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Edward Cullen's Closet (Yay Twilight!)
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Professional Zombie Trainer
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Band... trumpet
Anime Fan Since
...I was drawing big eyed peps in my mommy's tummy.
Favorite Anime
All anime... except... no that one's ok. Nevermind.

Why?... ok. Drawing, writing, band, trumpet, band, trumpet, and.... anime.... did I mention that I play trumpet....
....Did I mention I play trumpet?
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Hey! Sorry it's been so long. Not much has happened, so I figured it probably wasn't worth it. I gave up on that guy Robby that I said I liked. He's got a girlfriend now, and I don't think I like him anymore anyways. I've still been writing all my stories, my written ones as well. I'm having Mimaru edit the one I've been doing recently. It's about this girl who will eventually have to decide whether to save the world or save the people who inhabit it. Either kill all the humans so the world can live on, or let it die slowly by letting people continue to roam free on it. There's an angel she meets who tells her that the town she's living in isn't a real human inhabited town, but a town run by and occupied by angels. He goes to her house the same day, and frees a demon who's been inprisoned in her attic in a barrier so he can't break free. Pretty much, the angel wants her soul because it's really pure and beatiful and stuff and the demon is just... well... a demon. Both are hot, but I tried to make the demon sound hotter. B3 I'm evil. XD
Anyways! I think I already told you about it, but in case I didn't, and since I don't have anything else to talk about, sorry. ^^'
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Hey! I only have a minute or two, so I'll make this extremely short. Wednesday was like the weirdest day, and this is the weirdest week of the school year, yet! I almost missed the bus, my classes were weird, we had dogs searching our halls for drugs. It was just weird, man. Guess what, though! Tommorrow, Pigeon's coming over! Yay! I'm so excited! Oh, the new theme thingy is just random pictures by Adumi Tohru. I don't know if she's written any manga, but I adore her drawings. Her art is stunning. I think I'm pretty happy with how it turned out I guess. We have to do this dumb thing in careers where we have to do research about what we enjoy or wanting to be. I'm doing research on a music director. Did you know that they can make up to 500,000 a year? Isn't that amazing! Wow!
Ok, that be all for now! Your postee,
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Hey! Life's been alot better to me lately. I have a theory that for everything bad that happens, something equally good must occur, but I know that's not always true. It just seems that way sometimes. It would be nice, like for a homeless person. Things might only get worse for the person. What could possibly end up being of equivilence to that? I don't really know, for sure. I mean, it's just probabilty I guess. Some people have many good things in life, but bad things as well. It's just the roll of a dice, if you think about it. I'm not really sure why I felt like talking about that! XD I've started a couple new anime that I'd like to point out. They rock. I watched the first couple episodes of blame, but it's too weird. I don't understand it. Then, I've been watching Samurai Deeper Kyo. It's awesome! One of my new favorites! Another is Full Metal Panic. I've read the manga, so I already knew it was gonna rock my socks off... which the anime did. XD And finally, I've gotten really into Slayers, as you can see from my new profile. Gourry is soooooo cute! X3 I hate that chick that calls him Gourry dear. >XI She needs to die.. or fall into a pit of lava causing her skin to melt off then be saved from death but be utterly deformed for the rest of her short, hard, painful life. B3
Your postee who hates Shilfiel,
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Well, today was overall a good day. I guess someone has been spreading rumors that I'm a les, and when I confronted the person, they said it was someone else. When I confronted that person, they denied it, too. But you know what? It's ok. I realized today that I have really good friends because as soon as they heard what was being said, they tried everything in their power to stop it. I never realized what good people are around me, and I just wanted to say thank you. I just need awhile to talk, so I'm gonna get off. See you tommorow,
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
I'm so happy that I finally found the perfect stuff for my Hot Gimmick profile. X3 I love Hot Gimmick. It's my favourite manga, but they don't have but like, 5 background images that you can get. It sucks! So I'm glad that it doesn't look horrible. Not much has happened. I went to watch Music and Lyrics on Friday, and it was awesome. It didn't look very good, so I was pretty suprised when it turned out as well as it did. Oh! We got a new puppy. He's the ugliest puppy you could possibly imagine. I suggested we named him Frogger because when you itch his back, he spreads out his back legs. You also have to pick him up and move him everywhere, so he may not make it to the newspaper. I'm keeping my door shut tonight so he can't piss in there. I'm a cat person. The dog looks like those things from Chubaca's island in star Wars.
It was really awkward this weekend. My sister's boyfriend kept calling me hot, and telling me to get contacts. They both kept saying I had really pretty eyes and all this crap. It pissed me off! The jerk kept wanting to see me when my sister and I were trying on clothes and ignoring my sister! Now I'm in a bad mood and I still have to do a boring report for something. *sigh* Well, see you.
