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A Successful Pharmacist with a powerful company
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Saturday, February 26, 2005!
Blue Hawk's Series of Unfortunate Events Part 3!
When we were was now a scene where only John Rey and JV would talk.There's no space for me to sit on the sofa! Kevin was lying on the sofa cause his knees hurt,so I just scooped up his legs and placed them on my lap. Jv and John Rey were still practicing on their lines so I lied down on a pillow which I didn't know the pillow was on Kevin's shoulder well that's what Chona told me -_-;;.
While John Rey and JV were recording their lines,Flores suddenly screamed! I was wondering why then I noticed its because she saw me and Kevin lying beside each other I didn't know!.She was teasing us,grrr!!! like nothing has changed -_-;;
The time when John Rey broke the glass,I saw him scratching his eye.I was worried that he had particles of broken glasses on his eye.He told me that its just dust.I sat down beside Kevin and John Rey was sitting on the other side beside him.
I saw him scratching his eye again.So I checked his eye.Kevin was between us,he crossed his arms with a sulky face and humorously said "Oh now he gets all the attention!"
Hahahahahahahaha!!! We were all laughing and JV was giving side comments,agreeing what Kevin said.
I said "I was only checking up on him!"
Man! I felt like a nurse!!! Aiding people and checking on them,sheesh!!!
What a day that had been.....*wipes of sweat off forehead*
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Friday, February 25, 2005
The Story Continues!
The Series of Blue Hawk's Unfortunate Events Part 2!
After the whole bike incident,it was time for the recording but unfortunately we had some technical difficulties.......
First it was the microphone,BROKEN!!!!!!!!!
So me and Bouviere were biking to our schoolmate's house to borrow his microphone,his house was just on the other side of the street anyway.
We got a good microphone now...
But there's another problem...
So while waiting for Bouviere,Celine,Flores and Kristian buying a new blank tape and come back to the hosue.
The rest of us were watching a DVD of Spongebob Episodes!
We were watching in my room....
Me and Kevin were lying on thesame bed,he was more like on a sitting-up position,so he occupied the top space,so I was lying down beside him on the bottom.We were all laughing and etc....
Then I felt something on my back.I touched it and noticed it was KEVIN'S FOOT!!!!
I smelled my hand and IT FREAKIN' STINKS!!!!!!!!!!
Then later on the other four came back with the blank tape.We can finally do the recording!!!
There were some mishaps and bloopers but we finished half of the play.
There was an accident too,John Rey broke a glass....>_<
Ok I'll post whats left tomorrow.
Today I picked Chona,Kevin,John Rey and JV for the recording but the others didn't come!!!!
So we just watched Eurotrip that Kevin brought,it was so freakin' funny! Worse then American Pie! if you know what I mean ~_^
~Blue Hawk
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Story of Today entitled:
A Series of Blue Hawk's Unfortunate Events
And all these happened just for recording our voices for the Broadway presentation....
Today was such an interesting day.It all started at 9 pm.I was picking up my classmates...Chona,Kevin and John Rey.I was suppose to pick JV also but he was still asleep,so I text him that he'll just take a taxi to my house.
When we arrived back at my house,we saw Flores,Celine and Bouviere waiting........
Kristian,LesPaul and JV,the main male characters, are unfortunately not present yet.So we were biking while we wait for them.When I was done biking,Kevin borrowed the bike I used.
Then when I went outside again,I saw Kevin on the ground and the bike too.At first I thought he was just fooling around.......I helped him up and I told him to come back inside.
He said he can't and he showed me why.....
His knees have big injuries,his right hand was covered with bruises and shaking,plus his shoulder hurts too.
I helped him walk inside my house,then I went up to my room to get the alcohol.I was aiding his knee.......
All the while his right hand was shaking.its the first time I've seen him vulnerable,awww....^^;;
Then I took him to the kitchen and helped him wash his hands then I took him in the living room.
My mom helped me aid Kevin's wounds.I felt bad for him....a BIT!Hehehehe!
We put band-aids on his injuries.sadly I dont have those wrapping bandages
Then my mom told me to give him some icecream so he would calm down cause he was shaking and all.
