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Tuesday, October 7, 2003
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 Destiny, you are the oldest of The Endless, you are eternally chained to a book that holds the secrets of the universe. You are all business, never have time to even crack a smile, and always make sure you do not draw too much attention. You do not want people hunting after you!
Which Endless are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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I rarely show them
Hmmmm.I rarely show any care in public,I'm always in my room playing,PC games and surfing in the net...I'm anti-social....that's why I don't understand what love really is...I thought it's just to make lonely people happy...*sigh* I'm just like Trowa...well only a little.well we both don't understand our emotions sometimes,it's like it's the first time I experieced it before....I've isolated myself..lock myself in the room,my heart became cold...I don't make friends in school,I have no intentions to do so anyway,but some students came to me and wants to be my friend,I don't mind,even though I have no intentions to have friends doesn't mean I'm hostile,k
*sigh*gotta go now,leaving......
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Monday, October 6, 2003
Ridiculous love
I don't get it,I'm totally clueless.Why?why?why?They keep on falling in and out of love.Why is that? Their hearts had been broken before and yet they still keep on falling inlove once they are fine.Couples broke up,move on with their lives then find someone else and yet if I know they'll just get hurt again,they always do.Ridiculous!!!!!
Why do people fall inlove anyway??????? I have a BIG question mark on my head...can anyone tell me why.....hmmmmmmm.........No offense but for me,people wants to fall inlove because they are lonely,RIGHT? or WRONG? Tell me 'cause I really don't know....
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Saturday, October 4, 2003
Just bored
Hi again,well.........nothing much happen for the past weeks.Just school stuff and watching t.v.*sigh*I'm so bored today,I got nothing to do besides T.v. and surfing in the net.
Well I have added pictures in this page,'cuz my page kinda looks dull,NO,scratch that it WAS dull!
Anyway I hope you guys visit my site*pleading with large puppy eyes*

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Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Well..... what do we got here
Finally somebody signed my guestbook here,thanks(even though it's only 1 person who signed)anyway whoever is reading this I have question to ask you....Can you please by my friend?????????? I haven't got anyone here since I started to join*sobs*
Anyway can you guys send me fanfics or pics for my web? NOT PORN,ok!!!!
I better go now,I'll give more posts,another day
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Sad day , isn't it?
Hey!I didn't post much now,did?..........Yeah I know I didn't*sigh*
Well...It's because I'm busy in school,I have karate classes on weekends and I'm also busy on making my site.I still don't have any fanfictions or anime pics/drawings.*sniff* Bad things have been going on lately, but I don't wanna talk about it.*sob*
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Wednesday, September 3, 2003
I'm a big anime fan
I love anime so much!!!!
If you will view my website it's all about anime.
If you like to send some of your own ANIME fancfictions or fanart you can send it to my e-mail,its just there posted in the fanpage of my website.
And if you like to send me comments about my website go to CONTACT ME page of my website.
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