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Philippines, Cebu City
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College Junior
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A Successful Pharmacist with a powerful company
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
Hihihihihi!!!! *yawns*
Good morning everyone

Guess what,it's now 1:03 am here ^^;;

Yep I'm still up,I've been busy studying the whole afternoon.
After the periodical test today,I went home and slept around 1pm and then woke up around 3 pm.I started making a test for myself in HISTORY.
I made a 190 ITEMS TEST,aaahhh!!! What was I thinking,hehehehe!!!
Well it did help anyway.I finished it around 12:30 am something,it took me awhile cuz I was studying History for 3 hours and I have to make the test and I finished around 4:30 pm.

While studying I would take breaks like watching TV and eat,hehehehe!!!
Oh yeah speaking of TV,I watched Gundam Seed today.Aahhh!!! The suspense is killing me,I wanna know what happens next *bounces up and down*
Well I have to start studying Filipino now.
Thanks for all the comments ^_^

Wish me luck! ~_^
~Blue Hawk
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Dooms day!!!
PERIODICAL TEST TOMORROW,everyone dont panic while I'll be the one panicking,aahhh!!!
Today is the day.....
That I will be put to the test.....
Specifically the Periodical Tests....
Da da da dum!!!! *thunder roars*
Ok here's the schedule for this week
Wednesday ------ Math and C.L.E. Christian Living Education
Thursday --------- T.H.E. Technology and Home Economics and Chemistry
Friday ------- History and Filipino
Saturday ----- English and practice dance for the Family Day
So starting tomorrow it will be a half day which is good but I'm nervous with the test tomorrow....gahhh!!!!!
Calm down calm down calm down,no need to be all panicky and stuff,hehehe!!!
Ok nothing much happened.
This morning:
- In ENGLISH we continued our test that we left off last week,I had 8 wrongs,bah!
- Just discussing about life in Religion,as always ^^;;
- Reviewing in Math
- Nothing to do in Filipino,some of my classmates were having an Oral Defense,I was done last weeks already,JOY!
At the afternoon we didnt have any classes at all,our Chemistry teacher and class adviser was absent and the teachers were having a meeting this afternoon.
We had a little review in History.
Tired of waiting.....some of us fell asleep.
I first slept on my chair for around an hour than I woke up.I was still sleepy though.
Then saw two of my male classmates sleeping on the floor,they were using their bags as pillows.
Then Number 5 walked to them on started sleeping with them,using Anthony's back as a pillow.
Then I slept beside Kristian,using his bag as a pillow.
Then Bouviere and Joshua joined in sleeping with us.
Then Dominic slept on the side of my back,using me as his pillow ^^;;
We fell asleep comfortably for around an hour AGAIN then some of our classmates started teasing us and bothering us.
Some of the girls were taking pictures of us but mostly Anthony and Number 5 while Kevin keeps on bothering me and Dominic.
I dont know what's gotten into him,he just started bothering the two of us,bah!!!!
I slept a few more minutes after they bothered us but I lost my desire to sleep so I got up and so did the others.
Dominic was a bit pissed off cuz he's pleasent slumber was now broken,he blamed Kevin for that,hehehehe!!!
People dont think ill of us,I find it really nice that it happened that way.
It goes to show that the guys have respect for us girls ^_^
Now ain't that cool ^_^
Well anyway I dont think I'll be able to visit you guys for a long while,see ya later!
Random Pics Galore!!!