When I gave him the glass of icecream,I was thinking...
"Am I going to spoon-feed him?!"
Since his right hand hurts and was shaking.
But he said he'll do it himself.That's just fine with me,it would seem akward anyway,hehehehe!!!
To be continued of Nurse Blue Hawk on Duty! *salutes*
~Blue Hawk
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
An Opportunity that happens once in our lives!!!
Go to right now!
Because Panda has made it possible for us to ask 1 Question to a very successfull anime voice actress,Wendee Lee
Here is your chance to ask the amazing Voice Actress Wendee Lee questions about the anime industry, her career or maybe even what she likes to do in her spare time! Don't miss this special opportunity exclusively for members!
The following list contains the series and movies which Ms. Lee has lent her talents:
- Stellvia
- Sol Bianca: The Legacy
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Lunar Legend Tsukihime
- Saiyuki Reload
- Immortal Grand Prix
- SD Gundam Force
- Kikaider
- Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventures
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Argento Soma
- Reign
- Fushigi Yugi
- Ai yori Aoshi
- Chobits
- The Twelve Kingdoms
- The Adventures of Mini-Goddess
- Saber Marionette J Again
- X
- Cowboy Bebop
Just click here to start:
Q & A with Voice Actress Wendee Lee!
Also this wouldn't be possible if it weren't for our good writer and myO friend Panda!
Click the pic to link to her site:

~Blue Hawk
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Another Poem
Just made this in school today,I was blah!
I kinda noticed that I'm spacing out alot lately,I keep on staring at nothing,hehehe!!! Anyway here's the poem!
Reminds me of a Dead Morning
Strange faces looking back at you
Passing through a crowd without a "Hello" to you
Walking on same roads everyday
Same routine on different days
Look upon from afar
Walking alone in the world
No purpose or direction to go
No Destiny nor Fate
No promises nor chance
Nobody would give a passing glance
Of Sympathy to the empty souls
Eyes awakening but the mind sleeps
The day is rising but the heart weeps
So dull so boring
Reminds me of a dead Morning's a short one that I made up seconds ago,its what I'm feeling today.........
I feel like I deserve to die
Because you make me look like the bad guy
~Blue Hawk
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Monday, February 21, 2005
What the Hell is wrong with you people?!?!?!!?
Some 2 people who signed my guestbook thinks that I'm 4 years old!
How the Hell did that happen????????
Man,this is just so freakin' stupid and funny!
Ok done laughing *then startings running to the room laughing hard again*
~Blue Hawk
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
Poem Time
I was suppose to post this on Valentines Day but blah!
So here it is! Enjoy!
Annoying Sensation
You're always around,always staying
Touching my heart unexpectedly
Something I wasn't willing
Now I yearn for your presence
Expecting your promises
Not wanting your absence
You changed my plans of simplicity
You took away my freedom
I complain yet don't mind
Mind over heart
Where do I start?
Lets just get to the ending
Overwhelmed with the feeling
I try to deny what its desiring
Avoiding you seems disturbing
Taking risks is my doing
So I'll accept and keep going
Until this Annoying Sensation
Is only a feeling
~Blue Hawk
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Constantine is awesome!!!!
Me and Number 5 watched Constantine! It was awesome!!! I love everything! The mystery,the killing,the fire,the hell,the heaven,the characters and the darkness of it all!!! *goes hyper*

That guy in the middle was doing a prayer,hehehe!
Someone sent me a text message about there's a possibility there's a bomb here in Cebu,so we shouldn't be going to public places like the MALL.He just sent me that today after I watched the movie.
Burst you damn bomb!!! *runs around* I wanna die I wanna die!!! *jumps off the road*
Hahahaha! I've gone mad!
Yesterday: Happy Mood
Today: Insane
Tomorrow: Dead
The Circle of My Life
~Blue Hawk
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Friday, February 18, 2005
I don't know what it is but I feel so happy!
Tonight I feel so different....and I'm so happy about it!
I feel like I'm floating on air,so relieved and relax.So content ^_^
Am I pregnant? 0.o
Haha! Just joking!
