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Edward Cullen's Closet (Yay Twilight!)
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Professional Zombie Trainer
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Band... trumpet
Anime Fan Since
...I was drawing big eyed peps in my mommy's tummy.
Favorite Anime
All anime... except... no that one's ok. Nevermind.

Why?... ok. Drawing, writing, band, trumpet, band, trumpet, and.... anime.... did I mention that I play trumpet....
....Did I mention I play trumpet?
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Can't read? HIGHLIGHT!!!
So! Today was sorta worth writing about. I was in the computer lab... well actually this was kinda yesterday, but anyways! I was sitting at the computer, right? The teacher, with her 50 year old ninja reflexes catches me off guard while I'm try to slack off in class with a little internet time, and lectures me about how I wrote down a goal at the beginning of the year and how I said I would be working for it... the whole shabam. UH! BP Damn alchoholic teachers. XD
On a happier note, I kinda think I got the guitar guy who likes me that I don't like off my back! X3 I feel bad, but I don't want to lead him on. Tha'd be worse than just telling him how I.. don't feel about him. I'm going for James! Thanks for the advise last post guys. It really helped! X3
I just watched Chicago~! ♥♥♥
God I love that movie! Well, thanks again!
Your HaPenis,
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Can't read? HIGHLIGHT! O_o
Yeah. Hi. I know it's been a long time, but everytime I looked at my profile I was like... FINAL FANTASY 7... IB3 LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, but now I'm obsessed with my new theme. Code Geass, my friend! Code Geass! X3 LELOUCH!!!!!!!♥♥♥ I'm gonna stop with the entire capitalized words for awhile now. XD
Ok! I've got a problem that won't sound even vaughly realistic, or so I realized when I actually considered the thing as a simple problem in my mind. Alright. To start with, the first and only boyfriend I had was in 7th grade. James. Ok. Broke up with him. Too weird. I was too used to being his friend which I was since the 3rd grade. Bunch of stuff happended... blah... Ok!~ Moving on! James joins a band and is now the lead singer. I start liking him again. Not because he's a lead singer, but because... well... a lot of things. I wouldn't care if he was a plumber! I really like him! This guy on my bus now. He's a guitarist who's starting his own band, right? Well, he tells me he likes me. I don't like him like that. So! The guy that likes me is a lead guitarist to this band, and the guy I like is the lead singer to another band. AUGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! ;.; Both are playing at me and Lauren's double birthday party. AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ToT' ANYONE GOT ANY GOOD ADVICE!!!!!!!!!????????
Oh! By the way! I had an awesome birthday on the 22nd and got to pick out my own presents! It's was chottaly cool. X3
Your friend who's probably blowing this way outta porportion,
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Friday, August 10, 2007
If you can't read this.. well... I've told you before... HIGHLIGHT WITH YOUR MOUSE!
YEY! Hi. I know, I left for Arkantucky almost a full week ago, so I'm sorry I haven't had time to write back. I seriously considered changing my site again, but euses1's last comment on my former post convinced me to leave it as it was... for a couple days at least. XD Thank you! And everyone else, I'm gonna try to catch up on the postage ASAP! Then, I'm gonna go read Beck online. My newest obsession. I started reading it, but never could find the next books for it, then I found it on the internet! B3 Yay!
Kay. First of, the Arkansas trip wasn't all it was cracked up to be. My cousin still frocks, so I was glad to finally see him, but his dad is such a non-frocking asshole. He was ordering around my cousin and I the hole time, plus he's like really perverted and thinks of women as... not... equal... and stuff. It pissed me off! I wanted to punch him in the face for pointing out every chick he kept nudging my dad over, and every perverted joke that made all the girls in the world look retarded. >XI
But on a happier note, we got back from state fair band day yesterday... WE GOT 8th IN STATE OUT OF 50 BANDS THAT MARCHED! XB Yay! I'm so psyched! I was dancin' around, and cryin', and laughin'... YAY! X3 Not only that, but I got ECLIPSE! THE THIRD IN THE TWILIGHT SERIES! *faints from over excitement* I just read it... AGH! Jacob Black totally does not frock. XP
Welp! That's enough excitement for one day!
Your HaPenis,
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Hey guys!
