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Philippines, Cebu City
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College Junior
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A Successful Pharmacist with a powerful company
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
Mother left for Los Angeles
 Woke up early morning with a sudden realization that my mom is actually leaving today. I mean....I knew about it since last month but the thought that the day would actually come hits you really hard.
That I just realized....she's actually leaving us for a long while.
It's now 4:32pm and she's boarding in the plane then left the Philippines, heading for Malaysia then Taiwan and finally LA.
My little bro, Nicholas and little sister, Renesse cried. Nicholas really took it hard, he kept on crying for a few hours but he's finally alright and he's playing with his friend. Thank goodness!
Just seeing him and Renesse crying made me cry a bit aswell,hehehe!!!
*looks out window* I think it's going to rain later,hmm....
Oh yeah! I wanna thank adventaddict for the Shun Oguri banners and miharu-san for the Hakkai button.
I appreciate you both *glomps*
Well....I'm too lazy to study and making the Chemistry Report though I really need to do the latter part after I get some rest XD
~Blue Hawk
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Saturday, July 15, 2006

I went to the Parent-Teachers Conference this morning with my mom and aunt then went to the mall,Ayala, to buy some stuff for mom's sisters who are in the States,Virginia.
Bought myself 3 pairs of black socks, JOY! XD
Favor: Could anyone please PLEASE PLEASE make me a banner of Shun Oguri! Please!!! I have some screen shots of him if you're having a hard time looking for pictures of him, please make one! Please!!!
If you don't mind XD
Meh! I have Pre-midterms for History this coming Monday so I might aswell lightly since I've got nothing better to do (or maybe look for more pics of Shun Oguri,hehehehehe! ^^;;)
~Blue Hawk
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Friday, July 14, 2006
Shun Oguri!!! He is HOT!!!!
I was just checking out videos on YouTube then I stumble on a video of Hana Yori Dango(Live TV) which is a Romance Soap Opera and I happened to find out that it has a Mangga as well AND that it's another version of the Soap Opera we have here in the Philippines, Meteor Garden.
You know the F4 GANG. I never really liked it well in our version here anyways plus the actors were different.
He played Hanazawa Rui
Scratched what happened today, I'm expressing my UNDYING DESIRE!!!
You can check out pictures of him in his Fanlist
My Chocolate: Shun Oguri
He looks damn sexy with his red hair and I love it when he smiles.
He has a girlfriend T_T
Now leave me be as a grief from this reality of rejection *sobs on a Shun Oguri handkerchief*
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Damn those Wednesdays! *shakes fist*
As if taking those pre-midterms weren't enough! I'm sure I'll pass those tests, I hope but I won't be satisfied with the results I'll get I'm sure but I'll just have to suck it up and take it as cyborg kurochan, just explode every building I see,mwahahahaha!!!
I did the try-outs for cheerdance this late afternoon, too bad I didn't get in.It's just I didn't show my true skills cause we were doing it by groups but I'm not feeling with the dance moves my group made, so yeah...bummer....
Oh well...there's always badminton and maybe swimming if I really want to get involved but hey I'm still a freshman anyway, I'll adapt to everything eventually but I wanna move faster than do it slowly.
Anyway, the try-outs finished around 6pm and we all walked down (we stay at the highest building by the way,so far!) and 2 of my classmates talked to me and asked if I got in and I told them I didn't.
The boys obviously got in cause we only have a few boys in the college of pharmacy XD
They felt bad for me a bit but I told them that it's just a dance. I just felt bad cause I know I could have done way better than any of them, maybe I just don't have the passion to dance for good. LOL
Anyway I ended up talking with one of the guys, Charles. He kinda cheered me up a bit and I have that strange feeling again of really wanting someone special around with me always, heh! It's been awhile.
Meaning to say....I really need to watch more ANIME BISHIS! Yeah! Bombard myself with Heero, Hakkai, Sasuke, Kakashi, Yuki and Kyo Sohma! Waaaaiiii!!!!
But nooo......I've gotta study Algebra and Chemistry Lecture for Pre-midterms tomorrow! Blah!!!
Wish me luck again! I wish myself for a miracle XD
Someone should draw me a half-naked Heero or Kakashi with sexy eyes looking at me like they wanna devour me,god is it hot in here!
I'll be yours forever! XD
~Blue Hawk
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Oh my jehosaphat?! PRE-MIDTERM!!!! TOMORROW!!!
Gah?! I can't believe that Pre-midterm starts tomorrow?! Aaaahhhh!!!!
Tomorrow, I'll be taking tests with the ff:
-Botany Laboratory
Now....I really shouldn't worry since I only have to study 2 subjects unlike Highschool, I have to study atleast 4 subjects for the exams on a day!
But that was Highschool...this is COLLEGE! I can't get a bad grade! This is my life! Uh the pressure!
*lets out a breath*
I should be calm....stay calm....and I should be studying right now, right now!
So I'll tell you how the exams goes tomorrow!
Wish me luck, peace, joy, happiness and love! XD
~Blue Hawk
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Yo! Just got back from the University and it's now 6:05 pm.
The wedding I'm invited just started an hour ago and I'm still at home and not ready, just simply checking myO and eating siomais,hahahaha!!!
Oh we did a play for our History class, ours was about Ancient China concerning w/ Pharmacy.
I was the Legendary Fu Xi who created the Pa Kua but what I mostly did was slap the Emperor, Shen Nung,hahahahhaha!!!
I think that greates part for an actor is to EAT!!!!