~Blue Hawk
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Monday, August 16, 2004
Yay for no classes today!!!!
I kill for fun
Nothing much to tell ya......
Have no classes today,its a rest day for us highschoo students.
I have a headache...ugh!!!! I cant study properly,grrr!!!! *throws angry fist on air*
Well here's a little something that happened,today,so funny,hehehe!!!
Mom: Miss call my cellphone and you'll hear my new ringtone
Me: fine fine....*calls* 'ring' *beauty and the beast song is playing on her cellphone*
Mom: Oops,I forgot that whenever you call the ringtone will be Beauty and the Beast,hehehe!!!
Me: Maa!!!! Why did you set it up to Beauty and Beast?!?!?!?!?!?
Mom: Because you are beauty ^_^
Me: -_-;; Then who's the Beast?!?!?!?!
Mom: Your crush!!!!!!!
Me: *falls down* gah!!!!
Hehehehe....funny moment,hehehehe!!! Can't but laugh again,so I will,ahahahahahahahahaa!!!
And I dont even have a crush,ahahahaha!!!!
But really,what was my mom thinking??!?!?!?!
Must be lack of sleep,damn you insomnia!!!!!! *throws angry fist on air*
EDIT: 8:14 pm,we are having a garage sale,weeeee!!!
Oi!!! Hey!!! Those winnie the poohs are not for sale!!! *snatches winnie the pooh stuff toys*
^^;;,hehehe!!! Ya I like Winnie the Poohs,they are so kawaii!!! hehehe!!! *acts childish*
Randome Pics Galore!!!

~Blue Hawk
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Just a fine Sunday
School Recollection
Had a Recollection at school starting at 8 am and ended at 5:30 pm
A recollection is a group of people talking about God,improving our faith in Him and to reflect.
Also we had a Holy Mass,I was the one who lead the Responsorial Psalm.
Well the recollection was a bit fun and it gave me something important to learn about.
And when it ended we were given donuts,W0ot!!!
We dont have classes tomorrow,wohoo!!! Yay!!!!
This Wednesday will be the starting of exams,boooo!!!!
Why cant it be NEXT week,I'm not yet ready!!!! Ahhh!!!
I'm mostly worried with uhhh.....I dont know......I think Chemistry,hehehe!!!
I love science but I have a problem on motivatin myself for it,hehehe!!!
Last night,I FINALLY WATCHED TROY,yeah I know a little off-date but hey its better late than never,right? ~_^
I'm so happy that you guys like the idea and the theme,thanks!!! ^_^
*gives chocolates*

Hmm.....I know some of you guys have bestfriends,right?
Have you ever started to wonder if she's not really your friend? That she only needs you whenever she ask you something or ask for help?
If that's the case,would you talk to your bestfriend about it? Are you that strong enought to break that long-term friendship even though its fake but
you really enjoyed his/her company....
~Blue Hawk
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
Mission Accomplish for this school week
Oro? Sorry that I made you guys worry about my last post,I thought you guys would like it but I just made
you guys worry,hehehehehehe!!! Sorry,I just thought of posting something interesting,like that ^^;;
I passed my Filipino Project and my Science Project.
Took the COMPUTER,MUSIC and SWIMMING Periodical Test,which is very easy for me ^_^
No assignments this week now.
I'm quite satisfied and very happy ^_^
Tomorrow Sunday the highschool students will have a RECOLLECTION in the school.
So I have to be there before 8 am,the recollection will end at 5 pm so its a whole day recollection then.
Yesterday,this morning at school,we were having a game in T.H.E Technology Home Economics
The rule of the game was:
- The last person in the column will recieve the pen once the teacher says "go" after she said the question
- After the person writes the paper he will pass the paper until the the person on the front will recieve it
- Then front person will run to the back with the paper to the student who will recieve the answer
- And the person who gave it to the student at the center of the back of the classroom first will be given points
Well it was my turn to run to the back,as I arrived at the back to give the answer,another classmate of mine run towards us and I got pushed back
I fell and my right shoulder was in pain
My head was in pain too when my classmate hit me
I really dont know what happened next,as I fell my eyes were closed,all I know that someone picked me up
Well the pain wasnt that serious anyway,so everything is fine
I'm just glad I didnt land on my head first,another accident on my head might cause some serious damage
I've been having head accidents since I was young
My worst head accident got me in the hospital ^^;;
Anime News: Downloading Gundam Seed mp3s,yay!!!!
This one is my favorite Gundam Seed mp3,enjoy!!! ^_^
Comments (15) |
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Its Easier to Run...........
What you really feel...........

Father: I am very quite disappointed with you my child....
Child: So am I.........
I can no longer stay here with you.......I'm sorry but I couldn't stay,Father......

I wish I could spend my limited life with you........

