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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Another day, another meow.

Yeah! So today... and stuff. Pretty average. We played silent speed ball again. It's starting to get annoying. The teacher's like obsessed with that damn game. X0 I guess I understand the meaning of too much of a good thing. I mean, it's only the second day of the... third day of the damn trimester, and I'm already tired of that godforsaken game. >_o *twitch* I'm screwed. Oh well. I've gotten a taste for The Sims 2, and I think I'm gonna play when I get off for another hour... kinda pointless. *shrugs* I heard the new PS3 came out yesterday. Interesting that people payed 3000 dollars for the first edition game station. I even heard that people had slept outside the damn game place, waiting for it to open. Some guy from Austrilia was talking to the people on the news, and he said he had been waiting 6 years for it to come out.... six fucking years. That's not right! And he was kinda cute, too! Come on, man! GET A LIFE! *sigh* It's always the cute ones. Their either taken, gay, or weird... like... otaku weird. Just kiddin'. XP
Meow, my friends. Meow.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
YAY! I missed school.... O+O... Oh god... I MISSED SCHOOL!!

Anyways! Today was interestingly fun. And yes. I did actually niss school. Mostly band and seeing my friends. I had to leave early on Monday right as band was supposed to start to get a checkup. That was fun. So then today I get to school and I realize I have little or no classes with hardly any of my friends. On top of that, I have only one good teacher that I actually like. He's awesome! His name's Mr.Long, and he's the coolest teacher in the whole freakin' freshmen class. Most of the people in the class are seniors who just finished their foreign language classes. I didn't take one, so yeah. But he rox. Today, we had a vocab game, but it wasn't a stupid one where everyone dreads the end of the game, oh no! It was guys against girls and they were teams. He told us that throughout all his years of teaching, girls had won 29 times and guys once. And today we made it 30-1. And all the girls got a cookie, or apple for winning. X3 Then we played silent speed ball twice until the end of the period. He didn't even get upset when everyone was talking over him! Anyways, it was a good day, to say the least. Better go,
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Monday, November 13, 2006
Didn't feel like writing, so I made this up instead.
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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Yeah. 3 days without writing. My bad! New record though. First time for nothing. Anyways, weekend weekend weekend. Yeah, bitches! I got to see saw 3! And I bet you didn't! It was awesome. I'm amazed that any movie can still be good after the third movie, but it's still hard-core. I'm playing scrabble right now, running from computer to table when it's my turn. So, yeah. Today I was realllly lazy. I didn't move from my bed all day... well maybe to eat... but anyways. Saturday I went and ate chinese, and got a parfait at Walmart between 6 and midnight. There was this creepy guy who I thought was gonna murder me. He asked me to not take my crap yet, and asked me if I wanted a bag or something to carry it in. I said no. He just sat there. I didn't know if he wanted me to take it yet, so I just stood there, too. Suddenly his manager comes back and's like, "Well you gonna bag it up for her or not?!" I was like, sorry. He just slammed the food into the bag and storms off. I'm like 0.0 Goodbye. And Friday, I had Mexican. Yay! Fattening and Lazy weekend. My favorite. That's all that happened, pretty much.
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
Interesting Day.

Another strange and interesting day. Today I finished my Computer Applications Exam and my band exam today. Yay! I got an easy test to play on my trumpet! Played it pro-like! HaHa Wolfy and Erika, if you got a harder one! XP Good day overall though. Tommorrow I have a Biology Exam which I'm not really worried about. I've got that cheat sheet I told you about already. XI You know, the one that took two hours to make? Last day of PE!! Yay and Ne. I'll miss soccer. XC I was pretty good,too. Oh well.
Did I mention I missed to bus this morning? I woke up and was thinking, wow. It seems really late. Well guess what? It was. I turned over and it was 7:18, the exact time my bus comes to pick me up. I shot out of bed, threw on some clothes, put my shoes on, no sox, and crammed my crap in my bag. I ran into the kitchen, looked out the window and watch as the bus slowly pulls away. I'm out of breath when I run into my sister's room and ask, "Erin? Could you take me to school?" she just laughes. Yeah. She drove me. By the way, song of the day is "Fuck her Gently." Since I've gotten a mp3 player in August, there's been a song of the day. That's about it. Another day, another tater tot that's decided not to devour my soul. Yay talking sheep! XD See ya!
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Random and Weird.
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006
I love Vampire Knight. I got Kain! ♥
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Free day! Hooray!

Yeah! So today was pretty sweet, right? We played soccer today in PE and I kicked the best athlete in my class' ass in soccer. X3 Yay! And then, last period, the teacher was gone. Hooray! She's a bitch, and plus that gave me the whole period to do nothing! Me, Megan, and Shannon all went to watch the little kids in band today. They sucked! ¢¾ It was so cute. -^^- They were trying to play the right music, and they had to do it twice as slow. Anyways! Me and Shannon both escaped to the library after they were finished, and now I'm on the internet. Megan decided to stay in the bandroom, but all their doing now is music theory. That would only be fun for me if it was my class, so I'm staying in here until one of us decides to leave. My dad's not coming home tonight, as far as I've been told, so me and my mother have the house to ourselves. We plan on watching Queen of the Damned. I love that movie! So, that's about it. Again on that note. 66; oh well!
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Monday, November 6, 2006

Yay! Today was all about the music! Band, and Music, and my trumpet! I love them all! Anyways, today pretty much went like this. I woke up at 1 o'clock in the morning to my sister (older) standing at the side of my bed. I ask her what she wants. She says she watched Stay Alive, and was so freaked that she wanted to sleep with me... not that kind you nose-bleeding perverts, I mean like, "Mommy, I had a bad dream. Can I sleep by you," kinda sleep with me. It was weird though, cuz all she was wearing was her shirt and underwear. I looked at her funny, and finally said ok. She wouldn't have left me alone until I said yes, so why not? I wake up later, and she has her arm around me. I pushed her off and went back to sleep. This morning I got on the bus and listened to my mp3 player... :D yay. That's not a big deal, but for some reason, I felt like I was listening to it more than usual. Later, after band, I had to do a speech on something, so I changed it from first impression to the parts of my trumpet, and how it works. Then I made myself look like a dumbass by playing almost all the songs wrong. XF Yay! I peed in your pool! Yep. That's about it... wow. How many posts have I ended on that note?
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Sunday, November 5, 2006
Weekend... again.
Not very interesting. In fact, it was the most boring weekend of the year. I went down to my grandparents house, where I got tons of candy XD then they made me feel guilty by asking me to stay the weekend. I said no. I didn't have any clothes, I didn't have my toothbrush, their house stank like dog piss, and my little cousin, whom which I can't stand, would have heard I was staying and spent the night as well. Then I came home, and my mom made me feel even worse by saying it was cruel to do that to my grandmother. The only good thing yesterday was the candy, and the fact that after my sister and I left their house, we got movies, Ice Creams, and greasy McDonalds and went home. I got on the internet, but got kicked off before my site was finished, so I looked like a dumbass. Then I was so pissed about that that I went to bed early. T.T No anime yesterday. I wanted to watch AS. Wahh! Just kidding. Today all I'm doing is surfing and stuff on the internet. More fun than yesterday at least. Well, that's it.
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