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Dancing alone in the rain...
Member Since
A ghost of the past.
Real Name
A mystery never to be revealed.
Anime Fan Since
Always and forever
Favorite Anime
Fullmetal Alchemist
To be everything I want to be.
Drawing and listening to music.
People say my drawing is pretty good.
| Blossom Alchemy
Welcome to my MyOtaku. My name is Daikon Suzuna. If you recognize my name it is becasue this is my second acoount on this site. My other name is Automail-radish if you wish to visit.
Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you enjoy your self.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Here's some more sketches. I might get my pencils today!
bakudai chibis

Ed rose chibi:

this mermaid thingy I did last night:

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Thursday, August 24, 2006
I am lazy
Yeah I know this site is for fan-fiction, but from now on I'm gonna post sketches here too for efron and spud and whoever else cares to see.
I still don't have pencils but I'm hopefully getting some tomorrow, and then I'll start coloring right away. bo, am I gonn have a lot of submissions.
For spud:

Suzuna daikon's sister from the LBS douji. The outfit design at least.

I drew our costumes for the bakudai convention chapters. I'm tohru honda from fruits basket, spud is a kitty-kat french maid, and razzles is black rose from .dothack(I think...?)Oh and efron, you shall cosplay as sailor moon. which i hada sketch of but I lost it...I'll try to find it soon

Just ed ina cow suit. I was bored
Yusuuke tenshi saviour no taissen:

just an old idea that I sketched out the me and spud had wrote before
Bakudai bikini:

this is curently my prize sketch, it's all the bakudai gang at the beach, stil uneditted and stuff, but I just wanted to put it up for you to see.
spud color:

this is the progress fro spud's bakudai design.

another random grim reaper sketch
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Labled by sin: Chapters one and two