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Hey! Today was a half day, and my mommy's brithday! It sucked. I know it's supposed to be a good day, but I mean... We got our new band music today and I don't know why, but it made me really mad to get second part. I know I shouldn't be. I get to march with people I'm comfortable with, but when AJ was passing out music (he's the prodigy trumpet of the year) and right before he gave me and Kelsey our music, he looked at Robby (the guy I have a huge crush on) and it was like he wanted to know what Robby wanted me to be, a first or second trumpet. When I looked up I had a 2nd part on my stand. Then, my dad with his MUST BE DOMINANT attitude, got in my face and exiled me to my room because I didn't feel like going out and getting the mail. *sigh* Horrible.
I'm gonna go know. I'm not supposed to be on, once again. See you, hopefully, on a happier note,
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Hey! I seem to have gotten tired of my old site layout rather quickly, if I don't say so myself. Nothing matched... to me, at least. I couldn't stand it. I made it a little more laid back this time. It was a bitch trying to find the right pictures of Kurogane and Fai! My search results kept coming up with pictures of them both... indisposed, or kissing, or making kissy face at one another. I don't see them gay. I think them all rather cute, myself. This has to be an extremely short post if I can make it so. I was supposed to be in bed an hour ago! Oh dear! Well, not much has happened. Tommorrow's my mommy's birthday, and I feel bad because I forgot and I'm gonna have to get something last minute for her. I'm a horrible person. T.T It's also a half day! So... maybe I could clean the house... or something stupid like that. Welp! Wish me luck! Last thing, this new trimester sucks. I don't get to see Lauren, like.. EVER! I don't have any classes with her or barely any of my other friends. Once again... T.T So anyways! I think I hear my mom talking to dad, a sign that she's about to get up and chew my ass off. I gotta go!! I'm typing so freaking fast! WOW! Ok! See ya!
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Sunday, March 4, 2007
Today's just another day. Nothing big's been happening, not really. I remembered Trigun and I figuered I'd do something for it. At first I thought about Vash, but I think I'll do that another time. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, though. X3 I love Wolfwood. I cried all night when he died. It was so sad. T.T He was one of my favorite's! XO *sigh* Life sucks, but in this case, I'd have to say death does, too.
Let's see... I'm about to watch stranger than fiction while my sister plays on the Sims2. I just got everything all ready on there. I've gotten like, 6 couples together and 4 of them have or are having kids. X3 My favorite couple happens to be a couple that I actually know. Jennifer and Landon. They've had three kids, and Jen's pregnant again. The weird thing is, all their kids have been girls. XD Landon and Jen aren't in school, their adults and their actually dating, so it's not one of those, "Great. When they break up I'm gonna have to delete the family," type of things. XD
WOW! For having nothing to talk about, I sure did write alot. XD Sorry for taking up your valuable, or cheap time. I mean, a couple of you might have on life. XD
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Another day, another cup of Cocoa in the morning.
Yeah! That's right. I drink one cup of hot chocolate every morning. It's delicioso. X3 Actually, I think it might be the cause of a problem I keep having. My lip has been swelling up alot, and the other day, I noticed that it only swelled up after I drank a cup of heaven. Hm. Sounds good right now... *pauses to check the time* Nope. Too late. Gotta go to bed soon. The only difference the days bring are that instead of just cocoa every morning, I also sometimes have buttered toast. It's delicious! You should try it. What you do is dip the toast into the chocolate, but not too long. It'll get nasty... well, maybe not, but it might break off if you leave it in. Yeah. I don't really know why I felt like saying that today. BI Hmmmmm... Oh well!~
Have a great one,
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Hey. Today was kinda boring, if you want the truth, though much more eventful than the last couple weekends. I'm at my mom's parent's house right now. I just finished helping my sister washing her hair. It's really long, and I got tons of hair all over me from it. *sigh* If you didn't read my 2nd post yesterday, I said sorry. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately, and it was fairly early in the morning when I wrote all that. I'm not gonna take back what I said though. I still think she brought it on herself, and I'm sorry that she did, but it's not my place to get involved. Anyways! It's my grandparents, and there are five main reasons I'm not out right now playing darts with them.
1.They're all old.
2.They all smoke.
3.I don't play darts with old people.
4.I like the enternet.
And 5, I'm a mean granddaughter like that. ^^
Well, that sums it all up. I'm listening to Solemn Serpents soundtrack on a second screen. Nicely choosen, my friend. Love Tribute. XD
See ya on the flip side,
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