And hopefully I'll get to the wedding reception on time, ah the FOOD!
Oh and again! I didn't we had a Botany Quiz! So I just read......and just got 2 mistakes,phew!
Whats up with me? Forgetting this quizzes and shit, I need to stick some reminder thingamabob on my brain!
We're having our Intramurals this coming August, I'm joining Badminton and Cheerdance though most of my blockmates wants me to join swimming and I could if there won't be any hassle with the schedules but I think that's too much already for me, don't ya think?
Darn darn darn.....for once...I wanna be Superman, no wait! Spiderman! Superman Returns sucks!
I mean....I wasn't satisfied and I hope the sequel will be WAY BETTER!
And I have to wait 2 more days for Pirates of the Carribean!
Gotta Hurry! Say HI to your Fairly Odd Parents for me! Yes I see them!
~Blue Hawk
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
I can finally use my ORGANIZER!
Hey guys!
Glad that there are still a few people who still remembers,hehehe!!!
On July 16, next Sunday, my mom is leaving for LA and she'll be staying there for 4 months for work. She's going to work as a CAREGIVER.
Working here in the Philippines is really rough and since this fucking country has this stupid qualifications, especially the age limit, my mom can't work here so she had connections and has the opportunity to work outside.
So since I'm the eldest among the five of us, I'm going to be incharge.
I just listed down all the necessities to be reminded of in my new organizer, huzzah!
Listing down the bills, expenses, my siblings allowance, groceries, water bill, electric bill, salaries, etc.
Yeah there's alot of work to do for 4 months but I can handle it, I kinda like being very busy though I would really need alot of time, squeezing my College schedule with the house expenses.
Here's my schedule for College:
- Monday & Wednesday -> 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Break Time-> 12 nn to 1:30 pm
- Tuesday & Thursday -> 7:30 am to 5:30
Break Time -> 9:00 am to 10:30
- Friday -> 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
I still know how to do bullets, baby!
I seriously need help with this CSS, I totally forgot everything! HAhahahaahaha!!!
Anyway so that's my schedule, though there would be time that I have to go to the University on Saturdays for meetings and stuff.
Tough being a freshman in the University,hah!
Oh I have bits of story to tell you guys!
I think it happened last Monday, when I was just told that morning that we were gonna have a History Quiz and I FREAKN' DIDN'T STUDY!!!
Plus we had our BOTANY LONG EXAM that day too and after Botany will be HIstory!
And our notes in History were 10 pages long in BONDPAPER!
So I used my old style of studying from Highschool, listing down the terms of every lesson since I assumed that we'll have Identification and I only had 1 hour for it!
My results on my History quiz: I FREAKN' PASS DUDE!
*lets out a breath*
It was so nice to share my stories in life, no wonder I stayed in myO this long, just too bad I left for a year, shit! Oh well....I'll make up for everything!
~Blue Hawk
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Friday, July 7, 2006
F*%&!!! I'm still here?! &$%@!!!!
Man it has been a year since I wasn't an active myO!
I have NO Excuses, I'm just freakn' LAZY!
People here have moved on as I could have observed from my old friends and most of you guys deleted me already,hehehe! I'm fine with it, can't blame ya!
Also people are really improving with their HTML, CSS and whatnot while THIS (glares at mirror)Otaku Guardian leader barely made it with the basics now,hahaha! Pathetic Me
How I've been lately?
Well....for starters....I graduate from Highschool and am now a College Freshmen of PHARMACY! Yup, I chose pharmacy. Why? Pharmacist are freakn' rich man! Bwahahaha! Not only that but the main reason really is the MONEY anyway....hehehe....its to earn that MONEY to Take Care of MI PAMILYA! Mahal ko sila!
I just started at June 13 and man....first week of college was fun! Mostly all the PROFS (professors) were absent or came late!
My mom told me that the PROFS are very lazy on the first week of classes. Dunno why, but THANK GOD!
Funny thing though.....our first Algebra PROF was an old guy who doesn't know how to speak English that much, he mostly speaks in Visaya (our language) and the next meeting, he got replaced by a younger guy who ALSO doesn't speak English well! Hahahaha!
The Subjects I had for the 1st Sem are the following:
- Algebra
- Chemistry Lecture
- Chemistry Lab
- Botany Lecture
- Botany Lab
- PE
- History (ooohhh yeah!)
- English
- Civil Welfare Training Service
- Religion
I'm glad to finally have History again in my school life!
Anyway....I hope there are still people who would just stop by and comment so I would know who to keep in touch with....if not....(cries)....I have to make new friends again....I really like my old friends here....they are very unique, original and kick-ass otakus!
Hope to keep in touch!
Gay classmates rule!
~Blue Hawk
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Damn my head!
My indesciveness annoys me...
I have a question for you guys,please answer honestly and give an elaborate explanation.
Would you prefer a life that you are very happy with,of doing what you want? Or A life that you are financially stable or even more?
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
I've got COOKIES!
I drove to the mall to do the groceries with my mom and aunt for a New Year feast.
It's not really a big feast just a small gathering.Though I wish my other close relatives would be coming to our house for New Year's Eve but uncles gonna get drunk with his friends at his place later ^^;;
I've got Hunter X Hunter episodes 38-49! Wohoo!!! 12 episodes to go then I'm complete,bwahahahhaha!!!
All I've been doing is eating cookies and just reading Naruto Manga hehehe!
What time is it there at your place?
It's 5:09pm here
~Blue Hawk
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