Midafternoon, the sky glowed golden. A young girl wiht copper brown hair and bright green eyes paces the streets, looking at her feet as she walks. Her name is Suzuna Daikon, a Japanese name, which to her makes no sense. She's clearly not asian, actually nobody in her can really tell what nationality she is. Nobody in her village knows where she came from either, someone just found her in a alley one morning, another mystery. She lived in a very small gated swiss village where everyone knows everyone, and she when she was found as an infant nobody in the village was pregnant. Nobody could have entered the town either cause of the fence. It made no sense.
Daikon tried not to think about those things. Right now here thoughts were on her latest screw up: geting kicked out of class. She didn't want to go home because she didn't want to tell her mother. Actually it was the reason she got kicked out...
Suzuna's mother always taught her not to be scared of dreams, they were just dreams. Suzuna wasn't sure of that. During class she fell alseep and had this reoccuring dream she's had since she could remember. In the dream there was a large stone gate and a woman holding a baby was kneeling before it. The baby had large curious sparkling green eyes, just like Daikon. The woman looked scornfully at the child and what was ontop it's hairless head; a Red tatoo that looked like a snake eating it's own tail. The woman held the baby out towards the gate in offering,
"Take it." was all she said. Then the great stone doors would creak open. THe inside was terrifying, darkness and hundreads of souless eyes staring down upon you. Black twisting hands then emerge fro the gate and seize the baby and drag it into the darkness. Daikon would then wake up in a cold sweat, scraeming or crying. WHe she woke up in class after she had the dream she was wailing and that got her thrown out.
She decided to go home and face her mother. she started to walk to her house when she stopped in front of the alley way where she was found. She slowly wlaked down, she didn't know why. At the wall at the end she kneeled down and flet tears approaching. Here was where she lay helpless and alone, abandoned. She collapsed to the ground sobbing. She felt a plop of water on her head. It started to pour.
"OH, GOD COULD THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE!" She wailed. Suddenly the rain stopped. Daikon perred up and was speechless. There stood the gate from her dreams. She was paralyzed in fear. The doors began to creak open, and daikon shreiked in horror at the sight of the many violet eyes staring. The black hands emerged and grabbed daikon by her arms and legs and pulled her towards the darkness. She screamed and pleaded. Once inside she saw a blniding golden light and lost sight. She felt as if she was being puled and then thrown and falling through the air. She heard a boys cried of confusion and a loud think, as she fell to the ground. She opened her eyes momentarily and looked out and saw a boy with golden eyes and hair kneeling over her. She passed out.
It was a cold day, perfect weather for fall rain. You could almost feel the moisture in the air if you stepped outside. It was almost sunset at 6:00, and a rather quiet day. Edward and Alphonse Elric sat alone in a private research room in centrals first branch library. The had just arrived in central earlier that day.
"Brother?" Alphonse said, closing the book he was currently reading.
"Yeah?" Edward said, his eyes still fixed on the text of the book he was reading. He sniffed as if he was trying to hold back a sneeze. THe combination of the musty smeel of ancient books and all the old dust was getting to him.
"How you are you going to wait before you're going to call the colonel?" Alpohnse asked. Edward drew his attention away from his bok and looked up at his brother.
"Why should I? All we're going hear is sarcasm and rude comments and then get another pointless assignment so he can be sarcastic some more." Edward replied, now annoyed.
"But what if he has a lead on the stone for us?" Al asked.
"I'll do it tommorow morning." Edward said lowering his eyes back to his book. Al did the same.
They both both stayed quiet for a while, silently reasearching. At quarter to eight the clocks started to chime, signaling that the library was about to close.
"Do you hear that brother?" Al asked.
"Of course. I'm not deaf. Now let's get going." Edward said closing his book and putting it back on the shelf.
"No, not that. From the roof. I think it's raining." Edward looked up and took a moment to listen carefuly. Sure enough he could he a gentle drumming of raindrops.
"Aww is. Let's go call a cab." Edwards said making his way out of the book crowded room. Al followed behind.
After Ed called the cab they decide to wait out side under the entrance way. The librarian waved goodbye as edward pushed the door open and they both shuffled out into the cold night.
"Hey, Ed?" Al asked again. He always seemd to be full of questions.
"Did you ever wish we wouldn't get into so much trouble?" Edward looked up at al wiht a adjatated look on his face.
"And just what are you saying, Al?" Edward asked suspiciously.
"I mean...Don't you wish somthing good would happen to us for once?"
"Yeah...right. If happines just fell out of the sky like rain...WHAT TH..?!" Ed ward look up just for a moment to see a girl...falling from the roof...right on his head. A loud thud was heard as they both came crashing to the hard concrete ground. Edward screamed and swore loudly, Al stood next to them panicking, not sure what to do. Edward got his senses toghether and realized what had fell on him.
"Oh my god it's a girl..and she's BLEEDING FROM THE HEAD! SHE'S BEEN MURDERED!(thanx for jinxing us Al!)" He said in a panic.
"No brother, she's still breathing(and this is no time to be joking around!)We need to get help!" Alphonse said, also in a panic.
"Dammit...hey there's the cab! Let's get to the hospital!" Edward said as he picked up the girl and started to run towards the approaching cab.
"Brother are you sure she's not too heavy?" Alphonse asked chasing after.
Once they were at the hospital, the girl was bandaged and checked for broken limbs. That was the most they could dountill she woke up. Surprisingly she slept through the night without moving much. Ed and Al had decide to stay the night at the hospital wiht the girl...that way they didn't have to register their dorm and avoid the millitary knowing they were in town just yet.
It was the next morning and the girl was still sleeping peacefuly. Ed and Al waited patienly outside her room. The nurse had just gone in t change the girl's bandages.
"I hope she's okay." Al said.
"Damn I have such a Headache." Edward didn't want to admit he was worried too.
Inside the nurse was just about to change the bandages when...
"Whahhapened?" They girl said wearily opening her eyes.
"Goodness, your finally awake! You took quite a fall there. Now let's change those bandages..." The nurse said reaching toward her forhead. The girl looked shocked. She screamed loudly and ran out of the room, yelling in panic.
"How did I get here?! Who are you people?! Where am I?! I refuse to be a part of yuor sick experiments!" She screamed frantically. Ed and Al stood watching in disbelief. She looked around her and spotted a window and started to run towards it.
"No, don't jump!" Al said runnig after her. She was surprisingly fast, but he managed to grab her before she reached the window. She looked at al and the expression on her face went from horrified.
"OH MY FREAKING GOD, A ROBOT!" She shreiked, trying to push Al away. She amazingly shoved him to the ground and began to make her way toward the window again. Ed was to far way to grab her so he instinctivly clapped his hands toghether and used alchemy to make a barrier over the open window. This made the poor gilr even more frightened and she...started to charge at edward. He stood his ground and she rammed into him head first and sent them both to the floor. Ed hurriedly grabbed the girl and tried to tell her to calm down.
"Let go of me!" she yelled tring to struggle out of Ed's hold.
"Just calm down, please!" Edward said, still trying to hold her down.
"I said let go, you stupid Nazi!" She screamed.
"What the hell is a na-"The girl threw her head back and clocked edward right in the face. Edward let go and grabbed his nose, which she most likely broke.
"Dammit, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Edward said, ad drop of blood ran down from his nose. The girl just stayed where she was, too exausted to move. She looked up at Edward, and seemd taken aback that his nose was bleeding. And then she looked into his eyes and he looked back wiht a smug look on his face. Hey eyes began to narrow and well up with tears.
"You won't go pshyco on me If I tell you not to cry, will you?" Edward said with a scowl. He wiped the blood from his nose.
"I'm sorry I thought you were a Nazi." she said, the tears now running down her face. Edward sighed...she wasn't insane...she was just scared.
"It's okay now." He said hesitantly putting a hand on her shoulder. She looke dup and hugged him tightly, now sobbing.
"I'm so sorry!" she repeated over and over again.
"Don't worry..." Edward said hugging her back now. More blood streamed from his nose. She really did sock him good...although he would never admit how much it really hurt. He tried to comfort her some more in effort to calm her the while his face beet red and some blood still dripping form his nose...
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