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Edward Cullen's Closet (Yay Twilight!)
Member Since
Professional Zombie Trainer
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Band... trumpet
Anime Fan Since
...I was drawing big eyed peps in my mommy's tummy.
Favorite Anime
All anime... except... no that one's ok. Nevermind.

Why?... ok. Drawing, writing, band, trumpet, band, trumpet, and.... anime.... did I mention that I play trumpet....
....Did I mention I play trumpet?
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, November 3, 2006
*sigh* Goodish Day!
I woke up this morning and I thought for sure it was gonna be a suckie day. I just needed to be slapped in the face with a soccer ball to realize it was gonna be a good day... does that make sense? Oh well. ^^' I was supposted to do this 3 minute speech today and I was dreading it all day. It was gonna be about the first impressions that a person gets about another. But when I got into class, I wussed out and told the teacher I had left my notes at home. Then, I decided that I was gonna do the report about my trumpet. X3 I know, I'm obsessed. I took a quiz yesterday night, and it said I was more a type of person to love music then to care about loving guys. I smiled. It's so true. I've only had one boyfriend, and I don't really care about it. I'd rather just lay down and listen to Sugarcult all day, then go off with some guy. My friend, pickle, went vegetarian yesterday. Alot of people are doing that lately. I think most of them are doing it for attention and because they're too closely relating animal rights to vegetarianism. I'm not a veggie, but I don't mind them. That is, unless they start trying to convert me, or someone I know. Then I get pissed.
Anyways! Overall, good day.
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
Today... so far at least.
I have no idea how the rest of the day will be, but so far it's sucked. I left my coat at school last night, so I was cold this morning... and with it I left my mp3 player. T.T Life sux. I didn't get my happy juice from my music, so I haven't been my normal.. happyish self today. But, oh well. We had soccer in PE today. I remember soccer. I used to play all the time when I was little, during recess. That is until Kristen and some of my other friends told me to either stop playing soccer, or they wouldn't be my friend.... :I Oh well. It turned out for the better in the end.
That's all, so far at least.
See ya!
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Sorry! Been awhile, eh? Oh well. Not much really happened. Halloween rocked. I went as a dead Shurley Temple. Well... a gothic one at least. My hair is her length, so we just curled it and slapped on some make-up and BAM! I was Shurley Temple. My friends went as a girl-version of Harry Potter (She's obsessed, XD luv you Lauren!) and bubbie went as a doctor. I won $5 in third place... Yeah. Wow. One step closer to that Lambergini. Anyways, got to start typing. I'm in class and I'm supposta' be doing some gay report or something.
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Sunday, October 29, 2006
Yeah, this weekend was awesome. Not only did I get to hang out with my sister, but I also got to get three manga's. One is the second to Life, another is the second to ES, and the third is the 4th to Negima. I'm not interested in Negima, but nothing new I had started came out yet, and a couple of my friends like it. Also, Saturday night, my sister, her boyfriend and I all went to this haunter fairgrounds thing. It was soooo cool. I actually really scared. If your one of my friends, you might be thinking, "Wow, since that never happens," well usually I only get a little scared, but this thing had me screamin' bloody murder!
Freakin' creepy! There was this guy once who had this actual chainsaw. It was totally real, it just didn't have a chain on it, but it scared the shiza out of me! Holy Biscuit! And today was pretty boring. I had to wake up at 9 so I could ride around for 4 hours in a small vehicle with the air on in freakin' 30o weather. It sucked. And to top it off, we had to visit my g-ma and g-pa. :/ not fun.
That's it.
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Friday, October 27, 2006
2nd day!.. Stalker...
Hello, hello! Second day on, and it's Friday! Yay! Today my band was involved in a Pride demonstration which I at first thought was gonna be gay, but ended up pretty funny. Pride's this club of antidrug freaks... yeah. So anyways, after the show, we went into the bandroom and got the whole period off! Me and my trumpet buddies were all playing stalker all day. Tee hee! We also made up this thing where whenever we hear someone's name from Twilight, or New Moon, we do these weird things. Oh, my band director's name, too. Like, Edward. We faint. And Mr.Bartlett, our band director, we act like we're peeing ourselves. XD My friends are so weird. lol.
Well that's all.
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
1st day on MyOtaku, not to be mistaken with Otakuboards.
Yeah, so hi. Yay journal! Uh. Well to start with, this is my first day on here... as you can see by the title which is called 1st day on MyOtaku, not to be mistaken with Otakuboards. Yes. I messed this up. My friend, wolfrunner informed me about this site, and I was sorta reluctant to join, but I ended up with a, sure why not, answer. Thank you, wolfy. I now love this site. XD My favorite anime is Ouran High School Host Club, I just really liked this background image better than the wallpapers I could find of that. This image is of Vampire Night. Tee hee. I love that manga... X3. Yep. That's about it. Today I skipped swimming (ha ha Wolfy XP). I was supposta, but I really didn't want to cuz' I thought I'd puck... I ate a rotten peanut butter and jelly sandwich this morning... Ugh. Well, that's all, pretty much. My trumpet buddy was gone today, and I was sad in band without her next to me T_T.
Ok, once and for all, that is all.
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