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Thursday, December 29, 2005
YES YES YES YES!!! It's finally here!!! Hooray!!! Wohoo!!! Weee!!!!!
Now I can continue with collecting Naruto,Bleach and Hunter X Hunter!!! Bwahahahahahahha!!!!
Oh yeah,I'm finally done with my driving lessons! Even though I still didn't get my student's permit,bwahahahahaha!!! ^^;;
Driving today was SUPER HOT! I was practically sweating alot! Blah!!!
I wanted to go to the net cafe to play Warcraft but it's toooooooo HOOOOTTT to walk there! Bleh!
Oh yeah,Anthony miss called my phone 5 times around 2 in the MORNING! I finally woke up from his miss calls and he's sooo happy cuz he's freaking bored in his house!!! Bleh! He always do that to me! Why me?!?!?!!??! T_T
Reminder: 3 days until New Year!!!
It's gonna be 2006! Huzzah!!! Fireworks galore! Bwahahahaha!!! Gonna get alot of 'em! W0ot!
~Blue Hawk
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Can't open the stupid lid!!!
Roar!!! I wanna eat the chocolates but I can't open the stupid lid up! Stupid tape! Roar!!!!
Go crazy,eat some good food,do fireworks and etc!!! It's that time of year that you use Christmas as an excuse for doing something stupid,crazy and dangerous! Bwahahahahahhaha!!! *ahem*
Too much chocolates XD
stupid lid! Ugh!
Ok here's the list of gift I got:
- Rubber Shoes -- From Mom
- Tazz Tshirt -- Sister
- Figurine clock -- other sister
- Shirt and shorts -- Mom
- Anime CD book case -- cousin
- Adidas bag -- Mom
- Garfiled Pillow -- cousin
That's it! I'm content,hehehe!!!!
I had a dream that my CPU was fixed!!!
Damn I miss my computer! T_T
And I just talked to my dad on the phone awhile ago,greeting me a Merry Christmas XD
Yes the lid is open! And you can't have any! Mwahahahaha!!!
*runs away*
~Blue Hawk
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Awaiting for Baked Macaroni to come!!!
I want Baked Macaroni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My aunt is baking it right now,we just got back from buying groceries for the party tonight.It's 6:38 pm right now.
5 more hours to go until its Xmas!!!
Too bad we wouldn't do any fireworks....*sniff*
Oh well....I'll just wait till New Year that's my favorite Holiday by the way,weeeeeeeee!!!
Didn't have any driving lessons today cuz well....it's nearing Xmas!
So everybody is busy with their other life,bleh!
Can't wait for the food!!! I mean really...I can't! I'm super hungry right now!!! Eating the icecream didn't help XD
Enjoy your Holidays and winter breaks everyone!!!!
~Blue Hawk
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Friday, December 23, 2005
Driving on a Rainy Day
I took my driving lessons for today at 10:30am-12noon and it was raining! First time I drove on a rainy day,it was kinda nice ^_^
Yesterday I finally saw the movie Just Like Heaven
Nice movie...very nice...I'm satisfied and content ^_^
I saw the movie after I finished shopping,man I bought alot and it was cheap! We found a store that sells WHOLESALE! Meaning we buy a bundle of an item it sells CHEAP! Like I bought 3 bags,2 ADIDAS and 1 Nike....each were around Php.200+ but I bought all of it for only around Php.300!!! Wahahahaha!!!
Anyway I finally bought Renesse my sister a gift.
Pants and a shirt,she'll love the pants!!! And she'll love me! or lessen her fear for me,hehehe!!! XD
Anyway I have to go to the mall later to get my order of Naruto,W0ot!
~Blue Hawk
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Ok back to blogging
Hello myOtaku! How are you doing? Rawr! Hehehehehehe!!! *wink wink*
Ok I'm going crazy.......
Well....let's see what I've been doing lately...umm...
I've been collecting alot of anime series lately...I think I have around 8 series complete!!! Wahaha!!!
I'm waiting for more Bleach episodes to come and I just ordered 1-63 episodes of Naruto! I'll be getting them tomorrow! Wohoo!!!
Oh yeah! I'v been learning driving more! Just had my lesson this morning,getting the hang of it :D
My family and other relatives of mine are having the Secret-santa game.I got my youngest sister's name,Renesse!
Dunno what I'm getting her...still thinking about...since I can't buy her food so this is gonna be hard....Hahahahaha!!!
Later the family and I are gonna shop till we drop!!! Bwahahaha!
Keep intouch alright! I know I will! finally!
~Blue Hawk
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

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Monday, September 5, 2005
I am forced to do this!!!
Hey! Long time no see again!,hehehehe!!!
Ok friends I have new friend to share that sounds weird
My anti-social masochist,RYOSUKE!!!
Click name please XD
~Blue Hawk (I'm a bummer I know XD)
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Gundam Seed Destiny Theme!!!
Man! I forgot how many hours it takes to change a new layout! Getting kinda rusty on the HTML codes,hehehe!!!
Shame of me and I'm the Leader of the Otaku Guardians too,tsk tsk tsk....
Well as you can see the new theme is Gundam Seed Destiny!!! Hope you like it!!!!
*finds more chocolates in the fridge*
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
Wow! I'm still alive!
Uhhh......hi? XD
Long time no see everyone!
Sorry for not being a frequent myO member for these past months.I don't have a good reason though,I'm just plain lazy or I got the habit out of my system,hehehe!!!
Ok so here are the updates of my life:
- Joining the MILO Olympics on September (badmintton)
- Got my report card for the 1st Quarter
- Collecting anime manga and episodes!!! ^_^
- Training my younger sister for her Swimming Olyimpics every Sunday
- Saw the movie: STEALTH great action movie!
- Kakashi Hatake Fanatic!!!! And I'm damn proud of it! Don't call me a pedophile! :P
Here are the anime episodes I've been collecting:
- Gundam Seed Destiny I've got around 20+ episodes already!
- Bleach 45 episodes! W0ot!
- Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust
- Ah! My Goddess the movie ^_^
- Inuyasha OVA 1-2 Thanks auntie!
- Hellsing DVDs Thanks aunt!
- Cowboy Bebop the movie Thanks aunt!
- Onegai Teacher COMPLETE!!!!
- Escaflowne the movie ^_^
Wow! That's alot! I thank Fan-subs and Limewire!!! My life would be dull without them! Hehehehe!!! I'm such a lucky bastage!!! Mwahahahahahha!!!!
Ok here's my report card:
- Filipino: 86
- English: 89
- Math: 81
- Science: 86
- Makabayan: 92
- Economics: 91
- T.H.E. & Computer: 92
- Music,Arts,Health and PE: 93
- Religion: 90
Good average grades,I'll try to motivate myself on doing better than this but I'll be content for now.
Right now its 2:33 pm,I'm downloading Gundam Seed Destiny episodes 27,39 and 40.
Downloading manga of Hunter X Hunter.
I'm bored........what should I do????
Maybe I should go out and buy chocolates....mou!
Well that's all! I can't promise you that I'll be more active like before but if I had nothing to do I guess I'll visit you guys.
I really do miss you guys,sometimes at school when I'm zoning out (which happens everyday!) I would think of you guys.
Oh yeah! Did you guys celebrate the theO and myO annual anniversary???
I wonder if anyone missed me XD
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I miss this! I miss that! I miss this! I miss that!
The most frequent I've done lately is getting SICK EVERYDAY yet I'm still going to school!
Maybe I should finally visit my doctor,he'll be surprise to see me again after all these years,hahaha!!!
*runs away*
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