Something has been taken from deep inside of me
The secret I’ve kept locked away no one can ever see
Wounds so deep they never show they never go away
Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they’ve played
~Blue Hawk
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
I LOVE ANIME!!! (yes you all know that now ^^;)
Manga Craze!!!!
I've been downloading alot of Manga this weekend.
Full Metal Alchemist ----->Download vol.1
Naruto------>still incomplete though
Negima------>Vol.1 and 2
Hellsing----->still incomplete
Midori no Hibi----->downloading it right now ^^
And I also downloaded music videoclips of Gundam Wing,FLCL and Rurouni Kenshin.
I'm downloading the movie of Ragnarok 1 right now,hehehehehehehehehe!!!
Oh joy!!! Man,I wish this time wont end!!!
I dont wanna go to school tomorrow ^^;;
Oh well *slumps*
School News: I just finished my Religion assignment last night.
Finished my History Notes and finished my HGP Project.
The things I need to do is finish my Filipino Project,its a Critical Analysis project.I'm also done with it,there's just one tinsy weensy problem....
WHAT ARE LITERARY TRENDS??????? I have no idea what it is,I think.....I heard its about those Romanticism, I right?
Please someone tell me,I'll be your friend forever *begs with puppy eyes*
Need to finish my Science Project.Its a group project actually....I've mostly done the painting and cutting.
I'll bring the materials tomorrow so that my other members would do something for the project,no way I'm gonna be treated unfairly,hpmh! :P
Also,gonna finish the Art Project,its a group project aswell.
The Banner is with Kevin though he's a part of our group I text him yesterday,is he finished painting it,he said he didn't.
I hope he was just teasing me,I dont wanna fail!!! I should have brought the banner with me so I'll finish it myself.
Note Self: Never trust Kevin to finish anything and thats final!!! ^^;;
Oh yeah Chie,the guy from my last post,who is at the bottom of my post,that is Loki from Ragnarok.
Loki is one of my favortie Bishis!!! *dreamy-sigh* ^^;;
News of Doom: Our 1st exams will be on next next week!!! AAHHH NOOO!!!!
And after the exams,days later will be our FAMILY DAY!!
And I will have to show a KARATE PRESENTATION,gahhh!!!
Busy busy busy month!!!
I wish I was The Flash so I could finish my school works fast so I'll have time to study,hehehehehe!!!
I'm so childish ^^;;
*blinks* *shakes head*
Yay! My headache is gone!!! Wohoo!!!
A--aaa---ACHOOO!!!!!!! *sniff*
Yet another problem,I have the stupid sniffles,bah!!!
*gets tissue*
Random Pics Galore!!!!

~Blue Hawk
Comments (13) |
Saturday, August 7, 2004
Aaaah....I love wearing slippers ^^;;
myO assemble!!!!!
Now my fellow Otaku comrades,let us have a discussion.
This topic is very important to discuss about and I'm quite serious about this
*myO leans forward to their tables to listen intently*
*I look at them straight in the eye*
We will talk about........................................................
What? It is important isnt it? ^^;;
Well Im jut wondering,is it right for girls to wear make up at a very young age?
Like at the age of 12 to above.....
I see alot of my classmates wearing make-up and its very annoying when they spray themselves with perfume but I think its a poisonous gas!!! inside the classroom!!!
Me,my girl classmates and our class adviser were discussing about this in the classroom we kicked the boys out of the classroom first,hehehehehe!!!
the girls were against it,they say that its ok to wear make-up,they said its hygiene.
Is putting stuff on your face hygiene? I think NOT!
Dont they even know what hygiene is at all?
And besides if they wear make-up at a young age,the chemicals of the make-up will affect their skin.
Like they use make-up at the age of 13 and when they become 24 they would look like they are on their 30s.
I really hate girls who are so obsessed on what they look like,its like their face are the most important thing in their lives!
Bah!!! Humbug!!!
How about you guys?
Would you agree or not? Why?
Give me your reasons.

Ms.Nabiki and Mr.Kuno will take notes
Anime News: We now have Inuyasha here in Cebu!!!
Schedule is every saturday at 8 am and before Inuyasha is RAVE
And I found a cool website to download episodes and manga of NARUTO *fireworks*
I'm so happy!!!!!!
Random Pics Galore!!!!

