chick-flicks. No, I could totally see him going to the theatre alone to see one.
Rosario: I bet he'd be dissapointed if he saw the movie "The Breakup." That movie pissed me off.

Superman was vegan.

Nothing turns Hanna on like a guy who can pull scalpels out of his shirt on a moments notice.

Drawing his feet is fun, because he only has two.

Tristan: Super Mario Party... What kinda stuff's in it?
Worker: Different levels.

Come on, Hanna. You'd make a great Judas.

It's hard for me to look REALLY stupid.

Where's the seed in an onion?

Must be convicted serial killer. Bipolar is a plus.

There're so many good places to lick.

If there was one thing that would anger Akabane, it would be calling him "Claude."

I glare in your general direction.

It'd be like an adventure... A three minute adventure... And in the end; we might even die.

Today I learned how to perform an 18th century nose replacement.

I can't draw; I'm just very good at pretending.

Paul: What are those; racketball shoes, or space boots?
Tim: They're... They're magic shoes.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Xaos, your message box is full, so I'm posting this instead.

Some caps of battles. Yay!

A basic opponent
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Kazuki getting hurt
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Akabane getting hurt
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One of Shido's attacks
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Ban's poison attack
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One of Emishi's attacks
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Ginji's lighnening emperor attack
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Flame perfume
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Juubei's heal
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Kazu's shower
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The result's of an Akabane and Kagami duel power attack
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Akabane's asking Kagami to give him a hand, thus leading to the power attack
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Kagami's heal (notice Akabane's health meter... Grrrr)
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This is what happens when you get your ass beat. They all collapse on their faces, 'cept for Akabane and Kagami, who just kneel in defeat. It kinda looks like Akabane has breasts... Is that just me?
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

   Video Games
Okay. I can be good at video games, and I can be bad a video games. I'm good when I'm working a machine of some kind, for example, flying planes, riding animals, and so on. I'm bad when I'm fighting against other people. Playing the GetBackers battle game really bites against my friend. We each pick our favorite characters to fight against each other; and I loose... Every time. You have no idea how painful it is to watch Akabane repetitively get his ass beat by Juubei. I die a little each time.
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Friday, July 13, 2007

Tutti Frutti
I think this is the best video I've made so far. It's old; but I still really enjoy it. Probably a little too much. 'S funny!

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Sunday, July 8, 2007

OMG; I just finished the final GetBackers book; book 39!!! Oh; how amazing it is! I wish I could rant about it; but I don't wanna ruin it for anybody... It was awesome, though. AWESOME! Okay, maybe just a little ranting. If you don't wanna know what happens, don't read on. This stuff isn't gonna come out in English for another five years. Akabane pulling that goddamn lance out of his body... That was CRAZY! A lance! Didn't know he could do that... I was so worried he was gonna die. That would have been painful; after Kagami's demise. I cried over that one... I don't even wanna know how I'd react to Akabane. That was lucky. And the connections between Akabane and Ginji... How adorable! (A bit too sentimental for me, but adorable none-the-less...) There's that one CRAZY Akabane picture where he looks like he's lost his mind... Just like Kagami before he died. That worried me... But then the Ban-stabbing part... DAMN! Dramatic. Oh, and Akabane in a lab coat when he's NOT in a flashback. Weird... I like his tie clip.^^ Anyway, I'm done; MAN those were some amazing books. I'm so sad that it's over, though. What will I have to live for now...? All I wanted in life was to see how GetBackers was gonna end... And now it's done. I'm so happy, yet so sad at the same time... I'm gonna go eat ice cream and cry now.
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I just accidentally deleted the music video I've been working on since three in the afternoon. People are lucky they aren't here. Or they'd be dead.

I'm not kidding.

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Saturday, July 7, 2007

I have no life.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Kagami Vs. Brannigan
Aah, thinking about the interesting theory of people who think they're awesome and are awesome; as opposed to people who think they're awesome and aren't awesome... My friend and I call it the "Kagami vs. Zapp Brannigan" theory. Kagami is absoloutely perfect in every way; and he knows it, shares it, and loves it. Zapp on the other hand... THINKS he's absoloutely perfect; when in fact is a bumbling idiot. Both can be incredibly annoying; the Zapp kind because no matter what you say; they will continue to think they're amazing, and you just can't convince them otherwise... And then the Kagami kind, ;cause whenever he does something; you're just like "damn you for being so amazing... Damn you!" But there's nothing you can do because they totally have reason to brag... Character wise, I fall madly in love with the ones that actually are amazing; but in reality, I don't know who I'd rather be around... The one you're disgusted with because they're an idiot, or the one you're disgusted with because they're right. Especially since I myself am rather proud...
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Really now...
Really now... I never would have guessed. *Cough*

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins are You?

pride, n. - An excessively high opinion of oneself; conceit. Wow! Look at you! You're perfect! Beautiful, intellegent, and all around flawless! Be even more proud, millions of girls suffer from you everyday!
Take this quiz!

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Monday, July 2, 2007

Okay; I figured I'd post part one of the first ep of Tokimeki... Because I can. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's really crazy. I LOVE Professor Yagen; though. He's awesome. And keep your eyes open for that crazy music/acting teacher with the dark and creepy voice... *a-hem* You'll know her when you see her... And out of all the characters I've seen played by Nobuo Tobita; of which there are many; SHE is by far the one that sounds MOST like Akabane. Tragically.

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