Well surprisingly I was doing my Science assignments since around 6 pm and I finished around 8 ish pm,hehehehe!
Our Chemistry assignment was to answer some problems in the book,make a concept map about Chemistry I made an outline of the lessons first though plus I don't where to put the concept map,noone told me! T_T and I have to make a SYNTHESIS of Chemistry!
Ahh! The last one would be hard and freakishly long! Nooooo!!! *collapses*
I was making the assignments downstairs in the dining room,using the dining table as my desk hahaha! while listening to the radio.The songs they are playing tonight is cool and relaxing although most of them are love songs,gah! It made me feel different though.....making me going to the hospital! Ahahahaha!
Then my mom came back and brought DIMSUM!!,yay!!!
Life is so good tonight ^_^
It should remain this way but sadly it shan't not *sobs*
Geez! I'm such in a good mood that I feel so ridiculous without a care! Hahahahaha!
Oh well....gonna make this good till it last ^_^
Me going now,cheerio!
~Blue Hawk
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Part 2: Passing on Messages
Messages from Mr.B:
Auntie,this is Mr.B...Just want to say that Blue Hawk looked amazing.....She was not the Blue Hawk I knew when I saw her....She was beautiful...She even had the most unique gown....Thank you...And God Bless! (^^,)
He only called my mom Auntie as I sign of respect they are not blood-related or whatsoever and I replaced my real name with "Blue Hawk",ok on with the next message.
Hope you might tell it to Blue Hawk....She might not listen to me if I were to tell her the things I said...Anyway,thank you and take care! Good night!
He sent those messages the night after the prom,he also sent me a message but I erased it,hehehe!!!
Feb.12: Valentines Concert
On the morning my mom showed me a Dvd of The Phantom of the Opera,I was so glad! I text Number 5 about it we watched it in my house around 1:30 pm.
After that,we went to the mall so I could print out my Religion Project well the images anyway cuz I don't have anymore ink on my printer,bummer! Plus Number 5 needs to scan something in the mall anyway since she doesn't have a scanner.
While doing those stuff cellphone rang,it was my sister and she told me that she will be going to the Valentine Concert that's held in our school.
I told her to just wait for me.I told Number 5 about it.Then she said "Lets go there too! I'm bored anyway and I don't wanna go home yet!".I was thinking and thinking well actually I was busy looking at the printer,printing the pics,hehehe!.
Then I agreed that we'll go there,plus Number 5's sister wants to go to the concert aswell,so we will be SISTER-SITTING our sisters,hahahaha! So after doing our requirements for school,we picked up Number 5's sister and another friend then picked up my sister and her friend so alike! I can't stand it! 0.o.
Then off to the school! I can't believe I'm saying that!.
We arrive at school around 8 pm,we didn't miss anything,we watch the concert,eat stuff and blah blah.
I wanted to get Number 5's cap cause I wanna look like a boy,stuffing my hair in the cap,hahahahaha!!!
The host of the concert was reading outloud requested messages,I heard a message dedicated to me.
Blue Hawk....I simply just care.....from a simple guy in the crowd
I know who he sent that message and YES he used my username he's myO member too ~_^ nope I ain't telling you,bwahahaha!.
Yeah,I was a bit surprise and just surpressed whatever feelings that wants to be expressed.
I wasn't even planning on going to the concert,I blame Number 5 and my sister for this! I shouldn't have come! But ohwell....
It was amusing anyway,things are really getting interesting in school and yet I'm tired waiting for the excitement give up...give up....
Sorry,I'm rambling random stuff again ^^;;
Other News:
My classmate,Dominic,was in an accident that he was burned all over and now he's in the hospital.
My classmates are in the hospital,visiting him now,well some anyway.I never plan on visiting him.Why not? Cause I don't see why should I,he's not in any importance to me.Truth hurts.
Besides I would be lying to both me and Dominic if I said I DID.
I just pity the guy and criticize him for being stupid.That's what you get and if he doesn't learn his lesson then I'm glad I never visited him in the hospital at all.
Cruel? Yes but true......
damn,this is one long post! Hope you're entertained,bye!
~Blue Hawk
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