~Blue Hawk
Comments (13) |
Friday, August 6, 2004
I will wait for you until there is no time
~quote by me
I got that idea from English class,when I told that to my English teacher,she said that's very poetic,oro? It was?
Well I that quote is related to the movie that I just watched today,The Prince & Me.
It's a romance movie which I rarely watch that kind of movie since I'm not really into romance,mostly comdey and action.
Well I kinda got interested in it when I watched it's commercial.
About a normal girl meeting a prince who's pretending to be a normal guy.
So their love is kinda complicated,which a kind of romance I like,hehehehehe!!!
The movie was very nice ^_^
And the character that Julia Stiles acted kind resembles how I am,needs to focus on her education and her ambitious life in the future ^^
I'm quite satisfied with it,although the ending kinda suck though,oh well,hehehehe!!!
I am planning on watching the movie Garfield tomorrow but I'm not yet sure about that,I'm busy with 2 projects.
I've done the first one,now only 2 more left.Science and Filipino.
Speaking of school,yesterday we the third year students are the sponsors for the Holy Mass.
I was responsible for bring flowers and doing the Responsorial Psalm AND singer in the Mass with my other partner.
After the Mass we had our HGP Home Grading Period Awarding Ceremony.
Its a ceremony giving awards to students who have good values and speaking in english consistently.
To my other classmates who are assigned to be the host of the Ceremony,chickened out so they called me and another classmate.
So me and my classmate hosted the awarding Ceremony.
Oh yeah my mom came to the school too,to attend the Ceremony,I'll tell you why........
I was awarded for being one of the consistent english speaker in the class,W0ot!!!
So as I got my certificate my mom came to the stage with me,and I will be on the school paper,bwahahahahahaha!!!
Hmm...I have a question,what age do you think I am? Why?
Just out of curiousity and to amuse myself,hehehehehehe!!!
Oh yeah I'm sick today too,hehehehehehe!!!
My head was aching alot and my nose is all clogged with goo and boogers too,hehehehe!!!
Cant breathe!!! Ahhh!!!!
Oh and another thing,I won 3rd place in Silly Me's caption contest,W0ot!!!
This is my prize:
 Button made by Silly me
So that's all,have a great weekend!!!
Random Pics Galore!!!!

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Monday, August 2, 2004
Happy Anniversary to and!!!!!

I forgot that last Saturday,July 31,2004 is the birthday and 1 year anniversary of our favorite anime community site,MYOTAKU!!!!
I cant believe that it has been one year already,how time flies by fast,hehehehehehehehe!!!!
I know all old members of myOtaku like me had made history in the past so I'm here to share my history that I have here in myO