If you can't read this, drag your mouse over it!X3
I'm glad everyone liked my site! I was sorta proud of it. It took quite awhile for everything to get lined up, though I do miss Ulquiorra. T.T Just kidding. I'd choose Cloud over him every day of the year. XD Have you ever thought about Nerds? The candy? Isn't it sad? On the box it has a bunch of little nerd creatures, and it says, "Tiny, tangy, crunchy!" So... like... you're eating little... dinosaur looking things. XD I'm sorry. I just really know what to say today. The music on my site makes me happy, so I'm really... happy right now! X3 ♪♫Yay!♫♪ This Thursday at about 4 in the morning, my parents and I are going to Arkansas for a the weekend, so I'm sorry I won't be able to post on anyone's site. T.T I'll try to catch up when I get back. Just comment here, and try to understand. Sorry! Hah! Isn't it funny that I go to Arkansas to see my cousin!? I'm wearing my overalls. Not kidding. XD I've been wearing a pair to band a lot, so don't underestimate me. They're overallish. They're shorts though. NEXT WEEK IS STATE FAIR!!! I think I already said that last time... but still... AHHH! OoO
See yaz!
Your HaPenis,
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Monday, July 30, 2007
Hello, hello!!!
If you can't read this, drag your mouse over it! X3
Sorry again for the extreme delays in between posts times. X3 I've been busy with band stuff again, and will probably still be for the next couple of weeks. I'm sorry. Well, the last competition we tied for 5th with Jay County, which if you read my last post you'd think that was bad since we got third last time. NO. We did better. The last competition we didn't have to go against the big bands, so it wasn't a big deal when we won third. But there we 22 bands there this time, and the big bands were all there, too. X3 YAY! Though, I am really tired of tying people. >BI Oh well. We'll win first next time! X3 Yay! STATE FAIR'S COMING UP! There's going to be 50 bands to beat this year, but we can chotally do it! BELIEVE IT! >XD Trust me, I'm not turning into the next Naruto. B3
See yaz!
Your HaPenis,
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Yo. Sorry the last post was so freakin' weird. You all probably think I'm a freak, but I promise I only have thought spasms ever once a week or so. X3 I gotta make this post very short because my dog really has to pee and if he goes in the house, I'm the only one here. BC Anyways! Well, we went to our first band contests last weekend. We had two, one on friday and one on Saturday. We left for the school at 10 in the morning, got there 5ish in the evening both nights, and didn't get to leave to go home until 3ish both mornings. Hazzah. The first night we got 10th out of 20 and the second night we tied for 3rd out of 14. Not too bad, but most of the awesome bands weren't even there. So. I got Tarot cards! XD! Hazzah! Everyone hates me cuz' I use that word way too much... HAZZAH! XD I think it's fun! It cheers me up! HAZ-- Ok. I'm gonna stop.
See yaz!
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Hey, hey, hey!♥♥♥♥♥ WELCOME BACK, ME!!!!!! X3 I've got a busy weekend coming up, so I figured I'd sit back, relax, and catch up on the things I've kinda slacked on lately. But, I still gotta make this another quick post. I've been drinking alot of lemonade lately, and it's made start thinking about what summer really is. For this post, I'm kinda glad that no one's really gonna read it. I used to think summer meant obvious things. The sun, the heat, the beginning of marching band, the beginning of most birthdays, and parties, and late nights, and sleeping in. But, you know, now that I really have time to think about it, I think that it's just another season. Most people would also put in the part about no school, but for me it's no different. Sure, I don't see some of the people that were in school with me, but I see all of the important people in marching band. Everyone else from school don't seem necessary for my existance. I'd cry if something happened to them, but they're not.. well you get it. But to put a conclusion to my thoughtful rambles, I'd have to say summer is probably not any of those things listed above. I think maybe it's... a feeling. The feeling you get waking up late and deciding what you can do with your day. The feeling you get when you dive head first into a swimming pool. The burn you get on your skin and the feeling of the brag you can tell as to how you got it. The feeling of Ice cold lemonade slid over your tongue and down your throat. When you look at summer this way, you can easily realize that summer is alot like winter. Winter. The cold taste of the air as it fills your lunges and chills your eyes to wear they water excessively. The crunch of the snow as it closes around your leg. So when someone asks, "What's your favorite season?" I honestly don't know how to answer, because I love all those feelings. I don't think life would be worth living without any of them, or from those of school, or those from every other time of the year. In fact, these feelings could be how we survive year to year. We always wait for those feelings of each time of year to envelope us. That's why in the summer, we dream of cooler times, and in the winter we dream of warmer ones.
