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myOtaku.com: bloodrose2

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

if you have ever...
ok so i admit i am NOT the most graceful person. so i was dancing in my basement and... well triped.... and guess what?! i fell crashed into the table;scratched up my leg, twistd my ankel falling and nearly stabed my eye out on a doll house.and if that wasent enough i stood up to fast and hit my head on the tread mill and then stepped on my dog._________.*hangs head in shame* im always doing something like that, tripping or falling or twisting something. but oh my gosh im amazingly graceful compared to my best friend bella! she cant walk 3 steps whith out tripping! buuuuutttt it is really fun to push her and watch her flail*evil laugh* its also fun to get her to try and trip some one it dosent work*shame* im such a great friend arent i^^*bells u know i loves u* ANY WHO!!!! today was sooooooo sucky!! we had the worst sub on earth! i swear he messed up in the head!! he spent like 10 min. on how to pronuce his name which isent hard its like tow sylibles! and then we wre discussing our essays and he kept snapping at our group to shut up and not talk when his back was turned! ik first off my group was one of the quitest and did u all get the discussing thing. i personaly think he's predgious aginst goths/punks/emos or what ever you want to call us>.< any who then i was so ready to kill some one! the whole class was. yep he told the principal and is sugesting that we need more work>. ~Chi/Alice~
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