Well obviously I registered in myO last year and it was when I moved to another country in the Philippines,Manila,in a middle of a school year.
I'm not sure on how I found out about myO,maybe it was when I was searching anime pics and I stumbled in
At first I was interested about the pics,profiles,music and its galleries and I wasnt registered at that time.
Then I clicked on and saw the registration form,just out of curiousity I registered.
I was clueless on what username I should I use so I used the name of my e-mail address.
So thats how I got that name.
When I registered I received an email of my myO account then I went in to my account then just put in my profile and I just put HI in my intro and that's it.
I didnt touch my account for a month then for some unknown reason,I went in to my account and I was shock to see someone signed my guestbook.
It was PEX,the first person to ever signed my guestbook I wonder how he is now,I havent visited his site for months now ^^;;
Then the next was CHIE,she was the 2nd to sign my guestbook.
I suddenly got interested on editing my site and I was eager to learn HTML,so I check on sites that would teach me HTML and I was addicted on making my own website,hehehehehehe!!!
Well I did make I website but I erased it now,hehehehehe!!!
Anyway,so I edited my site,looking for blogs,gifs and other stuff to put on my site.
Then here comes the fun and busy part,VISITING SITES AND SIGNING GUESTBOOK!!!!!!!!!
I visited ALOT of sites,there was Seifer-sama,MilleniumChaos,Nitz,Heero Yuy,Molletta,UltimaSquall and etc.
So many!!! I cant remember anymore!!! Hehehehehehehehe!!!!
At that time I wasnt really popular,you know,low rank,less visits and etc.
The only reason they visited was because I signed their guestbook,hehehehehehe!!!
Hmmm....what else I could remember......oh yes!!! The Ultimate Anime Character Battle hosted by Flava surely some of you guys know that,alot has voted!!!
But sadly Flava didnt continue this year anymore,I dont know why though *sigh* I miss the guy.
Oh yeah some of his friends registered in myO too,they also held a tournament.
The Battle of the Bands and the Battle of Video games.
Lots of tournaments and there are still is now,it never end,does it? ^^;;
Oh and the WAR too,I was part of the war,the leaders were Terra Zero,Wing and Wind Master.I really dont know why there was a war though,maybe because they hate each others guts
or maybe just for the fun of it.
I joined in Wind Master's army,I was the commander.Recruited some people and stuff hey does anyone here joined the war too? please tell me ^^ but then
I got bored of waiting for the action,they were all just talk, mainly between the 3 leaders,Nitz also joined too that time but weeks later he quit and I told Wind Master
that CRandomHero wants to take his place and so he did.
Weeks later I quit too,got tired of waiting and after that I didnt know what happen about the wars the only thing I know is that Terra Zero won,so hooray for him ^_^
Oh yeah,Terra Zero got upset with me a bit cuz I joined Wind Master's team than his even though I was first friends with Terra Zero ^^;; but we're friends now,hehehehehe!!!
Speaking of Terra Zero,there were some 'Dark Moments' that time concerning him and his group.I was kinda part of his chaos cause some 'friend' of his told me
what happened to him and the real truth on whats going on.
Terra Zero found out and wanted to talk to me about it,so he could be justified and now everything is cool ^^ my friends here since last year,I was a bit umm....full of sorrow that time,eh?
The 'Dark Era' if you wanna call that,hehehehehe!!! Alot of family issues that time,like when my little sister,who was supposed to be operated,
I was scared to death!!! But luckily she didnt take the operation,a miracle happend cuz she was cured,wohoo!!!!
Hmmm....oh yeah!!! Hey guys!! Do you guys remember or know Dead to the World? She was and still is a great friend,ne?
She has a unique way of posting,even ADAM the creator of myO and signed her guestbook!!! What honor!!!
And she registered,like what? Last October,and weeks later she was in the 1st page of the ranking list,what a girl!!!
She was formerly known as DES,but I wasnt friends with her when she was DES but when she registered,she and I are friends ^_^
DES,is known to be the MUNCHING POCKEY EATER!!! and a GRAVITATION FANATIC!!! If only she was still here but she cant for now
cuz she doesnt have a computer anymore,she has to wait for college,that sucks!!! >_<
She and Nitz kinda had an arguement,concerning about YAOI/ guy-guy relationships,you see she's a yaoi fan while Nitz is not,so Nitz was kinda annoyed
to see Yaoi pics in her site whenever he visits her site,later on it turned out to be a big issue,even JAMES administrator of Otakuboards were a part of this
so things will work out,in the end everything went fine,Nitz apologized.So everything is back to normal.
Thanks to myO I have a great friend here,his name is evangelion,he and have been friends for year now!!!
He's like a brother to me and I'm gratefull ^_^
Then later on I told 2 of my old classmates from cebu about
They agreed on joining but since they dont have alot of time to register so I did it for them,hehehe!!!
Oh yeah the classmates I'm talking about were Number 5 and The Mask,some of you guys know them,right?
Then when it was February I was holding up the BEST ANIME COUPLES CONTEST but I didnt continue it cuz of school *groans*
Thanks to myO,I'm good at HTML so I dont have a hard time with my computer class,hehehehehehe!!!
Thanks ALOT ADAM!!!!!
If you want to thank Adam,you can go to his personal page

,he finally made one!!!!
So go thank him,he deserves all the credit,he's the creator after all,hehehehehehe!!!

To all those who are still new and just started this year,well if you wanna make history like us oldies here in myO ^^;;
Well stick around,you'll have a blast here!!! ^_^
That's it for Blue Hawk's myO history,wait for another year,hehehehehehe!!!!

~Blue Hawk
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