So i finally won b-ball today, but the vistory was bitter sweet. I dont think Lanori was too happy we beat her team. oh well. Well im dead. My sister was calling me some really nasty names and didnt know i could hear her, since she was in the computer room and i was in my room rite above it, but i did. It made me feel really bad. Like i sucked. so i kicked my wall and now there's a hole. a nice big one i can fit my foot in. I dont wanna die but my dad's gonna kill me...
~*~Randomness Over~*~
This is what i want. a puppy to make the rest of the world just go away
I think i made a new friend today. I was sitting in AT and we got to use the computers today so Nakita and i were e-mailing back and forth and this girl Nakita knoes saw that my sister sent me a SasuNaru pic. So we talked about it while Mr. AnnyoingFatMan was out of the room and i think we'll be friends!!
Nakita was over at my house until nine last nite cause we were working on homework. We made a scrapbook of these Greek dudes. Lanori wasnt there cause she was grounded.
Kira's getting a new puppy tomorrow and i get to go see him. He's named Kingston after Pete Wentz. I LOVE that guy. If you read this whole post put Ds in yur comment plznthx Maybe i can finally get some sleep tonite cause i dont have band tomorrow w00t!!
ItaDei. Strange, but cute, and my new obsession.
Dei's Chewing, his face IS NOT fat.
I wanna refer you guys to a really cool book. It's called 'Go Ask Alice' and it's really good. i haven't finished it yet, im not even halfway done cause i just pick it up when i have time *Which isnt often* but u guys should really read it. It's a little, well, more geared towards older kids, like 13, 14, and 15 and older, but still really awesome. My fave part is where she and her friend walk in on their boyfriends, stoned and, well, you know...
it's still good Thou...
i agree with Kukiko-San101, Deidara will be eaten alive by fangirls. he's just that hott. her, me, Sesshomaru X Rin and Miko By Dark, *see i didnt forget u this time* might go a little crazy. just a little. only a coupe will die... we'll just maim the others... >.>
Then again, Sasori might kill us ALL for Deidara...
i got this awesome piccy from here, it's not mine
~*~Randomness~*~ don't click this link...
Today i went dress shopping for the dance. loads of fun. i really dont like shopping in the mall cause my sisters always somehow make my mom shop in Limited Too. all pink. *shudders* srry i dont like pink. so we went to like 5 diffent stores and they didnt have anything that was affordable or that i liked. so i had a thought and went to the place my friend got her dress. and i found one i REALLY liked. It's light blue. i love it. i have to thank her. I babysat last night. i got to hold the puppy and the big dog bosco was SO good. the kids behaved. the only ones that acted up were my sisters, but only once. it was fun.
~*~Randomness Over~*~
~*~Randomness~*~ don't click this link...
Yesterday, i realized something. i really hate most other Deidara fangirls. i mean like, hate with a deep, growing passion. some i really get along with, they're mah friends and really nice, but something about the other ones just makes me wanna strangle them. So please, Deidara fangirls, BEWARE!! i mean, i get along with: Kukiko-San101 and Sesshomaru X Rin, and im so sorry i was so stupid i forgot you, Miko By Dark, but i just seem to hate the others. Maybe its me... nah it's them XD. no but REALLY, it is me.
P.S. If i know u and by accident exculded you from the list, just pm me, and im sorry.
~*~Randomness~*~ don't click this link...
So there were these asshole ppls at school today who decided to stop and have a conversation. In front of the stairs. Smart kids, huh? So i said exucse me and my sister's little bitch friend looks at me, smirks and turns back around. So i put my binder over my chest and plowed right through them saying "Move. Move. Move." ran 'em rite over. Idiots.
~Randomness Over~*~
This super hott piccy is in my possesion thanks to Kukiko-san101
so bored. i went to go see a play today, done by some of my friends, some ppls i knew, some ppls i hate. it wasnt bad, but it wasnt spectacular. oh well. My brother's friend just got a new puppy!! his name is Thatcher and hes so cute!! kinda looks like the puppy on the left on my bg, only a little bigger. i get to go babysit over there on Saturday and it's gonna be so fun cause i love their other dog Bosco. he's so nice and well trained.
~*~Randomness~*~ don't click this link...
People just love to click on this link, dont they? kinda amusing. I know i wanna make my site yaoi themed, but i cant pick a couple. X( driving. me. MAD.
~*~Randomness Over~*~
i gotta do an AT project, but i dont wanna even BE in AT. but my parents wont let me quit and i need their permission to so im stuck there with my teacher, Mr. Annoying Fat Man. We ALL hate him. Plus, i gotta take the SATs. I'm in the fucking 8th grade, LEAVE ME ALONE. But, my parents WANT me to, so i HAVE to. i hates mah life.
~*~Complaining Over~*~
okay hi ppls!! im at the youth center this Ash Wendsday. i had to save my friend today. We had science hw and she forgot. she sits rite behind me and i saw she didnt do it so i switched my paper with hers and the teacher came aroud and marked me as missing it. i swapped cause anyone that didnt do the hw had to go see her after school and she had play practice that she couldnt miss. So i got out of it cause i had to go get ashes so she said just bring it tomorrow. ^^. my friend owes me BIG TIME.
Honestly, who clicked the link yesterday? i no some of you did!! don't click this link...
Oh! i forgot to tell you about the awesomeness that is mah new bff Cade. My brother had a b-day party, rite? so we went to get pizza next door with some of the boy's who went siblings. Oe of them was Cade. he's 4 and so cool. the pizza guy cut his pizza for him and some music came on and he goes "OH! MY! GOODNESS!!! i LOVE this song!!" and he started swinging his head around like a metal head. we laughed so hard and my sister goes, "Cade, you're so cool!!" And he goes, "no, im four!!" and holds up 8 fingers. so it was fun.
~*~Extremly Long Randomness Over~*~
fine i changed it. Happy Shannon?
Im having an argument w. mah friends. Is DeiIno cute or creepy
today's my brother's b-day. he had this awesome party yesterday. it was SO awesome, one of the kids threw up. yeah im serious. and we have it ALL on DVD. fun huh? *grossed out* the kid's cool though, i have to babysit him and his brother and sister on saturday. yay.
no complaining today! yay. so, i still have no idea what i wanna change mah theme to. maybe something Kingdom Hearts... i have no idea. help?