I'm gonna stop now. ♥♥♥♥
I think I've made my point to myself. XD
I don't think anyone will probably read this entire thing anyways, so.
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
Hey... I know it's been... waaayyyy... too freakin' long, and I'm sorry. I haven't been writing for like, seventy million reasons, but I've got no excuse. Well... maybe a few. I've been in band for the past three weeks, and driver's ed, and I've been landscaping until late at my grandma's house. I don't get breaks for the computer, and the only time I can be on is when I'm home, which as of late means NEVER. This is the first night I've slept in my room for two weeks, and I probably shouldn't be on right now since I've got to get up at 7 in the morning, but oh well. Dude! You know how I'm slightly goody two shoes and crap? Well, I just got kicked outta my hometown gas station by the lesbian who works there. Ok, me and two kids who drive with me in driver's ed were standing outside of the gas-station, right? We got kicked outside because no loitering. Alright, no big deal. We start getting bored. The guys reallly reallly late, and so we start pointing towards the direction he comes and counting down like, 3,2,1. Suddenly, the fat chick runs out and says, "OK get off of my property. I see you popping the finger at people!" We're like, WTF, Mate? They start to argue, while I'm just kinda standing there like, Oh... sorry. My friend calls her mom, and she shuts her phone and looks at me.. "She's coming over here." Of course, I don't actually believe her. My parents never get involved if it's my problem, but almost right on cue, a red car skids around a near corner and screeches to a stop in front of the gas station door. We hear the two screaming from across the road where we stood looking on in total awe... So! That's one of the biggest things that have happened. I'd tell the rest, but I'm afraid it's way past my bedtime. Let's see... one more thing?... Oh! I got two new fish! They're Coy, and one's mostly white with a red dote on it's side with one red eye and one blue one. That's Kai, and the other one who's mostly red with a white belly is Dresden. X3 Well! Good to.. write(?) to ya!
Love ya'll!
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
I thought I'd go with an old classic since I haven't in awhile. I was going to do another Naruto theme, but I decided to hold off on it. I have everything I need, but I don't want to do two in a row. I don't think it'd look nice in the least. As for my current theme, if you didn't know, it's Cowboy Bebop. I really enjoyed that show, and I cried countless times after watching it recorded on the last episode. I did one once, but I don't think it did justice to the awesomnicity of Spike Spiegel. I love him. ♥☺♥ He's so cute. And funny. And strong.... Don't you wish some guys were like the one on TV? Well... maybe sometimes at least. I'd hate to have ninjas and guys with guns for arms, and crazy that can transform anything at the snap of a finger running around catching things on fire. I just wish they were as sweet as some are on TV. Like Vash, the Stampede! He was a sweetheart!♥ A little perverted, but no one's perfect. I guess I'm just a romantic. Possesive, jerky, sweet guys exist, but it's so cute to see it on a show when in real life, it's annoying though sometimes flattering.
Hey! I'm on Myspace now under the name ?bLoOp?, name's Jessica Biggs. X3 If you know me on here, send me an add. I don't have a picture of me on there or anything. It's a picture of a cute lil' hamster right now, but as soon as I find a good pic of me, I'll put it up. X3
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
I just went to the awesomeest show FRIDAY! Red Letter Reason, my friends! RED LETTER FUCKING REASON!.. actually it has no fucking in their name, BUT IT'S FRUCKIN' AWESOME! XD I went with Kassie, Pigeon, Adge, and Wolfy, and it was so sweet! We were all in front and were head bangin' and screamin', and all that crap. There were other bands there, too. We were originally going to see Sodouner, and they freakin' rocked, too, but RLR was the last show, and it was lateish, and I'd had like 2 1/2 Mt. Dews, and they were thrashing harder than Sodouner, and I was so fucking into it! My eyes are all lit up now just thinking about it.
... Wow. I cussed a lot. O.O Sorry. Just kinda got into that whole YEAH! mood, you know? XD
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