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myOtaku.com: BloodTippedRose

Thursday, September 27, 2007

i'm sleepy right now. i wish school would end soon. i wanna talk to anika right now >o<.
it's my grampa's birthday though so we have to go out for dinner and everything. then i have to study for an hour and then exercise my gramma's arm that she shattered in a car accident about two months ago. i'm tired of doing all this crap. if i don't feel well and don't wanna talk everybody snaps at me to stop being a bitch.
i'm beginning to wonder if everything i do is fucked up. but most teenagers go through that kind of thinking i bet.
everybody in this school wont shut up about homosexuals >.> they always make fun of them even in the littlest way. its getting annoying and completely stupid. jade knows i'm bi but i bet no one else does....it'd be kinda weird if everybody treated me different because of it. -.- stupid asses.
YAY the bell is about to ring >:D i think i'm gonna glomp someone in the halls >.> <.<

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